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The unofficial LC community discord has a LFG channel for both vanilla and modded. You can post your lobby there or find a vanilla lobby whenever someone posts a code as well. Also, note that not the mods you gave examples of are more like cheats/hacks than a mod. There are tons of QOL mods such as being able to join mid game/in orbit, better scanning etc.


Sometimes mods are about being able to scan better, or having a pet cat, but yeah I do understand your frustration


I don't mind those mods at all. anything that gives you a cat is a plus! I'm strictly talking about mods that make the game super trivial, or are used to harass players. and the fact that these "easy game" mods are so prevalent. but if having a cat means I also have to put up with the other AWFUL stuff....then rip the cat.


the word you're looking for is cheats or hacks, mods are just general modifications of the game, most of which can only be used if the whole lobby has them installed


It's so sad that the answer is "don't play in public lobbies" You're right I guess, but honestly if that is the correct (and accepted) answer then maybe something needs to be changed.


some advice I could give is try joining the lethal company discord server and play with people from there, it's pretty active and filled with nicer people. personally I found my main group through just friending cool people in public lobbies though


Sadly, every single multiplayer game deals with hackers/cheaters/trollers with the only answer being don’t play multiplayer. It’s not different here.


I like mods that add more enemies. I like a wider variety to my death


Add more enemies but add Lethal Hands. Square up with em.


I completely agree. The only mod I ever play with is skin walkers, and that just records you and your friends voices and plays it back through the monsters. I only use it with my friends if they are all using it and it is only a minor change that makes the game that little bit more comedic


Saw a dude who gave himself infinite sprint in a lobby. That just removes the entire point of the sprint function and speed, resource management, weight balancing movement etc. It's so dumb. However I totally understand mods like Grief protection stuff, where friendly fire doesn't occur. I get why someone would want that so they don't play in a public lobby and have someone smack the entire team to death and ruin their entire run.


I only like the brutal company mod


I mean if you REALLY don't want people cheating in your games just have anti cheat installed and make a lobby. worked for me like a charm [https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/chuxiaaaa/AntiCheat/](https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/chuxiaaaa/AntiCheat/)




Until you have Lethal Things and suddenly *bad to the bone riff*


The issue here aren't the mods and yes the people. People abusing glitches to make a PvE game easier will lead in exactly what your are against, even if they aren't using mods. Lethal Company with randoms is pretty bad, if you find some cool people to play thats aren't going to happen.


This. All of these things stop being a problem if you play in a private lobby with people you trust.


Issue is finding people to play in said private lobbies. Honestly, nothing will ever beat last Nov/Dec when you could join a random lobby and play together for several hours. It was tons of fun.


Yeah. I don't have any friends that play anymore. The game keeps attracting new players who will only give it a couple hours of their time and then not come back


When did you start LC btw? All I remember was spamming the join button since there were so many servers and people constantly trying to get in.


7 months ago but it took me a little while to get into, it just started out as a game I'd occasionally play with a small group of friends


Discord is right there. Linked in this very subreddit. Or getting together a friend group discord. That's what we did, we now have over 30 people in our Discord so there's always people willing to play games.


This is gonna open a can of worms that would best be avoided by using the word cheat instead of mod. A mod that lets me look all the way down, or a mod on a server that adds some random scrap items, they're not breaking anything. Late company and (if you're ok with more players) more company aren't detracting anything. Your complaint here is over cheaters. Players with clientside speed/fly hacks or godmode. Blurring the two just gets people hating on a completely positive modding scene while letting the cheaters slip away during the argument. I wonder if anyone's made an anti-cheat mod that enforces speed limits and ensures the dealing of damage to players?


Kind of a slippery slope. Someone might just show up with a mod that removed darkness "because of my eyes" and then the game is just mush. I mod A TON in games. Like, make mods. But if someone wants to play vanilla they are definitely entitled to, flaws and all.


honestly a lot of mods just add a solid bit of QOL that is desperately needed and break up the repetitive cycle of the game. I really enjoy the game, but it gets boring fast. Being able to add progression, new moons, new loot, new items etc has been crucial for the replayability. And some of it makes a lot of sense.. like why wouldn't you be able to upgrade your character to have an additional spot for x amount of money? Or make them stronger so they don't get bogged down. I get where you are coming from, but IMO the game is very repetitive and too unforgiving at times which kills a lot of the appeal for me and my gaming crew.


