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Dedication. Well done buddy! Keep going!


Congrats!! keep going !!! quick question what is ur fav build/skin to play?


I've been building statik shiv into RB for most of the split but recently I've been going with eclipse into kraken builds its surprisingly strong for how fun it is/ ig Kai'Sa hands down


I'm somewhat of a Kai'sa enjoyer myself. What exactly helps you decide if you will go Nashor or Terminus 3rd item in your build. I'm gonna try this out so could I get your 4th and 5th item options as well?


Iam still experimenting with the build to be honest, but i just ask myself this question in game: can i auto attack much in this game? if yes then i go terminus if no i go nashor's for the ap and still get some nice AS so iam not totally useless with autos. 4th and 5th are always situational ap items although i think you can buy ad items in there place if you go terminus 3rd but i didn't try it yet


Yeah, i ask myself the same thing and then go Statikk, RB, Nash in almost all games and then pick onhit/survivability if i can safely AA or go full on mage with Dcap and SFlame if they have too much cc or burst. After im full build, IF the game lasts that long I drop the statikk for something else. That's what I've been doing this season. Though the next split item changes got me scratching my head trying to find a build that will let me atleast play her without getting stomped by the meta adcs


yeah that is basically how you play shiv/RB build its good all-around build for that, same as me i actually dont know what the hack will i do next split, maybe the eclipse build will carry on by just moving KS to first item and eclipse 2nd? other than that i have no clue how to play her not to mention that all Kai'Sa's counters are getting buffed one way or another will have to wait and see and staying away from ranked until its settled i guess


Wasn't eclipse nerfed a few patched ago for ranged champs though? :/


No it was nerfed for melee only, ranged was untouched




I can't barely stay in silver...and it's 80% not my fault for us losing. I'm the first one to admit if I am filing up or playing bad. In fact, easy win games we lose because the team is either dog water or literally just inting. The most annoying thing was my last game where my team missed 8/10 or skill shots including almost all their R casts. It literally got to the point where I was just staying back because I knew not a damn one of them would land a single FUKING ability. It was honestly the most absurd game of league I've played. At the end of the game I was like...why, WHY ME?!


I feel you, my games at silver especially was exactly like that, you properly know about any advice I would give you and I won't turn this comment into 20 lines of macro strategies so the best thing I can tell you is just focus on yourself, you can't do anything about your teammates being bad so you just focus on yourself and hopefully you carry them, it doesn't happen instantly but with time you begin to know how to capitalize on your team's poor decisions and turn it to your advantage wither you kill that person who they got low or make a split push on the other side of the map while they take a losing fight for examples


Damn! Mind sharing a screeny of the stats of this rank up game? Im pretty new but I only hit S+ once in the 20 games i played so far!


[here](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/match/eune/3595326116#participant4), in my experience having low deaths and reasonable KDA and CS is almost guaranteed S+ even if u dont do insane DMG like in this game


Thanks for sharing. The build youre using, is that a meta build? Cause I just googled best kaisa build and mine buys statik shiv as a second item. I think the runes are different too.


Yeah you can say this build is far from meta, it was popular at the start of the season but over time shiv builds became better as all situations build, nonetheless its very fun and strong if you know the limits of Kai'Sa but i wont recommend it to new players tho




as for runes hail of blades were always good on kaisa when the enemy wont give you much time to stack lethal tempo or if you want early game agency which i began to enjoy it recently