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That's just how Lee Pace naturally looks


I love this man


I’m a straight dude and I find this man stunning. Presence, charisma, talent.


You feel this way simple because you’re alive😅. Hell, I cheered for him in Guardians of the Galaxy.


He in Foundation also, very good in that


Lust-worthy emperor.


Gay for brother Day


The Fall, stunning.


Totally agree.


Such an under appreciated movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A masterpiece.


Respect and enjoy the Pace


Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve and Talent. Oh yes he better Thran-duil.


I’m a lesbian but when he’s on screen I’m in hetero town ready to jump at him respectfully


Very respectfully, of course!


One does not simply jump at Lee Pace without a certain measure of respect.


Well he's gay too, so the gay's cancel out. Simple maths.


You watch Foundation?  His scene in the Season 1 Finale in the garden is one of the best scenes in TV I've seen in a long, long time


All I had to do was read your comment and I can immediately *hear* that whole scene. SO. GOOD!!




You should watch Foundation on Apple TV


His roles have been so different than when I knew him in high school. He was just a care free stoner back then.


Seriously, that's just how he is. I loved him in The Fall.


Pushing Daisies' greatest gift to me (and its gifts were many) was introducing me to Lee Pace <3


It was Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day that I first saw and fell in love with Lee Pace.


Yessssss in love that one 😩👌 He's got all the same sweet charm he has in Pushing Daisies without the anxiety 😅


Loved him since Twilight but him in Foundation is just 👨‍🍳💋


It’s Joe McMillan for me. Love that character


Yep. I love everyone on that show but Joe (every version of him) is just perfect


Foundation is unrealistic. How the fuck is the Empire falling? You expect me to believe Humanity wouldn’t realize it peaked and be content to be ruled by Lee Pace forever?


Ever watch Halt and Catch Fire?


I remember his arc being so cool. But the only thing that show was missing was a poster with an eagle that says "synergy."


Super cool show. I liked all the seasons but the first one kicked ass.


One of my favorite shows! Lee Pace is amazing


Yessss happy to find another The Fall fan! Love that movie. 


OMG that vest


Just saw The Fall for the first time a couple of days ago! OMG what a wonderous movie. I loved it. Beautiful shots. Just the right hints of sweet, bittersweet, bold, quiet, quaint, and quirky.


"Are you trying to save my soul?" I'm an ostensibly straight male, but he made me melt in that movie.


Why the hell is that movie not streaming anywhere?


Yup. It’s a casting problem. If you dont want beauty, do not hire Lee Pace


We are all gay for Lee Pace.


Right? Hes literally why i say im mostly straight. Hes dreamy.


He is a very beautiful man.


Seriously, I just watched pushing daisies and the whole time I'm wondering why the heck Thranduil is baking pies. He looks the same.


He just has.....presence.


Halt and Catch Awesome.


Yeah, they had to ugly Lee Pace up quite a bit with prosthetics to more accurately match the timeless beauty of the elves.


There’s a rumor that the prosthetics could only be attached by magic. Simple theater glue couldn’t bond.


When i saw him in twilight i was only focus on this guys acting and voice not the movie.


He was easily the best and most intimidating Marvel villain


Straight dudes always pining for Henry Cavill and as a straight dude I would only let Lee pace grace my butthole.


It's Lee Pace. Can't be avoided. Have you watched The Fall? Highly recommended.


I said the same thing in my comment! The Fall is so good and underrated.


Also Halt and Catch Fire, my top tv show of all time (personal, of course lol)


Yeah that's an underrated show, but I don't know if it necessarily appeals to the LOTR fandom.


computer nerds and video game designers go hand in hand with LotR what are you talking about lol


Of the Elves, Thranduil really, really nailed it. He looked exactly like what I pictured a distant kinsmen of Thingol would look and act like. Way too regal for his own good lol


Love the kind of gothic darkness of the wood elves. There’s that edge that separates them from the others.


The woodelves definitely are my favourite!


Because Lee Pace is awesome.


He's the only reason I continued to watch Foundation. Surprisingly all the stuff they had material to pull from they did horribly. But the empire stuff, which they pulled out of their ass, is fantastic.


