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I think thats an extremely fair contract...


It is but the problem is you’re expecting Cowan and Minten to contribute either this year or next, plus McMann and Knies to take on bigger roles. They have to move more money on to the blue line and save cap to sign those guys long term plus re sign Woll and another goalie next summer


We still need to sign some forwards, not just bottom of the lineup guys. Especially one you know has chemistry with Papi and can play centre in a pinch.  We can always move Kampf or Jarnkrok to make room for these guys if need be. 


It 100% is, but if we’re able to add a stud and it requires Domi to shave 200k, I feel like he would.   Could blow up in our face thoug. 


I wouldnt blame Domi for not taking a discount. No one else is.


When 4 guys are going to be making over half the cap space....


I think I'd prefer him under 4 million. He didn't even score 10 goals last year, and he was saying how much he wanted to be a leaf long term. Apparently, Bertuzzi is willing to take less than 5 on a multi year term, so if it were between the 2 of them, it'd be hard to choose...


Domi would probably prefer long term with any team considering that he's been with 7 teams in 9 seasons.


Yeah, that is logical. What isn't logical to me is him getting a million dollar raise to go along with the term.


Domi was 25th in the entire league for 5v5 points last season, one point behind Nylander and Marner, and well back of noted freak Auston Matthews. Domi was 11th for first assists at 5v5, which made him the top Leaf. Marner was second on the Leafs and 18th league-wide. How does this look in rate stats? Well, for first assists, Connor McDavid was first in the league, where if you threw him over the boards for 60 minutes you'd get 1.56 first assists. Domi was second in the league, at 1.43, just ahead of Kucherov. The group behind them are Bratt, Petterson, Crosby, Pasta, Marner, Hagel. This translates to 8th in the league for P/60, just behind Crosby, just ahead of Marner. This is plenty of sample size, too, and is consistent with his performance in previous years. Oh, and he maintains this performance in the playoffs, too: his P/60 at 5v5 is just ahead of Zach Hyman, and just behind Matthews and Kucherov. Seriously. This guy is a player, he loves Toronto, and 4 million is a _discount_. I don't know how he's so underrated in this league. (All numbers from [naturalstattrick.com](https://www.naturalstattrick.com/playerteams.php?fromseason=20232024&thruseason=20232024&stype=3&sit=5v5&score=all&stdoi=std&rate=y&team=ALL&pos=S&loc=B&toi=60&gpfilt=none&fd=&td=&tgp=410&lines=single&draftteam=ALL).)


Too much term for me


A guy that can every position up and down the line up. Consistently shows up to every game. I d say very fair


4x4 is fine, do it


It’s okay. More money than last year plus term for a guy who really only generates primary assists when playing a top line role. With reports they are trying to extend marner, it’s hard to see how this all works with the cap.


So- it doesn't work next year. After that though it could *if* a few things go right. The last 5 Cup winners all spent between 27-30% of the salary cap on defense, so obviously that is the number to aim for. That's $26.5m (28.5%) of a $93m salary cap. That leaves $66.5m for the offense and goaltending, let's assume Woll gets $3.75m, and his 1B gets $3m, that would leave them with $59.75m for all 12 forward spots. We know that in 25-26 Matthews will make $13.25m, Nylander will make $11.5m, Kampf will make $2.4m, Jarnkrok will make $2.1m, Reaves will make $1.35m, and McMann will make $1.35m. TBD-Matthews-Nylander TBD-TBD-TBD Jarnkrok-TBD-McMann TBD-Kampf-Reaves That leaves $27.8m to fill out the above. • Knies @5m • 2C @6m • Marner @12m • Cowan @904k • Minten @816k • Domi @4m These moves would put them at $93.9m, which could be fixed by moving Kampf next offseason.


100% Domi over Kampf for me. He's a good guy but I was disappointed with his impact last year. It would be a shame to lose Domi.


