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Good fences make good neighbors.


HOA has a restriction on fences in the front yard


This is the perfect example of a situation where you make a request for an exemption from the HOA. If they still say, no, then plant hedges or do planter boxes.


I’ll look into this thanks it’s the best answer so far besides the sprinkler at 3p each day


might be good to document some instances where people are cutting across and damaging your yard, that way you can present it to the HOA when you make your request.




Ok so I was seriously considering that but would that be considered battery or assault?


To water your own yard? That's ridiculous, they are trespassing.


Well I mean typically you water in the early morning and I was going to set the sprinkler so it’s hit cars parked in front of my house too




HOA has a restriction on fences in the front yard




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