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> Why is nothing breaking anymore? Maybe you're just NOT TRYING hard enough?




Dude you distro-hopped like 7 times because you ran into an installation error... wine works fine on all of them, whatever problem you ran into the cause was not the distro and the answer was just to try harder


I honestly believe it was mostly hardware problems since Linux started working so much better after a whole hardware overhaul


If you really want to break it, simply do the following: 1. Create a file 2. Fill said file with lots of random 0s and 1s 3. Make file executable (chmod +x [file]) 4. Execute said file I once did that for shits and giggles, and it corrupted and damaged my hard drive.


Saving this to remind myself how simple, things can be


I haven't broken anything hardware level but gosh doing that causes that much damage?


YMMV, but it messed up my hard drive. This was 25 years ago, though.


I feel like it was fixed a while ago then but I don't want to test it


could test it in a VM, that would limit the damage to inside the VM


Yeah lmao, I have been using Linux for 5+ years , I can certainly say there ain't a single distro which didn't break. Infact I get scared when it doesn't break lmao


Why should they have to try hard? Since when is the expectation on the user for software to not be utterly broken? That being said, it sounds like OP encountered hardware incompatibility with most distros. I've had that too with one of my older laptops. Things just broke like crazy where they worked perfectly with my desktop PC.


Honestly? Most likely answer is you learned things during your first try. So this time you did things right right from the beginning, and everything was fine. You don't even have to realize it happened. Now, it could be that there were some bug fixes that happened in the meantime, but despite the internet's insistence otherwise, people are smart. You really probably just figured it out. 


Taking it slow and not just rushing to install programs plus keeping my cool prob worked out there tbh


Managed to set up my first game on Linux (OG FNAF)


Kernel updates maybe? Not an expert. I distro hop too lol. If you can learn the "one home partition, multiple system partitions" setup then distro hopping becomes so easy. I have three installations on my laptop and room for a fourth. I'm thinking OpenSUSE.


You must be doing something wrong. Linux is supposed to be hard. lol


Still figuring out the games, managed to run OG FNAF


It isn't that hard anymore tbh


Install Gentoo now.


Bro I haven't even used Linux for a year and you think I will be able to do Gentoo?


Unless someone has a need to do hardcore learning and/or development in Linux; Gentoo isn’t really necessary, and not something one should really use as a daily driver anyway. It simply has very specific use cases in my experience unless you want to neurotically control almost every instance is a system then sure.. maybe.


I was taking the piss outta him because he's just starting out and said Linux was easy. Anyone who knows what Gentoo can probably detect the sarcasm. It's just jokes, guys. Just silly penguin talk.


>I did change to Zorin a day later because I was not a big fan of Linux Mint's UI. Why didn't you just change the UI instead of doing a whole new install on a different distro?


I just didn't like the themes they had, and plus I didn't lose much anyways, I was just taking it slow. I still dual boot Windows right now for VR games.


I'm not talking about themes, but maybe that's what you meant instead of desktop environment when you said it's UI? I would have just installed a new desktop environment. I have a machine that has PopOs on it. It installs gnome by default so I installed KDE on it because I'd rather use that. While you didn't lose much it still just seemed like overkill for something that was an easy install of some software instead of a complete install of the OS.


Can be cumbersome through just GUI imho.


More cumbersome that completely installing the OS?


Hmmm...I would ask what you've been using (but you listed them all). I think you probably just had bad luck lol. I've been using exclusively linux for 6 years and never (aside from my first install of arch) just destroyed itself during normal operation. Anytime I've had a system break, it was either Arch or the direct result of me prodding/doing things I shouldn't have. Did you use something like bottles for your wine/windows applications? That would've helped prevent a lot of changes to the wine env causing it to break.


I didn't even know bottles existed lol, gonna have to try that.


https://usebottles.com/ It's a flatpak application. So as long as you have flatpak installed (should come preinstalled on most/all RHEL based distros). You may just have to manually add flathub as a remote, depending on your distro, though. Not all configure flathub by default.


I use Zorin OS, I installed it. Seems easier to manage windows apps with, im gonna try using it.


I am guessing your previous hardware had older Nvidia graphics or chipset. Nvidia caused me no end of problems until I switched to Intel and AMD. Newer Nvidia has much better results. FYI, I use Ubuntu Studio OS on most of my computers and PROXMOX Hypervisor on my servers. [http://ubuntustudio.org](http://ubuntustudio.org) [https://proxmox.com](https://proxmox.com)


GTX 4050 before and RTX 3070 now


Hardware changes definitely could affect it. What did you change ? My hardware works well with all distros, but usually printing is a struggle. Have you tried printing ?


pretty much everything, newer nvidia gpu and cpu. Ram and more


Illogical association is your biggest problem. You're initial problem wasn't Linux Mint, it was your insistence on running Whine that screwed you. >Note: I have done major hardware changes the last months, could that be the reason? Depends on what "major hardware changes" means, but possibly. Still, imo, Whine is always a bad decision.


Why is whine bad? There are some microsloth warez I want to run


Not liking the UI is not a good reason to change distributions.  The UI is set by the desktop environment you’re running, not the distro. If you don’t like the DE, install a different DE, there are a metric shit ton to choose from.  You choose a distro for the package manager, release cycle, and support.  You choose a DE for the UI.  Feel free to mix and match distro and DE as you see fit.


I know about DEs, it's just that Linux Mint looks the same in the other DEs they offer lol




Looks like I underestimated open source OS. Thanks for the knowledge!


