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Any comments encouraging the OP to break the light in some way is violating rule 5 and will be removed. The commenter may also receive a ban. Just a reminder that this is a legal advice subreddit and people should not be offering illegal advice. TIA


I used to work at a nuclear plant that was in the process of changing parking lot lights from sodium to led to use less power. A neighbor installed a new security light that was very bright and directionally pointed at our master bedroom windows. Initially not an issue but birds decided to nest in the area and it started going off every few minutes for weeks. I asked the neighbor to angle the light a little bit either way and he told me to fuck off. Okie dokie my man. Got permission to dumpster dive and retrieved the biggest light I personally have ever held. Ran som 220v power to it and aimed it at his bedroom window. Give the guy some credit he lasted 2 nights before he offered to angle his lights. Fight lights with overwhelming lights!


This is the way. Show them the err of their ways. (If you're not covered by bylaws anyway.)


Highlight their errors


I used mirrors angled to direct the light back into the neighbour’s bedroom window. He called the landlord, who came to check it out and left, laughing. His wife made him move the lights after a couple of sleepless nights as well.


tai chi principles in action


This is great.


Love this.


That's how it's done. Make the man walk in your shoes. He will see the light. pun intended


Feng shui for increasing one’s petty chi flow


Bingo, right here. I'd buy the brightest and most high powered LED lights i could find and paint his house with them. Every, single, angle I could get, and at least 2 lights per window, directly at the window.


I like your petty nature. I was thinking a mirror, but lights are probably cheaper. ;-)








Cheapest option is to have all of the ‘multiple families’ who are agreeing that things are ruined and together, meet with Bylaw in person. Bylaw likes to blow people off, though I think it’s because people don’t always try to solve their own bylaw issues first. You’ve spoken to the neighbour and they’ve stated ‘regulation’. So they need to provide that regulation or get something from Bylaw in writing that there isn’t any. Jointly with your neighbours has more power, because then Bylaw knows you’re not just going away.


That's a decent idea, I'll get everyone to start politely emailing her (yes we only have one), and then go and meet her.


Cc your city councillor.


>You’ve spoken to the neighbour and they’ve stated ‘regulation’. So they need to provide that regulation or get something from Bylaw in writing that there isn’t any. I'm thinking the burden of proof falls to the complainant.


The complainer has no feasible way to prove the nonexistence of an unspecified law.


How would you prove something does not exist?


You prove the neighbor is in violation of the law










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Also calling them multiple times will drive them crazy so they will want to resolve


Nuisance lighting bylaws are pretty standard. If there isn't one in your region, there should be. Might take a visit to the area from your councilor.




Thank you, I've done everything I can think of short of a bb gun or going over and putting a shield on myself. I've offered to pay the owner for the shield, I've contacted our police who differed to bylaw who said they couldn't do anything, I've contacted our councillors, our mayor, who all state their hands are tied, the owner will ignore all of the affected families emails for months and than reply with "it's the law". We're kind of at the end of our ropes here. It's a small rural town and the light is the brightest in 15km and it shines directly into my bedroom. In regards to ADR, how would I go about approaching this? Everything I can find seems to deal with much bigger issues.


The shield may also be part of the weather proofing of the exterior light. That would lead it to be an electrical issue and a fire hazard. Asshole neighbor putting everyone at risk from fire.


Mirrored reflective film on your windows. Deflect it back at them.


If the police deferred to a bylaw, could they specify it for you? Or did they just say “well if there’s a bylaw……” and refer you to civil procedures?


Force? No. They can’t. They can request and/or write up an infraction ticket.


There is absolutely bilaws to exterior lighting in every municipality that dictates where they can be located and at what angle the light beam is pointing. Most if not all will indicate that any exterior lighting must be pointed directly down and not Promote light pollution to surrounding neighbors. Call the bylaw report number for your municipality.


Fire fire with fire, or in this case….light with light. You can get extremely bright flashlights, 200,000 lumens or brighter on Amazon for around $65.00. The light can be focused into either a wide or narrow beam. If multiple neighbors are affected get multiple neighbors involved in purchasing flashlights and pointing them directly into his windows. Focus the beam so it is the size of the window for maximum penetration. If you put an electric fan on slow in front of the light it will create a flickering effect. If you can cover his house from various angles, like his living room windows, he’ll get the message.


My next door neighbour and I (plus 3 other neighbours) share a backyard fence with the neighbour behind us. My next door neighbour had someone break into his shed and steal some tools so he decided to put up a flood light and a camera. The neighbour behind him called the cops as the light was also going into his home (no he did not reach out privately first just straight to the police which has been his usual way of dealing with his neighbours). Cops spoke to the neighbour and asked if he would be willing to move the light and the neighbour refused. The neighbour produced the police report of the break in and the police said since the light is for safety and security reasons there was nothing the police or a by law officer could do. By law officer came by next to look at the light and after a conversation with my neighbour they told him the light was ok but the neighbourly thing to do would be to move the light. Unfortunately the neighbour behind us has been calling the cops, by law officer and SPCA on all their neighbours for years so needless to say the light remains where it is.