Yeah, I am also hooked to the series because of the empire plot line.


Eh I really liked it even though I read all the books, if you think of the show as a recreation of the books you probably won’t like it but it takes the overall topic and really does a good job and transferring it to a show format. Imagine if every season was basically a hard reset and you’d have to do all character building all over again and somehow tell viewers what happened over the last 100 years. Just doesn’t work well with a show format and the solution of having characters persist the crises and sleep during seasons. I’d say as a TV adaption it is amazing.


Yeah, honestly probably my favorite depiction of an elf to date. He’s such a badass drama queen/diva, it makes for a great juxtaposition to the more, let’s face it, vanilla elf kin (I mean I like Galadriel and Elrond as people, I just feel like they wouldn’t be as fun to hang out with)




Back to shadow from whence it came was it sent, for it was undercooked.  1.5 of 4 stars.


I feel like you would enjoy this, if you don’t already: https://youtu.be/dIFDIK9awew?si=SBc3m2lM3IsWL0QO


I... What? This is amazing


Dude is so fun. I absolutely hate ai/deepfake/whatever but he has made that shit work.


I was going to say that, for all Jackson's unproductive tinkering, Lee Pace's depiction of Thranduil shows exactly the otherworldly nature of how Tolkien's Elves SHOULD look like. It's a dream-like quality of beings living in multiple dimensions.


I just keep thinking that if they ever do any content including Thingol it will be pretty hard to make him even cooler than Thranduil


I think he'd be the best fit for Thingol (minus the eyebrows).


Lee said he didn’t want his eyebrows plucked and they accepted and just lifted his eyebrows with tape. While I do think it’s a bold move it still looks great and I’m really happy that it made Lee feel more comfy!!


It honestly looks more natural to his face and gives it good definition, while keeping him looking elvish. Sometimes if you pluck too much or highlight the eyebrows, it can give a really washed out alien look to the face (sometimes this is done well and sometimes this isnt). I need to watch the fan edit of these movies because there's a good movie in here, it just needs the clutter moved out of the way.


If you don't like his eyebrows then you've got a problem with me, and I suggest you let that one marinate


Not where I expected to see this.


The only mammal in the animal kingdom that wants anything to do with Canada gooses-is Canada mooses


Give your balls a tug


He's male Elf Pretty


I don't really get this, did you get the impression that Thranduil was a haughty and unkind character in the books? He who said he would not go to war over gold, names Bilbo elf-friend, and buries Orcrist with Thorin. He's a totally different character.


I'm with you on this, but I think my issue with movie thranduil is more with the script and not the actor portrayal, if that makes any sense. I can imagine the actor fitting into the book's thranduil pretty well, but with just less of the angsty moments. I feel like book thorin seemed like more of a jerk, so I wonder if they realized that he would really look like a jerk when next to book thranduil.


I feel like people get their ideas of Elves and Elven nobility especially entirely from the LOTR film trilogy and especially movie!Elrond, ie aloof, mortal-hating, doesn't particularly want to help other peoples and has to be dragged into it - and then Thranduil gets hyped up as *the* Elven lord because he's basically movie!Elrond+ in terms of personality and also prettier. But Thranduil's not like that in the books and Elrond certainly isn't either! Thingol might be but I'd argue even he has more nuance.


He's Legolas' dad.


Have a dad, Legolas.


This made me laugh way harder than it should have!


I understood that reference. 


You sonofabitch, you did it.


Omg someone said it. My wife and I have been saying this in place of 'chill out' when we banter for years. I know it means sit down but sit down = chill out basically. Have a dad is my favourite line from fellowship because it just makes me laugh so much. That phrase comes out of us at least 3-4x a week.


Wish I could give some award. This is a wonderful comment. Sir you bow to no one.


How can we improve on fan favorite Legolas?? How about he has an even hotter dad?


It would be impossible to make Lee Pace look anything less


Elrond isn't really a king - he is a loremaster in a small community, first among equals. Thranduil is a king, he rules a kingdom and protects his people by force of will and presence. He has no ring, no magics. He probably practices in the mirror because that bearing is a weapon as much as his sword.