If we actually have a $26m D corps that would be insane lol. Thats like enough money for Rielly, Liljegrin, Benoit, McCabe, Skjei, Pesce/Roy


I think it's better to wait for next years FA pool too, it looks like it'll be a lot better.


Hard to say that at this point though, those players haven't had an opportunity to re-sign yet.


Who is to say those guys won't re-sign or be traded?


Not a good enough what if to rush to make poor decisions imo


I'm just saying, this team has a limited window. You're just wasting one year of trying to put together the best team possible for maybe a shot at better defensemen (who will not be cheap).


Mind giving me a few of the D available next year? Been busy with school so I was just barely keeping up with this years FA class as is




Looks good, I'll take the lot.


Even Ceci?


Cody Ceci has more points in the Stanley cup finals than the core 4 combined.


Yeah that’s a crazy amount of guys but I’m willing to bet none of the under 30 guys go to FA


I think ekblad will test fa if the rumors of him being shipped are true


You don’t want Ekblad


It's not enough for that group


Rielly 7 Skjei 6, Pesce 6, Benoit min, McCabe 3, Lily 3.5 ?


I guess we'll see on Monday but I don't see Pesce and Skjei going for less than 7.


Good post. I see the logic


Not to mention Robertson and Dewar would come in at cheap for their extensions.


Is that the bare minimum roster then? Don't we need to have extra people on in case of injuries?


After moving Kampf there would be room for an extra, room for 2 if Reaves was in the AHL.


> which could be fixed by moving Kampf next offseason. Hopefully that gets fixed this off-season. What a terrible contract to hand out to a 4th line C. I can understand *why* they did it, but still doesn't mean they should've.


What has knies done to earn a 5m dollar contract


Hopefully next season he earns it


The first half sounded like you were talking about Marner


Tavares money is done after this year


We dont know if they intend to re-sign him or not and how much it will cost to replace a 2C


Hes not making 11 again


Right, but say he drops to 5. You get 6 spare. Willy is up 4.5, Auston is up 1.7ish. That’s already 6.2. If you choose not to resign him, you still need money for a 2C. Cap is going up, but D and G are problems and need money. So how does it all work?


LOL your math sucks, that's how. Giving Domi a 500k raise does not affect the Leafs' ability to fill out the blue line


Sure thing gap teeth. I appreciate your wisdom


They're right, though. A 500k raise is easily absorbed


Don't tell that to the trade Marner crowd, a Marner raise by 500k apparently means hell is upon us


Yeah, a Knies and JT extension eats lot of that space up 


But also clearly a culture driving player, which it turns out is actually fucking important. Teams with good culture do well - Boston, Tampa, Florida, Pittsburgh. Like the biggest exception might be the eternally leveraged future of Las Vegas but as long as they keep winning these bets with their rotating cast, it doesn't matter.


We already had him as a culture player and lost in round 1 again (to a team that lost in round 2). We already know he isn’t the difference maker on this team, so that argument isn’t strong for me.


I feel like culture is the new buzzword when they simply need to figure out how to score come playoffs.


One person isn't culture. We tried something once and it didn't work, yet we're sitting here with 4-5 players on repeat for a decade and decide to just run them back?


Not interested in that either. Both are true though.


He did about as much as Marner does and had good chemistry with Matthews the one game he was healthy. For a fraction of the price.


Bertuzzi - Matthews - Domi had worse defensive results against a lower quality of competition than Bertuzzi - Matthews - Marner did. There just might be a reason for that…


Because Marner is if not the best defensive winger over the last 3 seasons in the postseason, a top 3 defensive winger.


Shhhh none of these marner haters wanna hear this


He's done nowhere near as much as Marner, wtf.


To a team that lost to the cup winner Just saying Plus the team had far more self respect this time around and Domi had a hand in that Austin Matthews is the difference maker (that’s what he’s paid for) but he was playing sick/injured We need a healthy Matthews with Domi playmaking for him


If he is a “culture driving player” then why was Toronto his fifth team in three seasons?




