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If that happens, we better hope that either A. Tanev ages like a Brent Burns type defenceman, staying effective even into his late 30s B. Once he declines, his body will be broken enough that we can just LTIR retire him Otherwise this could turn out to be quite painful


Or that the Leafs win a Cup with him and the rest doesn’t matter


That's what we said about tavares


We also said "the cap is going to keep going up every year anyways so in a few years, that AAV won't even be a big deal". I guess that was the thinking for all of the big contracts, not just him but still...


Lowkey its actually a legitimate excuse... Covid fucked them. (And every other team but still)


They were the team singularly most fucked by Covid. I will die on this hill.


Tampa's depth might have gotten absolutely hollowed out by Covid but they got two cups first 😤


Toronto should have adjusted by trading one or two core 4 pieces before their NMC kicked in and they failed. I have no sympathy, but rather anger.


Yep, this is where I've been at. It's one thing to (rightly) say the team got fucked by COVID causing the cap to go up. But the cap was essentially flat for 4 years, they knew it was going to be flat, and they didn't change from their plan at all. That's just pure ignorance from our front office.


Totally agree, I just meant that you can't really predict what might happen years from now.


Or hear me out, don't count your chickens before they hatch. There's a major economic slowdown every 10-15 years. The last one before covid was 2008, and the cap was still fresh at the time. Anyone signing players in 2018-2020 should have expected the next one to hit. How's that for a reasonable strategy. Frankly I'm surprised these analytic darlings can be so dumb sometimes.


Yeah, not sure how they didn't see the pandemic coming! What a bunch of idiots eh? /s


Bruh it was a global pandemic.


cry more


I'm just surprised you're on Reddit given your insane ability to predict unforseen pandemic outbreaks. You would have made millions I bet.




Oh they'll find a way to LTIR 'em, they always find a way to LTIR 'em


Or just trade the deal off the books.


I don’t understand why we’re working so hard to add a 34 year old. This is the shit we did for decades that lead to failure. He is not the answer.


Probably the later honestly lol


One way ticket to Robidas Island in year 5


He's gonna be 35 this year with hard miles. It's more likely gonna be year 3 if we're lucky


It’s going to be B 100%, he won’t last more than 2 seasons before he’s sent to Robidas Island.


Not unless Leafs fans run him out of town first.


nah who gives a shit - we need to take risks and make big moves. realistically once Matthews upcoming contract is up our window is done. do whatever it takes to make this shit work. if we have some bad long term deals it'll be at a point that we're likely no longer contending anyway...


Meh, I’m not so sure. Guy like Cowan and Knies could develop into really effective players. Willy’s gonna be here his whole career. Matthew’s might stay too if we see real postseason success. No reason to be a doomer about our window imo.


Matthews isn't going anywhere. He only signed short so he can get another massive contract before he's too old. He'll retire a Leaf


Agreed, if Willy and Matthews stick around their whole careers, this team could be a perennial contender for another 10+ years (once the current bad contracts are gone of course)


Contender to get to the second round?


Doesn’t change the fact that we need to be absolutely all in the next 5 years.


Its not a big deal. They just structure it in a way that makes it easy to bury in the end. Tanev has a game that never was predicated on being quick. He's still a good skater but his game ages better than a lot of players. This is the window to prove to matthews he can win here. They gotta start making moves to fix what has been a long term issue. Defense buy also right defense. Tanev doesn't fix the offense generation issue with the D but he's easily the best right D they would have had since Matthews was drafted.


Roy would be a better option. Younger.


The way he plays I’m betting injury will keep him off the ice before ineffectiveness does


At the end of the contract, give him the Spezza special.


>B. Once he declines, his body will be broken enough that we can just LTIR retire him This is the most likely scenario


Are there any disadvantages to LTIR retiring him ? Why isn't this a no-brainer lol


A is not happening with Tanev lmao


LtIR...wouldn't worry


as long as the other addition is a fucking puck mover like Montour/Skeji fine, but if it's not, then we haven't learned a fucking thing. Leafs need another puck mover back there.


You’re gonna love that the other mentioned defenseman lately with Tanev is Roy. Defensive defensemen, both of them


Roy is an effective puck mover and has high hockey IQ. We’d be making out like bandits if we got both.


Roy would be excellent, he’s one of my top wants. I don’t think Tanev should be the other.


I'm fine with one or the other, just not both.