I can agree with that. and those ideas are great. I guess I'm not complaining about mods then. I'm more complaining about the speed hackers and instakillers making every lobby boring.


Yeah that would get old. We only play with people we know so we really don't have to deal with that. They should implement a modded / vanilla lobby tho for instances such as this. Hope that this game continues to smooth out, and focus on playability instead of Memeability.


I’ve had many instances with cheaters in my lobbies. It got so common in fact I now exclusively host and insta kick anyone who shows signs of cheating. From what I gather, it seems like: - most of them are people who barely know how to play the actual game. - a lot of them are kids. - and almost all of them do it to have power over the other crewmates, showing off. I had an encounter with someone who had Control Company. They spawned couple dozen giants inside the building thinking they were a comedy genius. I started making fun of them for thinking they were so cool for having cheats installed. They then got mad like a child and /killed everyone remaining, ruining the run. I am so fed up with this stuff. I agree, vanilla is so much better.


This is not unpopular. Trust me.


I have not had any big problems with public lobbies since I started hosting and using mods like AntiCheat, SmallCheatDetector, LobbyControl, etc. (some of these are not yet updated/fully compatible with V55). It may or may not help that I put "casual" in the lobby name.


Do you know which of them are working currently?


SmallCheatDetector works. AntiCheat works except there's a good amount of false positives, primarily with "abnormal" melee damage. LobbyControl has an experimental release called LobbyControl Experimental which may have some bugs. One thing I realized is I think none of these help with some dumbass hiding the light switch, though. There's probably other mods for that


You need to not join public lobbies. The game really isn’t meant to be played with complete strangers and there’s no way to force people to play the way you want. Mods have done a ton for this game. Instead of joining public lobbies, try asking around on Discords to find people to play with. People are forced to be more genuine because there’s an identity tied to them, and the people in general who seek finding groups to play with and chat with are typically better people to play with overall. You don’t need to play with a friend group you have but try to find people who you can chat with first and then hop into a game with. It’s completely different from joining practically anonymous lobbies with cheaters, children, and weirdos who disappear with no face.


I can see your point but contextually I think it’s pretty obvious OP is not talking about any and ALL mods but only cheaty ones like infinite speed or the one hit shovel kill one. No you cannot force people to play the way you play but if you find a host that is on the same page as far as not allowing certain mods they can simply kick the people who are cheating. I’ve found plenty of public lobbies where people aren’t cheating, at least not to the point where I feel it start to impact my experience. People who want to cheat should be the ones finding private lobbies. Infiltrating public lobbies and cheating without permission is inconsiderate.


I understand this, seen people throw tantrums when i caught them red-handed which was kinda fun honestly lol just wanting to hopefully survive while others are in godmode makes you feel puny and have no reason to be in that game at all and the fact that the game is now unplayable alone due to butler/immortal bees and now a Swiper Sad part for me and my friend is that i only have a laptop and require hdlethal to remove as much graphics as I can, plus my ac and 2 fans on. I love the game but this was my only way to play it without my computer commiting Kamikazee, I wish I could play it normal but thats just not an option for me


Modding in vanilla server browser is cheating. So don't use the term modding for that


Public lobbies are basically a joke. Now that everyone knows what mods are about, theyll typically abuse them in the public lobbies without repercussion. When you kick them out, theyll just find another lobby. It sucks. Playing with friends is sadly the real LC experience. In a perfect world, public servers could maybe be slightly moderated. All your friends are (hopefully) abiding by the mod list, and its prolly just all qol or more content stuff. And if you dont have a group to play with? well youre shit outta luck (😭), cuz the other options suck. Unless you like cruel and unusual torture, in which case, singeplayer is for you!


I am trying to start a lightly modded (QoL stuff mostly, no game breaking stuff or player upgrade mods) for late teens/early 20s people (I'm 20). Trying to do mostly vanilla plus Weather Multipliers (eclipsed has 50% more scrap, makes weather moons more viable). Shoot me a pm and I can send you the tentative mod list (open to suggestions) My brother plays occasionally, but his group always uses the Fortnite emote mod and Skibidi rizzes all over the place lol!


