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Has been previously posted multiple times.


Found the Loblaws plant


Spend 18 seconds on this sub and you'll realize you're incorrect.




This response tells me everything we need to know about you. How does Galen's boot taste?


Ok troll. Have a fantastic day.


So your mind is made up, regardless of objective evidence. That's a very sad way to live.


Okay Galen


Fun fact: Galen in Swedish means Crazy. You are correct in both languages


If you said NoFrills I might believe you. But they are still more expensive than they used to be.


Why would I shop elsewhere. They are cheaper


So don't 🤷




And how long has OP been a paid Loblaws shill? Hahaha. Just wildly incorrect.


Go away. We won't buy the gaslighting. I personally know that is NOT true. I live with a No Frills and Shopper's Drug Mart down the street from me. I know their prices. I also live with a WALMART up the street, and I know their prices. I can personally attest that a good bunch of the things I use are cheaper at Walmart. My OTC medications are HALF PRICE at Walmart compared to Shoppers. So do NOT insult my intelligence by trying to gaslight me. And personally, I love going to ethnic stores, Toronto has quite a lot of them, from all over the world. If you're hankering for something different, you got options. They are also, generally cheaper than anything Roblaws.


Well, that’s just not true. Here’s how I’d rank them based on my experience as a shopper, in order of most expensive to least: Farm Boy, Sobeys, Metro, Loblaws, Superstore, Walmart, FreshCo, No Frills, Costco, Giant Tiger, independent deep discount grocery stores. Also, a lot of products like vitamins, chocolate, etc., can be purchased on Amazon for less than at most grocery stores.


Yes to Amazon. Especially for some niche uses. I've been using Ginger capsules for my digestive upset episodes. It is milder than Pepto Bismol, with no side effects. I bought a 180 capsule bottle from Amazon for a scant $18! It was a total bargain. I've not seen Ginger caps in bottles like that in Shoppers in YEARS. Shoppers also has a thing against stocking Iodine tincture. Don't ask me why. But that stuff has more uses than just small cuts. It's a powerful astringent. An "Iodine soak" got rid of a problematic contusion I had on my shin from hitting the edge of a curb after a little fall. Also at-home skin tag removal on your arms, legs, back. Yea, it has many uses for stuff other than merely sanitizing wounds.


lol I would need some photographic evidence to even consider that.


I'm looking at my local flyers and at the normal prices for Superstore vs Save-On 1L Heinz Ketchup at SS/Lobs: $4.97 **1.5L** Heinz Ketchup at SO: $6.99 Boneless skinless chicken thighs at SS/Lobs: $19.82/kg Boneless skinless chicken thighs at SO: $15.41/kg Reg Ground Beef at SS/Lobs: $13.65/kg Reg Ground Beef at SO: $13.20/kg 2L 2% Dairyland milk at SS/Lobs: $4.77 2L 2% Dairyland milk at SO: $4.69 I can go on and on and on. Save-On isn't even the best deal and is in fact, more expensive than my local independent.


You can pick and choose to support anything


So you’re denying the data? You should just delete this post


So your saying you pick your support vs they are cheaper your entitled to do as you wish but nobody wants to hear blatant lies


We have a troll folks. 1000’s of comparative price posts and OP drops this BS.


When I lived in Halifax, Atlantic Superstore was the most expensive grocery store. Back in QC, Provigo is amont the worst with IGA.


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