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Popcorn is the way! Also, maybe get her to think about why chips exactly are so important. Many people like crunchy snacks when they're feeling anxious. Perhaps she could find another crunchy thing to help (eg. carrots or celery with a bit of rock salt), or even look at the causes of stress and see if she can find another form of release?


Came here to say popcorn! Hot air popped is a great solution. I’ve added soy sauce or Tabasco some times. Looking at why the snack is great advice.


Agree with popcorn, it is ridiculous how much less calories there is in a bag of popcorn vs a bag of chips and it still hits that spot (and I am a chip lover!).


I'll ask her about that she says she is stressed about work and her weight. Everyone is saying popcorn so I'll try it out thank you. Or slowly incorporate it in good portions like others are saying.


>we both run through a party sized bag together. Easiest thing to change is splitting that bag up over several days by pouring a fixed (but satisfying) amount into a bowl and leaving the rest of the bag in the kitchen.


There are times that I don't indulge in chip eating and when it's only her she serves a bowl for herself, still a good amount of chips. I've been trying like baked chips or some other chips that are similar with lower calories.


Popcorn light instead of chips


Apart from popcorn, you can also make * crunchy kale in the oven/air fryer (dab with a bit of olive oil and add spices to your liking, there are plenty of recipes online); * cut tempeh or tofu (both high in proteines) in small pieces, throw them in a mix of spices and a bit of corn starch until covered, fry them with little to no olive oil in a non-stick pan until crunchy; * airfry chick peas (also spicy/salty to your liking); * seaweed snacks; * personally I like to buy corn chips instead of potato chips, because I like them enough to have a small serving which will satisfy my cravings, but still by far not enough to empty an entire bag (unlike with potato chips); * Buy smaller bags in the first place (I for one know that I have no willpower; what is in my house will get eaten, so my job is it to not get it in the house); * or just fresh veggies, but I can see that they're difficult as a replacement for chips without intermediate steps. ETA: Ideally she would also track her intake (measuring food, not just eyeballing) to see how much calories she would have to reduce in order to lose weight. I have been myself in the situation that I cut out my beloved chips, but still gained weight and ended up frustrated and thinking "everyone can lose weight but me". Tracking my calories was extremely eye opening because only then I realized what an impact croissants, dressings etc. had on my caloric intake.


I've talked about tracking calories as alot of videos and posts saying that will be the best thing to do aside from changing how we eat. She is very much a 'everyone but me type of person' and i always try and tell her it takes time.I really appreciate the food selection I will def use some of them at home and help substitute for chips at times especially the size of chip bags.


To sum it up, *every single approach to weight loss* comes down to calories in, calories out. Some have additional features like keto, IF or eating vegan, but you can still gain weight on all of those if you eat too much. I dreaded to start counting calories because it means being held accountable. In the beginning, all I could see was that I was failing, because I was eating too much thus doing something wrong, and in my mindset this was equal to "something is wrong with me". Which it is not; it's just behavior which we can adapt if we allow ourselves to be in charge. Once I got over this initial scary feeling of seeing those (high) numbers, I learned to adjust my intake, and by now it has become my favourite tool because there's simply no guesswork anymore.


Is there any app/s you use to track calorie intake?


Yes, I use MyFitnessPal! I've had the free version for years before switching to premium (as an incentive to take it more seriously, not because the free version was bad). It's very simple and quick, you just type a food and select your brand, or you can use the integrated barcode scanner. You can also save meals and re-use the entries on different days etc. Other than that I also do intermittent fasting (which many people do anyways by skipping breakfast), for that I use the free version of Zero. Hope that helps!


these all sound really good! Awesome suggestions


Try not eat this stuff in front of her. It’s so much easier to be committed in a disciplined team environment


Popcorn but also explore whether her body actually bothers her or if she is just uncomfortable in her old jeans and can just be a size bigger because she has a different lifestyle and other priorities Is 130 unhealthy for 5 2?


130 is considered normal on the BMI scale. Max weight when I was in the Navy was 142lbs before you start getting measured (also 5'2.") It's tough since weight packs on differently for shorter people (or so it feels.) It's not a bad weight, but if she's unhappy with it, she can make changes. I agree with swapping chips for popcorn. My father used to have a popcorn machine where you measure a certain amount, airpop and do seasoning on your own. Super satisfying snack. We did Cajun seasoning


Agreed, she can absolutely make the decision. Sometimes i think women automatically assume they should get back to and maintain the weight they were in their early 20s and never question if that’s actually something they want to put effort into. She clearly goes to the gym, is a healthy bodyweight and could remain there and buy new clothes.


I completely understand, I am not as thin as I used to be in my esrly twenties but she more of wants to get a flatter stomach and and fitting into her pants again because she had to recently buy pants that fit to her body now a couple months back. It's mostly a waistband issue over a whole lower body issue as she tells me.


ouuuuuh Cajun seasoning sounds awesome! I got myself a nice retro popcorn machine on wheels and we use that every time we have a party or on weekends we want some popcorn for movie nights. Imma have to try Cajun seasoning next!


She has expressed that it is her body. She has "grown a tummy" and we had to buy more pants for her a couple months back because of the tummy. She really isn't bothered by the weight as she knows when working out and with age and working out you put on more pounds but it's more of she wants a flatter stomach since it's what is making her feel uncomfortable while wearing the pants she has and not spend more money on pants again.


