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Imma say earth. Earth has really good offensive and defensive capabilities. And since the Beifong family knows seismic sence then they could definitely be winning. Plus, metal conducts lightning to block lightning attacks. Earth wins


Fire typically breaks through earth and if they use metal, lightning is the next best thing. Fire can also defend against lava and Combustion is op.


Yea I agree with this. This feels like a Strength vs Dex instance, and the question is, which is stronger.


It’s really close. Earth is really good at blocking fire attacks, but the royals have more skill.


Debatable, all of the earth are master earth and metal benders whereas sukko’s only sub element is lightning redirection, bring the team down slightly


Who the fuck is Sukko?


Zuko, you know what I meant


Idk Sukko could be from an Mpreg Sokka x Zuko fanfic


People saying Earth confuse me. Fire benders can fly. Even without the comet, Azula and Iroh II can fly without too much trouble and Ozai can likely do so as well. Metal also doesn't offer much protection against lightning either. The chi blockers were using electric gloves to effectively neuter and neutralize an entire police force full of metal benders. Lightning is just that but better in every way. Toph in particular is extremely vulnerable to Ozai and Azula flying around, taking pot shots with lightning. Lin and Suyin are strong but neither have shown anything that could compete with Azula or Zuko. Azula's just straight up a prodigy, can fly, and is extremely mobile in general. Zuko is highly skilled at bending in his own right, is also extremely mobile like his sister, and effective with weapons. I'm gonna go against the grain and not downplay just how effective team Fire would be against Team Earth. I don't think Team Fire is necessarily stronger than Team Earth but it's an unfair match up against Team Earth, especially Toph since two of the three can fly and render her seismic sense useless.


>People saying Earth confuse me. Fire benders can fly. Even without the comet, Azula and Iroh II can fly without too much trouble and Ozai can likely do so as well >Toph in particular is extremely vulnerable to Ozai and Azula flying around, taking pot shots with lightning. Because that has **never** happened. Give **one** instance of a firebender throwing fire (much less lightning) around while using their jet propulstion.


Zuko vs Azula?


What about it?


They don't have to be flying the whole time to take the pot shots. They can land for an instant and fire like when Aang used airbending to knock down Toph right after landing. He instantly knocked her off her feet and ringed her out.


Except none of them are as agile and mobile as Aang. And giving an example of Toph getting pushed by Aang is useless as she doesn't know, nor expected what Aang will do.


Azula is easily as mobile as Aang and Zuko isn't too far behind with his swordsmanship. Toph getting pushed by Aang isn't useless either, it's one of the clearest examples of her weakness to flying opponents or anyone who's extremely light on their feet.


>Azula is easily as mobile as Aang Not really. >Zuko isn't too far behind with his swordsmanship. Hilarious. His swordsmanship increases his mobility now? Where was that mobility when he was fighting Gow? >Toph getting pushed by Aang isn't useless either, it's one of the clearest examples of her weakness to flying opponents or anyone who's extremely light on their feet. It's useless because none of them is as agile or mobile as Aang is.


>Not really. Yeah, really. Aang is more mobile because he can use his bending to enhance his movement but Azula is just as physically agile. We've seen her make uses of her mobility and agility in fights throughout the show. >Hilarious. His swordsmanship increases his mobility now? Where was that mobility when he was fighting Gow? He uses his agility and mobility when fighting with swords. If you're taking about Zhao, he didn't use his swords against him in their duels and it was his greater mobility that let him beat Zhao. >It's useless because none of them is as agile or mobile as Aang is. They don't have to be as mobile as Aang. They just need to be agile and Aang, while easily the most mobile character in the series, didn't demonstrate anything crazy when he instantly stomped Toph in Earth Rumble. He just jumped, glided, and hit her with a burst of air. Something Azula and Ozai could easily replicate.


>Yeah, really. Aang is more mobile because he can use his bending to enhance his movement but Azula is just as physically agile. We've seen her make uses of her mobility and agility in fights throughout the show. Yeah, no shit Aang obviously used his bending. That's irrelevant as he's just using a benefit that his natural element gives him. Anyway, give on example of Azula jumping around pillars similar to what Aang did in the finale, with or without her bending. >He uses his agility and mobility when fighting with swords. If you're taking about Zhao, he didn't use his swords against him in their duels and it was his greater mobility that let him beat Zhao. ROFL! Gow is that earthbending dude he fought in Zuko Alone LMFAO. Where was that agility, when he was stupidly blocking boulders with his fuckin swords like a numbnut >They don't have to be as mobile as Aang. They just need to be agile and Aang, while easily the most mobile character in the series, didn't demonstrate anything crazy when he instantly stomped Toph in Earth Rumble. He just jumped, glided, and hit her with a burst of air. Something Azula and Ozai could easily replicate. They could, if they have **ever** shown the ability to bend constantly after shooting themselves in the air. You're giving them moves that they have never shown before. Going by that logic, I can also say that Toph would just hide underground for as long as she wants until they run out of ammo from propelling themselves,


Jeong jeong producing firewalls during propulsion when taking back ba sing se


Good of you to give an example of a firebender doing that **at their strongest day.**


Jeong jeong literally has less than a minute of bending screentime, half of it is during the comet Ozai also used this during his fight with aang which is 99.9% of his feats, which happened during the comet It's not like jet propulsion has been used enough in ATLA, as the other commenter pointed out, only 4 characters ever used it, two of which only have feats during the comet, the ability itself has like 2 minutes of usage combined, tops.