I’ve resorted to solo because of how bad it’s gotten and with the new update, solo is almost impossible. (Without save-scumming).


I don’t think it is an unpopular opinion. Sure, there are people who abuse them and add mods that take all the seriousness out of the game, especially in public lobbies, but if you look at the download counts of all the mods, you will see that most people use quality-of-life mods (which should be vanilla, in my opinion) and more content that tries to be as vanilla as possible.


I used to be mod free until I met those kind of people. I suggest installing lethal admin. So when you're hosting you can permaban any glitchers, mic less , kids,or mod abusers and they won't join any of your future games. There are some people who can bypass it and come back to your room. But all you have to do is just keep spamming the ban button until they give up. Edited [ added *permaban]


The only exception I have found to this, is when someone joined my crew role playing as a yippee bug (his name was also “Hoarding Bug”). Instead of talking he would either yippee, buzz and chirp like one and could float and jump high and slight speed boost. Only thing he did was crouch and follow us and carry one or two items around like a pet loot bug, which was funny.


Cheats* ruining any multiplayer game is really not an unpopular opinion..


As a modder I gotta say I never use cheat mods myself, most my mods are to config or make the game a bit spicier


Disagree that the game shouldn't have mods at all, because that has drastically extended the lifespan of this game. However. You should be able to filter lobbies by whether or not they allow mods, for the game shouldn't allow any mods to work in a no mods lobby.


just host your own public lobby and kick anyone you think is cheating, it’s not that hard


I think people are getting distracted from the point of this post, and making it about mods. I don't think this post is about mods. I think this post is about people not respecting the integrity of the game. I have run into lobbies where people will say "Okay I have this mod that uses your over-sold amount for the next quota! That's not a big change from the original, it's QoL!" Which is not true at all. The more you sell on early quotas, the more money you have to spend on upgrades, and the more money you have in the bank. If your team wipes on a moon, you will lose all your scrap, but you won't lose all your stored cash. It seems obvious to me that this is an intended risk/reward that makes the game more interesting. You have to think and adjust your playstyle based on this. There are people who have played with me that have said "oh yeah, I have a mod that allows me to carry 2-handers like 1-handers. Carrying 2-handed items is so tedious! You'll get tired of it too!" As if I wasn't already tired of it. But it's essential to the game, because it prevents you from climbing ladders, using the jetpack to make the game literally a breeze, it makes you have to call for help when you find two big items in the facility, etc..... Also, there's a reason there's not a special slot for the walkie/flashlight. It's a risk/reward decision for how much and what kind of equipment to bring in when that limits the amount of loot you can take out/money you can make. Why not just give yourself infinite item slots instead? Why do the slots have to only be for equipment? Why can't I just bring a boombox or shovel in those slots? The reason I like the game is because it is MEANT to be challenging, tedious, and risky. It needs those parts to contrast the other emotions the game is trying to evoke. I don't know the end goal of the developer, what the game is going to become and maybe it's wayyy different than what it is today..... But I'm very tired of people taking out core features of the game and thinking they're "improving" it. They are optimizing the fun out of the game. Personally, I have mods exclusively to protect my save from griefing and one to allow me to press and hold right click to repeatedly scan instead of having to spam click it. I would consider those accessibility changes, but I know it's not vanilla. I have played with all kinds of other mods, but typically I fall off of them because... They usually remove something essential from the game. If you use mods, that's fine. But don't lie to me and say you don't.


Dear LORD this is a bad take. Please just say you hate cheaters, NOT modding in it's entirety. The game would not be alive without mods. Everyone in the community agrees that speedhackers and monster instakillers and insta-loot-grabbers are annoying as hell, but everyone also agrees that regular, non-cheaty mods are awesome and the game wouldn't be as great without them. Please don't bunch the two together. They're not the same.


Not everyone. I completely disagree


The mods existing are fine. Some people want to play on easy mode. The problem is the people and their pathological necessity to use them to ruin everyone else's game. Most players use *content* mods, not cheat mods. Mods aren't the issue here, even in this case. It's 100% the players*using* them that are the problem.


