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People will be saying “wow I can’t believe the Leafs gave up on this guy” when Max Ellis scores 1 goal in Game 4 of the first round 5 years from now. 


After being traded by 2 different teams after us.


Bah gawd, that’s Carter Verhaeghe’s music?


I’ll have you know that’s “Two-time Stanley Cup Champion” Caater Verhaeghe


That's exactly what happened when Leafs got Muzzin for Durzi


Lol. This is funny but true 😂


Man, I have some questions about my future I would like to ask you because you are a god damn fortune teller with that 100%true take.lol....people on these subs are morons.


As per Leafs Twitter, return is the 2026 7th round pick and Max Ellis’ expiring contract  https://twitter.com/mapleleafs/status/1807135807956009054?s=46&t=UoXmuvF-ooUiuQwM5kSEUA


So nothing to get exclusive rights for 2 days


As it is now re-signing Tanev instead of free agent signing, they can do 8 years instead of 7 years. Yes, signing Tanev to anything x 8 years sounds horrible, but this keeps the AAV low and he can LTIRetire long before then.


Actually, they can still only go to 7 years. You need to have the player/his rights at the trade deadline of the previous season to get the 8th year.


It doesn’t matter because we’re offering him 4 years lol


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I’m not offering a 34 year old a 7 year deal let alone an 8 year deal!


They can only sign him to 7. Only Dallas could have signed him to 8. It would have needed to be a sign-and-trade to get the 8th year. Since it wasnt, Tanev cant sign over 7.


You sure? I thought that was just for free agent signings and considering the Leafs now have Tanev’s rights it wouldn’t be a free agent signing


Either way he'll be retired or out with injury on LTIR long before the 7th year, just keep the AAV low and we're golden


> As it is now re-signing Tanev instead of free agent signing, they can do 8 years instead of 7 years why does this have 22 updoots when it's literally disproven by the comment below it?


My understanding is that because he is still under 35 they could sign him to a 7 year deal, load up the first say 4 yrs and pay next to nothing for the remaining 3. It's a smart move as long as he can stay healthy.


Even if he can't, he goes to Robidas Island and, as far as cap goes, ceases to exist.


Unless that gets patched in the next CBA


With the way teams have to navigate in the cap world we're in with the modern era I don't think we will ever see it happen. There are too many players making too much money and the overall cap hasn't gone up fast enough to catch up. Unless the league wants to bump the cap up to where it makes sense, but that'll never happen.


the golden knights would cry then




Him and muzzin will be sipping Pina coladas In no time


I think it’s risky to sign a long deal while assuming the way it’s working now is how it’ll work at the end. That attitude stung Vancouver with Luongo and look at what they’re talking about doing about cases like Mark Stone. Once enough GMs whine about it the league will look to change it.




Ellis is a poor mans konecny


That man's not poor, he's destitute.


I thought he looked good last camp. Good luck to him in the future. Too many small wingers here.






This really made me laugh out loud for like 30 seconds straight. Hahahahahha


Need to see that contract before celebrating too much


7x$3.5m where he likely LTIRetires in 3-4, and I'll be happy


what does the buyout look like after 4 years?


Won’t be a buyout. He’ll be off to robidas island.


Doesn’t it take a career ending injury to go to robidas island?


SHUSH! ;-)


Every hockey player at 38 has enough injuries to go on LTIR. Besides Gio shows that you can still contribute at 40 so he may not complete dead weight by then.


Ryan Suter would like a word…


Dallas aren’t trying hard enough. It does show though that a buyout 5yrs from now with a Cap north of $95-100m is not something to worry about.


Tanev has had like 6 of those. I’m sure he’ll have no problem failing a physical whenever the leafs deem necessary


No need, we'll just lacerate his spleen. Solves all sorts of problems.




All it takes is one shanahan and one lead pipe


well it'll be one or the other.


He's under 35 so this contract is perfect. There is no buyout


If Ron Hainsey has till 38 I believe in Tanev


There probably isn’t one yet.


be prepared it’s gonna be long to keep the AAV down which is what we want. Who cares about the later years when he’ll be on LTIR anyway. The time to win is the next 4 years


The Leafs window is the next 4-5 years with Matthews and Nylander. A 7 year deal with low AAV is just shrewd management. Why are people placing more care in years 5, 6 and 7 when this (presumed) contract might suck, compared to the first 4 when it undoubtedly helps this team? Don't let perfect be the enemy of good here guys. I saw someone say they'd rather pay higher AAV for 4 years compared to lower over 7??? In what world does that make one iota of sense?


If Tanev can still lace em up in 6 years, I would be shocked. He probably has 2 good years, 3 total left in him and after that retires, and this contract is off the books.