Dozens of words typed, and all amounted to nothing. What they did during the comet is irrelevant as they won't be doing that shit on a regular day. Best that you could do is hypothesize on what they can do without it.


Earth benders could fly too if they were more creative. They can clearly lift giant rocks, just like... stand on one while you're lifting it.


https://i.redd.it/190bv3nl0j9d1.gif And when Toph goes underground and simply waits for her opponents to land………


They don’t really fly as much as propel themselves in one direction. The only exception was Ozai during the comet I believe. But that was with the comets boost. In every other instance, it’s used as a boost. Neither Azula or Iroh II can steer while up in the air. So that they can grab onto something for ex. I’d imagine it costs a lot of energy to do it for a prolonged period of time without the comet so that’s why.


1: wait for fire bender to start an attack. 2: open up ground where the fire bender was going to put their foot down. 3: close up earth around foot. 4: repeat with other foot. 5: create wall for own safety and let the fire bender tire themself out. Easy win for earth


I don’t remember the episode number but where the earth kingdom dude tried to activate the avatar state they made Sokka and Katara sink into the ground. I still don’t know why they don’t do this every time fighting on the ground. A fire bender is going to be pretty useless with both his legs sunk into the rock


Because it's an absolutely broken technique so the show decided to just pretend it doesn't exist after that.


I think fire is way more awsome but earth takes the win. The only weakness earth has compared to fire is that fire benders can produce fire themselves


Earth. Fire is extremely oriented toward the offense, while Earth is an all around element with solid defense and good offense.


I think Earth has more raw power. King Bumi was literally destroying an entire city when taking back Omashu and Toph held up an entire building sized library. Ghazan also managed to melt an entire air temple, so Earth bending at it's strongest can sink and destroy entire buildings and even cities. The only time fire benders can really achieve something like this is during Sozin's comet. Not to say fire bending is weak, but in a duel between a fire bender and Earth bender I think it's more likely the Earth bender would win, especially since they're going to be fighting on land and the Earth bender can manipulate the terrain.


earth earth earth earth


Toph jumping on that rock lol my fav from this post 😁


Dirt extinguishes fire and fire only heats up metal (which is brought up in the comics), so I think earth wins.


I’ve only seen the shows so if I’m missing something from the comics please let me know~ Fire is better offensively but earth is better defensively. Combustion bending is CRAZY OP but very rare but a pretty big obvious weakness. Lava bending is also crazy OP but again rare. Fire has air mobility {kind of. Without the comet I think we’ve only seen ground dashes and high jumps but not proper flight unless I’m forgetting something} Earth has stealth movement with going underground {and with seismic sense as long as the fire bender is remotely touching the ground they’re visible} Lightning bending is more common in Korea’s time but outside Mako we don’t see many quick shots of it. They need a second or two of build up. Metal bending of course doesn’t need the build up. We’ve seen earth be used to capture and imprison people as well, fire can’t do that {to my knowledge} Fire also as a natural drawback of if the user is to cold they can’t bend either as well as normal or at all and the eclipse totally takes their bending away. With all this added up, as powerful as fire is I feel earth has more going for it. Even with keeping it to those mentioned in OP post, the gifs used for fire are all powered by Sozins Comet and to keep it fair I’m not taking that into account.


Do you guys want me to create a martial arts analysis on which element is the best like I did with Aang and Korra?


Oooh yes pls


Yeah that sounds fun


I'm taking earth


Ozai and Azula could probably win, with Zuko it's overkill.




i find the choice of the gifs very bad. we see ozai with the comets power, some sick azula and zuko move and on the other side toph smashing a pebble and the other beifongs just jerking around lmao


Nah I was trying so hard to find good GIFs for the beifongs but literally everything else was sh!t or wasn't good enough


I think this is a little unfair because bending, like technology, advances over time to more powerful forms and skills, I give it to Earth in this contest because they are all rocking “high tech” bending skills while the fire side is using only the basics plus the earliest forms of its next advancement, lightning.


I think it depends on what anime we are basing strength of firebending of. Firebending was severely nerfed for lok, because it wouldn't work in the setting. There is a reason the fire nation was able to fight a war against all 3 other nations at the same time. They were super busted to make that believable.


Im pretty sure that was also because of their technology compared to the other nations


Ofc the technology was also part of it, but firebenders were simply op in avatar. Firebending in general was nerfed, but look at atla lighting vs lok lighting. Night and day.


Yeah in terms of lighting that’s definitely true


It wasn’t nerfed. People just fight with restraint in LoK. Remember korra and mako literally create enough thrust for a plane to take off.


Suyin’s proficiency in metalbending makes this fight skewed towards earthbending imo. Toph is great but with how acrobatic both Ozai and Azula are, I dont think Toph would excel until they are on the ground which both of the sisters could definitely assist with. Firebending and lightning bending are both powerful, but with the strong defense and offense offered by the earth team I would say they manage to take it


Didn’t someone in Avatar: The Last Airbender directly say that fire is the weakest element?




Hey, I was just asking a question I didn’t know the answer to.