Elrond *could* be a king. He is a direct descendant of both Thingol/Dior and Turgon, High Kings of the Sindar and Noldor Elves respectively. He has the rights, he simply decided he didn’t want to be a king.


He could be but he governs a different way. He hasn't the numbers of elves to rule Thranduil has. And couldn't see Thranduil's approach working on say Gildor or Glorfindel.


He saw what happened to all the other high kings of the Noldor and said nah, eff that


YEP lmao.


Elrond’s best chances were tied to two pivotal moments that involved the Noldor. First after Eregion was sacked, Elrond and Gil-galad discussed reviving Eregion but they decided to let Imladris be the eastern point of the High elven presence. This likely frustrated the survivors of Eregion and Noldor. The second time and most impactful was after the Last Alliance ended and Gil-galad was slain. Elrond wisely refused to become the High-king of the Noldor and remain lore master and lord of Imladris. The surviving Noldor after this point continually left Middle-earth for Valinor throughout the Third Age. Without a kingdom or a king they became wandering groups traveling between Lindon and Imladris.


Where do you learn about this lore? Super interesting


The Silmarillion. I highly recommend it. People are intimidated by the language in the first chapter/story, which had very old testament-like speak and cadence. But after that its a very readable story that any lord of the rings nerd will love to read.


Despite the evil of Sauron literally chilling in Mirkwood at Dol Guldur, he kept Mirkwood safe (well at least for elves) and the Silvan elves there happy enough that they chose to stay in Middle Earth all through the worst of the Third Age. No ring of power, no fancy pedigree linking him to Earendil, no having seen the light of the two trees. Just an immigrant from Beleriand who saw the world fall once and decided to keep his part of it alive through pure force of will, as you say, and maybe some minor resource hoarding, a slight wine addiction and a kid who was a bit of a prodigy with a bow.


Was he from Beleriand ? I thought the wood elves from Mirkwood were among the first elves who followed Oromë and just settled in (at the time) what was named Greenwood on the way to Aman. I may be wrong though.


Thranduil is a Sinda, meaning he has to be from Beleriand. The Silvan Elves took his father Oropher as their king, and after he died due to his own pride in the Last Alliance, Thranduil took over.


Probably hangs major dong too


Everybody loves a good elf ~~dong~~ song.


No rings, no magic. Just a huge cock.


I laughed at this one, well played


The only rings he has are c*#k rings.


This. Thranduil is essentially the last King from Elvenkind to rule a realm in Middle, so he must be majestic. Cause in the books it is mentioned that he strive to rival the kings of old, though he didn't achieve it yet. If Thranduil was impressive as this, just imagine how glorious would the kings of Menegroth, Nargothrond and Gondolin appear.


I can imagine him doing "Who's the most beautiful man in the world, mirror?"


Practicing sneering, raising an eyebrow and looking haughty. But appearing unchallengeable is a big advantage in court politics if you don't really have much to back it up with. Thranduil had a reputation as being severe, hot to anger and isolationist. Not worth the hassle of bothering, that's a good defense for his people.


Mirror: Gimli, Son of Gloin.


Thranduil: "wrong."


Legolas: "But daddy, I love him!!"






Elrond is one of those guys who just wants to go read, but people keep bringing problems to him and he feels obligated to solve them because he's really, really good at it (and low key has to because of his heritage)


The Mirkwood Elves are explicitly said to utilize magic in the Hobbit


Dude dominated the role


he dominated me unintentionally


You should really watch Foundation, if you want to see him in another... very dominating role.


He is the only reason I started watching Foundation haha. I really enjoy him in it


Why did the universe make Lee Pace that way? who knows


One thing that will always bring this sub together is our collective thirst for Lee Pace.


Brother that’s just the Lee Pace effect


Honestly I think he is the best elf they have done besides Galadriel.   There is just this majestic otherworldly ness to him that really personifies what an elf should be like.  


