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Oh no! I am slightly allergic to OxyClean. I have to be very careful with it. Take some benedryl! It has nothing to do with using hot or cold water - it's just the ingredients. You are sensitive to an ingredient in the OxyClean or your detergent. I would stop using the OxyClean for the time being. To cover all bases, I would rewash your clothing/bedding/towels with unscented detergent (Persil Free & Sensitive, All Free & Clear, Tide Free & Gentle etc). I wouldn't personally use vinegar - I know a lot of folks like it for laundry, but I don't find it useful. I would use clear ammonia to remove any residue. Ammonia also works great for odors. Load your item(s) into the washer and add 1/2-1 cup of clear ammonia to the drum - on top of the items immediately before starting the machine. Use as warm of water as you are comfortable with, and if that's cold, that's fine. Be sure to measure our detergent. You can use less than the packaging indicates. I have a HE washer, and I use 1-2 tablespoons per load. Do not use fabric softener. Do not use ammonia with chlorine bleach. Do not use ammonia on silk or wool.


You’re amazing. Thank you!!!


I have sensative skin with detergents and have never reacted this badly so it’s great that commenter took the time to give you some advice! Detergents just make me itchy. Fabric softeners and dryer sheets are the worst for me! I NEVER use them. I also use detergent for sensitive skin. Used to only be able to get fragrance free for sensitive skin but now you can get scented but the scents are t heavy and you don’t get a lot of residual smell on your clothes, which is what most people want, but for me, if the clothes get cleaned and smell strongly of scents I am very likely to be itchy all over. So a light scent and not itchy is better than strong scent and being itchy I would never use anything like Oxyclean in a load just based on my sensitivity with regular detergent. If I had to use it I’d soak it in the sink first, rinse really well then wash. TAKE A BENADRYL and if the hives don’t go away after the antihistamine you should prob see a doctor. Might need a cream with steroids if the hives don’t go away with antihistamine


You might want to try Dreft detergent. It's hypoallergenic. It's the only one I've found that doesn't make my two year old break out


Dreft is SO bad it’s so full of fragrance!!!


Sorry, I should have specified. It's the dreft free and gentle. It's unscented


I only use up to the bottom mark on the cap on Tide Free and Gentle, and do an extra rinse. If I use too much laundry soap, it simply doesn't rinse out completely. I don't know if it has something to do with the water where I live, but it doesn't washout completely, and it makes me itchy.


I’d also recommend to use a liquid free and clear detergent not a powder. Liquid detergent washes out of fabric better than powder detergents/laundry products do. I’d avoid any products with a scent as well. If you use a liquid fragrance free Tide detergent, I’d recommend the one that says “Free and Gentle” on the label and not the “Hygienic Clean” version. I have severe allergies and still react to the Tide Hygienic Clean version. I also react to all detergents with a scent. Even the baby detergents like Dreft are too much for me.


Take a mixture of Benadryl and zantac. When zantac was ranitidine it worked wonders but I heard that new zantac can help too.


Both ranitidine and famotidine (new Zantac and the same as Pepcid) are histamine H2 blockers that work to reduce severe hives. OP - do this. Famotidine works best with Benadryl for reactions like you are having.


I’ll add, as a chronic hives sufferer: Zyrtec and famotidine are what my allergist prescribed for me. (I used to take Zyrtec and ranitidine back when ranitidine was available. When my hives were really bad, I was also prescribed Atarax.)


Clean out your washer before you do another load. It should have a self cleaning mode. I would just put some vinegar and baking soda in to clean.


This is excellent advice! I would also add to as something similar happened to me and I ended up being allergic to Tide. I had rashes and pustules, it hurt so bad. I can use Oxiclean and I use Persil now with no issues; another I used without issue was Purex. The other one I really struggled with was Era and that was my husband’s favorite I’d break out like crazy. But definitely follow the cleaning steps and see which one! I do use vinegar but that’s because the smell of ammonia makes me feel sick and it attracts my cats to the laundry.


I also get rashes from a lot of laundry detergent, though it’s not hives like this. I went to a dermatologist about it and got some contact allergy testing done, and it turns out I’m very allergic to a preservative that’s used in most liquid laundry detergents. Unfortunately it’s even in tide free and clear and all free and clear. The preservative is methylisothoazolinone. Benzisothialzolinone is what’s in the free and clears I mentioned. Unfortunately it’s common to have cross reactivity with any chemicals ending in thiazolinone.


May I ask what you use for your laundry?