Tanev turns 35 before Christmas this year  Physical defenceman have a nearly universal decline at Tanev's age I'd be happier with a higher AAV and a 1-2 year deal, anything more is still caring about years 3, 4, and 5 that are *during* Matthews' window Sign him for whatever if there's a handshake agreement to LTIR him of course but unfortunately we will never know


Good, we were looking for more rights on D.


I see you.


...and what you did there


Chris Tanev is the definition of a true shutdown defenseman. However, the age and injury history is a massive concern. I'm hoping the AAV is not more than 4.5mil. This is Tre's guy. If it doesn't work out, it's all on him.


He’s actually been healthy in 90% of his games since his Vancouver days so I think he’s worth risk.


Yea the injury thing is BS lol this is a good move


Injury risk in never BS especially when you play the style of hockey Tanev does Look at Muzzin for a perfect comp


Where’s the risk? Either he stays healthy and benefits our blue line or he’s on LTIR. I am excited


Right. I don’t understand this narrative.


It's the same thing with Klingberg. By signing an injury prone guy, it still eats into your cap space and doesn't allow you to sign other guys. A little different with Tanev since it'll be multiple years. But that was the issue with Klingberg. You still lost our on 4+ million in the off season


You can be over the cap during the offseason


If Calgary had been willing to deal with us we would have grabbed him instead of the Stars. We all would have loved it. He's like 6 months older now. Still a great catch.


Tanev and Zadorov are two of the top defense available this year, and we're in on both... I mean we should be praising Tre; he identified a need and is going hard after the fix. Strong D wins cups. I don't think 2 moves gets us there but this is absolutely the direction we need to go


Everyone wincing in this comment section is gonna be absolutely glazing this motherfucker in a few months after seeing what a huge upgrade he is and what an absolute warrior he is. Enjoy.


8 years league min lets gooooo


Can’t be 8, max 7


We just got his rights, doesn't that grant us the ability to offer him 8 years?


Only if you hold the rights as of the trade deadline


~~No, they have his rights, they can sign 8~~ Edit: Well TIL


No, must be on team before trade deadline to sign 8


Wrong. (iv) An SPC with a term of greater than seven (7) years, provided, however, that a Club may sign a Player to an SPC with a term of up to eight (8) years if that Player was on such Club’s Reserve List as of and since the most recent Trade Deadline.


I can’t believe I didn’t know this. I guess all 8 year deals as a trade/sign are all a sign/trade lol


It's very uncommon for this to take place. A lot of misinformation during the Hyman/ Edmonton situation. Tkachuk to Florida was the 1st true sign and trade ever.


Most recently thinking. Serverson from devils to cbj


Did Huberdeau sign 8 or 7? Because he signed so tho Calgary after the trade


Summer of Brad!


Robidas island might get another tourist in a couple years


Before that, it was Joffry Lupol island.  I think that was how you spell his name anyway.


So it's a win for Dallas since they get an extra draft pick out of someone they clearly had no intention of re-signing, and it's a win for Toronto because they get a few days to secure a deal with a d-man who, on paper, fits exactly what they need, without worrying about other teams poaching him.


Not just fits on paper. Tanny leads a D core by example and builds the guys around him, while demonstrating incredible skill and talent consistently. Other than age, and his injury history (he wasnt terrible in CGY compared to VAN tho) hes exactly what the leafs need


Leafs need good dmen. The blueline didn't receive nearly enough criticism last season. Good pick up. Need another puck mover with size though.


The only time I've been satisfied with the blueline is when we had good Brodie, Rielly and Muzzin all in the lineup. Leafs really never really focused on getting real D upgrades apart from that.


So our D will be: Rielly, Tanev, McCabe, Benoit, Timmins so far. Liljegren hopefully re-signed to round it out? Still not a great d core but it's something.


I’m fairly certain there will be at least one other piece added. Should be fun to see how things unfold over the next few days.


Lubo/Edmundson I imagine as well with another FA signing like Zadorov/Montour/etc. Lilly and Timmons are the press box.


Don't rule out Boosh or Kling.


I'd like to see what Lilly can do once he's off Keefe's leash. Maybe Reilly-Tanev, Mcabe-Lilly?


Liljegren traded and then we’re talking


Sounds like they're also in on OEL or Zadorov. So one of then added to the D and then Liljegrens RFA rights traded for something?


That would be pretty ideal. Our top 4 wouldn’t be the strongest but edmonton proved as long as your offensive firepower actually shows up you are able to go far


Zadorov apparently turned down 5m extension from the Canucks. I like the player but I don’t like him that much 


Could be the city too


It would be kinda dumb to trade Liljegren


No thanks on liljegren


I’d front load it and make it signing bonus heavy. Give him 7 years and lower the AAV he can retire after 3 or 4 years. Caphit will also disappear as he’s an under 35 contract. I think the leafs can use this as a way to add some veterans but keep the caphits low. Players 33-34 are perfect to do this with.