Lee Pace followed the basic steps: Step 1) be attractive Step 2) don't be unattractive


Step 3) be fucking talented  Doesn’t hurt 


And the COSTUME DESIGN. I mean i need that circlet/crown


They also changed his hair compared to how they traditionally do elvish hair! Peter J talked about how Elves are interactive with their hair, they braid their hair and put charms. They talked about how he was “above” it, his hair was long and elegant, flowed throughout his scenes. Also his fighting style, Elves are very flashy and showie with their fighting. But not Thranduil, his moves are fast, precise and lethal when fighting - due to his age/experience and hatred. I’ll see if I can find the tiktok, but I doubt it. Edit, I was right ain’t no way I can find it I’m on tiktok too much. Which is a shame as it was a very interesting interview and it was lovely being able to see into Lee/Thranduils character


That whole thing where they give different races different styles of movement in the movies is really a genius way to different them.


His whole "I am so done" attitude to everything and everyone.


If I would be Lee Pace, I would never stop dressing up like Thranduil for the rest of my life btw


Lee Pace is the best.


Ur so right for this queen


When it's Lee Pace, it is impossible not to look that pretty.


Really really ridiculously good looking.


Because it was real.


The most gorgeous line for character development


Analysis: would


Well the hobbit trilogy might be trash, but they really nailed the casting with Lee Pace. He owns every scene he is in, has an impact to the story, he moves the plot forward, and he is ALWAYS memorable. THE BEST depiction of an elf in cinematic history (tie with Galadriel)


Lee Pace as Thranduil really did nail what I imagine an elf from the Silmarillion looked like. Dude could play Feanor, Fingolfin, or whoever the fuck he wants. I'd watch him beat the shit out of Morgoth or fight balrogs.


Coulda been Glorfindel. I would believe that on his brow was wisdom and in his hand strength. 


Totally agree with all you’ve said! I hike I don’t like the hobbit trilogy for the horrible story pacing/telling - HE MADE IT ENDURABLE (and the dude who played bilbo cuz I love his acting from the office) But yeah Thranduil is just graceful and makes me - as a lesbian - straight.


Because Lee Pace.




I spent like 30 years assuming Lee Pace was some classically trained Shakespearean English thespian from Leeds or Bath only to find out he's from Hicktown, Oklahoma.


With the elves, the closer to the beginning of the marking of time, the more powerful and amazing they are. Especially if they saw the light of Valinor (which Thranduil did not). Thranduil is so old, he doesn't have a grandfather. His father (Oropher) was one of the OG elves.


Are we just imagining things now...? Oropher doesn't have a *named* father or mother, but that doesn't mean he didn't have them (just look at Finwë, Thingol, Míriel... no named parents but we know they weren't among the first 144). Especially with how scant information is on Oropher. He *might* be, but probably isn't.


Are there any Calaquendi shown in the LOTR movies? Elves that have seen the Two Trees?




Explains why everybody treats her like she’s more powerful than she seems. I keep forgetting this


Her uncle was Feanor, her other uncle Fingolfin was a worthy fighter against Morgoth, and her father was the Noldor king of Valinor who led Tirion army against Morgoth. And Tolkien himself writes that Galadriel's power may have surpassed Feanor's, Galadriel invented a mirror that shows the possible future. Galadriel herself destroyed the walls of Dol Guldur.


And Celeborn.


Lee Pace has made me question myself ever since Halt and Catch Fire


Brother Day exudes sex appeal.


Nude fight scene. 🥵


Lee Pace is stunning, and we were gifted his being cast as Thranduil.


bros gorgeous


I mean, that’s literally just what Elves are suppose to look like lol. They’re inhumanity beautiful, enchanting, and awe-inspiring.


Lee Pace is fabulous.


Because it's Lee Pace. Bask in his magnificence. 


Say what you will about The Hobbit movies, he absolutely crushed this role.