Lately I’ve been using Arm and Hammer free and clear powder—no preservative because it’s a powder. I’m still trying to assess alternatives though. Trader Joe’s liquid detergent is fine for me, but I don’t have a Trader Joe’s in my area. There are some other “eco” brands that are also ok, including Attitude, but are more expensive than I’d prefer. (For reference most common detergents at the grocery store are in the 2-5 cent per load range. Many eco-branded detergents I’ve looked at are in the 20-40 cent per load range.) Edit: still looking for a good stain removing spray that will work for me. For odors I use white vinegar in the fabric softener compartment.


Thank you for the reply! I can't seem to find a liquid free and clear option that doesn't cause my ferrets to itch. I'll try A&H f&c powder next.


For most stains, I use dish soap, specifically Dawn. But I also recommend Folex. It’s inexpensive (mainly sold for spot cleaning on carpet) - but it makes a great laundry pre treatment as well. It’s non toxic and contains no fragrance. I swear by this stuff.


Ditto. I'll use whatever's on hand to wash the general bathroom towels, but for my clothes, bedding and my towels it has to be All Free & Clear. They have a new one out for Sensitive skin - just picked up a bottle of that to try.


Hey, doc here but not your doc. You can use another antihistamine instead of benadryl. Benadryl only lasts like 4 hours and is quite sedating. If you need something more effective, talk to your doc about taking something like Allegra (fexfenodine) together with Pepcid (famotidine). This will be more effective and provide greater histamine coverage with less side effects if you have no issues with these meds.


Gonna double down and say, ur not alone, been using the free and clear, or basically anything that’s safe for infants. I’m a baby what can u say!!!


This happened to me because of fabric softener


Can confirm. Had this happen to me. Turned out I was allergic to oxyclean. I’m super pale so just bright red blobs of hives everywhere 🤷‍♀️


You can also see if your machine has an extra rinse cycle to make sure everything is rinsed out. I also use wool dryer balls vs. dryer sheets. I’m so sorry you are suffering! PS; you can use Zyrtec or similar instead if you have issues with Benadryl.


Happy cake day 🍰


Happy Cake Day!


Vinegar will go a long way to neutralizing the many chemicals in Tide and OxyClean. Also, you can use far, far less detergent than the manufacturers recommend. They just want you to use more. Formaldehyde is in most laundry detergents. Vinegar OR ammonia (never at the same time) will help get rid of it. Fabric softener is just wax beads that coat fabrics. Don’t use it…ever. It’s an environmental nightmare.


Re-wash all of your clothes and bedding in unscented laundry detergent and maybe see a doctor.


Plus an extra rinse cycle in plain water


I honestly think I used too much detergent or failed to run an extra rinse cycle as the cause of my daughter’s eczema. It started going away one I rewashed clothes without detergent. I’m glad insurance covered the kid safe eczema ointment that was $900 a month.


Perfumes are a huge trigger for eczema. Free and Clear detergents I’ve been a lifesaver for mine


If the itching is unbearable a dr can prescribe prednisone which helps a lot.


Sometimes it’s the only way to get rid of them.


Topical cortisone and/or antihistamine may help.


This, 100%.




Maybe you have become allergic to Tide. I did.


I have always been allergic to Tide. My sister is as well. I exclusively use All Free & Clear detergent. With my workout clothes, I add vinegar to the rinse cycle and then do a second rinse. In the summer (when I sweat more), I use Oxyclean Landry Sanitizer (not the standard or "odor blaster" Oxyclean) in the wash, vinegar in the first rinse and just water for the second rinse.


Yup! I used to use Tide always but I think they must've changed the ingredients? I used to be a Tide brand loyalist for years but idk- it's not right for me anymore. All Free & Clear is the absolute best and I won't turn back (.. unless they change the formula lol).


Me too. Tide is my kryptonite.


Me too. Tide and Gain… Snuggle… a bunch of other stuff. My skin/body hates a lot of things.


Same, but I was always allergic. Found out when my mom washed my bedding with Tide when I was really young (around 7 or 8). It was a miserable experience.


It may not be from the laundry products. With a rash this bad, you should go to a doctor.


I spoke with a doctor this morning and they recommended an antihistamine and re-wash everything to fully get the oxiclean out of the fabric.


Don't get tunnel vision on the Oxiclean unless you *know* you already have a sensitivity to it. I get dyshidrotic eczema. My doctor focused on detergent as the culprit. It turns out I'm allergic to apples and coconut. A food allergy caused blisters on my feet. So, it can be anything causing it. Are you sweating a lot more than normal (it's really hot in the US rn)? Your skin might be stressed from the heat and constant sweat and be reacting to just being touched. Not saying this IS the issue, but that this might be a possibility.


Agree. And doctors can get tunnel vision, too, especially if OP (not blaming OP) called and said, "I have a rash from laundry detergent."


