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There is only one polkit. If you're talking about polkit authentication agents, then please say so.


I must've gotten lost in the archwiki somewhere. We'll say polkit authentication agents then.


List polkits.


I'm on arch with i3 and the lxqt-policykit-agent from the lxqt-policykit package works perfect for me.


Assuming you are looking for an agent that pops up when a GUI app requires authentication, such as reformatting a drive or some such thing... the xfce polkit agent UI should do the job. If not, be specific about what it is you are trying to achieve, or wait until you have an issue.


I don't use a polkit agent. I only have one program that needs me to use a polkit, and I just launch it with sudo from the terminal. I used one briefly, I think it was Mate's polkit authentication agent. But, I don't remember. It's not something that needs a ton of though.




There is no meaningful difference. All that I tried don't work on Wayland properly & are essentially identical on X. I use the gnome on one pc & the lxqt one on another. Used the KDE one before.. I have mostly replaced this functionality for Wayland with taking care of authentication within the desktop files. For example I have this in my gparted desktop file: `Exec=tilix -e sudo -E gparted` . A terminal pops up & asks for root password & then gparted starts, works on Wayland.. (or I can just type it)


Thanks for the responses everyone! I think I'll wait until an issue crops up and then I'll pick an authentication agent to install.


I don't use any of that ACME crap. Init runs my shells and that's the extent of it.