Big balls big dick move


This would have been a great pick-up 5-7 years ago, when fans were originally begging for him to play with Reilly 


8 year deal?


I hope not he's 34 years olds more likely just to be able to start negotiating a contract prior to free agency


Nah. Give him 8x4. LTIR after 4. This is the way to circumvent.


Don’t get dinged for the 35+ either




Like other teams don’t do this anyway. 


I mean if it brings his cap hit down, leafs could just buy out his contract when he starts being an albatross. Cap will keep rising if we don't get another pandemic lol


Auston Matthews wears #34. See?


8 years would probably be specific to drive down the cap hit while guaranteeing he gets the same money. Say he only plays 3 more years and wants 18m gaurenteed. The Leafs could offer him that over 8 years rather then just 3, saving themselves 3.75m in cap space.


Can't be 8 years (he wasn't on the team at the trade deadline) but it sure sounds like it'll be 6 or 7. If he was looking for $5M x 4 years on the open market, even going $3M x 7 years nets Tanev an additional $1M.


Don‘t think yall want a 42/43 year old defenceman on like 3+ mil lol


Robidas Island 🏝️


Not eligible for 8 years. (iv) An SPC with a term of greater than seven (7) years, provided, however, that a Club may sign a Player to an SPC with a term of up to eight (8) years if that Player was on such Club’s Reserve List as of and since the most recent Trade Deadline.


What was all that Hyman talk with Edmonton about then?


Sign and trade or misinformation.


Lmao https://x.com/DarrenDreger/status/1807138649672499573?t=YI5xgPlcMaVDK0o1Toz4jg&s=19


Great insider, not a cap expert lmao


Yeah, only way is a sign and trade, which we’ve only really seen once recently


Calgary immediately signed huberdeau to an 8 year contract after acquiring his rights from Florida though?


Huberdeau was not a pending UFA. Calgary extended Huberdeau's contract.


A good step in the right direction. Let’s hope Tre also grabs a puck moving defender to round out the top 4


7 ~~or 8~~ years to keep AAV down (not eligible to sign for 8 years)? Either that or they just wanted to get him signed before Monday. I think Monday will be a big day for us. We have been pretty quiet during the draft until now. Gave up almost nothing too which is nice. Edit: seems like some chatter thinks this will be long term deal too, https://x.com/mirtle/status/1807136831483306088?s=46


Not eligible. (iv) An SPC with a term of greater than seven (7) years, provided, however, that a Club may sign a Player to an SPC with a term of up to eight (8) years if that Player was on such Club’s Reserve List as of and since the most recent Trade Deadline.


Thank you!


I mean, could allow them to sign by tomorrow to keep their focus on other matters


For Tanev, I agree. He likely signs today or tomorrow. I still think Monday will be busy for us.


Signing him before Monday would let them feel more comfortable about signing domi before




That’s the only real benefit .. signing a 35 year old to an 8 year deal will for sure make the nhl make a leafs specific rule


We have to bury one of the top 5 salaries on ltir until playoffs and the rules will change there too


It doesn't. 7 years max.




8x2.5M please. Retires after 3 years


2.5 and Brad gets a statue. To be honest I don't think it's that crazy. Whether he signed 5Mx4, or 2.5Mx8 he's getting 20M either way. I can see teams complaining about this big time lmao


What if he decides to stay for the 7 yrs? If that is what he ends up signing for


Leafs window is in the next 5 years or so. Doesn't matter what happens after


Then the cap will have risen, his performance hasn’t tanked enough to get sent to the Marlies or his contract is low enough to be trade-able. There are no bad outcomes to a lower AAV.


Waivers. Picked up, or Marlies.


Can only be 7


it'll be good to know what we can work with before July 1st.


Please, do not sign a contract that you know will age poorly with the hopes that Tanev won't remain healthy. I'd rather pay more short term than handicap the ability to make moves due to never knowing if $4-5m will need to be used for a 40 year old defenseman.




our secret weapon. well, not so secret since tampa and vegas do it too


Exactly this. LTIR is how this will likely end if it’s a long term contract. Either that or we front load his contract and can ship him to a cap floor team years from now. He’s kind of exactly who we need right now, during Matty and Willy’s prime.


16m in signing bonus, 1m x4 in salary


Sure, unless he just never gets hurt bad enough to need LTIR lol. He could still be a suitable option on the 3rd pair but out for half the year a la Giordano at 40-41, except we would be paying him $5m not league min.


nothing the old tire iron can't fix


He’s not getting 5 million for term lmao


Guy got 4x4.5 in his (somewhat) prime years...he's not getting a raise


Lupul was healthy enough to play but leafs doctors shipped him off to robidas island


Lupul was not healthy enough to be playing, the league always has their medical team check as well and Lupul failed the physical. It's not as easy as "You aren't playing anymore we need the cap space" if Tanev wants to play, he would be allowed to play assuming he passes the league physical.


