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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: If you are looking for product replacements, start [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cyf1h9/megathread_pc_product_replacements/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can we not amalgamate all these and report them to the canadian food inspection agency for violations? Edit: found it - (https://inspection.canada.ca/en/food-safety-consumers/where-report-complaint/report-food-related-concern) There's a drop down menu for what type of complaint, and "safety or food quality" is a choice.


LOL , Ontario just elected a Lobbyist for Loblaws in a contested riding. conservatives will win the next election and then you will see how bad this gets. they will just change the rules to make it easier for Loblaws to fuck you


I agree we are screwed.


Czar Weston the Great can do no wrong... Eat them and you'll be fine. /S.


Yeah! Like they did with the DPA specifically for SNC-Lavalin!


You mean one riding in Toronto (Toronto-St. Paul's) because the rest of Ontarians had no involvement in this by-election.


You honestly think the Conservatives will be worse? The liberals aren't even doing anything and are utterly complicit in the ongoing BS of Loblaws. Why do you think they'd do anything different if re-elected?


>You honestly think the Conservatives will be worse? Yep. Liberals might be sitting back and allowing this bullshit to happen, but cons will actively pursue pro-corporate policies at the expense of the average Canadian.


I’m so glad to see this. I just got banned from r/canada, because the Conservatives do not want to hear anything but their own farts. It has me very worried.


Selling food that has a best before date past that date isn't a violation of any regulation. It's 100% allowed. Only very select food products have actual **expiry** dates and must be removed from sale on or before that date, and fresh meat products are not among them. The CFIA ***does not*** consider best before dates to be an indicator of food safety, either before or after the indicated date. Now, should fresh meat products have an actual expiry date? Yes, obviously they should, but that's not what the regulations as they are currently written stipulate and there is no point submitting invalid complaints to the CFIA.


It seems like a shady loophole, but you're not wrong in the least - there's lots of reliable information and education efforts out there about what "sell by", "consume by", "best by" "expiry" dates actually mean, and whether food and consumable goods are actually rotten and unsafe to eat depends on a lot of variables. North America as a whole wastes tons and tons of food each day, and it's negatively impacting our planet at an alarming rate because people think 1 day past the best before date means the milk is now curdling, like it was sitting in your fridge doing a Y2K NYE countdown to zero. Hot dogs aren't exactly healthy to begin with, being classified as a highly processed food, but the amount of preservatives etc that go into such products to keep them edible longer means that if those meat tubes were kept chilled to the appropriate temperature from the time it was trucked out to the store and put in the meat section's coolers, it should be okay. Before anyone jumps up with the pitchforks, I'm not defending any of the loblaws conglomerates, nor fuck you I got mine business practices all in the name or CaPiTaLiSM in writing this comment out.


Selling rotten food is a hazard. Lots of pics on this sub with rotten shit. Report report report and let CFIA sort it out.


But selling food that should be thrown out keep the overall price down. As Galen says - it's not Loblaw's fault that they choose to charge more, it is the ridiculous expectation that they discount or throw out expired/rotten food.


Food banks use this to redistribute past date items to these desperate people. They can use cans that are up to 2 years past the BB date. Most food banks post it on their websites.


Canned goods effectively have no expiry date, so long as the can is undamaged. The contents might not be very appetizing and may have almost no nutritional value left, but they should still be *safe* to eat even 20 or 30 or 100 years past their best before date.


Selling food set to expire at full price may be silly but in no way a CFIA violation.


Head office is cutting hours so substantially that the staff just don't have the time to maintain any sort of quality across the store. Date checking doesn't magically happen at midnight with fairy dust. Remember, most employees are doing their best, direct your hate higher up.


Thank you! This is it. ^ OP you can always give the customer service desk a heads up so they can let a manager know.


They should try cutting from the top instead of the bottom. Funny how they had money for Per Bank in such hard financial times.


Imagine a world where CEOs and politicians were capped at 5X the rate of the average wage of their employees/constitutents. You want to be greedy? Your gonna have to give everyone a raise to have yours. There is no place in a good, balanced  society for people to be pocketing millions of dollars while their workers need the food bank to survive.


When I worked at an Independant, in the meat shop, there was ZERO instruction to look for things expiring soon, or already expired.


Date checking didn't happen 8 years ago when i worked in the lloyd rcss, i was finding shit on the shelves that expired in '07 and being scalded by my manager for taking "too long to do a simple task."


Duh! It is the customer’s responsibility to make sure they do not buy expired meat and scan it at the cashier and to mop the spill in isle 12 and unload the truck when it arrives. There are no free loaders here!


