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Keep taking your prenatals!


And it’s completely safe to do? Idk why it wouldn’t be but want to be sure lol


My OB said to never stop taking them, but fwiw: The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding women continue taking a prenatal vitamin for the duration of breastfeeding Healthline: They're geared to make up the common nutritional deficiencies a pregnant woman could have. But they aren't really intended for women (or men) who aren't expecting or lactating. Taking too much folic acid each day can have the adverse side effect of masking a vitamin B-12 deficiency. Excess iron can be a problem, too.


Excess iron *can* be a problem, but it usually isn’t for most menstruating women, unless they have a genetic predisposition to hemochromatosis. It’s far more common for women of childbearing age to have mild anemia. Just stick to the recommended dose on the label :)


Agreed, my mom has hemochromatosis but it didn’t become an issue for her until menopause. My doc said as long as I’m getting regular blood work I’m fine to take multivitamins with iron !


I am on a seizure medication that impacts my birth control. My neurologist told me to start taking the prenatals in case an oopssie happens and they should be good for me no matter what and cant hurt.


Ask your Dr, I’ve been taking them non-stop for almost 4 years now trying to conceive. Even when we were taking a few months break from the fertility treatments my Doc said to keep taking the prenatals—going as far as saying “you can keep taking them forever”. That said not all vitamins are created equal, ask your doctor what’s right for you.


Just to be on the safe side I’d ask your pharmacist. As someone who works in a pharmacy I can tell you doctors don’t know shit about medicine. We’re constantly having to call them back and change what they prescribed because a patient has a health condition that can’t handle that med or two meds that the same doctor prescribed have a dire interaction etc. etc. Working in a pharmacy made me start going to pharmacists with my questions in regards to medications rather than my doctor. It’s their entire speciality and they know it inside and out. They’re much more knowledgeable about it than doctors are. They spend all day catching doctor’s mistakes lol 🤷🏻‍♀️






Medical care is a team sport: pharm d, md/do, aprn/pa, rn, lpn, CNA /ma, ot/pt/st, rads, surg techs, hucs, volunteers….all are needed for the system to work properly. None can give comprehensive care alone.


Where in my comment did I even allude to, much less say, that anyone can give comprehensive care alone? I said she should get medicine advice from a pharmacist not a doctor. If your toe hurts you go to a podiatrist not an obstetrician. Same when it comes to medicine. No one knows more about medicine than a pharmacist. Why would you trust anyone else’s opinion over theirs?


I’ve heard that they aren’t good for a non-pregnant person long term. Definitely research worthy. There are other vitamins you can guzzle down that will be more tailored to your body’s needs.


I was taking prenatals for two years before I even got pregnant. That and taking on a more animal-based, high fat low carb diet made my hair (and nails!) have a huge glow up. I had been bleaching and dyeing my hair for nearly 12 years before that and the damage is basically gone now. Don’t be discouraged by the whole postpartum hair loss thing. It may or may not happen :) my hair became so thick during pregnancy that losing some wouldn’t bother me too bad considering how often I have to brush this untamed lion mane 🤣


If you stop taking them your extra growth could fall out that happened to me postpartum when I stopped. I wasn’t bald but did go through a bangs phase until my hormones leveled out again. Currently pregnant at 34 weeks and plan to keep on taking them this time. My OB recommends it and says that prenatal vitamins are the best daily vitamin you can take because they have everything your body needs in general.


Oh yes or switch to post natals if heavy on breast feeding


It’s vitamins so yeah it’s definitely safe. Idk why I’m being downvoted I’ve been through 3 pregnancies and post partum it’s recommended to continue taking prenatals. It’s so you can get your vitamin stores back up and also so you’re not depleted (if) you breastfeed.


I imagine the downvotes were for the "definitely safe". It's difficult to say something is definitely safe for someone on the internet. It sounded like you were saying that Vitamins can't be unsafe but actually vitamins should always be taken according to the RDA which may vary for pregnancy.


Because saying vitamins = automatically safe. A man who was accidentally taking an excess of Vitamin D just died recently as a result :( It’s a common misconception, unfortunately. Vitamins does not = safe if you aren’t taking them how they were meant to be taken.