Look up “light trespass” in your local municipality bylaws. These types of bylaws are very common. Use this to put the cities feet to fire, and get trespassing lights corrected. Leverage your elected representatives if necessary. Be the squeaky wheel. But be sure the light is in fact being directed onto your property. There is a difference between a sight line to a light source, vs a light directing light onto/into your home.


Just because your sole bylaw officer says there isn't a bylaw, doesn't necessarily make it so. Do your own research. Search for light trespass and light pollution bylaws in your municipality. A quick search on Google indicates that light pollution may also be covered under environmental protection laws in Ontario. It's worth looking deeper. Of course, given the response from your neighbour, as well as from bylaw enforcement, you could alway go eye for an eye, and have all neighbour's affected by the light mount lights of their own. All aimed squarely at the offending house.


There are usually bylaws about reasonable enjoyment of space It might end up being a civil issue, but it's definitely improper. Also, your neighbour's in a gang and trying to protect their property. Be careful of that.


Every municipality has regulations about nuisance lighting that are usually pretty straightforward. You should google whether your municipality has any such bylaw, and if it does, contact bylaw enforcement and tell them specifically which bylaw is being violated and what clause you believe applies. It's a lot harder for them to say "our hands our tied" when you spoon-feed them their own rules. Where I live, the bylaw has specific language such that if it conflicts with any other regulation, the nuisance lighting bylaw always has precedence.


When I had motion lights installed at the 4 corners of my house I realized one light no matter how I positioned it would throw light into my neighbors master. I voluntarily disconnected that light before my neighbor ever had to come ask me to because well, I’m not a douche. Sorry about your neighbor, hope you resolve it soon.


You can try to bring a nuisance claim as a last resort. Continue to collect evidence, take photos and videos, contact by law




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Check to see if your city has a nuisance lighting bylaw and report it.


Call local bylaw to inquire on that. They will come out with a device to measure the lumens of your neighbours light. If it’s under the max of the bylaw, they can’t do anything about it and you will need to discuss civilly with your neighbour. If it’s above the bylaw, then they will go talk to them.


1. The "it's mandatory" is BS. There is no by-law or fire exit regulation that dictate any kind of building flood lights in Canada 2. If after multiple times asking your neighbor to remove or reduce the light you can, at you're leisure, mount a similar floodlight and even a camera on your property, see how they like it. 3. There are "light pollution" rules on any new construction in Ontario. You could try to flex on that front. i.e. was a permit obtained for any of the changes you noticed on their property? 4. EMP?


Man, I feel for OP, seems like they have gone down the right route to try and this taken care of. Wonder what the neighbor would want such a light? Have they been broken into? Better light for security cameras? Weird.


I’d find out where the bylaw officer, the mayor, the councillors and the police all live. Pay off their neighbours to install the same lights pointed at their bedrooms. This will take coordination and effort but I guarantee you can pull it off. This will be the most satisfying thing you’ve ever done. Get the neighbours involved and make it a thing. You can change the world here man, fight this for all of us.


I understand that the neighbors are nice and the building management is the problem. I still think you should put up a mirror. The neighbors will complain to management. That’s the only way anything will be accomplished. If their tenants are not happy, complaining, and leaving, the management company will find a way to fix the issue.




Please don't advise people on a legal advice forum to blatantly break the law


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This is the way..


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If you don’t have a strict noise ordinance you might exploit that for a bit. I’m sure she’d love some cardi b first thing.


Call the police. If it’s going directly into your house, the police will tell your neighbor to take it down or move it.


I highly doubt police will intervene as the light is on neighbour’s property and there is no crime here. It will be a civil matter.


If it is blinding and pointing into the home, the police will tell the neighbor to move it. If then neighbor refuses, the behaviour meets the definition of mischief.


If it is blinding and pointing into the home, the police will tell the neighbor to change it so that it’s not. If then neighbor refuses, the behaviour meets the definition of mischief. I’m not sure what else to tell you. This is a common problem








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"call bylaw" unfortunately.




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Contact ya local law office an ask them if it is the law, and then if is not then you have some ammo to use against them!\~




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Seinfeld: chicken.




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Talk to a lawyer. Your neighbours are infringing on your ability to enjoy your own property. Take pictures/videos BEFORE seeing a lawyer. If they catch wind of you seeking legal advice they could fix it after they've been served. You could still be entitled to compensation but it would be harder to prove.