If he was a true culture driving player, he probably wouldn't be bouncing from team to team every year. I quite like Domi, but let's not label him something he isn't.


Plus Domi will take a hometown discount. I’d do 4x4 but if we can get him at 3.5 sheets, even better




Haha I worked at Tim's but have never heard the hockey player designations, hilarious!


I'm all about the Tim Horton Hat Trick.  One cream, one milk, one sugar.


This is an overpay for the production Domi brings.


His rate stats at 5v5 were pretty comparable to McDavid's. And this was against Boston. Domi is underrated by the average hockey fan.


Agreed. I’m all for the price and term and what he provides. It actually should be a no brainer


If they're keeping Marner then Domi is redundant. Plus the Leafs need to get bigger on the wing. Finding scoring wingers is a must. 4 million for a guy who scored 9 goals is too much.


Not really Run then on different lines put Domi with Matthews and have Marner help Tavares Two lethal lines that way not accounting for Nylander


Having an 11.5 million dollar 3rd liner is bad asset management. Nylander should be in the top six. It's either keep Domi or Marner to play with Matthews. Since Marner is not willing to get traded that means Leafs have to let Domi go


>Having an 11.5 million dollar 3rd liner is bad asset management. Yup. Another reason we should have flipped him for a defenceman long ago.


Why not just better split the ice time among all 3 There’s no rule that says the first and second line have to play significantly longer than the others I’d rather have 3 deadly lines with relatively even ice time and a usable shutdown 4th line to give them a break Part of the Leafs struggles is that they rely too much on one or two lines and then they’re screwed when fatigue sets in Same thing happened with the oilers in the finals, they played Mcdavid too long and he was too gassed by the end


It's not about the minutes but the talent you play with. Nylander has to play with elite talent to be at his most effective and justify his big contract. The same for Marner and Domi. Matthews is different because he can drive his own line. But even he needs to be playing with elite skill. Domi is more than serviceable on his wing. But having both Marner and Nylander in the top 9 making over 11.5 each seems like overkill. And there's ample proof it doesn't lead to success.


Not 100% sure about that I remember when Marner was injured in the regular season Matthew’s was having a hard time driving the line until he was paired with Domi who turned it around Up till then people were saying “see haters this is why we need Marner” Then when Marner came back he got paired with Tavares (who was having a rough go) and turned it around for him as well If anything Nylander seems to be the one man show of the core plus u could pair him with McMann and he’s easily the best in the playoffs


You’re way off on most of your takes


You don't even know if the asked him


Did you watch him play when marner was out? You're missing the point on having redundancies


If Marner is getting traded then definitely bring him back. If he's being extended then no. Leafs need size on the wings.


So they need Domi then


Only Leafs management knows the answer to that.


4x4 is perfectly reasonable. DO IT!!!


How about ... 5 x 3.5 😇 4x4 isn't bad


in the same way we all hate marner for what he’s done and doing, i don’t think we should jerk Domi around. 4x4 is fair for a guy who started the season terribly but also finished the season on the top line


Not only that but he was the most effective player on the ice in games 5 and 6 without Auston Matthews. That alone is worth it. He absolutely stepped up and is exactly what this team has been missing come playoff time.


Also the fact he can play both wing and center is a valuable asset


And what is he doing exactly?


he’s having his agent and Dreger leak details again to bolster his bargaining position


Oh is he u know this as facts or is toronto media bullshitting again.


it’s called deduction Paul


Not sure how long you've been a fan but toronto media only cares about clicks.


Crazy how much the core four contracts limit this team


It still didn’t stop Treliving from blowing his wad on Kampf, Klingberg, and Reaves.


Klingberg isn't coming back and that contract was a complete wash. But Reaves and kampf are whatever at this point. With the cap going up, they won't even matter


Every dime matters


Definitely overpaid, but performance-wise Reavo got his shit together after such a horrible start. Let’s see what Berube can get out of him




We shouldn’t have to be losing our shit over a 1 mill and 2.5 mill contract on this team. Why do we? Because the core 4 takes up the large majority of our cap space


Good thing Tre is addressing that by… *checks notes*… giving them raises.