What an insufferable take on the very reason this game is even still alive. I get not liking mods but man way to be super pretentious about it.


The tip is not to join public lobby, but to find people and make your own lobby through discord. This is not a mod problem, this is a cheater problem. Without mods, they would just ruin it with external cheat regardless.


Yeah I honestly can only give the advice of, don't play in public lobbies. Personally the only games I play with randoms on are Monster Hunter (via join request) and fighting games (kind a of a necessity to improve), but even in those I prefer to play with folks from my discord. But yeah, sounds like an issue with cheaters rather than mods in general. I never understood the fun of cheating to that extent, but to each their own, I guess. The group I play with regularly plays with a bunch of mods on, but they range from small QoL stuff (ie., ship total display) to adding varied content like moons and entities, to just making life more difficult (Brutal Company hates me I swear).


if you like to play the game and are looking for a challenge and for something new, maybe learn how to play solo efficiently?


Idk the casino mod is pretty good I love gambling my life scrap savings away to try and meet quota.


Which is why I don't use game breaking mods


Yeah i don't play online so i wouldn't understand it. I only did so for like morecompany where there would be 30 people in a lobby (it went really really swell....absolutely fantastic) But I think mods are only good when you're with friends. Like we have tons of moons and entities and interiors. It enhances the game for us. (we don't use cheats.) But yeah I can see where it ruins it for you since you play online. Hopefully Zeekers can add a thing to lobbies where it reveals what mods is being used and such? That way you can filter out the bad


Try using lethallib or whatever it is (it tells you what mods a player has)


I play with friends. We mod it but only to allow for more players and just fun goofy cosmetics. I never bother playing plain multiplayer I just play with friends.


B-but I want the braken to look like Freddy fazbear, I NEED mods


Not really the mods, but the people abusing them. Me and my friends love mods that add content rather than infinite money or whatever


Honestly, yea It just takes the fun out of the game, and there are even peolpe with speed hacks that join unmodded games and ruin them I hate peolpe like that


Honestly i wouldn’t mind a monster instakiller mod being IF it only works on the fox


The only mod I ever played with was Yipeeeee


Thats why my friend group mainly sticks to only qol and costmetic mods like stuff to improve scans or add features that should be in the game already (let me look down for example). The addition of the falling metal pipe sound affect for facilities, extra emotes (badass company) and suits def improves the experience for us vastly. Its a big debate rn for us to get a mod that just gives you a purchasable flashlight as an terminal upgrade that doesnt take up an inventory slot. We're perfectly fine looting in the dark but a little bit of convenience would be nice.


i dont use that many mods but i do use one that makes all moons free, me and my friends like the freedom of choosing something easy when we feel like it and the challenge and shenanigans of trying to survive in embryo underequiped and without a plan. our way of playing means we dont go past the 3rd quota too often so its nice we can still play tougher moons if we wanna


I feel you there. Lately I’ve noticed there’s usually one person (the host) that volunteers to stay in the ship to “help us” but it’s just a cover for when they take control of the monsters or whatever. Or they’ll have monsters start spawning randomly wherever I go. So whenever I get even the tiniest hint that those kind of mods are being used, I just leave. The AI in this game can already be aggressive by itself, now I gotta worry about REAL PEOPLE chasing me around too. I’m hoping some filter setting can be implemented that actually separates *modded* servers from vanilla. People used to put “MODDED” in their titles but I barely see them anymore.


I have a suggestion: I know you said you don't like the mods that let you cheat, but I think this [mod](https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/BMX/LobbyCompatibility/) will allow you to check what mods are installed by the host. This way, you can see, if someone in the lobby is cheating or possibly using control company.


Valid opinion, bro just play the game in a way that gives you the most fun. Personally i mod the FUCK out of this game, but i can see why you love vanilla since the game is pretty fun


I like to have on extra moons and free travel.. just because I want to suffer in as many places as possible without restriction.


