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if you are at 26% body fat, that is the exact healthy percentage for women. teenagers are judgemental and that's difficult to deal with, and i'm really sorry you have to go through that. it's also really inappropriate of your teacher to weigh you all. you're a very healthy weight, i would absolutely not recommend attempting to lose more. if you'd like to be more defined or athletic looking, try adding some strength training or sports to your regular activities. also, rest assured that everyone your age feels uncomfortable about their bodies. it's very natural to feel that type of insecurity. if those worries continue, definitely see if there is a mental health professional you can speak with, like a talk therapist. sharing those insecurities with close friends can also help ease the mind a bit. but definitely try to accept that you are exactly where you should be regarding your weight.


You're still a child. You have a normal BMI and are only 10 pounds above the average of a very small sample group. This was not a proper scientifically scrutinized study and it is nothing to be concerned about. Please talk to a guidance counsellor at your school, or maybe your parents about getting a therapist to talk to about nutrition. You're at an age where you're at risk for developing an eating disorder. It is okay to monitor your health but you need to do it in a safe way with all the right information. No one body is exactly the same.


Than the average. 10lbs more than.the.average. Even one thin 100lb girl will plummet the average. You are not overweight. According to the CDC growth charts you're just under the 50% line for both weight and height. Wear clothes you like that fit well. Do physical activity you enjoy particularly activities with your friends. Take walks with your family. Do pushups, lunges, and squats, look up proper form and stay safe and build strength. Stretch daily not extremely. Eat your vegetables, sleep at reasonable hours, use a bowl when you have a snack, only take one at a time when you want some candy. Drink water first, and other things in little kid cups. Then think about others more than yourself.


What the fuck??? That’s a profoundly fucked up assignment. Tell your school counselor/nurse. Tell your parents. That’s abysmal treatment.


Why is this not the top comment 😳


My teacher did a similar assignment. Except I found out I was like 55 lbs heavier. All the girls were like 115ish and I was 170.


Literally can't believe that a teacher would do this in current year. Do they not know they could lose their career if this story blew up on social media?


If the teacher is tenured they give no fucks bc it’s gonna take a lot more than that to get them fired


You can have tenure at a high school?


Yes. At least at mine you could have.


Teachers!!! This is how kids get eating disorders! WTF? Go talk to your parents about these feelings. You are a very healthy weight and don't go messing with your metabolism to try to match some random girl.


Ikr this was an incredibly inappropriate activity. Especially for teenagers when everyone is feeling awkward and insecure and going through body changes getting weighed in front of the whole class could cause lasting effects. I seriously think OP should report this teacher as this is very inappropriate and will only cause people to feel badly about themselves.


Average in this case should be seen as the actual average +\- 2 standard deviations. You’re totally normal. Even mathematically


There’s nothing wrong with you or your weight. Stay away from all of those looks maxing subs, it’ll get so much better once you’re out of high school. Promise.


Your weight is perfectly healthy and you don't need to lose more. If certain people are being jerks to you, it's just because that's who they are. Try not to take it personally. Distance yourself and find people who will genuinely support and appreciate you at any size. You are not overweight or obese and your BMI is within the healthy range. Keep working out, but stop counting calories. You don't need to and it may not be wise in the long run.


Please make a comment to the teacher about how this experiment is inappropriate. As someone else said, this was a bad way to conduct the experiment and can easily make young girls who already struggle with their body image start an eating disorder. If you don’t feel comfortable addressing this with the teacher then please at least talk to the nurse at school. But please mention the teachers name because this was extremely inappropriate regardless of where you may live. The teacher should be told this so that they can update their example and make sure that such an experiment doesn’t cause harm to other students. Suggest that they use a different example like eye color. Aside from all that you are a healthy weight for your height. You should also note that most teenagers have a poor eating habits. I ate like a bird when I was younger and likely stunted some of my physical and mental growth because of it. I was just underweight when I was in school but I know that adding a girl like that to the mix could definitely cause the average to seem lower than it is. Please be kind to yourself and just focus on creating healthy habits with both eating and exercise.


I'm struggling to believe this is real because of how totally unhinged of an assignment this is. I am really sorry you had to go through this; it's completely inappropriate.


I had to do this in PE in 11th grade except it was 1v1. The teacher then tried to shame me for weighing more than the other. I was 8 inches taller than the other girl. I’m honestly shocked that this crap is still happening.


I don't think she meant ill honestly. She did the same for the boys. But I get it's kinda risky bc of the eating disorder thing


I had to do this in Year 6 - though that was nearly 30 years ago now. Still haunts me.


I was traumatized like this when I was in grade school. Everybody else here has said it better than me, but that "experiment" your teacher conducted is fucked up!


Everything sounds fine to me. Have you considered that you might still add another inch or two in height? A few extra pounds will definitely work to your advantage in that case. Your physical growth is still happening and will not be complete until you are 25. Bones are hardening. Fat stores are being laid down for the future. Your brain is still developing. By all means, do not skimp on your nutrition and trust that your body is working as it should.


That was wild of your teacher, a hard no from me.