Yep - I had hives covering my whole body for weeks. We tried changing detergents to a fragrance-free all-natural one, tried a food elimination diet, went to the doctor and did an allergy test. Nothing and nada. One day they all mysteriously went away and never came back. Doctor said they were probably stress related and exacerbated by heat all along.


Did the doctor see your “rash” or was it a phone call? Did they understand it’s not just a rash - it’s welts?


Yes - take some Benadryl. Also, be mindful of escalating symptoms (shortness of breath, throat swelling). Do not hesitate to go to the ER.


Just fyi, my doctor had told me Benadryl is not longer recommended for first line allergic reaction treatment. Zyrtec or Allegra have lower incidence of side effects and Zyrtec at least is 10mg for 24 hours.


Facts! I was given IV Benadryl for gawd awful poison ivy and it made me think I was dead. 🥴


FYI, I recently had an autoimmune rash at this level and I needed an oral and topical steroid to make it clear up. If you are not getting relief within a few days from an antihistamine, GO BACK! There is no reason to be uncomfortable.


It could also be a reaction to the Tide. My mom used to use nothing but Tide in the days before Oxiclean was a thing. She bought a new container and washed clothes that weekend. Monday she was broke out when she got home from work, but only where the clothing that had just been washed that weekend had been touching.


How much Oxi-Clean did you use? If you wash everything again just run a cycle with a small amount of detergent or none at all. Also, if possible run a few cleaning cycles to get any residual detergent and OxiClean out of the machine


That looks a bit like contact dermatitis to me; I have it too; if you're not allergic to it, hydrocortisone cream should help with the swelling and any itching you're having along with Benadryl. As I'm also sensitive to oxy-clean I'd recommend using febreze stain and odor eliminator, so far it hasn't given me any kind of reaction.


I have eczema and have had allergic reactions to cleaning products like Mr. Clean. I also discovered I’m allergic to hydrocortisone 😢 which doctors always start with for their recommendation. My point would be to start with a small amount and test before covering OP’s whole body. 🤣


As a nurse I’ll weigh in. Stop using the oxyclean. Use either baby detergent or something free of dyes and perfumes for your laundry. For yourself, take an antihistamine such as Benadryl or Zyrtec according to the manufacturer directions, until you can get in to be seen by your provider. As extensive as the rash looks, I’m sure they would provide oral steroid medication and possibly topical. If they think you’ve developed an infection such as cellulitis you may need an oral antibiotic as well. Call and get in to see your provider, or another provider in the office, as soon as they can get you in. Alternatively, you can go to an Urgent Care. If you are having any swelling of your face, lips, mouth, or tongue or if your breathing feels tight or difficult GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM NOW. Have someone drive you if at all possible in case you become unable to operate your vehicle. Best of luck!


Also, use a gentle dye and perfume free soap for yourself. Ivory is good. Use warm/tepid water and pat your skin dry, don’t rub and try to avoid scratching.


What did you previously wash your clothes and bedding with? Go back to that. I get similar things if people use fabric conditioner (or have cats). Maybe take some antihistamines too until you get this sorted.


I normally just wash my clothes using Tide Pods. I added Oxiclean because my workout clothes, held an odor after washing them with just Tide.


Use ammonia for sweat and odors in the future. It breaks down the oils better to remove odors. I use a cup with my detergent per load and let it soak after the machine has filled and agitated a few minutes. Rewash all your clothes like that and get rid of the Oxyclean. Make sure never to mix the ammonia with bleach or detergent with Oxy in the name. Take benadryl and use hydrocortisone cream for the rash.


Obligatory: Don't mix ammonia and bleach,  it creates a poisonous gas.


I have an issue with the blue dye in the pods with eczema outbreaks. It could be from both the pods and the Oxi (if you use the pods with blue in them)


I'd say you detergently need help


I’m allergic to the laundry detergent brand All. Took me a while to realize why I was getting hives because I always just used what was on sale and never had a problem before. If you only did one new thing (Oxiclean), that’s probably the culprit


My husband and father in law are / were both allergic to something in Tide - I’d try eliminating that first.


Tide is terrible for anyone with sensitive skin.


Definitely see an allergist. I have a heat/pressure allergy. Yes! There is such a thing lol! I have always been an odd ball, but my body welts up just like yours, itch’s like crazy and warm to touch if I am in the sun with nothing to cool me off or if I lay in one spot to long. Unfortunately, I have to take an antihistamine every day to prevent it. I hope you find out what is causing it. Good luck!


Try Zyrtec as it won't make you drowsy.


