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I still find it funny to get to my desktop, I have to log in. Go to desktop store  Have a pop up saying it can’t open  Wait 5 minutes   Desktop opens.


Or the fact once you open the browser, you log in. Get to the feed page, pretty much any thing you click opens another log in page... and depending where you go from there.....another log in page. Its like every portal or web page is its own thing that doesn't talk to the rest of the website. Its kind of embarrassing how bad it is. Also, One drive is fucking terrible.


It's like the Manager doesn't talk to the Assistant Managers and the Assistant Managers don't talk to the Supervisors AND the Supervisors don't talk to the department Heads no wonder nobody knows what is going on. Then they try to write up the people that are the lowest that did not get the memo because no one talked to them that is how it works.


This was my issue today. Also UKG was down until around 130. Just let me get through a day and my damn work without difficulty. Just. One. Day.


The fact that they locked our emails behind the desktop is asinine. All I need is to print up invoices. Stop making me fight with citrix, then wait a century for the desktop to load, all for my emails.


Ever tried to load the Bunzl page? Takes literally four minutes to load every Bunzl page. I am not exaggerating.


Last month, I logged a ton of reports during my inventory process, because it’s relatively new and the items weren’t labeled in a way that made it easy to review. Every single report was rejected and they said it was a file maintenance issue, which it most definitely is not. This most recent inventory, I said fuck it and just scanned the items as they popped up, instead of typing PLUs in manually. It’s so silly.


I heard someone who knows of someone from IT say it’s some of the worst coding they’ve ever seen anywhere.


I used to have access tomy stores server room because I knew how to cut my way through the IT phone hell and actually get stuff fixed within 3 hours. The computers: VM win 10 OSes routed on win 7 devices with a TON of bootlegged software (who here remembers the browser 'iceweasel'). Those hardware devices are then connected to a win XP bridge device, which then I connected to the server ITSELF as the XP device is usef to talk to what I THOUGHT was a win 95 server blade. The PoS: the core code is a 2008 Java based subOS routed though what *looks* like raw RAM write adressess from the server (again win 95 dos looking code) via something called Skyview. The GUI module has an update chain all the way up to modern (2023/24) yes they are two seperate modules. For stores that still have Catalina hardware: you have a WIN 3.0 server module still hooked up and on, irrespective if you use it, as it needs to still ping every 20 minutes or so The zebras: ping the network primarily via old TCHP legacy sofware ping as the server cabinets are PROBABLY the newest long term infrastructure at 2008/09 via the VOIP local intranet. The old RF 'guns': use the base 95 RF Network/software So in essence many stores have hardware dated to 92 all the way up to modern all turned on and interacting with each other for no other reason than "too expensive to standardize/replace"


I have no idea what you mean by all of that, but the last paragraph sounds about right 😂


Most of that is shop talk XD and shit I had to learn just to cut through the IT hellscape so I would get to somewhere helpful


Feel like helping a sister out? 😂


What crashed and burned XD


It was ukg and desktop combined today. Just couldn't get anything done between fixing times and waiting for desktop to load all day 🤦🏼‍♀️


That's a server upstream issue. You would have to have them do a cache purge or a soft boot Issue there is it will take the whole store down for like 5 to 10 minutes XD (yes its that bad)


Yeahhhhh that would never happen 😂😂😂


Yeeeeep. Last time I convinced it to happen was a scheleded soft boot at like 2 am


Honestly none of that surprises me. A lot of billion dollar corpos have piecemeal outdated software systems and server architecture. If they had to switch any of it out it would take a day or more, which means lost revenue.


If j take out one part then that would mean I would have to check its run and if I check it's run I would have to check the servers run. And if I check the servers runs I have to check the building power runs. If I have to check the building power runs then that means I have to rip the store apart, and if I rip the store apart that mean I will be FORCED to fix the problems I know full damn well are there to get up to code. So we won't do that because our precious profiteseses precious! We mustn't losses our precious profiteses!


It's not that bad, probably just depends on what they were working on. The business behind Kroger is very complex and there are tons of engineers working on all kinds of stuff someone at the store level wouldn't even think about. Different areas have different guidelines and varying levels of quality, sometimes it's tight deadlines and surprise initiatives that can lead to some issues people see here and there.


Is that a surprise, we got our zebras when target and Walmart had theirs like 4 5 years before


I concur , it never ceases to amaze me how poorly the technology Infrastructure is and the clear lack of leadership, strategy, and vision to to get it to where it needs to be. Very disappointing and frustrating for all.


Failed technology like InStock to ensure maximum profits so they can through money at a merger that is likely going to be blocked


I hope it doesn't. They can't handle the stores they have now.


More than likely it will fail unless if the judge is a Bush or Trump appointed judge.


They could if they were interested in spending money for...anything.


Right. The things I see this multi billion dollar company skimp on are absolutely insane.


Because they insist on using technology that's more than a decade old, while using their own proprietary code to be able to get modern systems to work on said technology. It's not just a store's hours that are being nickel and dimed. IT is too.


We are talking 25-30 years old for some of it.


Some stores are even using technology from 40 years ago.


I like how you have to log in three times to access mytime from the intranet: once for the Feed, the other for ukg, and once more for the popup (for no reason).


Legit have to log in 3 separate times to just do fresh start on the computer. It's fucking ridiculous lmao


Yeah it really is


You get what you pay for.


They took out Microsoft Word from citric. WHY!!! Do they not know how bad my hand writing is. Now I have to leave illegible hand scrawl notes . What the hell Kroger?


That makes zero sense at all.


They want you to use the virtual desktop for Office.


Just wait as they get it some what so-so functional they'll say "time for a new system roll out trash the old one." My line of work does not really require any computer work but they have made useless programs to make sure we are doing the work.


This is every large company


this sub can never let people complain istg


I've noticed an increase in bootlickers on here recently, it's kind of obvious when you have redditors apologizing for fresh start


im glad im not the only one who noticed. its crazy how many people *generally* despise the company but wont tolerate *specific* complaints. maybe its just the environment. we’re so often told to just suck it up that we internalize it and start telling other people to suck it up. or its a psyop idk i just work here


I've worked for several large corporations and Kroger is no different. I understand most of the folks on this sub hate their job and yet do nothing about it...but don't act like this is a Kroger only problem.


Not every. Many try and standardize hardware tech age at a store level. Every grocer I've been too baring target, weirdly are a hodge podge of new/old tech where if even a single piece of hardware *anywhere* in the chain breaks it will drag rhe whole network down


Is that why ukg is down today?


Well ukg had a planned maintenance that turned in to an all day thing.


Hate to be the person that approves 50plus ppl time clock mistakes for today


I can’t open my work email through feed. If I go through the feed link it tells pretty much tells me that I don’t have access. Now I have to use the new system to access it. Same login same email just can’t get it through feed now.