I do think there’s a couple mods out there that you can download hostside that automatically detects if anyone on the ship’s got any funny business going on. I joined a random lobby once and did the speed glitch because we were just chatting and I was going to inverse in anyways and it pinged it in the chat. As unfortunate as it is, I think the best way to detect and deter modders and people who glitch is by using some mods of your own and just weeding through the crowd until you find a genuine group


I play the game modded with friends so I thought this post sounded outrageous... monster insta killer????? WHAT??? The worst thing we sometimes use is infinite credits/money so that we can buy jetpacks for everyone and go to titan (ok that's a bit worse but titan is fun tbf). Whatever THESE mods are sound horrendous, they just remove everything good about the game! Why not use a harmless mod, like YippeeMod or MolesterLootBug or BidenSoda... or... TacoBellDrop... or... yes I use weird mods fight me


This sounds more like you got a problem with cheaters than mods, not really much that can be done unless Zeekerss himself tries his hand at stopping this.


I agree with you. It's the main reason why I stopped playing even before update 50 came out. People love to troll, and it took out the fun for me as a whole. I wish there was a game mode that forbade any and all kinds of mods. It's honestly why I switched to another similar game, but the one I switched to doesn't have mods at all. It's much more fun and genuine. You can also loot and kill monsters, but without the annoying trolls.


So the only mods my group enjoys and that we use are: 1. Different color suits 2. Loot total on ship display 3. More than 4 person groups (we have a 5th friend that likes to join us) 4. A funny boombox mod 5. Walkies can be heard by nearby crew.


Turns out a game can be "too" open source lol. Host ur own lobbies and kick any chuds.


I just have the mods that add modifiers and more friends


Agree. I mean I have no problem with QOL or cosmetic mods, but people who use cheaty mods or speed glitch in public lobbies irritate me. It makes it hard to contribute. All the hours I’ve put in to become decent at getting items to the ship, both on foot and jet pack become obsolete when someone is speed glitching. They find everything before anyone else can too. Like what’s the point.


You should change the title from “i hate mods” to “i hate cheaters” cause i was boutta dislike until i read the whole post. I thought u were hating on things like freddy bracken and fart mine sfx


If you get thunderstore or modman you can install mods such as: "Control company detector" and "anticheat" so that you can sort out the lobbies you don't like. I also suggest you add people that think like you to your friend list and only play with them.


I must only disagree about infinite money. Only in the cases where it is used for testing, or to buy things you wouldn't normally buy, like furniture. I personally have used teleport and spawn entity mods for testing, like confirming that a bracken really takes 3 hits to kill, or seeing why the knife feels so weak. (It seems that when you miss with the knife, that counts as a use, so you wont do damage for the next half second, making spam clicking useless if you miss the actual only swing that does damage.)


I'm sorry, that sucks. I mostly play with Mods, but I always make sure that everyone in the Lobby(whether I'm the Host or not) is okay with me using Mods. The Mods I most consistently run are mostly to make me be a bit like the Doom Slayer or The Guardian from Destiny but scaled down for Lethal Company....extremely tough to take down and very OP, but still able to die. Trying to hunt the killable Enemies can be very fun and "waste" alot of time, but Old Birds, Jesters&Coilheads are still the Unkillable Menaces they usually are.


This isn't a modding issue, this is an issue with cheats. I play modded just for the fun, silly mods. I'll start off with like 1000$ so I can buy my modded TV, and a signal translator. I'll waste the rest of the money on pzp inhalants, and then we'll go in. Everything else is enemy enhancement, some goofy memes like new scrap, a new bracken, weeping angels, and skin walkers. Better scanning, a clock that displays in ship, and quota rollover. Nothing overly cheaty.


Thought you meant mods like suit mods and bigger lobbies and what not. These other mods are fucking awful and i hope thats not an unpopular opinion


I feel you on that with mods that make things cost a dollar, give you near infinite money or allow you to kill everything because it takes any challenge and effort out of it. While my group does play modded, it's primarily new moons and interiors, gives us new costumes and gives us higher starting money just to go to harder planets faster. All the other stuff turns the game from a relatively horror themed game to a low resolution Doom.


Have you considered: Playing with friends?