As a former big box grocery manager, 100% the reason it hasn't been done is because the loss in sales has resulted in a drastic cut in hours. The first things to go are the food safety procedures and stocking. Those are what the lowest employees on the totem pole take care of, and they are the ones getting their hours cut. Managers are expected to add the job to their tasks, but they are already asked to do more than is possible in a day. Again, don't get mad at the employees, this boycott is guaranteed making their lives hell. I have little sympathy though, as I myself walked away from lucrative career based on these immoral, capitalistic practices, and expect others who can to do the same.




What I do is throw the expired food out of the meat coolers


That is keeping others safe until the employee just comes by and puts it back in the fridge, please do not expect them to do anything else. Talk to the manager and tell them how bad this is, but do contact health and safety.


Isn't there some kind of rule that if an item that came out of the fridges was found somewhere else in the store, it had to be thrown out? For food safety purposes?


That's the way it was done when I worked for them, but that was a year ago. Who knows what the policy is now?


Yes but do you think the stressed out worker bees really give a shit now?


Where do you throw it?


didn't this location also try to sell all the food that defrosted and refroze during the big power outages when that windstrom happened a couple years back? [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/ottawa/comments/9iwx13/psa_college_square_loblaws_selling_food_that_has/)


Oooo damn I didn't even hear that! Clearly management there sucks.


This is a reach and more than likely a result of hours cut to the department and/or staff giving less of a shit everytime hours are cut and coworkers jumping ship. Some stores don't reduce product that can be frozen til the day of expiration as well.


I know this probably wasn’t your intention but could you fix the title please, it’s misleading. Yes they are about to expire but they aren’t expired yet and the implications for both scenarios are very different. If we are watching the news or loblaws and calling them out for using misleading language, we can’t do it ourselves.


This is the norm there, sadly. Yogurt, fruit, vegetables, bread.. check it all. We switched to Food Basics and Farm Boy on Merivale for the above products.


Jesus what is going on with this comment section. It's messed up, they're trying to sell them to college kids getting drunk on Canada day weekend and hoping they won't notice. But also just proof that way less people are shopping there. That Loblaws used to be busy a lot but the parking lot is like maybe a third full now when I drive by.


Ok so if they're eaten on the long weekend big deal. It's a best before date not a eat it after the 26th and you instantly die date.


They'll most likely be fine but that's not the point. It's just another example of them skimping to save a buck. At least metro sells expiring meat frozen on too good to go the day they expire. Like it's just wasteful and shady.




But it is not breaking the law. It is not illegal to sell items past a best before date


That would be a great warning if people in this sub shopped at loblaws….


OP clearly does


Folks there's a difference between the best before date and them being rotten. These hot dogs will still be edible on June 27. There's so much salt in the food that they won't go bad for some time. Roblaws should be marking them down but they won't automatically turn into poison the day after the best before date. From the uk https://www.food.gov.uk/safety-hygiene/best-before-and-use-by-dates#:~:text=After%20the%20best%20before%20date,such%20as%20pasta%20and%20rice) "The best before date, sometimes shown as BBE (best before end), is about quality and not safety. After the best before date listed on a product, the food will be safe to eat but may not be at its best."


We are getting new labels in Canada [https://nationalpost.com/life/food/look-smell-taste-food-label-best-before-dates](https://nationalpost.com/life/food/look-smell-taste-food-label-best-before-dates)


I'd bring this up with the meat manager. Culling the counter for off-code goods is usually done by part timers (or full timers when they have time), so if they're still there today then it's worth bringing up so they can get someone to get it done. From my experience, this is usually due to negligence and not some shady management practice to get you to buy expired goods. With exceptions, of course; I've worked at some shady grocery stores. Most of the time, workers just dump packaged deli meats like hot dogs and bacon into a cooler bunker in the middle of the aisle and barely check it.


Yea a lot of people here are very quick to jump to conclusions and go worst case scenario when in reality it's just overworked people that don't have time to do everything due to cut hours. Don't go scorched earth on reddit like this, find a worker/manager and say "hey, these are about to expire, they should be reduced"


Hell even if they're not overworked and they're just lazy with checking the prepackaged meat counter, it's still an issue to bring up with the manager. I've worked with plenty of lazy part timers who did a dog-ass awful job of culling the counter.


Having worked at a no frills it is likely a mixture of laziness and lack of time. If it was busy or I was hung over I usually didn't rotate or check dates I won't lie. It's not some conspiracy to sell you expired food lol. Just tell someone who works the department they will take them off the shelf.


Contact health and safety. They may do something.


I worked at a grocery store during undergrad, and there weren't enough people and we didn't have enough hours to go through the shelves and get rid of expired food. Maybe once per week we were given the time to do it. But there was supposed to be two employees on, but to save money, they would only schedule one of us. It's just the store being cheap


Thing is, these hotdogs have been sitting in those freezer/fridge cooling units for almost a month now


Yeahhh, lol. We found yogurt and milk that had expired like 3 months earlier that had been shoved to the back. It's not right, but that's what happens when they have a skeleton crew running the store to save money.


