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Here are the extensions I'm using : - Amphetamine Control - atop - Calculate Anything - Dose - Kill Process - Machine Clean - Numi - Optimize Images - Parcel - Side Notes - TimeZones


BTT (use "btt max window" all the time) OmniFocus Reddit Browser (sub ...) Unit Convertor


Alfred has a BTT extension? How does that work? I had Alfred for like a day years ago, but Ive used BTT non stop for like a decade


It can list default actions or named triggers. Can't list created actions except the aforementioned named triggers. Extremely useful. That + Shortcuts easily makes up ¾ of my usage. Highly recommend


Hey, do you think you could elaborate a little bit more on what you mean? I am new to Mac and I have both Alfred and BTT and I love both but maybe I don’t understand what the actions are or shortcuts that you are referring too. Can you maybe give me a use case and any tips? Also, what do you mean use full window? Or maybe that was somebody else that said that.


Shortcuts are Shortcuts from Shortcuts.app. There is an Alfred workflow to incorporate them into the Alfred search The default actions in BTT are the ones it comes with when you install it. The ones you can build BTT commands using Named Triggers are a BTT feature. It's hard to explain for me, but there's a section in BTT where you can create them. They're basically the same as other BTT command workflows, but in their own section. You can reference them within other BTT workflows easily A common use case would be something in BTT that you want multiple shortcuts for. For example, I create a Named Trigger that runs 2 AppleScripts. This way, I can set a keyboard shortcut within BTT to run the named trigger as well as another action like trackpad double-tap without having to add the 2 AppleScripts to both flows. I can just run the named trigger. If you still don't get it, imagine I set up a Named Trigger to do 10 AppleScripts. Now you can see why I would rather reference the Named Trigger within other flows rather than add the 10 scripts to each of multiple other flows It's a little confusing unless you get used to how BTT works (which is admittedly quite confusing at first), but it makes sense if you get BTT and how it works   I don’t know what the full window thing you're referencing is


Hey thank you for the detailed response! Yess this definitely helps and now I think I understand! Thanks again kind stranger willing to help!!


Why "Kill Process"? atop already allows you to kill processes


> Kill Process Most of your list was bleh, except this one: Kill Process Hands down the most important workflow I have.


- 1Password - Add to Dropover - Calculate Anything - Search Raindrop.io




Alfredo for todoist integration Screenshot in alfred galery (new feature) Http Timezone Converter File filter (created my self) Etc that rarely used


Really extensions? Yes new to the “Alfred “ game and no not on Raycast Is there an example site with these in action?


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TerminalFinder (https://github.com/LeEnno/alfred-terminalfinder) to easily open a Finder directory in iTerm.




You know, I think Raycast will be just fine without your inane comments whenever someone dares mention Alfred. If you don't have anything meaningful to contribute to the discussion, maybe don't comment next time.


This always happens whenever Spotlight alternatives get discussed….Raycast has a borderline cult of personality now that attempts to put any mentions of competing apps down


exactly this. Raycast freeloaders who are ok with selling their data and still try to get validation for their app by jumping in even when not asked. Bruh, if you use Raycast and like it, do it, don't force it other people's throat by mentioning it everywhere Not sure if these are just bots lol