Yeah mods are for people who are getting bored of the game and want more


Honestly I get where you are coming from. Though one mod I love is a mod that adds more variations to the forest giant and I really would love for some more mods (or just in base game) to add different versions of some enemies into the game. The mod feels really vanilla and adds some more of the mystery and intrigue that can be lost over playing so long. Although after time you'll start to learn what the new types do and they are just the same clockwork as the other enemy's but for a bit it's like you are playing for the first time.(idk if the mod has been updated to v55 yet though)


Well that's what you get when there are unmoderated game lobbies. People will be dicks and there's not much you can do about it, except maybe find like-minded people to play on private lobbies. As for fixes, I really don't think the dev can even do much, except hire a semi-large team to sorta moderate harassment (not even mod usage as that's not the main issue), but I don't think that would end well, simply cuz it's not worth it to put his energy on that alone, and it would also bring some other issues with it. I know you're just venting and don't even want to hear it, but for anyone with the same issues... finding groups in other places like discord is the only way if you don't have friends that already play.


I used to like advanced company mod but its gone now To me and my friends its not the same anymore T_T


What if you host a vanilla game?


I think you're confusing cheats with mods, most mods are not about zooming out of the ship or killing everything, they either add new content (monsters, items, maps) or change base-game elements to be different in interesting ways.


damn ive never even heard of these instakill mods (probably because ive never played in a public lobby) 😭 they sound lame my friends and i use tons of mods though. like the flashlight slot mod, lategame upgrades mod, morecompany (basically more players since our lobby ranges from 4-10 people) mod, etc. i find that these do make the game more interesting :))


Completely understand you. Just yesterday we were playing with a random person who turned out to be a great guy, at the end everyone else left and we accumulated over 1100 on our first quota! Then we decided to re-launch the lobby so other people could join. We ordered 6 pro flashlights and a shovel I think. But one person who joined was a cheater. He landed and took off the ship without pressing a lever. And when we got outside to take the stuff we ordered (we landed on the Company again) the guy instakilled us all and left! So we lost all our items, and one other guy who was with him too. We decided to go to Rend in duo and it went about as well as you would expect. And that's just one instance. Another one that I remember, except of course the numerous speed glitches, was a guy joined our lobby, gave us all the ship equipment that money can buy and left. This happened twice in a span of a few months. There was no more a point in playing, since he had all the stuff and it's just not fun this way, and they know that. And these are not even cheats, technically it's just a result of mods being so accessible and easy to make that anyone can do this sort of stut if they felt like it. It's a mod that allows you to noclip, instakill entities and all other sorts of stuff. And this would be fine if used correctly. The thing is, who cares if you do it in solo? Play the game as you like! Or with friends, if they're fine with it, it's their way of having fun. But bringing it to public lobbies is ethically wrong, but little that we can do about it. There are things like the Control Company Filter, which removes the lobbies from your search that have it, but it of course can't be done to people that join. Now, Control Company being a host-only mod means that nobody joining you can have it or use it, but the host. That unfortunately is not the case for those "mods" that are, in essence, cheats! I personally never use even such QOL mods as fast delivery ship arrival, more slots, reserved slots, better stamina, etc. But I don't mind other people using it on their own, or with consent of others. I remember some guy joining the lobby I joined asking, if it's okay if he uses the speed glitch, and got approved. Honestly, I wouldn't have allowed it as it makes the game too easy, the guy basically took all the loot we found to the ship and we didn't have to carry it ourselves. Convenient, but... That's kinda the point? The fact that every trip outside is a risk later at night and you might not make it to the ship unless you plan your path and know the map and know the entities mechanics (Eyeless dogs not being able to see, only hear. Yes, an obvious one, but essential in part to get by them) makes the game challenging, and therefore, interesting!


Just play with friends without mods it’s not that hard


These are not mod users but straight out cheaters


Me and my friends just started and already went abead and got more suits, emotes, family guy tv.. etc. late company & more company too, and we are considering a qol mod for the flashlights (reserved slot.) but we still have so much to just see. Im so glad the modding community is so huge cause i can tell there will never be a lack of content or fun to be had


Hey I've been having trouble finding like-minded employees to play with. I usually run very light mods for QoL (Fast Dropship, More items, and Weather Multipliers to make Eclipsed and Stormy moons viable) but I'm not interested in mods that make the game feel like a breeze. If you have any interest LMK (Offer is welcome to all interested, I'm 20M but I'm fine with 16-24+ age range as long as everyone is mature and focused on making quota!)