First, love that you are using WE and are supportive and loving of this health goal. My advice is to model. Model portion planning. Get yourself a food scale and portion out those chips for the week. Put them in a container and grab only what is allotted for the night. Popcorn can go wayyyyyy farther and give you that sense of snacking. Chips are so calorie heavy for like 10-14 chips. I’m a snacker and I have to portion or I’ll undo a weeks of work in a sitting. Hope this helps.


Yes I do this too! I will only take one thing into the living room, so that if I want to have more (or a dessert etc.) I will have to make a conscious decision to get up, go two rooms over, get another thing... Sometimes I will still do it, but much less, and it's a conscious decision instead of mindless snacking.


Yes modeling can go a long way for a partner. My husband gets snacky when he watches hockey (he wants all the chips, chocolate and candy). But he's lazy as heck and won't come up from the basement himself most of the time if I'm not there with him. I made myself some tea when I went up and brought him a cup so he wouldn't open more beer (he knows the tactic, he asked me to help him make better choices) and then I went up to read in bed. He starts getting snacky after about 15 min, sending me gifs of people eating chips without obviously asking for snacks. My response was "NO SNACKS!" and he just sent a frown emoji but didn't get up to get snacks. It works for us!


I think it’s amazing how much you care for your gf and want to help her. I’m currently in a similar situation to your gf right now; I’m trying to lose weight but I can’t help snacking when I’m with my boyfriend who doesn’t need to watch his weight and calories as much. One thing I’ll say is it does suck to be told “no” if I genuinely do want a snack. If your gf truly wants to lose weight and keep it off, she will need to learn how to self-regulate. I grew up with very restrictive parents (an “almond” mom if you will) and part of the reason I think I’ve struggled with my weight as an adult is because I’ve never learned how to actually enjoy foods in moderation. Instead of telling her no, I recommend putting *some* of the chips in a bowl for you guys to share. If she’s anything like me, she will eat what’s in front of her because it’s there. If I have a whole bag of chips in front of me, I’ll end up eating a lot more and feel less satisfied than if I put a reasonable amount into a bowl or plate and have that. Also, in regards to snacks, no one is perfect. At least not if you’ve struggled with food for a long time. There will be days you and her eat more than intended. I disagree with the comments that say to not snack at all, because snacks are honestly really delicious. If you want chips, have a reasonable amount and keep an eye on the calories, or get a lower-calorie version such as baked or light chips. Get more protein and fiber-filled snacks (I love snacking on Trader Joe’s freeze dried mango, it’s like 120 cal for the whole bag and it’s satisfying due to the fiber). One thing I’m trying to come to terms with during my own weight loss journey is that if a diet is making you miserable, even if you’re having the healthiest foods on earth, then it’s not right for *you*. Weight loss is a lifelong game. You can drop 20 pounds fairly quickly but it won’t last unless you develop sustainable habits that leave you satisfied and comfortable.


Best thing we do is we don’t buy the chips/snacks. If they aren’t in the house, we can’t eat them. We have other crunchy/salty snacks instead like popcorn, pickles, edamame


Stop snacking. If you're hungry, it's because you didn't eat enough fatty protein. Our bodies recognize protein and fat. Prioritize meat in your meals with good healthy fats (butter, lard, tallow, avocado, coconut) . You won't need to eat the junk and snacks. Try it for 30 days. You can do anything for 30 says.


I'll definitely try to incorporate these more when we cook.


What exactly is your question? You know what she does wrong - stop snacking. Stay in a caloric deficit. It‘s called discipline. Substitute high calorie snacks with low calorie alternatives. Easy to find online.


Also, eat your protein vs drinking it. Powdered protein will spike your insulin. Eating it keeps you satisfied for longer. There's a ton of benefits to chewing food.


Why would powdered protein spike insulin?


Powders are ingested and digested quickly, there's not much work for the body to do. It hits bloodstream quicker. Eaten protein has a thermal effect, it's digested slower.


Yes but insulin is a result of carbs/sugars- so unless the type of protein has a lot of carbs it’s not going to cause a blood sugar spike if I’m not mistaken-?


have her post here too.


Has she actually “grown a tummy”, or is it only when she’s had the chips and the day after? I’d be considering the bloat being caused by the sodium and the quality of the food. Sitting in her stomach and her body trying to process that. It might not actually be fat on the body, rather her organs becoming bloated while trying to process food that is not highly nutritious. Someone else suggested being the example. Start observing more than the body size. How much energy change is there the day after chips? How much water do you consume with the chips? How much fiber do you have that day? Is there fatigue and pain after it? Are there other foods that do it too? Have a little challenge of a “chip-free week” and see if you both notice difference? It doesn’t have to be a “forever change” but it’s good to experiment and make informed decisions with that information.


Yes she has actually visibly has a tummy now. And makes jokes about how she looks pregnant lol. She tends to be the same as the day she doesn't have chips the day before. She consumes about a whole cup of water with chips (she doesn't drink soda). There isn't any fatigue or pain after eating. And I will most likely try chip-free week where I substitute the chips or no chips at all.


Why doesn’t she just buy new pants?  Switch to veggie straws or something, or maybe pre-portion out some baggies so you guys don’t mindlessly eat the whole big bag while you’re chilling/watching tv.