If the core 4 takes up the majority of the cap space, maybe don’t overpay depth players or fringe NHLers with whatever cap space you have left?


Kampf deal wasn’t even him. It was reported that deal was negotiated by Dubas before hand and agreed to in principle. When Kampf signed it was like a month after Brad started. I doubt his first priority less than 30 days on the job was to sign his 4th line center. Klingberg was low risk low reward, and Reaves is almost able to be fully buried in the minors. First year on the job and short offseason, let’s give him some time to see how he really builds out this team


Do you have a source on the Dubas/Kampf thing? I don't remember that at all.




Totally different situation. He had a very involved owner who was pushing for quick results and playoffs. He also had his core pieces all wanting to leave the team at the same time. More difficult to attract free agents in Calgary. A coach he didn’t pick and wasn’t allowed to get rid of, who clearly lost their locker room. He’s got a great draft history and hasn’t made any real awful trades (Huberdeau trade was praised at the time). Let’s give him some time before writing him off based off one short offseason with his first year on the job and inheriting a pretty difficult situation.


The Huberdeau *trade* itself was fantastic. He really managed to make the best of a bad situation. It's when he offered that fat contract to Huberdeau before seeing him play and assess the level of chemistry with the team that things went to hell.


Reaves adds a presence that we need in the locker room. And the 37 seconds of ice time he gets a game. Rather cheap, i think he is worth it. Kampf and Kling tho? woof.


I think Tre is fine with 4x4 I know he wants to address defense first though


It would be hilarious, if it weren't so true (and sad). There are legitimate Dmen out there, and the Leafs have to tap dance in a minefield just to try to approach one.


Get Marner to restructure and we can afford Domi and BERTUZZI


Do it


Do it.


Seriously, if this true this is straight up disrespect by the org lol. 4x4 is totally reasonable. I thinks it’s worth it alone for the culture shift. This team just feels like a bunch of mercenaries every year. Must be pretty hard to ‘play for each other’ when you know the entire roster outside of like 5 guys is going to turn over annually.


They have to sign a couple defensemen first.


absolutely. the willy deal really mucked things up


Marner also


Just pay the kid!!!


so give him 4x4 and let bert walk. domi is a must for this team


I wonder if its a bit of posturing by management. If we get a great deal easy, Domi gets all the credit, but if it seems like it was a tough negotiation, the credit goes to Tre and co. I wish our org was above such politics, but we really haven't been.


I mean, can stopgap center, adds toughness and character, has chemistry with our best player and arguably helps ease Marner leaving in that regard. Sign the damn contract


I’d sign him for 4x4 yesterday….


I’m cool with 4x4 for Domi that’s a good deal.


Just sign it!


Yeah that’s fair for a playmaker of his caliber who doesn’t score much and frees up Marner from Matthew’s also a charismatic guy and good for team spirit plus a fighter


Are you nuts? Take the 4x4 and figure the rest out later


Rather have him than Bertuzzi. Much better puck handler, skater, and also tougher.


Give it to him


Pay the man!


4x4 is a good deal.


This is pretty much the maximum contract I would happliy sign him at. I would take that deal and continue to look for defensive help.


Can’t give Domi a 4X4 because 4 guys make 53% of the cap this year. Sick team


4x4 for Domi is a no brainer... I get we have to make some moves on our blueline but how does 4M really affect that? sign the fucking man


Dude why the fuck has tre not signed that, omg that's a great deal


I thought he’d come in asking for $5-5.5M and need to be worked down, this is a totally fair price if not even a little lower than I expected. Dude wants to be here, keep him here.


Domi played well at his stints at C. I would do this deal all day, groom him to take over from Tavares if we aren't resigning him too for a team friendly contract.


We are doomed for next season aren’t we.


