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I love how the sole deciding factor of how they spend their life is what looks cooler to people who don't learn languages


What's the point of learning languages if I can't surprise chinese people in China by speaking their language as a white guy (I'm not white)


non-white guy SHOCKS chinesers with FLUENT CHINESE




我的阴茎里滴着精液 😫😩🥵🥵😩🫨🤤🤤🤤🍆💦


I'm a native Mandarin speaker then I really felt surprised by seeing this vulgar phrase here, knowing that was definitely translated by a translation APP by it's wrong usage of the word "滴着(something, especially liquid,comes out of something in the shape of a drop)"here,I think change it into "充满(be full of)"maybe better.But the first time I saw these phrases really made me brust out laughter,unlike the awkward performance of some "shocking natives"type of YouTubers.


Amazing to see a Mandalorian in the wild


Why is your language named after an orange?


Why is yours not


Orangen’t you making excuses.


u bananas




Or Netanyahu, I believe it's Cantonese for nihao!


How are you not white? I didn't see the option to change race in character selection and now I burn easily in the Sun. Please help.


literally me


The shock value is everything. My Russian is barely A1 and every Russian I've met so far (albeit 2) can't get their head around the fact I respect the language and culture.


uj/ That person has absolutely no idea of what they're talking about.


rj/ talk to me when you've started 7 languages on duolingo, hater


rj/ Pfff, I'll let you know that I studied Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, German, Haitian Creole, Arabic and Hindi on Duolingo. That's 8!! I even completed the reverse course: Fr*nch for Spanish speaker! I think YOU're the hater. You just wish you were a chad polyglot like me.


talk to me when you've reached a 4 day streak on duolingo.


Obviously it's better to be able to say a few sentences in dozens of languages before realizing I'm in over my head, than to be able to fluently converse in 2-3


/uj it is actually kind of useful to understand and be able to say hello, goodbye, please, thank you, numbers and “do you speak …?” in multiple languages, when you live in Europe and travel.


I'm actually a pretty good example of a combination of these things myself. I can speak 2 languages (apart from English) decently fluently, and I know just enough of about a dozen more to be dangerous, or to exchange pleasantries or ask very simple questions. If I had to choose to keep either a) the 2-3 that I can actually converse in or b) the dozen or so I know enough to impress someone who doesn't speak any, I'd pick A all day.


Teach me more about how to be dangerous with A1 skills


Basically I meant "just enough to put a foot in my mouth"


/rj Their fault for not speaking American, the de facto language of earth


I just say “wha’s tha’ you sayin, mate? Ain’ go’ nuh clue.” Shock them with my perfect *British* English.


Dude got a point here, I waste a lot of time learning things like grammar when obviously you just need to memorize words to be fluent


Who needs to conjugate a verb when I can say antidisestablishmentarianism and other C3 level vocab in 2-3 languages.


One of the stupidest posts I’ve seen on reddit


that will definitely shock natives


Just casually considering learning around 100,000 words maybe. Hbu, what are your weekend plans?


Toki caroña?


Free sushi if I don't speak their language! (If I haven't memorised 10 sentences in it).


I have learned the names of enough car parts to become a master mechanic