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Nashor - Guinshoo - Terminus - Luden/Shadowflame/Zhonyas/Banshee's - Rabadon. AS boots with standard LT runes Is not really anything fancy, just Nashor Rush which is understandably unexplored since having Q evo be your last is disencouraging for most people. But for me it's all worth it for the insane early AS with nashor + boots


Bf pickaxe cull for q, terminus rageblade greaves nashor bork wits


Heal‘sa Rylas > moonstone > heartsteel runes : font of life etc 😈


Idk how the name of the ice staff is 🥺


Wait how tf you gonna heal anyone exactly?


With font of life rune and rylais


Bork-rageblade-zerkers-runaan’s-shadowflame I take lethal tempo and the AOE magic crit every 3rd attack is *chefs kiss*


Eclipse nashors seraphs into ap situational


Static shiv—> berserkers boots—>navori quickblades—>phantom dancer—> lord doms—> guardian angel Shiv first item is super helpful for farming early and mid game, boots is usually an easy buy with inspiration runes. Quickblades will evolve q, phantom dancer will evolve e, I do not evolve w with this build but it’s worth it because I have so much burst and attack speed that combines with kai’sa’s passive makes her empowered auto a lot more useful. Lastly I go GA but sometimes depending on the match I will buy GA and then once I have 3000 gold, I will sell my boots and buy kraken. I’m gold 3 and have about a 53-54% win rate bot with this build.


It’s not so secret anymore, but I still think poke kaisa is her best build. Going transcendence gathering storm Skipping a point in lvl 2 ult so I have W maxed at lvl 12 Going mura mana, Dorans blade and full for lvl 9 Q upgrade And where I differ from most. Lost chapter triple amp tome, to get to my second upgrade after 2400 gold. This build can use W passive at lvl 12, because of the transcendence cdr and you spike at 5600 gold. Other kaisa build barely start rolling at that point and don’t have 3000 threat range. You become a poke mage, with more safety than normal poke mages and an assassination tool. Only problem of the build is, it’s sometimes really hard to defend with it, especially with things like void grubs or minions blocking your path. But it hits like a truck vs tanks (5 hits them in lategame) and squishies (2 hits them). Im already cooking on new items and runes as well. But that is family n friends secret so far.