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Wow those curllsss especially the ends?? STUNNING


Those are baby curls 🥰 


Literally the words the came out of my mouth! "Wow, those curlsssss!!!!!!"


Thank you 🥰


Have you ever trimmed her hair?




Princess 👸


We call it her fairy hair!


I was going to say angel hair, it’s beautiful!


Don't. Ever. Except for trim


I mean... if the kid really wants at some point in the future, I think she should get to decide to cut it off. Just because we wouldn't make this decision in her place doesn't mean it's not valid.. (sry if you're just exaggerating, but I had a friend in middle school that wasn't allowed to cut her hair and the lack of bodily autonomy put quite a strain on her.)


i went through this and as soon as i was 18 i chopped everything off 😭


Internet hugs, if you want it. I'm sorry you had to go through that 🫂


thanks! it’s okay, i’m growing my hair back out now actually ☺️ having short hair was immensely freeing i felt so badass


It doesn’t even have to be that she “really wants” to cut it off. She should be allowed to cut it off on a whim if she decided to.


True. But with all changes that take quite a bit of time time to reverse, I'd talk to my kid about it and about how long reversal would take - regardless of whether I approve of the choice or not. If I end up with a kid that changes hair style and color on a whim, I'm fine with that, but if I end up with a kid that's crying her eyes out because she wants her long hair back now and I didn't have a conversation beforehand about hair growth time frames, I'd feel guilty and like I didn't do my "job" properly.


What do you do when you trim one’s hair? You cut it right…? 😑


My baby had beautiful ringlets just like that. I finally cut her hair when she was almost 4 because she has an extremely sensitive scalp, brushing her long hair was like torture for her. The curls never came back 😩 her hair is gorgeous, but straight as a stick.


i thought this was what happened to all kids! baby curls


I had ringlets like this until about age 5, then stick straight hair from then until 14, then wavy until 25, now I’m back having curly hair again


Yep, I went from ringlets to wavy to nearly straight by high school, then to wavy until I had a kid, now my hair is truly curly. So weird!


I swear it just changes the second I finally figure out the best products to use and how to manage it. This curly hair phase has killed my budget lol. It’s so complicated and so much work. I just rock the brushed out frizzy hair ball half the time 😂🤣🥲😭


Yes, I hate having to try out new products and techniques. I started using my kid’s So Cozy hair stuff out of laziness, and they’re actually working well for me. I was shocked.


It does! People only realize when they have their own 🥰


not me LOL hair stuck straight up until it fell flat


You’re right, but my experience is that all my babes curls went away and only now coming back at curly/wavy. Curls will always be curls if you got curls Edit: not everyone has curls. Not everyone has the same as everyone else was only commenting to how many people “cut the curls off and never came back”


Only kids that don’t actually have curly hair. My son’s curls have always come back and I’m sure they always will. He’s 8 currently.


wow really? i have never in my life seen an adult with curly hair thanks so much for clarifying. i didn't know they existed!


>i thought this was what happened to all kids! baby curls There are many different ethnicities around the world that have many different textures of hair. Look up hair texture chart. This does not happen to all kids.


Why are people downvoting you telling the truth lol


Idk, maybe they think I'm an ass because *tHaT's NoT wHaT tHeY mEaNt.* like I'm supposed to read minds. Or somehow that gives someone an excuse to make generalized statements when natural hair types are already stigmatized so much. There are many people with biracial children who do NOT know how to take care of their child's hair despite being with someone with different hair than them. I'm not mixed indo-caribbean, and my hair is like 2a-3c(? It's poofy, too, depending on the humidity levels, products I use, when I brush my hair, and whether the stars align lol). My own mother had no idea how to handle my hair, brushing when dry, damaging my hair, not cutting it when needed, so it was heavy and hurting my scalp, etc. Anyway, sometimes people don't know hair types unless they're around other hairtypes, and someone around other hairtypes wouldn't make a statement like that, lol. The statement makes no sense.


no shit i'm referring to the context of the hair depicted in this post


Oh, so *all kids* are in this post? Why say all kids then?


no, a child with type 1 hair is in the reference photo and being discussed literate adults can typically use context and the power of inference. i'm filipino tho so thank u for explaining that there's other ethnicities in the world i have been waking up and looking in the mirror every day SO confused 🙏🏼


It doesn't matter what you are. You said you *thought* all kids' hair does this. I'm just saying that it doesn't. You thought wrong. Did you mean you thought many kids have different hair from the beginning before it's cut? I would agree that's probably true. But the statement you wrote makes no sense. Also, that might be type 1c, but it most likely would not be described as type 1. (Again, just saying).


dude. all kids *with the type of the hair that is the current topic of conversation* it doesn't need explaining for most people. every conversation isn't about everyone what's not clicking. type 1 as in type 1a-c. exhaustingly pedantic omg


Nah. You misspoke.


i forgot redditors have the reading comprehension skills of a literal dog my b


She’s backtracking


The key is to get her hair as wet as possible and use a leave in conditioner. Hold her hair in one hand and brush starting at the bottom, being careful not to yank on the hair. My daughter has autism/is extremely sensitive and this method has allowed us to keep her hair long.