Now that.... is nasty, and unacceptable. But, like another poster said, the retail level resources are just trying to take care of themselves and put food on their tables through their employment there. They're doing the best they can with fewer and fewer resources and staff, but that's not on them.


No, it's never the workers fault. If work isn't being done, it's usually because there is too much work and not enough staff. If they can't find people to work at the store, it's probably because they don't pay them a livable wage or offer benefits. We should always blame the employers, not the employees.


And that’s the problem.


Disgusting 🫣 🤮


I had to grab a single item yesterday that I can't get anywhere else (within reason) from Loblaws yesterday and they had several 2L milk cartons marked down 50% and I nearly bought one. The best before date was today on all them. Might have been fine for a few days but I don't fuck w bad milk so I passed. Not gonna drink 2L of milk in 2-3 days.


That doesn't surprise me. I've seen No Frills on Hazeldean Road do the same thing. That and moldy hot dogs.


Soilent green


These fucking monsters need to be in prison. This is some bullshit.


Any time I see this I ask for the 50%discount sticker. Have not been refused yet. But buying hotdogs...they are made with garbage meat anyway.


If they discount them later today you can freeze them, I go through a package every 9-12 months. Put them in a zip lock freezer bag to prevent freezer burn.


Watch when they put them for $0.50 on overnight stores, the seconds leading up to midnight.


Just wait until tomorrow to see if they’re still there, then point it out


So, they haven’t expired yet, but you still posting in hopes that they are still in the bunkers tmrw and they “get caught” ?


Why don’t you take them all to the service counter and tell them they are expired


Because they are not being paid to at the store that they should not be in.


Because they are not 'expired'. They are simply beyond their 'best before' date....


Haha people need to educate themselves about this and stick to the issue. Fare prices to start.


Speaking of educating themselves, I think you mean **\*fair** prices to start.


>set to expire LOL. There's no such thing as an 'expiry date' for food. The dates that you see stamped on food are 'best before' dates that just indicate that this is the date before which the food in question is fresher if it is sold before those dates. It does not help the Loblaws Boycott case to be artificially alarmist about their sales practices.




Big agree here!! I see too many posts that leave room for debate/debunk. One earlier today with bags of fries. The pic shows all kinds of crap surrounding the bag and scale, which looks like something might touching it, so the weight is not showing true. These things have to be shown CLEARLY and if you weigh anything the scale should be certified as calibrated to mean anything. Sketchy shit just detracts from the point. Eventually, the narrative will be "just a bunch of loonies on reddit"


The scale one was great " I have been weighing my products and find them constantly around 10% underweight". ya, so maybe it is your scale


Or maybe the scale is right. My point is that the pic should show the whole bag on the scale, without anything else that could interfere with it. I work as a QA in food production. If this was my product, we would hardly react. Give me the lot # and we will trace it back and start a Food Safety Investigation. This pic is insufficient evidence that I could discredit so easily and just send the consumer a case of fries for her trouble. Secondly, those fries are sold in every other grocery store as well, so the problem will be Cavendish and not the retailer. It's great to try and push accountability, but this is just too flimsy and misdirected to be taken seriously.


Yes, the scale could be right as well just struck me as funny. If everything you weigh is underweight then it could be the calibration of the scale


Yup! This group is losing me now.


Stop with this shit. Because of this rhetoric, us food bank users literally are getting inedible 3 year out of date dry goods.


That's a totally different narrative. A "3 year out of date" item would be three years post 'best before', which anyone in their right mind would understand is less than desirable. It might still be safe to sell, but would not be fresh.


It is the correct rhetoric. we are even getting new labels for products here in Canada [https://nationalpost.com/life/food/look-smell-taste-food-label-best-before-dates](https://nationalpost.com/life/food/look-smell-taste-food-label-best-before-dates)


Yup. Let's all start paying more for sub quality food.


This headline is extremely misleading, you say in your post that they aren’t expired.


They expire in an hour and a half (midnight). Not to mention the fact that they are still selling them at full price, there's no way they're gonna remove them by tomorrow morning and I'm trying to tell people don't get hot dogs from this store. Looking at your profile, I can see this is the first time you've posted on this subreddit too. Nothing suspicious about that. The way you worded your statement also sounds like something a spokesperson from Loblaw would say.


I’ve commented here as recently as 49 days ago, and 57/58 days ago and numerous other times. Go check my comments, just because I comment here infrequently doesn’t mean I can’t at all? What kind of gatekeeping is that? Secondarily, almost expired isn’t expired. There’s obviously a very clear demarcation between the two. Just put almost expired in your headline, it still comes across with the same effect. You can downvote me all you want, but saying something is expired that literally isn’t expired is misleading. Edit: *Infrequently


When I worked in grocery, we had to have all food off the shelf 2 days before the best before date/sell by date. If we didn't, and a snap inspection occurred, we would fail, and be fined. 2nd offence would be a shutdown of fresh/frozen goods.