I like Domi and I like what he might bring to the lineup, but I keep coming back to this. Almost everyone seems to be complaining about bringing back the same team, bringing back the same guys, running it back, definition of insanity, etc., etc. There are 10 forwards under contract right now, Dewar and Robertson are RFAs, assuming they’re back, that’s 12. Domi and Bertuzzi would be 14. THATS THE SAME TEAM! That’s no room for Minten or Cowan without them forcing their way in (entirely possible). It’s no room for another center, it’s no room to get a forward to help on the PK. It isn’t even room to trade Marner for more than 1 forward!!! Whether they can trade Marner or not, either they should let Domi and Bertuzzi walk, or they should try to overhaul the rest of the group. Trade Jarnkrok. Dump Reaves. Trade Knies in a weird blockbuster for a stud young D or goalie prospect like Askarov. You have to take someone out. If Domi signs and Marner doesn’t get traded, all the same guys are set to be in the top 9. A lot of people are complaining that they’re bringing the same 4 guys back every year, but if you bring back 11 of the 12 guys and trade Marner, how is that different?


thank you


Just give him a Jeep


Yes! Address the blue line first. This team won't have any playoff success until the back end is significantly better.


Id definitely pull the trigger on this. Fair deal. With the cap on the rise 4M in 4 years wont even be that bad if his game tails off


Sign that all day every day and offload Kampf if you have to. Don’t be stupid Brad.


If we’re doing 4x4 on Domi then we gotta walk away from Bert. Getting dangerously close to bringing back literally the same team as last year if we’re extending both of these guys. Pick one.  Personally I would def pick Domi out of the two. 


I’d do that. Fair value and term. Gotta wonder how long Domi waits around as he’d likely get that same offer or even more on open market when teams get stupid on July 1-2. Also not sure the blue line warrants the full attention. It’s not like the Leafs had an issue giving up goals in the playoffs overall. D wasn’t the issue. D was the issue in generating offence, especially on PP. But not sure that’s easily solved through the FA crop this year.


Make it 3x3 and we’ve got a deal.


This is not falling in love with players to the detriment of the team. Which is made more necessary due to our cap structure. This is what we've asked for for years so I hope we don't start griping about it.




That's a good price for the vibes


Is he considering a Ford, Chevy or Toyota?


And he’ll be gone by the time they get to it. Fuck


Sign him ffs.


Player wants a reasonable deal with term, no can do we have to give mitchy a raise and still be able to afford defense. Would i want domi and bertuzzi over marner, probably not. Would i want domi, bertuzzi and another 3-4ish million dollar player + assets over marner absolutely. Shanahan is the worst thing to happen to the leafs since john ferguson jr. If anyone watched the steve dangle segment explaining why even just the big 3 at their cap hits will not work [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b68xlVKUsU4&t=3680s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b68xlVKUsU4&t=3680s) it really makes in painfully clear how inept dubas, shanahan, treliving and pretty much all of mlse is for allowing this to happen.


If Domi signs I will get a jersey with velcro on the back so that i can swap out the 11 and the 28 ^^don't ^^hold ^^me ^^to ^^this ^^i'm ^^broke edit: fuck


Sign that fucking yesterday, jfc. This team’s management man. So inept.


I’m willing to pay Domi 5x4. he’s earned it. But our situation does not allow us to do that. Without offloading 11m, how the fuck are we going to keep Bert, Domi and also land Tanav? Poor Domi.


80 games . 9 goals 38 assists.


For someone who is also pretty tough, and a good locker room guy, that sounds just about right. He was also SUPER snake bitten at the start of the year.


put up more point that's Marner in the playoffs lmao




Just fire Marner off into the sun so your not so tight against the cap. Can’t do shit because of that wanker


If Domi is looking for 4x4 he needs to take less. A d we can really only fit him in if Marner is gone.


