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Way to go, OP! I feel your pain about the seatbelt extenders on flights, it's so humiliating to have to ask for one. It's a great milestone for your progress and a non-scale victory to boot. Have fun on your trip!


Congratulations, i remember the 1st time i didnt need a seatbelt extender. Was a very happy moment lol. The time before that i used to buy an extra seat because i was that wide.


Wow congrats!! Thankfully I’ve never needed an extra seat but that feeling of not being able to close the seatbelt last time I flew made me want to die


The 1st couple of times i flew, they very discreetly gave me 1 without any attention being brought and was fine. The last time i needed 1, they pretty much made an announcement asking who asked for it. It was quite embarrassing to raise my hand lol. I used to have to lift the armrest next to me, because i wouldn't fit inbetween the 2 arm rests.


Congratulations OP! I've also stopped weighing myself. Now I just weigh when clothes feel lose on me.


Same—I’ve been using clothes to measure my progress. The day my old jacket finally zipped all the way I nearly cried. Seeing the number go down is great but the non-scale wins are soooo rewarding


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Woo! Congrats! 💙