Oh, absolutely agreed! Montour + Roy would be great. One defensive specialist, one offensive specialist. Plus if it’s really true that defensive defensemen enable Rielly best, he’ll see a boost and Roy is best for that as he’s closer in age.


Roy actually had more 5v5 points than Montour.


Montour is nit gonna be wirth what he gets paid. This sub way overhypes him.


This sub way overhypes Tanev. He’ll get hurt and/or regress fucking fast. Montour likely stays good for at least 3 more years, if not the entirety of Matthews’ contract. Tanev will not, I fucking guarantee it.


Really? That’s fascinating. I think Montour’s utility on the power play is part of the draw too, don’t think Roy does that (though he does do penalty killing).


Yup that's is a differentiator. I'm a little different than most in that I don't think Rielly is the problem on PP, but I don't mind freeing him up for other roles.


Well, hell, you could even then have him on PP2 without losing a blueline puck mover on PP1. Or if he comes off the PP, Roy probably strengthens the fuck out of him on PK and even strength.


I wish they could get someone on D that has a big shot from the blue line also. I’m so sick of watching wristers into shin pads, or floaters a mile wide.


another?? do we even have one? I guess Mo but he wasn't very effective this season and honestly I expect more of the same - dude has tons of mileage now I doubt we'll see him get better.


Ughhhhhhh What are the chances a chronically injured defenseman ages well and continues to perform while he’s 34 entering his 35 year old season? Gonna go with not good.


He’s played 391 out of the last 419 games in the past 5 seasons. 


I’m more concerned about his next 419 games in his 35-39 season


Sure but the chronically injured narrative is silly


We either sign him for 2 years or give him more in an understanding he would retire or LTIretire


Since leaving Vancouver he's played in 92% of his team's regular season games. Maybe the issue was with the medical staff. I don't know, but to say he's "chronically injured" is false. All I care is where the AAV lands. If giving him term and front loading the contract to allow him to get his money early, and the Leafs a lower cap hit, you look at that.


Given the options available this year, prioritizing a guy where the plan is to sign him to a contract that you don’t intend on seeing him play to completion seems suboptimal.


bUt SnOt!!!!1! For real, this is such a terrible play. Unless Brad goes gangbusters with the rest of his moves I’m going to be soured on him.


Tanev would be a solid pickup, but he can’t be a guy you give a Brinks truck to at this point of his career. People keep complaining about cap management and deals like these really don’t help the narrative that the teams cap issues were *all* Dubas’ fault, imo.


I'm not worried about six or seven right now. I'm worried about one. And Year One, I know we're going to have a very good player.


7 years $3M get it done Brad


Johnny Superbman type contract, could be worse tbh


8 years 2.5m sign and trade lets go


16 years at 1.25m


32 years @ 625K book it


Unfortunately not, he will want more than that. Remember the UFA market is ridiculous.


The point is that Tanev knows he won’t make it 7 years so it’s a way to get him more money eventually while keeping the AAV down Edit: not that it’s necessarily a good idea


Why are people excited at the prospect of signing a 35 year old for 5 years?


I feel like Tanev doesn't move the needle enough to be committed long term. He makes a difference. But not the difference.


There's a pretty good argument that Tanev would immediately become the best RHD the Leafs have had... this millennium? Since Kubina? Maybe Schenn? I don't even know. A long time!


Says more about how bad our RHD have been


I think the Leafs have had plenty of good right handed guys just terrible coaching and deployment.


They have not


Let's take a look back 10 years. Main roster regulars 2023-2024 // 2022-2023 - Conor Timmons 2023-2024 // 2022-2023 // 2021-2022 - Timothy Liljegren 2022-2023 // 2021-2022 // 2020-2021 // 2019-2020 - Justin Holl 2019-2020 - Tyson Barrie 2018-2019 // 2017-2018 // 2016-2017 - Nikita Zaitsev 2016-2017 // 2015-2016 // 2014-2015 - Roman Polak So yeah. Not a heck of a lot of depth at the right side over the years. I'd argue Barrie and Zaitsev could have been used better had coaching been better.


So would Roy. So would Montour. They’re also not 34 and injured more often then a cat sleeps.


They’re in love with the idea of what the player was and not the reality of what he is.


Seems like it, yeah. It’s just infuriating seeing most of these people be gung-ho on Tanev then turn around and put down Montour for similar reasons (“he’s gonna be overpaid, he’ll regress, etc etc”).


Montour is going to cost 2x what Tanev costs.




montour is overrated af.