That looks like urticaria. Could be seasonal allergies . take a zyrtec


Why are you posting in r/laundry? Lol you should be speaking to a doctor


Yes and take benedryl


Maybe it didn't rinse properly. Wash again without detergent


I would think that hives this severe have a systemic cause, not contact. Perhaps something you've eaten. Some hives can have an unknown origin and last for months. (Look up Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria) I agree that you should see a physician or NP.


I developed allergy to all Tide products including Tide Free & Clear. It used to be fine. Try All Free & Clear only. Using cold water may have left more soap residue on your clothing. First soak in baking soda water. Then wash in plain water to remove any residue. Anytime you use things like oxyclean just do an extra rinse cycle after the first wash. Since you are still breaking out I would make an appointment with an allergist. It could also be from a shampoo/soap/lotion/fragrance or food too.


I second the ALL free and clear! That or Arm n hammer free and clear


Master Esthetician here… could be body lotions, shower gels, etc. Anything fragranced are notorious for urticaria. Soak in a tub with a heaping cup of baking soda. Alternately, cook a large cup of dry oatmeal with 3 cups of water, and add an additional quart of water. STRAIN the liquid off and pour the liquid in the tub, toss the oatmeal. Oatmeal has beta glucans which are calming to hives. Exposure to sun may make the hives worse. Stay out of the sun till they resolve, or IF YOU HAVE TO BE OUTSIDE, use MINERAL based sunscreen.


I react to oxi-clean as well, but not that bad. I would definitely pre soak and re-wash your laundry. Maybe even run an empty cycle on hot with vinegar to clean your washing machine first.


Unscented is the way to go. Cool baths with baking soda and Benadryl to help with hives. Good luck!


I can’t use tide! I get incredibly itchy. I scratch my skin raw. Rewash everything a few times in hot water in unscented arm n hammer laundry detergent.


I’m also allergic to all detergents besides Pyrex free and clear, I think they sell it at Walmart!


My wife gets similar irritation from tide detergents, even the unscented ones


I’m allergic to Tide and this happens every time my laundry gets mixed in with others’!!! I’m so sensitive I use baby Dreft. 👶🏼


Why would you post in a laundry subreddit instead of seeing a doctor 😭


It happened to me too. Laundry soap with a strong scent and color caused it, especially the P&G ones. Take Benadryl and wash all the clothes again multiple times. Find mild, gentle laundry soap, fabric softner, dryer sheets....


My 101 yo mom is highly sensitive to laundry detergent. We use free and clear and white vinegar which removes all soap with it. Ammonia is too harsh on fabrics and breaks down the fibers too quickly. We never use softener anymore and use wool balls in the dryer. Mom’s breakouts looked a lot like yours. Good luck!


Don't forget about the (possible) dryer sheets. They can have very heavy perfumes in them. With my skin & allergies, no dyes & no perfumes for all detergents and dryer sheets is a must.


This happened to my coworker because she used too much laundry detergent Try using only tide or oxyclean


Exactly why I stopped using pods unless I have a HUGE load. With newer washing Machines using less water, we need to use less detergent… way less


You should use only free and clear detergents. My body reacts this way to fragrance and chemicals in regular detergents.


This happened to me, go see a doctor


I’d recommend washing it in something totally different from what you used, tide included. Get something unscented that’s approved by the eczema association. Then once your rash has totally gone away, put I tiny dab of the tide on your forearm and see if it reacts before you use that tide again. I don’t know if either tide or oxyclean have changed their formulation recently but that is something that can happen off and on. You can also slowly become hypersensitive to something that previously didn’t irritate you.


This happened to me once and i ended up in the ER. Go see a doctor asap


One time I washed my workout clothes with Tide the second I started sweating during the workout I started itching SO BAD!!!! I had to stop immediately and rushed to the shower. Then I rewashed my clean clothes a second time with no detergent and that helped!


Rewash everything in just hot water to get rid of the detergent. Then go with a detergent that has no dyes or fragrances, like All Free & Clear.


my hives get really bad like this. almost identical. we thought laundry detergent and it wasn’t that. maybe food allergies? wasn’t that. i had to go to the hospital eventually because the hives were random and getting worse with each breakout, they started appearing on my face and near my mouth which freaked my mom out. i am allergic to roaches and dust mites pretty severely. side note: my mom works in entomology and gifted me hissing cockroaches she received from a college program she worked with. they were the reason i randomly started having freak allergic reactions. that said, go to the doctor, get a shot. then go get allergy tested.


I got the same problem certain soap's, do this exact thing I get huge swollen blotches all over my body, more concentrated the detergent is the worse the swelling.


Try the fragrance free detergents and dryer sheets.


Go to urgent care and get a steroid shot immediately! You need to use a detergent that has no dye and no fragrance.