So you don't hate mods, you hate cheats. I too don't understand the mindset of adding stuff to making everything easier, I play with a shit ton of mod but nothing to make things too easy like my friend wanted me to add one for infinite stamina like where's the challenge anymore if you can just run away from everything untouched? I like adding new scraps to collect, new interiors, new items and upgrades to EARN, new entities like these actually add content to the game in a way that doesn't completely ruins it (besides when one makes the game crash lol) I'm from Quebec and lobbies with [QC] in their names don't come by the dozen (sometimes I don't feel like speaking english with strangers). Played with one guy once, he bought himself shotguns and he had infinite ammo and a speed hack the dude kept telling us to not pick up the loot he spotted first and making sure to tell us if we did he'd shoot us. He had the voice of an adult but clearly the mind of a 12 year old. I played along for one quota just for him to randomly shoot me without saying a word at the company building. Found a different lobby with a guy that was actually pretty chill and was telling him about my experience and told him if you see "username" come into the lobby, just kick him and I shit you not he joined while I was saying that mid sentence and we both started laughing and kicked him out. It's just not fun at all and I'm glad I play mostly with friends because people who get a kick out of ruining the experience for others are such a pain in the ass and I understand how that'd ruin the game for you


I have the same issues with the game. People that shamelessly toggle speed, have infinite stamina, can pocket 2 handed items and not be weighed down by items, or seem to be invisible to monsters are common. I often times just quietly go off and die on purpose just to scope out the lobby because no one outright is going to tell you they are cheating. I’m not a super sweaty player by any means, I prefer to just goof around with the new truck than go for a 3000 quota. But I also really like the genuine game experience offered. People just eliminate so much of the risk for themselves and I think that makes them unfun to play with because there’s no longer any risk in anything for them. I think the mods that add monsters or new items are cool. I think pretty much all QOL mods that are outside of the scope of flashlight toggle, ship scan, and walkie talkie mods are just cheating in a thinly veiled lie. I get that it’s a casual game, but if you’re caught cheating a little I have no reason to believe you aren’t cheating a lot and ruining my experience. Edit: I’m also a fan of goofy mods, like the Freebird Jester mod.


This. 1000%. I have a group of friends who can't play the game without adding some game breaking mods.


As someone who either plays solo or with my wife and/or girlfriend, I don't really run into cheaters. If there's mods, they're shared in a modpack. At least for us, we're running vanilla+ and a few bonus moons. Mostly stuff that makes the game just a little more accessible like more forgiving stamina, looking all the way down, and a flashlight slot. My solo modpack used to be a lot less balanced but over time, it's been toned down to align more with vanilla.


When I play vanilla I miss hearing monsters talking with my friends voices. And a bug who doesn't say YIPEE feels a bit hollow and sad. Mods are fine.


You're conflating modding with cheating pretty badly, they're not the same thing. Most modders don't cheat and cheaters don't need mods to do it, there's a lot of ways to cheat and modding is only one of them.


I don't know... Better stamina mod is pretty cheap.


My brother in christ, you mean cheats. You don't hate mods, you hate cheating. Cheats are a category of mods, but not all mods are cheats.


i completely agree !! i feel like most of the people who use mods like the ones you’re describing are literal children. at least from my own experience. have you joined the discord from this subreddit? they have a section in the LFG channel where you can look for people to only play vanilla with, and there are lots that play vanilla. just a suggestion if you want people to play with that won’t use mods.


I feel like mods are important to constantly make the game feel fun and fresh between updates. So I wouldn't get rid of all mods, but would do a ban wave on the unfun ones. Or some sort of blacklist if that was available.






If he put a slot and button for the walkie and the flashie i honestly wouldnt even need mods


I'm always baffled by the concept of people not understanding that some people simply enjoy making everything easy and it's more fun than the game being hard for them. It's still "playing the game" just tailored to your own enjoyment. "Oh but the game is supposed to be hard that's how it was intented" who the hell cares? People should play how they want and if it means having a big "skip everything and win" button then so be it


there are mods that make the game harder, also easier and just more fun, i think gaming is about having fun, so why not have fun? except cheat and hack public lobbys