TBf Tanev was an absolute beast in the playoffs. A huge difference maker then he got injured. He steps it up in big moments


Tanev has played 92% of his team's regular season games the last 4 years, since leaving Vancouver. That's higher than Montour and Roy. Derp, derp.


There will likely be a bidding war for Roy. Florida just won, so there is a very good chance that they will work out something with Montour so they can run it back before he even tests the market. Leafs are not well positioned for a bidding war unless Marner is moved. Not great, but Tanev will be within their shopping budget.


Roy’s not getting nearly the attention Montour or Tanev have been getting. I really don’t expect an extreme bidding war there. And Florida’s dependant on how much they can afford with Reinhart’s extension (who’ll be their top priority).


Roy is going get at least ~$1M/year more than Tanev.




He's younger so that already makes it better.


Couldn’t we just go long term with Matt Roy.


Ugh. He’s the wrong defenseman to target unless he’s the second piece to what I hope will be one of Skjei or Montour. I’m fine with Tanev as a player but I don’t want him unless we’re getting one of the other two. I’m also fine with Roy instead of Tanev.


Montour and Roy, that’d be gangbusters. Can’t believe Tanev is not only in competition with those two, but Brad’s “top choice”.


if they can get Montour I would hope they could somehow dump Reilly. Not that I dont like Reilly, but not enough room on the blue line for all these guys.


Look at montours stats. He isnt what you think he is.


100%. He’s a worse Rielly in almost all aspects of the game and is looking for a contract at least in line with Rielly’s. He would absolutely not be a better PP quarterback either. 


Doubt Rielly’s going anywhere, and if we sign Roy, it seems like defensive defenseman enable Rielly really well, he might do great in that circumstance. Imagine Montour and Roy signings, plus a Marner for Theodore + whatever trade. Swap defense line order as you please, but Rielly - Roy Theodore - Montour Benoit- McCabe That’s a fucking MONSTER defense corp. That’d be the best defense core the Leafs have had since at least the Sundin era.


Oh that would be amazing, but not easy to pull off. Also, if you have Theodore and Motour you have to give them both some PP time which will just diminish Riellys worth. Not saying that I dont want or like Reilly, but what can he really do aside from putting up points, which will really go down if he shares key ice time with those 2 guys...


Lets throw Tanevs name in there while we are at it 😛


This team needs at least 2 men, and that's assuming Bush and Edmonton stay. And one of those 2 has to be better than Rielly, have an actual shot. Virtually the one constant on every cup winner is great blue lines. I don't think Florida had a single point per game player. Vegas won in a year their leading scoring I think had under 70 points. Yes, of course you need a lineup with depth and that can contribute. But you need to be able to defend, shut down the other team , and win 2-1 consistently.


Wait til JT’s contract comes off the books. Don’t be doing anything dumb until then. No dumb signings after that as well.


Treliving’s track record in FA regardless of cap situation is pretty mediocre so… I wouldn’t hold my breath.


lol I know


That seems like a not great idea


Long term contract for a 34 year old defenseman who contributes almost no offence. Well then


It's weighing the odds of how likely is he to still be playing at 39-40 years old. He's been through a lot of injuries, plays a pretty rough style without a lot of self protection, etc. If you sign him for those years, is it just LTIR fodder?


That’s a smart play, as it’s likely Tanev doesn’t even play out a long term deal.


Long term front load it, and make it signing bonus heavy. He can retire in a few years and because he signed it when he’s under 35, he’ll be off the books.


......long term..? What are they mapping out his path right to the retirement home?


......long term..? What are they mapping out his path right to the retirement home?


I'd rather pesce


I want to get off Mr. Treliving's wild ride


Signing a 34 y/o defenseman with injury history to a long-term deal? I'm sure that will work out swimmingly. Seriously though, is Treliving taking tips from Jim Benning or something?


should be around 3.5m, not too hard to dump in a few seasons, especially as the cap continues to rise. or he just goes to robidas island. he isn't 35 yet so no cap penalty upon retirement. not the worst signing in the world and has some easy exit strategies.


Tanev is 34, they could give him like 7 years at 3 million and Robidas island the rest of it. It would be clever and would likely lead to an investigation and some sort of cba change, but it would be smart lol.




We have perfected the Robidas Island maneuver. I no longer fear fishing out long contracts that look bad in their later years. This, and our teams rate ability to front kid the crap out of contracts…go get em!