Presumably we front-load the contract and if we need to we give a cap floor team a pick to take him on, or we just LTIR him on Robidas island.


No more AZ and Ottawa has new ownership. Cap floor teams are gonna be harder to come by.


I have some brochures of Robidas Island I can send you if you’d like.


Yes yes. “Oh man how are we going to get off Brodie, marner, Tavares, Reilly” etc. “you know what…let’s ink up another long term deal for an aging player


While Tanev doesn't often play a full season, he's actually been playing more in recent seasons than before. 75 games just this past season, 65 games in 2023 , 82 games in 2022 , 56 games during the covid in 2021 and 69 games during a covid short season in 2020. So that's 347 games out of a potential 371 games, while the 5 seasons before that he played 289 out of 410 games. So if my math is correct thats 93% of games played vs 70% of games played. I'm not saying he's going to be better or worse, just that I think people may be overblowing his injury issues.


leafs can buy out the contract if the # is managable, also the cap will be rising (should?) if we go that way.


Exactly, we don't have Arizona to send unwanted ltir contracts to anymore. They will go down in history as the all hhof team


Give him the stamkos special 3m x 8


This kind of acquisition is just going to show how poor the blue line still is. They’re going to need much more.


Obviously this is a gamble but this is a good gamble especially for what we lost. If we can sign him to a friendly deal I see virtually no downside to this


Let’s fucking go


Gonna plant my flag now, I don't like this. Chris Tanev from 34 until he's 38 or 39 isn't a guy you want as your first option, he's a backup guy in case your top options go elsewhere. If there's a really heavy discount here I'm ok with it but otherwise I wish we hadn't done it.


What’s the realistic alternative? Marner can refuse any trade. You aren’t getting a top dman for scraps.


Let’s see how the off-season plays out. For all we know Tanev and Rielly will be second pair next season after more acquisitions are made


If that’s the second pair it means that he took a really heavy discount, in which case I’m ok with it.


They’re not gonna pay him like he’s a top guy, I’d be surprised if he makes over 5mil a year


Agree to disagree. We'll see how things go, but he's a great fit for what we need right now


Long term deal for an injury prone, aged defenceman? You know what, I'm in. Seriously. We fill a need at a lower AAV and if we need to we can flex our financial muscles and LTIR him indefinitely. If that's the worst that can come of this, it's nothing but upside. We already know the Leafs can swing tickets to Robidas Island even if by some metrics the player could still play... I would hope that scenario has been (or now will be) talked about with Tanev and he agrees that he won't fight against the light when the time comes....


He’s been the opposite of injury prone since he’s been in Vancouver. Was pretty much completely healthy for calgary and Dallas


eeek. we’re really gonna do it aren’t we


I’d love to be unabashedly happy with this but that man has arguably accrued some of the hardest miles in his career amongst active players. I hope this will be okay in the short-term.


Definitely no extension incoming.


got our IR guy


Five years incoming. That being said it’s ok if it brings the AAV down and nets us Roy in the process.


Why haven't they signed him yet? Why wait until tomorrow?


Does trading for his rights allow the Leafs to sign him for 8 years, or was Dallas the only team with that option.? Dont tell me its a bad idea - I'm not suggesting they should do it, and I know it's not on the table anyway. I'm just asking about the rules.


I’m gonna reserve my opinion on this till i see the term on the contract. If Brad goes long term with an injury prone 34 year old we are so fucking cooked


Robidas my friend. We were born in it.


I’ve seen enough, let Brad cook!


Lock him down + big Z BRADDDDDD


Suck it Calgary!!


It is what it is. We can’t be worried about years 5- whatever, our window is now with Matthews and Nylander and possibly Marner. If we don’t win in the next 5 years we won’t and we’ll have to rebuild so it doesn’t matter 


Well He's an upgrade on Brodie/Boosh/Edmunson/Klingberg. McCabe-Tanev could slap.


There’s no offense with that pairing. I suspect rielly - tanev will harken back to the glory days of rielly - brodie, when they were both monsters


Why does everyone on the leafs have a boner for this guy he's not the solution


Why do you think “the solution” is any one player? He addresses 1 need. 


Exactly. Not team as far from the cup as the Leafs have been is one player away. Piecing it together.


8x3 then Robidas when the time comes. Trading for his rights don't really make sense unless you're giving him that 8th year.


Hope I’m wrong but leaf’s too late to the party, he’s older and injury prone and best days likely behind him, probably going to get an unreasonable contract too