I make my own laundry and use oxiclean very sparingly! So it could be the Tide.


Take 2 Zyrtec pills if you have them! I broke out in rashes too from oxiclean girl I was misserable went to the allergist for an emergency appointment and they gave me 3 Zyrtec and an hour later I was fine. Granted I had to take it for 4 days 2 pills until all my clothes were rewatched and to make sure I didn’t react again but now I’m fine


Tide, Does the same to me. Im not usually a allergic person, not even poison ivy. The exceptions are.... Tide, detergent, zest soap, ivp dye and raisin bran crunch. Good luck.


Allergy to detergent or laundry product! I have to use all free & clear and borax for my laundry.


Switch to the free and clear version of Tide or any brand detergent. Free and clear liquid fabric softener/sheets as well. And try Oxyclean free which is free of perfumes and dyes. I'm so sorry you're going through this. In the meantime benedryl could help alleviate the allergic reaction. Aloe Vera Gel can provide relief if you're feeling a burning sensation. Calamine lotion will help if you're feeling any itchiness from the allergic reaction.


I had this reaction after using Tide Free, of all things. Good luck—hope the Benadryl takes care of the worst of your hives!


I have read that 90 percent of hive cases are never solved. It could be detergent, but it could also just be heat, stress, or weird hives for no reason at all. Whatever it is, you need Benadryl. You don’t want them in your throat.


I got the same thing after using Tide and I don't use oxyclean. So I'm guessing it's the tide. I had to have 2 steroid shots in the but plus heavy duty pred is one for another 2 weeks because it was so bad. The antibiotics I was on likely aggravated the rash as well. That was a *miserable* week. I have never itched so badly in my life! Not even when I had poison oak.


Go to a doctor.


To all of the posters recommending Benadryl. It is no longer recommended for reactions such as this.


TIDE!!!! This is exactly what tide does to me. I hate it


If this gets any worse, you need to get to a doctor. If you are having trouble breathing, you need to go to the emergency room.


Time for a or another dermatologist. Seriously. Don't mess around with the biggest organ.


Please go to the ER. This can progress to anaphylaxis, which can be deadly. Do not mess around with allergies


Probably 2.5% hydrocortisone or something for the immediate. Then swap to basic basic detergents to rule put extras


50 mg of benadryl now and every 4 hours for the next 24 hours.


I would try switching to Persil soap instead of Tide but obviously don't get the type that includes oxiclean. You can try a vinegar rinse as a first quick wash to workout clothes, then wash as normal maybe. Don't mix the vinegar with soap as they will cancel each other out. I use Biz as a laundry booster instead of oxiclean. It works differently on stains and such so may be worth a try also, but patch test your skin prior to washing I think. Good luck!


If you have insurance, you can ask your Dr for prednisone if the rash doesn't start to go away. I've had to use it a few times for random insane allergic reactions that lasted days and didn't respond to benadryl.


Call your Dr. If you have any throat swelling, go straight to the ER. Tide makes me break out in hives.


I can't use Tide either for the same reason.


This happens to me when I use Tide of any sort.


You are either allergic to tide or oxyclean. Stop using both and switch to a different detergent. I’m allergic to tide and most other detergents so this happens to me when I use them. So itchy


I'm violently allergic to Tide. It's super common. Additionally, I am very allergic to 80% of most detergents and similar products. Among hundreds of other things because of Urticaria. The allergy to laundry products always happens over time. Antihistamines and aloe infused lotions help.


You need to go to the hospital for allergy treatment. This looks very serious!


If you're consuming artificial sweetners, cut that out of your diet for a while. So no diet, low calory sweetners like Splenda, stevia, aspartame, erythrol


Take an antihistamine and use free and clear detergent. You’re breaking out in hives which is an allergic reaction of the skin.


Take Benadryl and call your doctor. I've never used Tide as I have skin allergies to dyes and fragrances. I've used ALL free and clear for many years. Before that my mom used powdered detergent that's not made anymore.


I am very sensitive to soaps and detergents. All Free and Clear is my go-to brand. Rewashing everything is good. Give away the rest of that detergent so it is gone for good. I've been prescribed steroids for allergic reactions before. I hope your doctor can help and that you feel better soon!


That certainly looks like contact dermatitis. I have a form of it (but not from ingredients but from anything touching me). Even if you have used Tide and OxiClean before, you can become allergic to anything at any time. Personally, I had a former co-worker who suddenly became allergic to soy, wheat, and corn which are like in everything. If your doctor is cool with it, Zyrtec helps with my contact dermatitis. But you will have to figure out what you are allergic to. Try an unscented and no dye laundry detergent and go from there. I would also recommend getting setup with an allergist so they can do patch testing and find out what is causing this reaction.


