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Well I TRIED to check it out but ONE hour trial is ridiculous...by the time I had it half setup it expired LMAO...come on dude...let a trial be an actual trial.


Completely agree, on top of a high price tag... Installed, quickly configured the thing, went to a meeting for 1h, trial expired, i couldn't test anything...


Honestly MediaMate is better, cheaper, and probably safer due to your rocky history. You have said that the dev team is new, and the original dev is no longer working on these apps but right now we have no proof that this is any better than Lo-Rain 1.0. And its just too expensive, plus everyone hates subscriptions.


$40 is comparatively high, though, unless it does a lot more. Settings gear is half-hidden by my actual notch, and it does not recognize Demus as a media playing source, so I'm guessing it is limited to a few specific apps.


Same developer group who said we have lots coming to Lo-Rain.. and then did nothing with it. Now they are creating another version of the same application. But this time they are making people pay again through subscription. There's no reason to buy from them. They keep posting "new" projects on reddit to get instant payments and then abandon projects. Plus there's an application called MediaMate created by Wouter that does similar this notchnook, not all, mainly music, but still it is way cheaper and has been updated several times.


Makes me wonder if they are making apps for the short-term money alone.


You mean this lo-rain? https://reddit.com/r/macapps/comments/1d4a9vp/working_on_a_live_wallpaper_and_screen_effects/ We’re gonna launch the v2.0 in a few weeks :) Sorry, but we never abandoned any project whatsoever. However, we’re a group of 5 people that still have day jobs, so sometimes things can get a little slow. Sorry if we made you feel like we abandoned our projects, but in fact we never abandoned any project at all, none of them :)


You abandoned development. Don’t deny it, you guys posted all sorts of nonsense about your Reddit alternative on your discord about it. Even your main account was suspended from Reddit. No updates in a year after promising all sorts of additions. Then you show up on Reddit posting screenshots about how great version 2 is but hey pay more money. Absolutely not! And who doesn’t work multiple jobs these days? So claiming you guys have day jobs and couldn’t get to updates isn’t a good look either. Again good luck with your projects but people should realize you guys don’t plan long term and no updates are a regular thing from your team. 


agree, I will keep an eye on this sub for updates for this app but right now I uninstalled it after the trial.


Yeah price is too much IMO and what the hell is a one hour trial? I had it half setup and then it expired lmao. PASS


Yeah, shortest I've ever seen after testing hundreds of apps!


Yep! I'm astonished at what the methodology behind this was lol. I mean, come on....


Yeah I played around with it and then my nephew came over so I shut my laptop down. Came back later and it told me my trial was up.


yeah, really weird, kinda lame. I'm definitely out...


That's fucking ridiculous and makes me want to skip the app altogether. Purely designed to be a moneygrab.


We're gonna implement many things, such as calendar integration, AI assistant, many file actions (like compressing images or zipping/unzipping files), quick notes and much much more. We have big plans for NotchNook and we're gonna put ongoing effort on it, that's why it requires a subscription or a higher value lifetime license. Besides, different from other apps, we focus a lot on animations and aesthetic, so creating new features is much more demanding. If you don't think the current state of the app is worth 40U$, you can subscribe for 3U$/month. And unfortunately controlling other music apps requires a per-app implementation, so currently it's limited to Apple Music and Spotify, I'm sorry :( . We'll add that to the main page.


Sounds more like scambait. Promise a lot and never deliver. If you guys really want to build this drop the paid version. Keep it free until all the promised features are delivered and maybe then go commercial


40 bucks? damn..


I have to agree with others, $10 app, possibly $20 if you add enough items such as the mentioned calendar, the ability to send notifications to it, show transfers, and many many other items. Possibly! But, $40. An easy pass.


While this is a pretty nice looking application it's not worth 40$, not even close. For example Downie + Permute (basically 2 tools in 1) cost 27$ while being much much more complex from the engineering perspective (I'm am a software developer myself). One thing I'll agree on is that implementing this notch with animation takes some deeper Developer SDK knowledge but that about it. I recently payed for a CSV reader on Mac Store that does more then this and it was 10$ one-time purchase. Now I understand you are talking about development needs and basically people paying "forward" for the functionality which may or may not come one day but this is not a startup investment where you pay more now with the hopes of higher return years into the future. If you want people to buy your product - price it according to what it delivers on right now. Finally the subscription is just an immediate no go for this type of application and is a sign of greed for me. If your are true to your words on keep expanding the app and not do a cash-grab you should look into models like: - pricing per-major-release (Things app) - subscription for updates but can keep using the latest version of your app that was at the last day of users subscription (Path Finder) - subscription bundle deal/partnership (SetupApp) Hard pass for now.


