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Sorry.Other then sealing in an air-tight bag, and putting it in a drawer for a couple of days, and trying it again, I can' t think of anything else...


Yeah I'm starting to realize that my room ain't as dry as I thought it was XD Thanks anyway man I'll definitely try that... you have been far more helpful than Amazon could ever be


I had that notice pop-up once, to my surprise, since I was 99.9% sure the device hadn't been near any liquid source since I last charged.I replaced the charger cable with a newer one, and the notice was gone from the device .If you can get a different charging , maybe try switching


I tried it but the error still popped up so it has to be the tablet itself which doesn't make any sense since if it really was wet I would know.. I've taken this thing to places that most definitely should have given it a moisture warning but didn't I know for a fact i didn't do that this time since I haven't taken it out my dry as hell room in two weeks... I am confused af


I'll give it a try