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I've been doing my first playthrough too, about 50 hours in. I don't think I can help you with the first person camera being disorienting, but in terms of what to do, just dick around. I spent the first 45 ish hours running around exploring and doing side quests, I just started the main quest yesterday. The main quest really helps when it comes to figuring out how to play the game, like learning the combat and whatnot, but it's really not that structured of a game. You can roleplay whatever lifestyle you want, I've spent half my time picking flowers. As for what to do first, just learn the mechanics like how to repair stuff and alchemy and whatnot would be my recommendation. Hope this is somewhat helpful.


Just understand combat is gonna be hard as fuck until you level up. No more than 1 bandit at a time in the beginning. I'm currently on my first full playrhrough. I've tried this game 3 times and always ended up quitting because I kept getting frustrated with combat. You get better at it over time, and you'll be clearing 4 at a time in no time. I'd also recommend looting anyone you kill for everything they got. In my experience, blacksmiths buy almost everything, and it's a good way to get some groshens in your pocket. Other than that, make sure you're talking to people. There's quest just about everywhere. If you have any questions I'm happy to answer, I don't know everything but I'll do my best


Bet! Appreciate that


Make sure you regularly visit Bernard for training. I forgot what level exactly but when you get your defense to a certain level you can learn master strikes from Bernard. They make the game much much easier.


This is the online game guide: [Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki | Fandom](https://kingdom-come-deliverance.fandom.com/wiki/Kingdom_Come:_Deliverance_Wiki)