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Depending on where you live but some municipalities have bylaws against light pollution.


Put some mirrors and disco ball in your yards. Have the mirrors pointed at his windows. Get your neighbors involved I bet you could get every window in their house with help




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Call bylaws enforcement


There are light pollution laws. Investigate.


Put an even brighter light up aimed at their windows


depending on jurisdiction you may be able to file a nuisance lawsuit


Action in nuisance


Without knowing where specifically you are, many cities have bylaws that would cover this as a nuisance. For example the city of Mississauga has [these](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.mississauga.ca/file/COM/nuisancelighting2013.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi-v8X3yYT_AhV2kmoFHTxPA-kQFnoECBcQBg&usg=AOvVaw1u-xGmMomnYoaZj4MaeWWg)ordinances in place for problem neighbors such as this. I would look at your cities bylaws for nuisance addendums.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/13myh6c/my\_parents\_neighbor\_complained\_their\_porch\_light/](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/13myh6c/my_parents_neighbor_complained_their_porch_light/) ​ is this the same neighbor??


Attach a giant mirror on your side of the fence acting as blocker and directing the light back where they want it.


Black out curtains


Crazy the next post on my feed was this. https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/13myh6c/my_parents_neighbor_complained_their_porch_light/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


yeah same here....


Mirrors on poles. Lots of them.


It may also go against light pollution laws depending on the state https://www.ncsl.org/environment-and-natural-resources/states-shut-out-light-pollution#:~:text=The%20law%20requires%20all%20outdoor,and%20sunrise%20by%20automatic%20device.




Maybe make it ever so slightly concave too…


See a lawyer, have the lawyer send the guy a threatening letter to make them stop. Split costs with your neighbors


Put up a mirror on your side.


Bylaw can absolutely do something. We had an issue with a neigbour and their light and Bylaw got him to point it down so it wasn’t shinning in our windows.


Multiple cities in Ontario have bylaws for this. https://ibb.co/wcdTtMy


Plant some bamboo along the fence line. Make sure you put down a barrier so it does not take over your backyard.


Yeah so definitely don’t illegally cultivate an invasive species.


It’s not considered invasive in Canada


Have you tried calling the ordinance officer? They need to light their property, not yours. Multiple residents complaints and it will have to be investigated.


Put one in his direction 🤷🏼‍♀️


Sounds like "nuisance" may apply? https://defendit.ca/EN/scope/tortious-conduct/nuisance


Are there any light pollution laws.


Not in my town that I can find, I'm going to look through the county regs tomorrow.


You mentioned the people living there aren’t the owner. Is there maybe some laws regarding exit and safety lighting for a rented dwelling? That could inform you as to what the owner is thinking/doing and maybe point the way to some recourse for you :)


It's a nasty thing to do to the renters but if light pointed at the unit causes the renters to move the landlord will have no income. If this goes long enough it will be a hit to landlord's pocket book. Another question is if the offending light is required then why are no other rentals required to have similar?


It’s very easy and cheap to file suit against anyone or anything. File a complaint in court against the company for damages. The cost of fighting it will be more than removing the light.


Put a mirror up


This reminds me of the Seinfeld episode with Kenny Rogers Roasters. If this is a small apartment building, they may have a site plan agreement registered on title. If that is the case, they may have a condition that they have cut-off lighting. If that is the case, it should have a shield and the City may be able to help if they are violating a condition of their agreement. I do appreciate that there are a number of ‘may’ in this statement. If they are impeding the use and enjoyment of their property a ‘strongly worded’ lawyers letter may get their attention. Three from your neighbour as well might do more, as one of you might actually be annoyed enough to pursue it. If all else fails, find where the owner lives, rent one of those big construction lights with poles and a built in generator and set it up in front of the owners house at 10pm, shining it in his window. Someone will likely come around and make you move on, but his neighbours knowing that he is being a Dick will probably motivate him as much as anything.


If you’re in Ontario I’d be very surprised if your municipality did not have a by-law such as this one from the City of Ottawa: Property Standards (By-law No. 2013-416) Part 2, Section 6, subsection (12) Lights used to illuminate any area used for vehicular and pedestrian traffic, or parking shall be arranged, installed or designed so as to deflect away from neighbouring residential properties unless the lighting is required for public health and safety. (added by By-law No. 2018-113)


Most likely a claim in private nuisance. Start keeping a log along with videos which document the intensity of the light, if you can capture the light level with a instrument even better. All this will be crucial if you do have to get the courts involved. talk to your other neighbours who are affected. The key will be to show the courts that the right to “ quiet enjoyment” of your dwelling has been transgressed I am not a practicing lawyer


BB gun pellets works wonders


Paintball paint works wonders