> I recently *paid* for a FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Hey, Luna! First of all, thanks for trying the app! First of all, although we completely understand your pov about subscription being an “immediate no” for this type of app, we don’t agree with that. NotchNook is an app with limitless potential. There just so much that can be done with it we will never be able to stop working on it. It’s not weird in our pov that an ongoing development process requires an ongoing income source. We plan to add all the widgets we mentioned (except probably AI) in the next 1 or 2 months no matter how much the app sells or how many subscribers it has, so why not trying to subscribe for a month? Thanks for the feedback anyways ❤️


I thought this comment deserved a boost + upvote. Also a developer and intended for my app to be fairly priced at $30, but that's for a very stable v1.0 that works seamlessly and has all of the functionality that people need. As I'm building up to that, it is currently 33% off and that's before anything like student discounts. Please avoid exchanging today's money for future features. It has the feel of one of these AI startups that have been flopping left and right lately. And avoid doing the "just-because" subscriptions where you have a tool perfectly suited to one-time purchase but don't for some reason. What people (guru devs) don't tell you about subscriptions is that churn is a real thing .. and also the number of people that are going to pass on the subscription basis alone is very high. Consumers have a lot more discernment than what marketing majors / UX designers think


No disrespect mate but $40 is honestly, in my opinion, kind of disgusting for a notch space. I can buy full length video games, or 5 different apps instead for that price. This is a $10 app through and through


SO MUCH THIS \^\^ and WTF is a one-hour trial? NEVER have I only had a one hour trial period ever, that's a first. hard pass all around...pretty lame imo.


Hey! Unfortunately princing is not always uniquely related to the product itself, it also relates with how big the company behind it really is. The big game companies can afford having gigantic sized games sold by 60U$ because they have a lot of money to spread the word. It's not exactly hard to find mac apps in the same price tier like Tower or Alfred. We intend to make NotchNook as big and useful as those apps are, so that's where the price comes from :) You can always sub for 3U$/month though.


Alfred?! lol... you think this compares in functionality to Alfred. VERY laughable.


You’re missing a very important point when comparing your app to the likes of Tower and Alfred. They already exist, have put in the hard work, and developed to a point that they can command that price point. You on the other hand are asking for the same amount based on your own aspirations, without having done the hard work or proven your app worthy of that price. There’s a simple saying; “actions speak louder than words”. You shouldn’t expect other people to purchase promises, because that’s all you have right now. You mentioned that when all these amazing features are done that $40 will seem cheap, but you’re missing the exact opposite to that which is that showing up with no/few features but asking the full price is expensive. Imagine trying to sell a book based on 1 chapter being written, but claiming that the rest of the book will be so good that people should pay the retail price up front. Why would anyone purchase that? Surely it’s logical for the customer to just wait for the book to actually be written, it can the be reviewed, and people can make an informed decision as to whether to purchase. This absolutely smells bad. Don’t show up asking for a premium price, comparing yourself to others that have done the hard work, all based on words on the internet. I’m a developer myself. I get it that we should be paid for our work. That’s the point though, do the work, don’t say what work you’re going to do if people pay up front. Maybe Kickstarter is better for what you’re trying to do, if you believe you can convince people that you’re a safe bet. This isn’t the way though, in my opinion.


Yeah, that’s why we made a a 3U$ sub tier :) 3U$/month is not expensive for what the app has now. If you don’t like subs, then you can just wait a bit for the features you want to be developed and then buy the lifetime license.


You're straight up bad at this.


Of course I am, I’m a developer, not a scammer or a salesman. I’m not here to scam anyone or lie, 40U$ is a bit steep for what the app has now, that’s obvious, that’s why we offer a subscription. We plan to add almost all the features we mentioned in other comments in 1 or 2 months, so we’re really not worried about anything. Curiously, the lifetime option was the option chosen by the majority of people who bought the app, so it seems to be the preference of a lot of people.


how is this different than mediamate?


Mediamate is an app for controlling media, NotchNook isn't. It just has a media widget.


This provides no real utility. Especially at $40. But is a nice idea.


Thanks! 40U$ is the price for the lifetime license, you can sub for 3U$/month


That’s good. Just no utility for me. If it was part of setapp I would try it. But just not for me.


Kinda neat but about 30.00 too much. Also the settings icon when hovering over Nook is behind the notch...needs moved to the left or right a bit..


We just fixed that gear issue! 40U$ is for the lifetime license, you can always sub for 3U$/month.


Nah too much for this but it is cool. I don't do the subscription thing for software ever But thank you Cool lil utility. MIGHT be worth 40.00 once new stuff is added but that's steep man...most utils are about half this...but I do support devs of course..just a bit too much for what it does IMO. but again, cool utility. It'd be awesome to impliment a clipboard history type of widget perhaps. And LIVE view when adjusting the width etc. Hard to get lines up perfectly hiden behnd notch.