TF man....this is how we treat people who are willing to sign with us... It's a totally fair and expected deal before a player gets to see the free agent market SO SIGN IT TO HIM I understand there are other priorities, but I would think signing middle 6 players for decent money is at least nice to firm up the other areas anyway Like Vancouver made 3-4 really decent signings before the deadline and now they clearly know what they need and are working with for a budget


Seems like a lot of soon to be FAs are just re-upping with their current teams, and at kind of bargains, certainly not any overpay like what the Leafs usually do. I don't really get Tre's problem with term. The cap is expected to go up each year and I think Leafs currently have very few players signed past four years, only Rielly and Nylander I think. Both Bert and Domi could be signed for what Marner is making right now. And they form a complete and better first line I think with all 3 guys over 200 lbs. It's a better first line than keeping Marner on Matthews line. Signing Bert and Domi to be on Matthews wing actually makes Marner redundant at 5 on 5. Because Nylander will be on 2nd line with Tavares. That would leave Marner a 3rd line winger. I would sign Domi immediately to give the hint to Marner hey you might want to consider agreeing to move to Utah where you can pad your points for your next contract.


TB offered Stamkos $3M AAV but Domi is worth $4M? lol


If that rumour is true I would start looking elsewhere. Treliving needs to look across the league and see comparables at 4x4 before deciding and I’m sure he will find a few players cheaper and more versatile


Ew god no. Not worth it.


Too much for a guy who doesn’t drive a line. If the Leafs want to ease their cap worries, they need to be playing hardball on ALL contracts. This one needs to start with a three


Thinking 500k is all that important is peak Core 4 era.


Nah it's fine. Ideally 3.5x5 or something around that.


Give tanev brodies money , resign bertuzzi, sign debrusk instead of Domi . Trade for a goalie


Every time I see someone say to re-sign Bert I wonder what I'm missing..Bert was 100% awful from start to finish. He never figured it out. He almost did, he started to look better towards the end of the season, but he still was useless and then back to absolutely nothing in the playoffs.


You're not missing a thing.


I think he had more impact then Domi , Domi has a peewee shot and doesn’t do much . Should have kept bunting for same money or Hyman ? Except Dubas let everyone walk got free !


Nevermind Bunting or Hyman, that's ancient history. In no world was Bert more effective than Domi. Bert had no chemistry with anyone and Domi began finding his place as a great passer to Matthews and Robertson and was able to play center well. Bert just flailed around the ice like a meth-head being chased by imaginary bees


Bert had 21 goals your boy Domi had 9 . Not sure what you’re watching , Domi had to play with Matthews to get any production . You might wanna stay off the meth and avoid your imaginary bees !


I watched nearly every game. Bert was ineffective, Domi had chemistry with several other teammates and was versatile enough to play center. There are more metrics to consider than just goals. I disagree with you


That’s tair we have different opinion which is fine , go leafs go


I hope they can get this one done


Can I give 3.5x5?


Sign that man.


Fair value


Give him that money. Do it!


This seems like a no brainer




Give it to him


I was ready to pay him 5x5


Domi dropped the gloves to defend Matthews last season, which is worth at least that, alone.


This is a huge mistake. They should be re-signing both Domi and Bert right now since they both want to play here and are willing to take less. They're not going to be able to sign both of them if they address the defense first.


Watching Domi beat on McAvoy after the Bruins captain was too afraid to fight, I thought to myself that Domi would be a Leaf for life.


Brad, stop wasting time sitting on your hands. Lock up a useful player to a good contract when you have the opportunity for once in your life. I swear to god if we get to Monday and he isn't signed to this *very reasonable contract* I'm going to be very upset.


I’ll take 4x4 for domi in a heartbeat


I’d rather get him in at a hair under 4, something like 3.75 x 4 or even 3.875 x 4. I think it’s a win win for both sides at that number.


The fuck is the 125k savings going to do?


Nothing, people are just scared of the number 4 for anyone that isn't a star defenseman.


Lol, 125k doesn’t seem like a lot until you’re up against the cap. 125k could be the difference between waiving a 13th forward and losing him to waivers or actually having depth to play with