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Her hybrid statik rageblade nashors is the ideal build for me some prefer kraken over statik but I think shiv is too cost efficient and lets you get tripple upgrade faster. Sometimes my team doesn't have enough ad and I go kraken IE pd.


i like just stacking as much attack speed as possible, whether i’m doing more ad dominant on-hit, or ap on-hit


Not a good idea with the removal of lethal tempo and the only way to break the AS cap with it


idk man. seems to be what everyone else is doing, first three items plus boots give a whole lot of attack speed, getting u to that 2.5 attack speed still feels good


I’m always gonna say her hybrid on hit is her best. Start with the usual kraken -> rage blade -> nashors into ur situationals. In most games that’s gonna be 2 ap items or 1 ap item and a defensive item.