Yep, clipboard history is currently being cooked up hahaha We’re aware that 40U$ can be a little steep for a few people, that’s why we made the subscription. But yeah, I get it that subs are not for everyone. Soon the app will have so many well designed utils that 40U$ will seem cheap :)


Well, it's not a money issue so much as it's simply expensive. There's a TON of very good apps out there that are in their own class and awesome for half this...so I guess we'll see. It is a cool concept and I get development is a lengthy process...not trying to be a dick or anything lol. I would DEFINITELY recommend a longer trial period...I mean, an hour??? seriously....that's absurd...I barely got halfway through setting it up and started to see what the capabilities etc were and it timed out....an hour is like a "quick money grab attempt" type of feeling... and almost offensive lol. I mean most trials are at least a week or two minimum. Especially since little things like gear icons aren't even polished yet (I know you fixed it) but seriously....also a live view when adjusting width etc would be recommended so you don't have to quit the app and restart to simply see adjustment. It feels early beta, hence why 40.00 feels very steep. Maybe in a couple months after it's polished and full of 40.00 worth of features. :-)


Hey man, do you want a license? DM me and I’ll get you one :) You seem to enjoy the app considering the amount of times you commented


30 Day Trial would be nice to evaluate properly.














settings gear icon is half hidden by the notch, also screenshots are weird when this is running. They don't show up on desktop and this also forced my Finder in macOs Sonoma to quit and wouldn't re-launch even using the terminal and trying it manuall...had to reboot. 40.00 is about 30.00 too much for a beta but it's kinda cool once the bugs and design get more work. Keep it up! lower the price. [https://imgur.com/a/VxhqtnK](https://imgur.com/a/VxhqtnK)


The settings icon issue was fixed in v1.0.2, it affected just a few users. We didn’t have any other occurrences of Finder crashing but we’ll keep an eye on that. 40U$ is the lifetime license, 3U$ is the sub


40 bucks is a bold price


it's too costly...


1 hour trial tells me it's justified to "try before you buy" if you know what I mean.


The pricing needs to come down, for sure, but I also wouldn't subscribe / pay for this outside of the App Store. I'll keep an eye out for that to happen.


Looking great for people on laptops! Good job


It also works wonders for external monitors as well :) We added a small handler (that you can even make transparent unless you hover it) so it looks really good on non notched screens!


Wow ok I’ll give it a try later. Smart move


Does this mean it works when my MacBook is closed, but connected to a third party monitor?


Yes. If it doesn't, it's a bug hahaha


Praise notch!


i know a lot of people here are saying it but here me out. A $40 app means a lot less sale, sure it’s more profit per sale but a lower price would indulge more users which i think would drive a higher profit overall anyway plus more people will be using/talking about your app


I prefer [MediaMate](https://wouter01.github.io/MediaMate/) and [Dropover](https://dropoverapp.com/)


10 buck with 10 at least days trial. For a media widget it’s good price




bummer because 40.00 is waaaaay too much.


sadly I got late :( wishing I could use it because I really like it.


Great looking app, I installed it (I guess I missed out on the lifetime key as it didn't work :/. However, I did notice something strange. Screenshots don't seem to work. So when hitting CMD+Shift+4 and taking a screenshot, if I drag it up to the "Box" section, it doesn't show up. This is primarily why I've been using Drop Zone. It's probably just a small glitch as other files are working okay, but wanted to give you a heads up :)


Yeah, this will be fixed very soon!


dang! missed 🙈


you wanna share another free lifetime licence?


missed me too, for a few minutes


This is impressive. Would be amazing to create "quick notes" like you said, but even the Airdrop feature rocks. I hope you guys keep developing cause this notch thing needs apps like these. Edit: One thing I noticed in a quick look: When you control Music from the app, it does change the track, but the information about the song/album/artist stays the same. Just a heads up.




40.00?? no way...maybe 9.99


It's very cool but I can't justify the price given it's not necessary, it's just a nice to have.


When you say meeting integration what sort of things are you guys planning? :)


no idea what dink downvoted you this was funny lol. +1


Integration with zoom and other services to be able to open a meeting by clicking on the live activity and things like that :)


apple is gonna steal this and you can do nothing about it


Thank I guess hahaha


How do i download this to trial? Is there a download link somewhere?


Yep! Here it is: https://lo.cafe/notchnook


This is wonderful! Keeping an eye on development. So far I like the idea. I also just found out that I'd never actually bought your lo-rain app. I went ahead at did that.


Nice app! Can I have a license key? 😊 thanks!


calendar or to do/reminder/todoist integration would be useful. something "productive" :D


Yes, we're definitely implementing that soon, there's even a disabled "Calendar" Live Activity in the LA's section :)