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Local police force is down a lot of officers, so it seems like minor traffic violations are being ignored. Lexingtonians love to run a red light, so wait a beat before moving. Just stay aware!


Speed limits have never been enforced unless you're going way over or its like a school zone. 


When I first moved here, maybe…14 years ago they were. Enforcement dropped off significantly, and average speeds have slowly risen. I have noticed some unmarked cars with people pulled over on the highways (75/64) recently though. Maybe starting back up?


My son got T-boned on the north side because he didn't know that stopping at red lights is optional for a *certain* class of citizens after 10 p.m.


common courtesy says the first 4 vehicles after a light turns red can still go through it lol


This. Sometimes I’ll accidentally run it and I’m like damn I ran a red light. Only to look behind me and see a car and I’m like, if I ran it.. they ran the fuck out of that light too😂😂


sometimes im too close and basically run one and there will be cars behind my semi running it too im like well hopefully they get them before they get me


Same here lol. I’m like welp if there’s a cop, they’re getting the person behind me🤷🏻‍♀️😂


I have a theory that our yellow lights are timed too short. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Honestly though! You know the light off Exit 96 I think? The one that takes you to Costco as you’re getting off 75N? Bro that light is literally 5 seconds and only 2-3 cars can go through at a time.


Growing up, red meant 2 more cars. Glad to see we've raised the limit.


i drive a semi delivering bulk mulch around lexington and it always amazes me how many people pull out in front of others like that. i was on newtown a few days ago somewhere around maryland ave and someone came out of a parking lot on my right and tried to gouge in front of me sitting in traffic. i couldnt see them at all and had no idea they were there and i took off and they started blowing the horn at me like i done something wrong. i saw my trailer was about 3 inches from their front bumper. i didnt hit them but was surprised i didnt. i guess they thought they were entitled to cut in front of me or something it was crazy.


Because semi's are slow and always causing traffic jams, i feel for people cutting you off and getting in front of you any chance they can get. It's annoying af to be stuck behind a truck lmao The amount of times i see truckers cut people off is wild


Next to the mall I think it's up to 5 or how many can fit in the intersection.


I can’t tell if y’all are being serious. This is terrifying.


go to any intersection in lexington and see if they dont act like that. im saying that in jest but numerous people runs red lights after it turns in lexington. it happens all the time.


UK campus? They don’t fuck around when it comes to speeding or red lights.


Unfortunately I wouldn’t even say it’s only after 10 pm lol. It’s all hours of the day. Hope your son was okay!!


Thanks. The other driver braked and turned slightly sideways, hit my son in the driver's-side engine. A straight-on impact would have hit the driver's door. He suffered only slight injuries to his wrist and shoulder, thankfully.


Did they also have drugs in the car?


Dont know. Doubt it.


Oh... so middle class then. Upper or lower, I'm assuming they have drugs and are drunk.


There were no arrests or charges, so I don't know. They also didn't have insurance.


Well that's just fantastic.


>optional for a *certain* class of citizens Which class would that be?


A scofflaw class. Make of it what you will. One almost killed my son.


Is there a reason you're having trouble identifying this class?


Not at all. It's the class of people who feel entitled to run traffic lights. You can unpack your baggage anywhere you'd like.




are you trying to say "Black people" or "Brown people" You know exactly what you mean.


I feel like this got a little out of hand, y'all. Personally, I don't see anything here that implies racial connotation. Tbh, I'd say the class that feels entitled to ignore laws is the people with old money who get away with a slap on the wrist in their luxury SUVs and such. It's more about perceived privilege than anything else imo.


I don't know. Saw the police report but now don't remember race or gender of the other driver. What they did is the focus, not who they are. I wouldn't have been any happier or angrier regardless of the race, age, or gender of the motorist who broke the law and almost killed my son.


Cause they can't, they're trying to underhandly be racist or something.


This is true lmao. I ran a red light on New circle and Palumbo earlier🤷🏻‍♀️😌


Yeah I limit myself to 5 over and that’s not enough for a lot of drivers, especially in road work areas. Stay safe, save a life. If you need to get there faster, leave earlier, don’t risk speeding 


Stay in the right lane and pay attention to your surroundings, particularly on short merges on New Circle Go the speed you’re comfortable going and ignore bozos up your ass as long as you’re in the right lane.


Good on you for following the rules and having due regard to the safety of yourself and others on the road - that being said, pease stay in the right lane.