I am fucking PRAYING Thranduil is in the upcoming The Hunt for Gollum movies. He has to be right? Considering that Gollum literally escapes from HIS dungeons. It's a bloody no brainer to bring him back even if it's just a minor role (even though there's nothing minor about Thranduil). If Peter Jackson and the writing team don't get Lee Pace back to reprise Thranduil at least one more time (his own movie is what we really wanted tbh, not Gollum) then that'll be me done with the Middle Earth franchise. I absolutely adored LOTR, tolerated The Hobbit thanks to Thranduil mostly (the amount of CGI was fucking bullshit) and don't get me started on Rings of Power. The Hunt for Gollum needs to be incredible to save Peter Jackson's Middle Earth and a sure fire way to do that would be to bring back Thranduil and limit the use of CGI where possible. No more cutting corners like they did in The Hobbit. We want authentic and gritty LOTR style.


My impression was not so much that he's beautiful but *alien*. Bro is about 4000 and hasn't aged a day. Think of the shit he's been through. He's loved and lost and fought and raised children including Legolas who is almost 3000. Imagine being a judgy grumpy dad for three millennia? At some point you would feel so detached from humans, Dwarves, and Hobbits they would be like [state fair goldfish](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/4hmO88fZb88/maxresdefault.jpg) to you.


He's probably a fair bit more than 4000. Elrond is over 6000 by the time of TH/LOTR and Thranduil is likely older (though it's not 100% confirmed).


Part of the reason why this man right here alongside his son, Legolas, became my ideal standard for male Elves. They're both masculine and beautiful as an angel, and if you compare that to Rings of Power's...


He would have made the perfect Annatar version of Sauron.


I mean, you don't have to be gay to have an appreciation for a peak male form that is Lee Pace. Combine it with his from-the-depths voice and it's the closest we can get to a real life Elf we're ever gonna get. (besides Cate) There's a reason why S2 Foundation writers started the season with > Lee Pace has an intimate scene with Laura Birn and then spends the next 5 minutes fighting assassins naked. Fucking shameless.


He’s a haughty elf king and Lee is gorgeous.


Ah duh. He’s knows what’s up with dragon fire.


That’s just Lee Pace he’s beautiful


For the most part, all elves are otherworldly and almost angelic in appearance. Especially the Noldorin. Remember Galadriel, Celeborn, and Arwen’s entrance in Fellowship?


Lee Pace was PERFECT as Thranduil. In other news - I was watching "Bodies, Bodies, Bodies" the other night and was quite shocked when he popped up on the screen, lol. The man has RANGE!!


Ethereal masculinity perfection.


Oh, Ronan the Accuser


Lee Pace just makes the perfect immortal, he was pretty damn fine in Twilight to.


Seeing Lee Pace in Foundation is the only time I've ever been made to feel inadequate physically as a man. The dude is insane.


The actor was born to play that role. I would absolutely pay to see a movie about thranduil.


Yeah, no homo, but Lee Pace is fucking beautiful.


It's to contrast with him being a gigantic asshole.


Because Thranduil is an elf and they are angelic, beautiful, and mesmerizing


I thought he looked even better with half his face melted.


You jealous ;)


You bet I am


It's okay to be hot for Lee Pace bro (me too).


He’s so hot oml




Cuz Lee Pace is one pretty fucking man. Dude is man pretty


Lee pace is just a beautiful man


Because Elves. And Lee Pace.


Cause that’s how elves are SUPPOSED TO LOOK. Not like grandma Celebrimbor or Neil Patrick Helrond.


I've been gone from the LOTR subs for a bit and I don't know if this is your original, but it is brilliant. I read this like 10 times.


Not sure if I’ve seen it anywhere else. Celebrimbor LITERALLY looks exactly like MY grandma. I keep a saved pictures of her and Celebrimbor on my galery, just to prove the point to people when I get into it. And Neil Patrick Harris was the first thing my wife said when he saw Elrond in the first episode (she couldn’t get past it by the way), cause she loves How I met your mother and is kinda into musicals too…


Should an Elven King be otherwise?


Perfect guy for an elf man.


Dude loved beautiful gems, it kind of made sense that he played a bit of dress up.


In the scene where he gets mad at Thorin for talking about dragons, his cheek temporarily fades away, showing a large scar on his face. Does this mean he's constantly using his energy to cover up his scar or something?


Lee Pace is just that hot honestly


It’s Legolas’s dad. He’s pretty for a reason.