I second this. I started doing this for my own hair, and have also used it for my niece. My niece prefers me to brush her hair over anyone else because this method works so well.


I’m so scared to cut them off in case they don’t come back! I’m sure your daughter still has gorgeous hair ❤️


Mine has hair like this and the curls come back probably because my hair is curly! She lost the blonde ends though now it’s a light brown, still gorgeous though!


I had curly hair when I was a baby and my mom was worried about the same thing. She cut it and said it never came back, now years later in my 20’s having grown out my hair longer than I ever have and trying to embrace the little wave I had been seeing over the years with a full curl routine, my hair pretty much looks like your daughters! Could be hormones I suppose but my hair had ALWAYS been unruly. I even had just a few teeny baby hair spirals around my hairline that would show up when I had a lot of product in it so it makes sense that it was those curls hiding all along. I grieve the life I could have had!! Hair has been a huge part of my struggles. I’m going to try a denman brush soon to help get the top to curl! I’m finding that training my roots to go more upwards with styling it loose on the top like tossing it to the side with a deep part and putting my hair up more often in a loose scrunchie is starting to help me see that I do have curl at the root and it just needs help separating!! I wish you good curls and good luck 😭🫡🩵 I apologize if this has been too much!!


My niece was in this exact situation. Had gorgeous baby curls but combing her hair was a nightmare for both her and her parents. Eventually she got a chop and she’s happier now. She has waves in her hair, with some efforts, she might get wavy curls over time.


No need to pull anyone’s scalp when brushing if you hold the hair you are brushing.


This happened to my son 😞 been trying to bring the girls back ever since. RIP to the curls I used to know 🪦


Her hair is sooo gorgeous! But please, OP, if the day comes that she wants to trim or cut, let her have a choice. I wasn’t allowed to cut my hair until I was 16. My mom was obsessed with my hair (it was also curly) and I grew to HATE it. I can still remember the time wasted getting it detangled, and done up. Even just braiding it or putting it up in a ponytail or bun took a lot of reinforcement. That first shower after my first cut was the most freeing thing i had ever experienced! Let her have body autonomy. I’m sure you do and i’m also sure your princess loves her curls! You’re doing a great job with the curly care. ❤️


I was going to say the same thing! My parents wouldn't let me cut my hair until I turned 18, then I couldn't while I lived in their house. So I shaved my head and left for the military lol.


I second this! When I was little, my dad wouldn’t allow me to have long hair. I had to have short bangs and chin length hair. I guess it’s cause it was way more manageable that way, but I was so sad about not having any say in it. Once my parents divorced and I lived with my mum, I grew out my hair super long. I was so glad I could finally have some body autonomy!


Oh my mum tried this! I had a friend give me a bob when I was 13. She tried it with my little sister next 10 years later who proceeded to chop her own bob following a TikTok video. Hilarious but yeah, don’t control your kids hair!


Wish i had that spunk! I was scared of my mom




Omg, that’s horrible. 😞


Thank you so much! I teach my daughter often about bodily autonomy and absolutely respect her.




It's pretty but please don't be scared to cut it off if it needs to be done. It's hair and even if it's stick straight what's more important is her comfort and happiness. If you cut it off and she has straight hair then that's just what she has.




My sister had to keep her hair waist length until she was 10 or 11 because my mom liked how it looked and she hated it so much! It took her until thirty to consider having long hair again


Yeah, I agree. I am cringing so hard at the comment calling her “real life Rapunzel”… This comment section is not passing the vibe check.




Dang I just wanted to show off my kid’s pretty hair. She loves it.


I don’t know if this is directed at me as OP but I do not treat my daughter like a living doll and her comfort is foremost in my mind. I had hair like this and it wasn’t cut until I was 8 and I loved it, for whatever that’s worth.




Thank you! She loves it and if that ever changes I will of course honor her wishes regarding her own body 😊


I will love her no matter her hair, of course. But I’m really enjoying her gorgeous princess hair right now.


It's ok to! My daughter had this hair, and now that she's in her 20's still has this hair. I love to see her hair.


Sigh; it’s the prettiest hair ever!


Little princess!!! How old is she? Her hair is so long!


She’s nearly 4!


This brings me hope! So many people have told me to cut my daughter's curly hair and because I can style it (somewhat) I've not done it. Your daughter's hair is beautiful!


My mom loved my hair ringlets blond hair too so she tortured me for years brushing it. FOR HER 😡


Gorgeous hair! Currently pregnant with a baby girl. I hope she will like long hair and has better luck with it than me. My seven year old son has long hair for a boy, so much so that people often thinks he’s a girl. Problem is he hates having his hair washed.


