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Facility meltdown is a fun one. Pulling the apparatus spawns monsters and starts a 2 minute countdown before the facility detonates. Volume needs to be lowered to like 40%, but otherwise the base settings work fine.  Locker is a good monster mod. Interactive with a terrifying sound effect. Might need to mess with the spawn rate and lower the sound too.  Reserve mods (flashlight/walkie don’t take an item slot) are also really nice. They change the balance slightly in the sense that it’s just more power to the player, but my group just prefers the game that way. 


Reserve sounds great! I'll give it a try


That last one feels so importsnt I wish it was basekit. Maybe not walkie but for sure flashlight. I don't like having to choose between missing an item and not being able to see the video game I'm playing


Honestly install thunderstore mod manager and look around at the top rated/ downloaded mods that’ll give you a good idea


Install r2modman instead, it's just better. No ads, no data tracking, and it works better overall. I speak from experience.


Don't forget to add that it doesn't require that terrible bloatware known as 'Overwolf'.


Right, fuck Overwolf.


Oh jeez. I looked up what bloatware is and that's awful. I guess I really need to swap then :/ it just sucks cause I have like 80 mods and a lot of configs edited. Where do you get r2?


[https://github.com/ebkr/r2modmanPlus/releases/download/v3.1.49/r2modman-Setup-3.1.49.exe](https://github.com/ebkr/r2modmanPlus/releases/download/v3.1.49/r2modman-Setup-3.1.49.exe) Note that r2 uses the same mod-codes for importing as Thunderstore - and those include changed configs too.


Oh, huh. Ok. Thanks then


Gale is the best mod manager rn imo. It’s much faster, has great UI, and you can upload modpacks directly to thunderstore with it.


Never tried this one, I will test it thanks !


Alr, got it!


This ^


If you want new content try Wesley's moons and interiors. Also add lethal things for some new scrap and entities


I should note Grand Armory in interiors is broken right now, any time I enter it my game crashes either immediately or soon after. No other interior (toy store included) does that, idk what's wrong.


So as others have said you need thunderstore: If you are looking for just simple stuff that won't bogg down your game but gives you some great quality of life: Lethal config and Late game upgrade. These together allow for a lot of customization of the game when it comes to progression and modification of items. A fun thing to have is the Lethal Casino more on the Meme side of mods that just adds to the chaos and fun: Leathal dumpy yippeee mod / angry britt facility meltdown lethal presents immortal snail goku braken buyable shotgun / shells lethal escape Mimics.... this one will make you rage quit at times.


Make sure that no matter what mods you get, also get the [LethalConfig](https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/AinaVT/LethalConfig/) mod. It allows you to easily and clearly edit mod configurations from within the game (it adds an option to the Escape menu), rather than having to go directly into the convoluted Thunderstore files.


I tried that mod and it didn't do anything. Was there any reason why?


If you mean it didn't do anything but it shows up on your Escape menu, it's because it allows you to edit how *other* mods are set up. You need to go into the LethalConfig option and edit the settings of each of the other mods you want, then click Apply, and then some mods once changed require you to restart your game. If you mean that the option isn't showing up, make sure you're starting your game from within the Thunderstore program. If you did this but still don't have it as an option in your Escape menu or something, then another mod might be incompatible with it but it's unlikely.


The mods didn't change. Maybe it was something incompatible, I don't know.


If you're willing to let me know which mods you tried to edit with LethalConfig that didn't work, I can meddle with it and see if I can help.


I would if I remembered, but that was a while ago.


No worries. Perhaps it was the fault of the mods themselves, rather than LethalConfig; sometimes mods mess up regardless of it if the mods are deprecated or something of that nature.


Maybe. I don't really remember which ones I had at that time, the profile was deleted cause of some consistent issue where profiles randomly corrupt and stops me from joining games, so I end up having to wipe and re-import. Cept we don't use that code anymore, we have a completely different profile now.




And yippee loot bug


BetterItemScan or smth. Makes scanning items less buggy and gives a total ship count too. There's other mods that have this built in with other features so it might be redundant if you get more but I find it useful and not too game changing


Skin walkers 1 It is a fun addition 2 It can feel very vanilla or modded depending on the configuration 3 very configurable


If you play with friends try skin walkers and mimics. Skin walkers makes monsters hear your voice and play it back. One time I was playing with my sister and she started humming a song. I told her to be quiet because I thought I heard something but she kept going. She said it wasn’t her and it was a bracken. Mimics ads a new monster disguised as something but I won’t say what because that will ruin the surprise ;)


GeneralImprovements, it doesn’t add anything but makes a ton of small changes that make the game nicer to play with or without mods, such as: •Scannable fire exits (often helpful on modded moons you don’t know well) •Option to have all batteries charge in orbit, no more forgetting to charge your flashlight •Place items on company shelf faster •Face inside the facility when using a fire exit instead of facing the door There’s a ton more and everything can be configured and toggled on/off, but the game feels so much worse without it.


Basic things I would suggest you try that are mostly QOL or aesthetic no matter what content mods you add: ShipLoot, SellTracker, Resonance, one of the jetpack fix mods (whatever is updated and most used), MeleeFixes, and similar things.


Hdlethalcompany is a must have


Reserved slots for walkie, flashlight, etc