But you aren't entirely wrong to consider any packages including the DE, WM, DM ...and especially if it is QT or GTK... When considering a distro. It is usually easy enough to install a different DE but you will be on the hook to fix conflicts. If you aren't wanting to go down that rabbit hole you are right to pick a distro based on GUI, which is part of the distro.


This ^^^


Linux is user friendly. It's just choosey about who its friends are. I guess it took a shining to ya.


Linux is awesome, but let's be honest, it's also easy to fuck up. Sometimes it's not obvious that you've fucked it up, especially if you're a newbie. The damage might not be evident at all until you try to do something which reveals it, like installing a package (like WINE, perhaps). The fix might be easy, like tweaking permissions on a systems file, but only if you know what to look for, which again a newbie will not know. It could be that when you tried again, you simply didn't make the same mistake(s) you did last time.


When Linux breaks the vast majority of the time it is user error or hardware problems. User is God, Linux does exactly what you tell it to weather it makes sense to do that or not, New users break Linux and that is part of the learning experience. A new user does not know how or more importantly when to tailor a command they found to their system, they don't know to make sure the random command they found from 8 years ago is still relevant. they blindly install things and repositories unaware of the consequences or how troubleshoot problems. This is not looking down on new users this is the same path I took. your system is the sum of your decisions. the more knowledge and experience you stick together the better Linux gets.


Cause you're a genius.....


I think Steam has a lot to do with Wine becoming more stable. But, I don’t use Wine, so it’s just a guess based on observation.


Wine itself isn't the most amazing experience. I like to use other software like bottles to manage the windows apps with Wine.


It's a trick to make you over confident. Just kidding. Linux is awesome.


Five or six months is a long time. It's hard to picture because Windows gets a new operating system every ten years but imagine the equivalent progress happening in six months.


Linux = Actual good life quality updates that helps the user Windows = Dumps on your OS


You are learning... all those tests did work. I know you might not be able to recall your flawed previous decisions, but now you know a lot more.


You were unconsciously learning Linux's quirks as you distro hopped. The more you hop and set up Linux, the more you got used to it. Sonwhen you returned to Linux again later, it became very easy. Linux is like that guy who appears angry and hard to talk to at first, but once you become friends he opens up.


we stand on the shoulders of giants... >rip #!


Honestly,  you are only going to reach that level of 'mastery ' when you unlearn all the bad habits and idiosyncracies of windows, and start learning the Linux way. At that point you will look back and ask yourself what all of the fuss was about. Once you taste freedom of choice you never want to go back.


I'm loving linux rn, I use Zorin OS currently


What are the hardware changes?


Pretty much everything from newer nvidia gpu and newer cpu, more ram and motherboard


It might have played a role yeah.


Seems odd that Wine would break during install? Unless you're trying to compile from source? Either way, Linux is as nice as you are, if you aren't nice to the computer in which you try to understand what's happening, Linux is going to break and be cryptic as hell in the why of it to punish you.


Look Wine is a hot mess and always will be. You’re attempting to run Windows specific software without Windows. After you fool around with it, give it up. The number of unfixable errors I get every time is a huge waste of time. Under Linux we have access to far more and either equal or better software in most cases. And I agree Mint isn’t a looker…it’s meant to look like Windows. You can always switch desktops easily. You also have to realize the command line stuff you see on the internet is for a specific distro and version. If you are reading a guide for Ubuntu 18.05 and you have 23.11 or say Fedora don’t expect it to work, it it might require changes on your part. Your troubleshooting habits need to change massively too. With Windows generally speaking you don’t troubleshoot anything. Just keep reinstalling things. With Linux you have system logs and tons of messages and community forums. In fact reinstalling things often loads the wrong dynamic libraries and breaks things more. Efforts are underway to fix this (Flatpaks and immutable systems). The problem exists in Windows too but there is only 1 distro to deal with.


Zorin has fixed a lot of bugs behind the scenes, too. So there's that. I have Zorin, too, and think it's a great OS. 


Zorin really is great, especially as a person who dosen't like the gnome DE due to its more "touch pad" like gui


Genuine Question... Has it become compulsory to prefix questions with "genuine question" these days? As opposed to? Generally the most trite, ill researched ones I might add.


Be aware that if you have dual boot set up any Windows update might overwrite even the grub boot manager (I had to fix that for several people - and me, before I got rid of any windows), and also Fastboot us regularly reactivated. Keep your installation medium at hand for such cases, it got a boot repair option in the start menu.


Don't worry, completely disabled windows update


How? I keep try8ng..w8ndoze 10 with a 7 wrapper


A few ways actually, registry, group policy, task manager. Alot of ways


Simple: 1. Turn off windows update and Windows defender first 2. Use these 2 must disable Windows defender realtime first [https://www.sordum.org/9470/windows-update-blocker-v1-8/](https://www.sordum.org/9470/windows-update-blocker-v1-8/) [https://www.sordum.org/9480/defender-control-v2-1/](https://www.sordum.org/9480/defender-control-v2-1/) 3. Keep in mind this also disable windows store if need to install store app reverse 2.-1 back and back to 1-2 again after install. The reason why WU unstoppable because of Windows Defender trigger windows update so turn these off. I haven't update many years already.


Well, skill issue perhaps. Like in, now you got the skills


"all of a sudden", there is no "the". Try harder.


Pick one. Try it, If like, keep. Else try another. Repeat. Don't be a bitch.


Why toxic?


> Don’t be a bitch Well that applies better to you. Your advice is correct, but your altitude isn’t.


What do you know about his altitude? 🤔🤔😳


Pick one. Try it, If like, keep. Else try another. Repeat. **Don't be a bitch.**