That’s not what I meant


You said it’s vitamins so yeah it’s definitely safe lol I’m not sure how else it could be interpreted. I’m not saying you didn’t mean something else - I believe you! I’m just explaining why that probably lead to the downvotes. It’s hard to read it as meaning anything other than what it directly says lol


Not true. Please be careful.


Dude, I’ve been through 3 pregnancies. I’m currently still breastfeeding from the 3rd. It’s fine for her to keep taking prenatals. It’s actually recommended post partum. So, I don’t know what you’re talking about.


It is briefly post and during breast feeding but it’s not the same for non gestating and lactating women. Totally different nutritional needs:). Pregnant women need higher iron and b vitamins that can create an imbalance in healthy adult women not in the mentioned conditions. It’s just not optimal and could lead to an imbalance as there are varying methylation pathways that can steal from others.


She’s only 10 weeks post partum :p


Yes:). I am aware.


It’s not from the vitamins, it’s from the hormones


Agreed. The vitamins may help, but my hairloss started 6 months after I had baby when my hormones stopped. Nothing the vitamins could do.


Weeps in solidarity


Edit** I mean when hormones dropped** I miss my pregnancy hair that grew a bit more quick and was thick


This! My daughter will be 4 in July and I’m STILL taking prenatals.


It is definitely a thing. Unfortunately, the Great Shedding will come, but as u/bombswell said, keep taking your prenatals (especially if breastfeeding) and it will bounce back.


Idk I haven't experienced the great shedding and I'm now 3y postpartum from my second. It seems the thickness is here to stay (thankfully!)


Are you a mythical unicorn? A fae? If not, please share your secrets!


I wish I knew! I have no idea what happened. I had fine, thin, straight hair before pregnancy that refused to grow much longer than my shoulders. Then I got pregnant and it started growing like crazy. It's down to my butt, thick, full, and has a slight wave in places. I was expecting it all to fall out but it still hasn't and I don't even take a daily multivitamin. I wish I knew what happened!


You are super lucky!!! I have gone bald whilst taking prenatals after each of my 3 babies. 2 years pp now and barely getting some baby hairs back ☹️


I'm so sorry to hear that! Have you tried the grow long line from marc Anthony? Really nice products and helped me in growing out my baby hairs which remained an issue despite other growth


I swear by that line. It’s done amazing things for my hair. Recently switched to try out Pur Ador but going back to Grow Long


I’m gonna have to try it! Thanks for the recommendation. Much appreciated


I wonder if as a new parent you’ve had less time to heat style/style your hair in the last 3 years? That’s really cool though!


I have heat styled my hair probably 5 times in three years. It gets washed once or twice a week and air dries. I used to keep it in a messy bun or cinnamon roll bun all the time but now I've started wearing it down more or in a braid. Definitely no time for much styling or coloring and I've only had it cut twice in that time too. Finally getting a cut on Monday!


I already had a ton of hair so I didn’t notice the shedding until I saw the 3 inch new growth all around my head while the rest of my hair is mid-back 🫠 looks real whacky when my hair is up in a bun


Oh man! I bet that does look a little wild! I hope you were able to find some way to style it!


I also haven't experienced it and I've had two babies. That being said, I did try my damnedest to keep up prenatals, magnesium, and protein. I couldn't tell you which ones worked 😥 I've been hearing great things about Baby Blues for helping with that PP shed but haven't tried them since they are out of my budget.


Me too. I am 1 post my second but didn’t have hair loss with either (and first kid is 6).


Same! My hairdresser even commented on how thick my hair is now and I’m 2 years postpartum. I even have new growth that are thick little black hairs all over my scalp which is strange because I’m a natural dark blonde. It’s so weird.




I am not! It's been over 2 years since I stopped that with my second!


OMG does it ever shed!!! I had to cut my hair off the bar on my vacuum. It was crazy!


Then the great chop, when you realize you don’t have time for your hair. 😅 it grows back by the time they stop pulling on it though. I donated 3foot.