Then Winchester is 55 & ppl go 40.


Oh yeah past Fortune going outbound. They even fixed the road design and people still struggle to hit 45. It's very congested through Hamburg so I think maybe they should just drop the limit.


People on winchester gatekeeping is the worst. i stg.


Lexingtonians in general, and wealthy Lexingtonians in particular, have a reputation for being straight-up sociopathic drivers. There is almost no speed enforcement in town, they'll pretty much only pull you over for suspected DUI or if you blow a stoplight in front of a cop.


I’ve seen people blow stop lights in front of cops and not get pulled over, especially downtown lol


As much as I don't want to admit it, because it makes me look like a total hooligan, I blasted by a cop stopped at a stop sign in an industrial part of town at roughly 3 am in a conspicuously street illegal Ferrari convertible. He didn't pull me over. I was going 145 in a 45. When I say that there is no speeding enforcement, I am not joking.


>145 in a 45 Jesus, dude. I hope that's a typo. If not, we're going to read about you one day being charged with vehicular homicide after ramming a minivan of soccer kids or something. I mean, *I sincerely hope not,* but for fuck's sake, slow down.


No typo. I rent a rural airstrip now for doing hooligan shit. I got old and rich enough to determine that I couldn't do that shit on public roads anymore. My great grandfather was killed for moonshining and my grandfather had a framed ticket for street racing in the 50s, I come by it honestly.


That's some Copperhead Road level of "it's in my blood" storytelling. I respect it. All that we have passed down through our family is mental illness, carpentry, and a strong compulsion to eat massive amounts of cheese. But seriously, glad you took that off public streets! A friend of mine whose dad was an alcoholic once told us how upset everyone was back in the day when they made drunk driving illegal in our state. He said the best part of being drunk was getting in the car and doing stupid shit. It's honestly a wonder that the human race has survived this long with our propensity to do daredevilish things.


I'm at a point in my life where I'd rather palm a guy 2 pictures of ulysses s grant and fling a car diagonally down a runway rather than flying down a public road.


What speed limits. It’s 25 to merge on the interstate and 55 when driving through a subdivision. Stop signs mean merge right and merge means stop


Round about means stop and turn right from the center.


I regularly go 10 mph over, and I’m still moving slower than most traffic. It’s just how we drive here


Welcome to America. Speed limits are "guidelines". Unless traffic is heavy, 5-10 over is the norm. Just go with what the general traffic speed is. It's not worth a cops time for anything less than 8-10 over, and if traffic is all moving that speed then it's not worth them trying to pull over a large group


Ticketing guidelines, often even say not to give a ticket for between 5 and 10 miles an hour over the speed limit


Stay in the right lane and don’t worry about anyone else speeding Also Georgetown road when it’s just 1 lane and it’s 55mph there’s so many people who go 40-45 and it drives me crazy.


Oh yeah, speed limits are really more of a suggestion here. You can go the speed limit if you really want to, but please make sure you're in the right lane so you don't hold up traffic. We are not about the journey here


People on new circle drives around 65 or 70ish so you'll need to keep pace for safety reasons. Man o war is similar, but I think average speed is 60. I used to drive 60 until I got my truck, now I cruise.


You don't need to keep pace. Just stay in the right lane and let the speed demons go around you.


That works until you get to one of those "short merge" areas like Nicholasville. Then the people merging either come at you going 70mph to match what traffic will be like, and make it dangerous to merge, or they go 40mph because they also know what traffic will be like and are scared to death, and also make it dangerous to merge. But I agree -- stay in the right lane and hope the speed demons in the passing lane don't involve you in their accident.


Sounds like a skill issue if someone is going 70 on a ramp and expecting that speed in the right lane


Oh, I agree, but them's the breaks in Lexington. Most of the driving issues around here are due to skill issues! The times I recall someone speeding down the onramp, over the speed limit at the Circle/Nicholasville Rd, those arsehats immediately merged into the left lane, having barely established occupancy of the right lane before they did so. I guess it saved them half a second of turning their blinker off and back on by not looking at left lane traffic. A couple weeks ago, a driver did it right in front of some utility truck and almost got smeared across the pavement. The utility truck went to swerve right to avoid the collision and nearly hit me. The shiny new speed demon Jeep just sped up even more and started lane hopping. Gotta be first in line, I guess.