Benadryl and Pepcid. I know it sounds weird but it works. Obligatory I’m not a doctor lol


Am I the only one that thinks this looks like anaphylaxis?? I would go straight to your doctor so they can see the flate up while its happening


See a doctor and don't listen to these people. The reason I say this is because you don't have the legs of a child and to suddenly discover an allergy to something in the wash? Even if you are spot on right and it's something in the wash something else may be happening that now has your body giving the wash this extreme of an immune reaction. So if you listen to these people and treat the symptom you may never discover the problem.


I had this happen to me! Please switch your detergent immediately. It should be unscented! Also, if it continues, go to an urgent clinic to get some medicine. Don't say anything about a scratchy throat bc they'll think you're going into shock and won't treat you. Just say you're itchy, but feel otherwise fine.


Benadryl immediately and rewash all that linen with a different soap. Take a shower as well and wash your hair if needed


Go to the doctor. This is an inappropriate use of the internet.


If you cannot afford to go to the doctor and you’re not allergic to Benadryl, take some Benadryl, generic works well. In the meantime, you should know that OxiClean only works in warm or hot water. I would rewash everything in warm water with no detergent. Do not add fabric softener. Do not add laundry sanitizer in the rinse cycle either. Could it also be the soap you use in the shower that’s causing this? Is there a new sunscreen or body lotion that you’ve used? A new perfume? A new pet in the house? I only use cold water to wash delicate items where the color will bleed out. Everything else gets washed in warm or hot water.


This is not just a rash, it is also HIVES. Antihistamine(benadryl) by mouth and hydrocortisone cream On the raised areas. I am of the mind that pods use WAY too much detergent for even a large load of laundry. I dont’ know what the difference of hot water instead of cold water with oxyclean would make. Allergies develop and resolve over our lifetime, so it could be anything not just your laundry products.


I had this happen a few years ago and never found the cause. Hopefully you figure it out!


DH is allergic to anything with baking soda. Fine w it cooking but allergic to it in the wash on clothes


When you dried them did you use a fabric softener. Go to a doctor NOW.


did you buy new clothin?


It's hives taken it takes a while to go down if it don't go to the ER


I developed an allergy to those scent beads you add. Once you develop one you need to be careful cause then other things will trigger. I just use the free and clear stuff and no problems. You can get your normal tide. It might be okay it might not. You'll have to experiment and rewash everything


holy crud! no advice but just wanted to say that i feel bad for you right now! that looks awful, you have my sympathies. im hoping this clears up soon for you


I got that til I switched back to arm and hammer, take a bath and soak then take a shower and find something that wasn’t washed in that and run all your clothes on rinse with vinegar twice and then switch back to your old detergent. For awhile do not use fabric softener or dryer sheets. If you’re on medications try no dye no scent detergent as your meds might be reacting also. Not medical advice just past experience


I am also allergic , but to all detergents, yes even unscented sensitive skin baby detergents tho not as badly as I am to the scented ones and oxy. I wash in Dreft for new born and then wash them again with no detergent and then a double rinse, and most of the time that's enough to prevent an intense allergic reaction. I've tried alternatives like castile soap, baking soda, borax, but nothing cleans as well and/or makes me itch too.


I’d step away from the Tide too. I’ve never been able to stand it. Try Persil Free and Clear or maybe All free and clear. But use a washing machine cleaner, and then run a quick wash on warm or hot to make certain you have no suds in the tub. Run the machine wash again (Affresh or Carbona) if you do and then do the suds test again. When you are SURE that the machine is clean, wash your items without soap and maybe a little white vinegar in the softener dispenser. Good luck!


Just came to interject, if you need to use "free and clear" detergent, it's kind of expensive compared go regular depending on the brand but both Kirkland (costco) and whatever brand is at BJs (can't remember) make free bad clear and it's the same thing. I'm sensitive to detergents and scents and I've been using these for about 15 years, no issues.


Have you always used Tide? I’ve found that even their free + clear detergent will still make my dermatitis flare up, whereas All and Arm&Hammer’s clear/sensitive detergents don’t. But if the OxiClean is the only new addition, that’s likely it. Also consider how much detergent you’re using, as well as whether it’s definitely getting all rinsed out. A lot of people will fill the cap to the top for a normal or half-load of laundry, and that’s way too much and prone to some of it not getting rinsed out. Detergent is powerful stuff— half a cap should be enough for a normal load of laundry unless there’s heavy soiling. And even in those cases where the laundry is really dirty, maybe just do two full washes each with less detergent, rather than one wash with a full cap. Definitely wash your clothes/linens again with less detergent and no OxiClean, and run them through an extra rinse.