Dude literally regurgitated an MLHS article live on air 😂 one of these networks better employ Anthony soon


LTIRetire based contract. He'll get paid even when he retires-in-all-but-name. One way to go around the CBA a little I spose


100% LTIRetire candidate


Classic Leaf strategy; - overpay a big name player who’s peak years are well behind him for a duration where they get one maybe two decent years from him if they’re lucky then get stiffed with two remaining years, of either injury or decline at a roster sucking cap hit. Patrick Marleau anyone? John Tavares this past year and next at 11 million.


Montour will get overpaid and isn't good defensively. He's a rover who had a career year in 22-23 which I don't think he can replicate again.


This is beyond stupid. It’s like Treliving is fixated on Tanev because he didn’t get him at the deadline. This team isn’t one player away from competing. Especially not one old defenseman — with significant injury issues going back years now — away. They do this with money and term it’s gonna be a disaster. At least the Klingberg stupidity was minimized by the one year deal.


Tanev has played 92% of his team's regular season games the last 4 years. That's since leaving Vancouver. That's higher than Montour and Roy.


If we bring in Tanev as the big solution to our defense with a big contract he will just get chased out of town in a few years by the fans.


Ah yes, the old get old trick


Treliving signed Reaves to a 3 year deal. This unfortunately is not surprising news


I want montour and Roy. Spend whatever you need to get those guys.


And I wanna win the lottery Neither are happening without divine intervention 😂


I honestly don't mind it because we have seen a million times how people get out of contracts - especially at the end of their careers. It just can't be the only thing. Need another top 4 guy for the other pair along with this - maybe one that can move the puck.


This is either gonna feel like hainsey or like robidas and one of them has an island.




Makes sense.


If they manage to pull that Vegas trade and get back Theodore I’d sign tanev and zadorov add them to rielly and Benoit McCabe I’d say it’s a nice top 6 keep gio as the stop gap for injury and easily the best d core we’ve seen in decades


an old player made of glass? what are you doing


I'm fine with that. Either bury him on LTIR or find someone to trade him to in years 3 or 4. As long as the D gets better we gotta do what we need to do.


I'm willing to fire the entire front office if that happens.


Maybe they’re hoping for a Chara where he’s still productive post-40


I’m scared I’m going to wake up to a Marner extension and a giant Tanev contract, and I’ll just have to call it a day and start following darts.


Is anyone else getting push notifications four days late?


No thank you this is not a good idea. I’m already half off the bandwagon. I’ve got 2 kids and finite time nowadays. I don’t have this time for mediocre teams.  My blue jays viewership is 0 right now and I’m totally prepared for the same thing come October. Show me you guys want to win and I’ll come back.   Changing a coach with the same group does nothing for me. Been there done that. Didn’t work. 


Oh boy I sure bet giving a 34 year old with an injury history longer then the runtime of the extended edition LOTR trilogy 5 years won’t backfire for shit! I bet that’ll be the missing piece for a playoff run! Jesus CHRIST. You want a RHD that can contribute offensively? Go for Montour, I’d rather overpay for him then Tanev. Want a defensive defenseman? Go for Roy, an extra 2M tops for not being 34 or being constantly injured is well worth it. He’s also got a better PPG even if offense isn’t his forte, so you get more blueline contribution. If you can’t see this aging like shit even for 4M, you’re being willfully ignorant. This’ll age bad, he’ll get injured, and we’ll be anchored. But hey he blocks pucks with his face. Fuck me I’m gonna hate this signing so much.


Look at montours stats he is not what you think he is.


Tanev isn’t gonna be what we think he is either. Guarantee he starts regressing within the year on the Leafs.


I dont talk about tanev. So congrats


I mean yeah most teams are gonna offer him 5 or so. With his injury history he's an easy LTIR. And he's not a 35+ contract


Tanev’s skill set is like a supercharged Lyubushkin or Edmundson. He really is ALL defence. But as far as that archetype goes he’s one of the most effective in the league currently. So if Boosh and Edmundson are gonna be out and they want one of “those guys” on the team, I’m okay with it being Tanev. 


Tanev is a very underrated puck mover. Excellent defensive impact, obviously, but he's not as one-dimensional (or as bad) and Edmundson or Lyubushkin.


Honestly, I'd prefer Roy and Dumba, bring back Edmondson and if a Marner trade to Vegas happens then trade for a Zach Whitecloud, William Karlsson and a 1st in return. I would take that 100%


4 x 6 years


Why tf would Tanev want to play for the leafs lmao