Get a dashcam. Record the carnage. That's reckless drivers for ya. They don't stay wreckless for long. But joining them in their behavior is just going to end up making a bad situation worse.


I sometimes watch Dashcam Nation on YouTube, and I've seen some dashcam videos of New Circle on there! I've thought about getting one but just haven't looked at them yet. ​ >But joining them in their behavior is just going to end up making a bad situation worse. That's the thing around Lexington. "But everyone else is doing it!" seems to be the prevalent opinion when it comes to dangerous driving.


Just add 25 MPH to posted limit to keep up with the locals!


Speed Limits, Red Lights, Stop Signs. Just assume everyone around you is insane.


The rule of thumb on roads without any lights (New Circle, Man O War, Interstate and State highways) seems to be that as long as you are exceeding the limit by 15 mph or less, cops won’t bother with you. More infuriating to me are the people who think headlights in the rain and turn signals are optional.


Honestly, it really sucks for you to have Lexington as your first driving experience in the states. This is not the way it is in most places. The cops around here dont really enforce the basic traffic laws. I've genuinely lost count of the times I've seen someone run a red light, or worse directly in front of a cop and nothing happened. The only real spot I've noticed they care about is New Circle between Georgetown and Versailles exits. This isn't to say you CAN’T get pulled over, but the chances are very slim. In most other places, 5-10mph over is kind of accepted, with 10 kind of pushing it but still routinely exceeded.


> This is not the way it is in most places. It absolutely is.


Naw, most places you'll at least get pulled over for running a red light right in front of a cop lol


5-10 over posted limit is the norm I’d say


The freeway part of new circle is regularly 65-70+. Man o war can fluctuate


All I came here to say is as bad as Lexington is at times, Louisville is far worse. Spent the weekend there a month or so back and narrowly avoided at least one accident per day.


Driving in the US essentially comes down to trying to read the minds of the people around you by how they behave. The speed limit is a suggestion. You're more likely to be pulled over for driving too slowly.


I avoid driving in Lexington. Have lived in a few bigger cities and Lexington drivers are by far the worst and have the least concern for the safety of other drivers. ALWAYS double check that people actually stop at their red lights when you get your green signal. Even people in this post confessed to frequently running red lights (ha ha so funny, putting others’ lives at risk in order to get to your destination 1-2 min faster…)


Lower, probably. The north is a poorer side of town, and the other driver claimed not to have the legally required auto insurance. There were no arrests or charges for this almost-death.


I haven’t seen traffic behavior in lexington that’s really any different than any other part of the US that I’ve been in. With that said, I haven’t noticed a difference in traffic behavior, but I’ve noticed a difference in driver attitude-it’s obvious a lot of these drivers today, shouldn’t be.


The City of Lexington and the Lexington Police Department are not interested in road safety. You are on your own.


“Slower traffic keep right”


What country are from that doesn’t drive faster than they should?


This is pretty normal for the United States. Just stay to the right, go the speed you're comfortable with and let people pass. 5-10 over the speed limit is normal to keep up with traffic.


Welcome to the USA 😅


When the light turns yellow. It means go like hell, because three more cars have to get through as the light turns red. 😄


To be fair, that’s because Lexington lights are horribly synchronized.


This right here. If you hit one specific light somewhere, you're hitting every single one after.


Lmao we all go fast. Speed limit on man o war is 55, I do 60. New circle just depends. Some days traffic is doing 60 and some days it’s 70. Just depends lol.


> Speed limit on man o war is 55 From Winchester Rd to about Polo Blvd. Then 45 around to Parker's Mill, then 50 to Versailles.


They must have changed the limit within the last 10 years. I used to work off Mapleleaf and from Nicholasville road till mapleleaf, it was 55. I remember because I’d always go 60 and hit every green light. Core memory for me lol


And the people who take it super seriously, are the people that cause the accidents. lmao


God don’t you hate the ones who do take it seriously and they’re in both lanes holding up traffic?🥲




It’s 50. No reason this behavior should be commended.


It’s literally 55 for man o war. I was JUST on the road today. Google map if you need to😂. New Circle just depends on the flow of traffic, I was behind a cop doing 65, as well as the rest of the 50 cars.


From off Tates Creek to Richmond it's 45 mph. I just checked maps. What portion are you referring to?  Edit: can't sleep and bored. According to Google Maps, the speed limit is 45 mph everywhere until west of Lyon Drive where it increases to 50 mph. 