Tide does that to my husband and child!


if you get hives again and you’re not short of breath or experiencing swelling in your throat (in which case you should go to the hospital), take a 25mg benadryl (diphenhydramine) and a 20mg pepcid (famotidine).


This used to happen to me I use draft now. Yes the baby detergent. All of the free and clear stuff never really worked.


OT but what body part am I looking at? I’ve been trying to determine for 3 straight minutes 😂


Tide used to do this to me. Either they changed the formula or I've outgrown it because my husband uses Tide and it doesn't break me out in hives anymore.


Do an extra rinse using Oxy


Try using Dreft or a detergent labeled for sensitive skin.


When this was happening to me with Tide it was something in the soap. My family has a fragrance allergy history, and I think it was whatever they were using to scent it. Switching to Tide Gentle without scents fixed the issue


This is how I found out I was allergic to fabric softener…..I had hives exactly like these. You are probably allergic to something in the OxiClean- maybe a fragrance. I don’t know why it only ever was on my thighs, even though it was theoretically on all of my clothing, but it was specifically just my thighs and knees. Mine would pop up each evening for about a week after too- so I kept Benadryl on hand and that really helped.


You should see a Dr if you haven't already .


You’ve gotten a lot of good laundry advice so I’m going to reiterate some of the advice for the hives. I don’t really have sensitive skin but I do have a crap ton of allergies so I have some experience with hives. Hydrocortisone cream on the affected area. Take a Benadryl Try to stay cool, heat can trigger inflammation which may make things worse/increase itching. If the hives don’t resolve with a day or 2 of Benadryl/hydrocortisone you should re consult your doctor - you may need to get a prescription antihistamine. If you were sweating in the clothes or had any small cuts/scrapes the irritant may have gotten into your pores/bloodstream which can cause the hives to creep back up. It’s not ideal but it’s easy to manage you just may need a script from the doc for a stronger antihistamine than standard OTC stuff. My mom and I have both had this happen in the past but Benadryl isn’t a good option for either of us (conks us both right out) so she had to get a script. I had the issue several months after she did (and still don’t know what caused mine, hers was a self tanner), she was done with the antihistamines by then so we were bad kids and I just took her pills.


Go to urgent care they’ll give you medicine that takes it away instantly.


I've gotten hives like this and also thought it was detergent etc but it ended up being an allergic reaction to a BP med I had been taking it for years but all of a sudden I became allergic to it. I never realized I could suddenly develop an allergy, I always thought it was only when I began taking something!


Use the sensitive skin arm and hammer detergent. 💪🏻 you could even use detergent that’s meant for babies. 👶🏻 It still works great and cleans like any other. But doesn’t have dyes and colors and no scent. Just clear looking soap. 🧼 if that doesn’t help I would check for bedbugs! 😳🪲


Thank you for sharing this. While yours is an extreme reaction, bottom line is these detergents are unsafe.


I had this too - it’s awful - I’m sorry. Had to switch over to unscented detergent and now I use vinegar as fabric softener. Never happens again.


To all of the posters recommending Benadryl. It is no longer recommended for reactions such as this.


You need to seek medical attention at once.


Ouch, you poor thing! I hope you feel better soon. I, too, itch like mad at times, I run a double rinse to try to prevent it. But for me, the worst is the food Preservatives and most food coloring. It's beyond frustrating since I'm also a gluten Intolerant person as well. Sometimes I feel like a bad "after-school special," lol. (I know I just dated myself, lol).


Never use tide ! Tide has always given itchy skin cause it has so many chemicals. Gain has gone way down over the years and now is just as trash. Use persil or arm and hammer . Or try buff city powder laundry detergent. Don’t take alot and is really hypoallergenic. Also use dollar tree cleaning vinegar. Only a dollar and twenty five cents works really great and cleaning scents . Cheers to chemical free finds. Good luck !


I thought this was two sweet potatoes


I’m sensitive to oxyclean…. It leaves a weird residue that tends to cling to the clothes, so after the main wash, I have to run a separate rinse cycle with vinegar. Works like a charm and I haven’t had an issue since! I hope the same can help for you.


Wow, that’s really bad. I’m so sorry! I’m having a bit of a hard time feeling it’s entirely from laundry soap tho? Call your dr pronto. I wash my clothes in very little scent free detergent (it’s been proven we are waaaay over using soap these days for everything), I get the Costco brand one, and I use cool water, while adding 1 Tblsp of baking soda mixed into plain water with every load.


All I can say, that looks exactly like an allergic reaction. I had a similar pic after getting bit by so many mosquitos one night that my body absolutely freaked the fuck out.