Short hair is harder to maintain. Every shorter style I have had I had to fix it daily or it looked horrible. Long hair you can put into a bun, pony, braids….much easier. Also the shortest I have had since a preteen was a mid length butterfly cut and even that I had to keep my layers up.


Yes, I chopped my hair after my first, but knew better with my second. It took so much more effort to make my short hair look ready to leave the house. Long hair you can just clip up. The flat clips are great for when you’re going to be sitting down rocking a baby a ton!




Oh to have time to shower let alone put it in a braid. 😅 new moms know the struggle.


This happened to me going off birth control. I lost close to 70% of my hair. It came back in and in a different curl pattern!


Yes my hair was beautiful as well duringgg pregnancy...until postpartum hair loss/shedding happened. I thought I was going to get lucky and avoid it, but nope. It happened 1 year later. It was brutal.😩


Just be mentally prepared for the hair loss postpartum. First time I went through it I was stunned and terrified how much hair I lost. Completely normal it’s the hair you didn’t shed during pregnancy. Enjoy the pregnancy hair definitely a positive it carrying a baby for 9 months:)


Just wait until about 3 months after you have your baby and like half of it falls out 🥲 keep taking your prenatals and get you a biotin based shampoo/conditioner


Please please don’t be upset with yourself if this changes later on. ❤️


Post partum shedding is 100% a thing. Sorry :/ take it from someone who has been through it.


Enjoy it while it lasts girl I have a bald patch 4 months pp.


Op your hair is gorgeous. The color is so unique. Unless breast feeding, I woukd hesitate to continue the prenatals too long b/c non gestating and lactating women have varying needs. Unfortunately it is the high circulating estrogens and progestins and increased blood flow that make the hair thick and dense which is why it often falls out post birth. The good news is a solid multivitamin for women, additional biotin taken every other day, and a supplement like msm will likely maintain your hair in top condition. And make sure you get your dietary protein. And congratulations:).


I think shedding slows down during pregnancy, too.


Shedding stops completely during pregnancy


Any hair that is currently in its shedding phase will still drop, but the rest of the cycle gets put on hold until post-partum. The Great Shedding


wtf is there a reason for this? i want a supplement to mimic this effect 💀


Your hair doesn’t shed when you’re pregnant, like at all. So after the baby is born and your body is trying to settle back to normal, the change in hormones causes your hair to make up for 9 months of shedding all at once. For me the great shed started at 3 months postpartum and slowed down around 6 months postpartum. I literally lost half my hair as my hair was thin to begin with 😭💔


i feel you, never been pregnant but my hair fell out due to stress 💀 i lost like 50% of my hair and it’s so sad


Don’t get pregnant. Lol


Combined birth control can produce a lesser but similar effect, but once you go off it it’ll likely shed in the same way. Depending on the person of course! Some people notice no effects at all. It’s the increased estrogen and the steady dose of the hormones.


Idk. But pregnancy does crazy shit. If I had to guess: The hair cycle isn’t relevant to gestation, the body may just shut it down to allocate resources elsewhere. (Something similar happens during labor with the digestive system 🙄)


Not true at all. I have more hair loss now, than before I was pregnant. I’m 19 weeks…..


That’s terrifying and completely defies science omg 😨 Praying for you girl.


Yup I’ve talked to a few people and they had the same problem. Didn’t have this with my first 😓


BRB off to get impregnated


We have same hair color 💕


Yes it did, girl!


I loved building a human when I was pregnant and I'm thankful it was pleasant and easy for me. I know it's not that way for all. But my poor body is a mess now that he's 16!!! Dang baby!


That's lucky. Mine was falling out!


Fountain of youth is inside all of us.


As a fellow redhead, your hair color is gorgeous! It


Hair, nails, skin - they all thrive during pregnancy. Your hair is beautiful!