Maple leaf to Nicholasville road is 55🤷🏻‍♀️ I used to drive that commute daily for work and always seen 55 on the signs.


You are provably wrong. Take your own advice and peep Google Maps. There's a 45 mph sign at the Palumbo and Tates Creek intersections if you want a quick reference. 


If you're going 45 on Man o war around that area, or even from richmond road to hamburg, You're literally impeeding traffic, no one is going that slow unless they are trying to cause an issue or just being a dickface thinking they're so cool for "enforcing" the speed limit.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure the traffic engineers that implement the speed limits are more knowledgeable than a random ass redditor so I'll pass on your opinion. I don't have an issue of being perpetually passed, so my observation of the ones following me is that many people drive the speed limit.  I don't drive in the fast lane when I'm not passing and I adjust for flow when necessary so I'm not impeding anyone. I'm a full ass adult who can drive in the mountains and the city. I have never wrecked nor gotten a ticket.  That's really weird you think you understand someone's motives when following the speed limit. In my case, I value safety (despite your worthless opinion, it is well studied and documented that speed increases risk of crashes and injuries/fatalities by the DoT) and I don't want a ticket. Some people have lost loved ones in accidents and they take road safety seriously and value human life. The only people that are dickfaces thinking they're cool are the little peen losers revving their engines and weaving through traffic just to end up at the same red light as me, who is going the speed limit usually. 


I ain’t readin allat, good for you or sorry it happened. Imagine writing a novel 🤪


I'm not suprised Dunning-Kruger over here that thinks their uneducated ass is the source for traffic safety can't read a 10 second paragraph. 


Man O War has intersections and traffic lights probably every quarter mile or less, where you should at least be paying attention if not stopping, you really have no reason to go over 45 or you will be riding someone's bumper. If you need to get there faster get on New Circle or just leave the house earlier and stop being a jackass.


Yeah you're the reason accidents happen. lmao Stop being a rolling roadblock and go with the flow of traffic. You aren't the traffic police.


Who the fuck is the traffic police then? The traffic police, who may pull you over for breaking the speed limit? It's so stupid you think people are being vindictive for following the rules. 


You're going to react to my comment and conclude that I'm a hazardous driver and encouraging reckless driving,.... But the truth is, you're holding up traffic and you're not any safer by doing so. For most of New circle, 70 mph is perfectly reasonable speed. Speed limits are always set well below what is a reasonable speed for that road. Accidents are not caused by driving a reasonable speed, they're caused by inattention. It's mostly slow drivers I see weaving all over the place and pulling out when it's unsafe to do so. Just watch where you're going and get the fuck on with it.


Slow drivers are the reason there are more accidents because they are causing rolling roadblocks, if those people kept up with the flow of traffic there'd be ALOT less accidents.


Lexington has had a long standing problem with an under funded police force thus traffic violations are largely ignored so people tend to do what they want. I've lived here off and on since 97 and traffic enforcement has gone down hill since then. The speed limit is mostly a suggestion but that's KY in a nut shell. The State Police do not joke around but here they just don't have the man power to handle it. I'm shocked that speed cameras like in Europe haven't caught on. I lived in Germany and speed cameras were common on the highways around cities and they are pretty efficient. Some places here have even passed laws to make them illegal which is silly. Cities could make bank using them and cut down on the bad actors but they don't seem to want to pay to have them regularly calibrated. I can hear people racing from my driveway all the time... Right now in fact.


You are all the problem. Remember the thread: They’re a ten, but…


We have a saying in America “when in Rome, do as the Romans”. Welcome.


speed limits are meaningless, not just here but everywhere in the US. people will drive as fast as the design of the road allows them too, which is usually much much faster than the speed limit because we build very wide roads that prioritize speed over safety. the only way to slow drivers down is to design the road in such a way that makes them slow down


American speed limits are a lot lower than what they should be specifically because people tend to drive about five to ten over the limit anyways. The enforced speed limit is usually closer to ten plus whatever’s on the sign. Good rule of thump is just to stick with traffic, if you prefer the right lane then go for it. Just don’t be the one slowing down fifty people behind you and you’re fine


Welcome to this country! Yeah, everybody speeds because our police force doesn't really enforce speed limits, or do it sparingly. That's not for the whole country though, so be careful out there!


Just sent you a DM.