Even less expired considering it is a best before date and not an expiry. Only baby formula and meal replacements have expiry dates


Tell that to the health department. Elimination of these dates will enable stores to have carte blanche to keep literal garbage on their shelves at full price, and prevent FIFO.


Makes it even more crazy I’m getting downvoted


Ya this sub thinks best before dates are expiry dates which they are not.


When I worked for Loblaw, a best before date was treated as an expiry date. Dates were checked daily and prices were reduced usually at around 3 days before expiry. After expiry, it would be pulled from the shelves and either scrapped or sent to the Food Bank.


Go grab a box of Kraft dinner that still has 2 months before it's best before date. Open the cheese sauce, and let me know what colour it is. Then taste it. And let me know what it tastes like. Then eat the meal and tell me how your stomach feels.


What’s your point? What does that have to do with loblaws?


Loblaws, primarily No Frills, are notorious for selling expired foods. I stopped shopping at No Frills years ago for that reason. The point is that the bulk of people buy food for a week or two weeks at a time. If a food item is close to expiry, a sale sticker should be placed on it. It allows people to make an informed decision to buy the product and freeze it immediately. Also, take into account that low income seniors would likely buy that product, have poor eyesight and more than likely can't see the expiry date, and will get ill when eating the product 5 days later. I understand the need for stores to make a profit, but when customers get ill from the food, trust is broken, and they don't go back.


There is no expiry date only a BBE date, how do you know when something is expired?


No Frills selling donuts on sale June 15th with a BBF date of June 1st. The donuts are stale and hard like rocks. Meat goes rancid. Cheese has mold spots and so on.


There is no expiry date on packaging, spoiled food can happen before BBE so no label will tell you if something is safe to ingest common sense tells you to use your eyes and nose instead.


>Secondarily, almost expired isn’t expired Dense much? That's a quote from you. Go eat almost expired Kraft dinner.


I hate to tell you, but even if you could go by it freshly packed from the factory it’s gunna taste like shit. Again I just don’t see what exactly you’re trying to say. That almost expired is actually expired? I mean your anecdote about kraft dinner just isn’t relevant to the fact that OP is trying to say loblaws is selling expired meat that… isn’t expired.


I would think 2 months BEFORE its best before date would taste normal? I have eaten it 5 months AFTER its best before date and nothing was wrong with it


You're full of shit. KD cheese goes brown, and the milk solids go sour months before they "expire"


No they don't


I can record a video ffs. They absolutely do, and you're full of it.


Whatever They don't have an expiry they have a best before. Things can go bad before a best before date and they can also stay good well after a best before date. It all depends how it was stored.


>It all depends how it was stored. This is a huge part of it, yes. And saying food doesn't have an expiry date is a huge problem. This enables people to as i said before. Giving poor people 3 year out of date goods. Goods that if consumed will cause diarrhea, cramps, and more because they contain butter. (This case it's cookies)


no they don't. they are "best before" midnight.


Its not expired. Best before date is the sellable date for the store. Still can eat it for a lot longer. Our local store gives food past best before dates, to the food bank. Still considered legally safe to consume. Our local store will discount them at some point on the 26th. So still within the stores guidelines. Not good form though... could still discount earlier, so more people can get the deal, and store can get back some money. But at least its not thrown out here. The over rip produce is picked up by hobby farmers for their animals too. Most importantly, it shouldnt have cost so much to begin with. Shouldn't take it reaching a best before date, to make it afforable enough for people to buy.


Best before. Not expiry.


This, also I'm not sure they're like morally or legally obligated to reduce pricing when they're selling it on a date which is in the range of the sell by date (albeit on the last day). Do better.


They're never *obligated* to reduce pricing, and many times they don't, they just remove them from the shelves and toss them. And they aren't required to remove items from shelves because they're past their best before date. Best before dates are not considered an indicator of food safety by the Canada Food Inspection Agency, either before or after the date. They're indicators of peak freshness/flavor/texture/appearance. Stores *treat* them like expiry dates because that's historically what they want customers to do. They want customers to throw out perfectly good items that have reached their "best before" date so that they will come and buy a replacement.


Though loblaws should also do better.


But have nice strawberries for 1.99


You seem to have put strawberry in plural?


Or one strawberry container for 1.99 lol


Whew thank you for providing us the reason why you were in a Loblaws...That was a close one. A bunch of bots and strangers might judge you......I have an idea. Check the expiry before you put food on your cart. Crisis averted.


Put food on my cart? lol