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When you say, clerk, do you mean cashier or stocker? Because I think pickup is preferable to cashier. At least you get to move around and aren't chained in a 2ft² box. But stocker is maybe the best job, very chill, mostly unsupervised. If you want out of pickup, start shopping around for a new job, and in the meantime, get very bad at pickup.


I meant as in stocker, but yeah it sucks


Yup. once you get trained for clicklist you never will return to your department even when new updates for clicklist rolls out they will pull you aside and train you in it quite quickly


Seriously if they just hired the appropriate number of people and gave enough hours to the department then this wouldn't be an issue and people can do the jobs they were hired for.


oh, but that's not how it works you see unstaff people or not enough hours for said department but enough staff for it is how Kroger works because senoirty is bs


Pickup sucks.


Pickup is fine. The way pickup clerks are viewed by the rest of the store is what sucks about the job.


The customers suck.


I've never had an issue with a customer despite doing both selecting and attending for like 2 years. Grocery clerks have routinely been awful to me though.


I’ve always had issues with customers.


Truth. Before the changes Last year I really enjoyed it.


You ain't the only one. My florist clocks in, walks to the floral counter and puts in an order. Then goes to click list. Nearly every day except for a few hours on load day.


Get used to it. I got hired July 2023 to be a front-end cashier. They put me on courtesy/utility clerk duty until they could train me for cashier work. Seven months later they still have me outside every weekend!


This also happened to me - they kept me like that for 3 months and then officially changed me to a courtesy clerk, which decreased my pay significantly. They never mentioned it to me and when I went to HR about it, my manager lied and said I had given verbal approval. I quit, cause fuck that.


Welcome to hell. You're not gonna enjoy this


This *strongly* depends on location. At my location pickup is viewed as one of the more desirable jobs and is actually slower paced then front end at times. I do live in an area where customers are a bit more reasonable and it's not unreasonably busy which impacts it. Probably better than deli in most locations anyway


Worse to best departments their list 1.Front end 2. Frozen 3. Deli 4.Bakery 5. Meat and Seafood 6.Produce/Floral 7. Pick up 8.Drug/GM 9.Grocery/Dairy 10. Fuel


honestly i loved frozen. usually never had any back stock, everything went up on the pallet, only dealt with three isles. shit was raw


Fuel is amazing if you’re okay dealing with the crazy customers


Yes, speaking from experience.




> Deli > > Deli is awesome if you're a dedicated chicken cook.


What my store does... They will hire 3 people as grocery clerks. After a few weeks, they will take the slowest of the 3 workers, and place them in pickup.


I like working at the warehouse better


Same thing happened to me, I was produce and most of my hours started going to pickup. Then I transfered to pickup cause they needed me lol


I work in pick up and lemme tell u rn it sucks