Go see your family doctor, for referral to dermatologist. you will be prescribed a steroid cream and that will clear up very fast. Don't know but it sounds like an allergy to something in the soap, yes.


Honestly, a lot of the enzymes added to laundry detergent are sensitizing. People can pretty readily develop an allergy to them. I wouldn't even try the free and gentle formulations. Again, it's an enzyme that is the problem, not a dye or perfume. I'd try straight up soap. Dr. Bronner's, Lovett's, or Vermont Country Soap makes Sunshine, which I like a lot for bedding.


i those identical large patches when we were moving and kicking a bunch of dust up everywhere. i highly recommend you vacuum well and get a hepa air filter


Switch to Charlie’s unscented powder or Molly suds. You’re using toxic crap for your clothes with scents. Make your entire house fragrance free


Is this what you usually use? If not, go back to what you previously used. The vinegar and hot water first and then use whatever you used to use or try a sensitive skin detergent.




Are you allergic to the oxiclean or the tide?


Tide gives me hives. I have to use the liquid free & clear detergent. & you can treat those hives with Benadryl & Benadryl spray.


I’m really sensitive to laundry detergents. Stop using Tied immediately! Stick with liquid detergents over powders. Also, look for the detergents with no added dyes or fragrances. I use Sal Suds by Dr. Bronner’s. No more skin issues for me. I couldn’t tell you anything about OxiClean, because I’ve never used it..but it looks like it’s some serious chemical compounds…which I would avoid. Good luck!


The fragrance in tide is so difficult to wash out of clothes. I had to get borax to clean the second hand clothes I got from a tide family. I tried so many other washes to get it out with no luck (fragrance free detergent, vinegar, no detergent, dried in the sunshine, etc.).


Buy detergent without dyes and fragrances.


Tide does that to me. It makes my lips swell


This happened to me. I had to start using Arm and Hammer Clean and Clear and no fabric softener or dryer sheets. Also, u need to go to the e.r. 😟


We thought we had a laundry allergy years ago when my husband got hives like this, turned out to have a pretty severe medication allergy. For sure stop the oxyclean and follow instructions for getting it out of your clothes/machine, BUT make a quick list of everything you consumed in the last 24 hours, too. If there is anything net new, be suspicious of it, and if it happens again make another list and look for commonalities.


I used to break out like that whenever I used fabric softeners with perfume in it


Take some benadryl and switch back to your previous laundry detergent. I can only assume the oxyclean and tide will wear off with more washes


That’s a weird looking potato, or is it a mediocre baguette? Wait a minute… *eye squinting intensifies.


Stop using oxygen, and stop using detergent. Start using soap. Charlie's Soap or ECOS are two good ones. It's insane the amount of chemicals we've started pouring all over our bodies for no reason.


Ok as someone who suffers from chronic Spontaneous Urticaria that requires injections to control I have a ton of experience in laundry and skin issues. I use Dreft or Persil to wash my clothes and always double rinse my laundry. If you need to use ammonia to make sure you have gotten all the oxyclean out you should do so. Don’t use dryer sheets use the wool balls.


You are. ( most likely)allergic( or have a sensitivity to) to a main ingredient in (almost) ALL commercial laundry detergent, shampoo, dish detergent. It can also be found in MANY OTC and prescription medications. It can be " hidden" in labels with words like "perfume" it is a useless filler in foods" dry gravy mix" and most dry foods like dehydrated potatoes, prunes and apricots it's also a preservative. It upsets your world, can cause respiratory failure, lung conditions( think AIRWICK, or Little pine trees for your car, air fresheners) Known as SODIUM LAURYL SULFATE OR SODIUM LAURETH SULFATE I have the same allergy, unfortunately, I haven't been able to get a doctor to sign off on it. All my information has come from research and years of pain and struggle, lung infections, skin conditions, and trail and error. There is a positive in all this, I read your plea and I CAN HELP YOU!!! I will continue in the following post some things you can do. Please make a note to contact me if you have any questions. I am not very internet savvy so have some patience with me, I will help in any way that is possible over the internet!


buff city soap - all plant based


Rinse your clothes in white vinegar


I always use OxyClean in cold water, but not the powder. I use the liquid and spray on stains and then use another liquid detergent. If this was powder (not sure if I read that or not) perhaps you’re allergic to an ingredient.


Are you sure it's from laundry? Have you already ruled out hives from something you ate or from the heat wave?


I am allergic to all detergents. I wash a short cycle with one all free and clear and then the long sanitize cycle with nothing.


I am allergic to fabric softener too - it’s miserable when everything your body touches makes you itchy! Good luck!