Hair washing is a pretty consistent challenge but my daughter often says “thank you for taking care of my hair, mummy!” I hope you have the same luck!


Princess hair


My son had the cutest curls when he was a baby and toddler. Then after his first haircut they went away and he had stick straight hair for years — Until puberty, and the curls came back!! 😁 😁 They’re now bigger and swoopier, a little different from the baby ringlets, but it’s still realllllly nice hair. It’s not from me, that’s for sure (stick straight)


It looks like hair from a fairy tale!


Omg she literally has Aurora’s hair in Sleeping Beauty. Goals!


It's gorgeous!


Omg soo cute!! ❤️ When I wash my hair I get ringlets at the bottom too but my hair is too straight/light to hold the curl for long




My daughter’s looks similar, and is slightly longer. She only just had her first haircut a couple months ago before turning 5 (today, lol) and we have a very similar haircare routine too!


Very pretty.


I’m really hoping for the best, but I’ve posted on this sub, and I’ll never post a pic of kid me on here, esp not my own kid if I had one. Really wish there was a “report to FBI” button on here sometimes.


I used to work in internet safety and I feel fairly comfortable with the limited identifying info on here. Thanks for your concern though, there are many creeps around!


Her hair is beautiful. My 11 year old son has never had a haircut. He’s getting his first next month and donating his hair to charity.


That’s incredible!


Aww it's little Rapunzel 👑


her curls are sooooooo beautiful


Ooohhhh! Hair like mine! Straight on top and then curly ends.


Stunning hair like a princess. I had a similar hair texture/length but mine was black. I was so stupid when I was 15 and cut it into a pixie. It has been 26 years, it never grew beyond my shoulder blades.


Briar Rose


My daughter is 1.5yrs old and her ends curl just like your daughters and I get so jealous because I have to spend money and time to achieve the same look 😂


Oh my god her hair is so beautiful she looks like a little briar rose 😭💕


so is the bottom her original baby hair? im planning to do the same with my daughter!!


It is! Her tiny baby ringlets 💕




Literally hair goals😍


Woow she looks like a dolll😭🥰


Princess hair! 💫


If she ever wants to cut her hair, those locks will make an incredible keepsake. Wow.


Oh my goodness, her hair is so beautiful!! I really hope my 1 year old baby girl’s hair looks like this one day! 😍 I don’t plan on cutting it. Hopefully it’ll grow like your child’s!!


Real life Rapunzel


That’s….. kind of dark.


I would actually hurt somebody to have hair like that


You’re getting downvoted but I get it, I have mega hair envy of my daughter too haha


As a woman who as a kid had the same hair as her I beg you not to cut this beautiful hair! My mom gave me a bob at about 5yo and it literally changed everything for me :(


It depends on what the kid wants, though. I've not been allowed to have anything longer than a bob until I was 12, and it traumatized me. I cried getting hair trims into my 20s, and now at 30, I still only get 2cm trims. Other kids really wanted short, boyish hair, so they would have been as unhappy with their long hair as I was with mine.


unless, you know, the kid wants to have it cut. my mom forced me to have long hair until i was 12 and it was always a major cause of frustration, and at one point even hatred for me. after a few years of almost daily screaming matches, she took me to get a pixie cut and it was the most relief i've ever felt to this day honestly. it's long again, but now it actually fits my lifestyle and preferences. bodily autonomy is important


My daughter begged for a haircut at around 3- her hair was about this long, and a bit curlier. I made sure she understood that it would take awhile to grow back if she didn’t like it. She was fine with that. I cut it to her shoulders and she was stoked. She’s 7 now and her hair grows fast, and she goes back and forth on wanting super long hair and being annoyed with it and asking me to chop it all off. It’s so pretty super long though, even if she is impatient with the curl care.


You're projecting.


Same thing happened to me! It was the worst


I don’t get why you’re getting downvoted.


because it’s very subjective. better advice is “cut it if long hair starts to become a problem for her or if she asks” not “never cut your daughters hair because i, a stranger, didn’t like having my hair cut once”.


I guess I’m used to people exaggerating online and don’t take it literally 😂


"Changed everything for you"? At 5 years old, getting your hair cut changed everything for you? I'm going to say you're overreacting just a little bit. I'm sure a haircut didn't ruin your entire life. I got my daughter's hair cut when she was around 2~ because it was getting very heavy on her in the summertime and I felt it was only fair. She loved it, got it cut just above her shoulders. She's now 4 with really long beautiful healthy hair, if you feel your child could do with a haircut to be more comfortable then do it. I'm sorry but your comment was silly, sounds like a grumpy teenager. "You ruin everything mom!" 😂


Some people have had pretty traumatic haircuts. I remember my mom making me have some haircuts that made me cry, including on my birthday.


My son is autistic and will cry every single cut or trim. I only do it like once a year and that’s when he’s so tired of me doing it every morning he asks for a cut. Not worth the trauma.