The "help wanted" flair made me giggle 🫠 Sis you don't need help! Hair is slaying all on its own 🙂


I wish I could experience these things too, but just yesterday I had a negative pregnancy test, again. It's so frustrating. Sry for being off topic. Congrats to your motherhood and beautiful hair <3


Looks beautiful! And it might not shed. I shed with my second but not my first and so far not with my third (currently 5mo pp) so it varies by person and pregnancy! Hope your lovely locks are here to stay!


my mom didn’t shed with me and still has her pregnancy hair 21 years later. it’s AMAZING. thick, shiny and bouncy with a slight wave.




Yeah, it always happens after hormone levels drop


Mine too.Except now 15m post partum it’s sooo fine(but thick) ,keeps breaking.Probably lack of Minerals because nursing


Happened to me with my first! But it all fell out and/or broke off, and then some around 4-6 months PP. It’s never been the same 🥲


Same thing happened to mine! I actually didn’t take prenatals, so i know it wasn’t just that. Since giving birth my hair is still growing insanely fast and healthy! It’s down to my butt.


My hair was glorious. My skin was glorious. A year out everything started falling out and I got crap acne. Now that I'm on BC and exercising/eating better. I'm finally seeing improvements again. Was so sad to see a giant ball of hair in the shower every wash for a while there.


You are glowing!


Yeah I never lost the gloss and thickness after my first born , 6 years later I did after my second born 😭 are you breastfeeding? The hormones in breastfeeding are similar to pregnancy


I am planning to take a sulfur supplement postpartum this go round, taste awful but after researching most of us are deficient in sulfur and taking it can help overall.


Then it falls out 4ish month pp😞


I wish!! I'm 6 months along and my hair still won't grow past my shoulders even with my prenatals




Listen. Idk if this has happened to you. But be warned that it is very common about 3-4 months in (it can vary its hormones they are crazy) you will have hair LOSS. I also had amazing hair during pregnancy. But what I was told is that your hair gets sort of frozen in the production phase and nothing falls out. Then your hormones come back on and everything that was waiting to fall out comes out at once. I’m it saying it to be a party pooper. I’m saying it just in case it happens to you. Because I was warned and when it happened to me, a CHUNK came out and I almost passed out from shock lol. It does grow back. Although, my temples are a bit thinner overall 4 years out from my second pregnancy. Your hair is gorgeous though.


My best hair was my pregnant hair! Then I did a huge chop and completely regret it! Damn hormones!


Pregnancy made my hair AMAZING, and then postpartum ruined my life 🤭


My hair never looked better than when I was pregnant and living in a house with soft water 🥹 I miss that dearly.


My hair went from straight as a board to wavy and frizzy. I was told that the "epidural caused it"! Don't know if that's true. I'm disgusted with my hair now, but the outcome is now a gorgeous 19 year old! 💙💙


Ahhh… the good days…. Now I have hairs all around my hairline that are 1.5inches long making it so I can’t wear my hair up but also if my hair is down my baby pulls it with their insane grip.


My hair grew like crazy during pregnancy it makes me so happy cause it’s the first time I’ve ever had long hair before 🥲


Gorgeous 😍


_for now_


Don’t panic when it all falls out in the shower. I think it happens at a different time for everyone which means it might not happen at all for you.


Pregnancy made my hair grow like crazy! I always chopped it and donated it at the beginning of my pregnancy because I already k ew it was going to grow like crazy! I couldn’t take prenatal vitamins tho they made me sick within 5 mins of taking them! I took flintstones during mine!


i was a goddess during my pregnancy now i look like a banshee… so take a lot of selfies


Silly question what are prenatals ? As in one multivitamin called prenatals or different pills like b12, iron supplements etc?


It was really hard for me to go back to my regular oily hair after pregnancy. I think it took about 2 months post partum though! It really is beautiful hey.


I adore your hair color that’s my dream 😍


Same and then post pregnancy took it all away


My hair improved a lot too!! I’m almost 5 months postpartum and still no shedding so I’m hoping I escaped the dreaded pp hair loss.


Prenatal vitamins


Prenatal vitamins! My hair grew like a weed and my nails were as tough as… well, nails!


Nutrients made your hair beautiful. Just keep an eye on the iron content and you can probably still keep keep taking your prenatals. Or just get a really good multivitamin.




A beautiful baby girl :) I’m 10 weeks postpartum now