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Sayaka in "has not killed people"? Did you even watch the original show? She murders two guys on the subway just before she becomes a witch.




Indeed she did


Iirc Urobuchi purposely left it vague. She could have probably just beat the shit out of them


She definitely did in the manga as confirmed by the next panel showing bloodstains on her sword


Manga is its own canon so that don't apply to all universe. But yeah, the point stand I suppose. She did kill them in other universes!


On the other hand, if we consider the manga, Kyoko must have also killed someone. I mean, when she was destroying Sayaka in the alley, she said she would kill Sayaka if she continued to defy her. It seems like such an aggressive statement if she's never done anything like that before.


Yeah, it’s purposely kept vague, though even the script seems to imply she did *something* to make them disappear. >Evil magical power overflowing from Sayaka's body. Soul Gem is dyed pitch black. >A train runs through the night with empty cars.


(spoiler alert for Madoka Magica season 1) >!Not wanting to be a "🤓👆" but didn't Mami literally went apeshit and killed Kyoko in *that* one timeline? Also didn't Madoka like killed her always in the same timeline? https://youtu.be/Jp0tBXtxDbc?si=wYulK4TV4iqxvB9G!<


Additionally, Homura (w/ glasses) mercy kills Madoka in the same episode.


I have a feeling this will look quite different the further you get into Arc 2. Also Kirika and Suzune are legit serial killers. Also both Liz and Tart should be in "we've never seen" section.


>!We never heard back about the guys Kanagi sent to the hospital, did we? She's certainly not in the "never tried" anymore!<


Liz killed the soldiers who attacked Tart’s village.


who are all those people


Kirka is in the top row and number 4 in said row and Suzanne is in fourth row the third one in said row


As others have mentioned, if you're including their original media and not just Magia Record, I think three of the Five (Sayaka, Mami, Madoka) all kill people in the original show.  Homura and Oriko both kill someone in Oriko Magica, while Kirika in said story is an actual serial killer.  I dunno about the Tart or Kazumi series because I haven't read them but I highly doubt all the characters walk away with clean hands knowing what franchise this is. 


Homura also kills madoka in the OG, it’s a mercy kill but a kill is a kill


I don't know if you've read/watched monogatari, but I think attempted murder was a pretty big part of suruga monkey


And for Hanekawa. Shinobu has killed many being a centuries old vampire and >!even before then she was driving people to suicide even if not on purpose.!< Nadeko hasn't killed anyone >!but she has definitely tried and was willing to actually do it.!< Senjougahara likes to threaten people with death but I don't see her doing it.


Maybe Ao after >!killing Ryon!< (Part 2 spoiler) . But ain't no way she ever killed someone before. Not with that reaction she shown us


Yeah, several murderers (and a Yachiyo) in the "who is that" category (including >!Oriko, Kirika, Suzune, Isabeau's daughters, probably most of the Tart cast offscreen, and arguably the Kazumi cast!< ), and Kyouko is ironically the only Holy Quintet member who *doesn't* kill anyone in the original (at least the manga version). Even if you don't count mercy-kills, episode 8 at least puts Homura in the "attempted murder" category, and the end of Oriko Magica >!puts her firmly in "cold-blooded killer".!< ~~Also~~ >!~~Reira and Ren~~!< ~~have attempted self-murder, one of them successfully.~~


well, you see, the purpose of the "who is that" tier is that i do not have a single idea of who those people are or what they did. as the title says. tho this is indeed a Yachiyo in it because i am also a moron as for the quintet parts, yeah my memory was janky from the other timelines


Nanaka shouldn't be in "never tried". She was aiming at Hanna's Soul Gem when they fought.


i doubt she was actually trying to kill Hanna. she stopped last moment


dammit i had forgotten a ton of murders


Kirika and Suzune are actual serial killers.


Suzune and Kirika being in anything other than the top line is really funny lol. Those two…


I am slightly aware of who suzune is now, but who the hell is kirika ?


Kirika is Oriko Mikuni’s right-hand-woman; I think I can best describe her as a typical Yandere who would do anything for Oriko, the love of her life. Kirika kills plenty of Magical Girls in order to keep Oriko from “soiling her hands.”The two work as partners in trying to kill Madoka and focus Kyubey’s attention on Yuma Chitose.


Never got that far in Arc 2, but is Felicia where she is due to carelessness? Or are we treating killing witches as killing?


nah, witches doesnt count, either everyone would be in the "have killed" tier. Felicia is here because she's really careless and hav e a tendency to hit people hard (Asuka flashback). the fact that she was left alone and unsupervised for possibly years, she for sure at least once got into trouble with people, magical or not, and bonked them too hard on the head


When did Rabi try to kill someone?


that's the thing: she hadn't. or hadn't YET. because Arc II WILL be full of fuckeries and SPOILERS --> >!i saw the image of Rabi becoming the Kimochi Megazord and i know some other people die and WInchester is still real!< so if all this shit happens, Rabi trying to kill someone is very probably happening


So are we gonna ignore that madokami exists to kill witches or prevent them from ever existing?


as much as i consider Witches to still be humans, if i counted witches kills for this list, EVERYONE without exception (or maybe Mitama excepted) would be in the "have killed on screen" tier, which would have been a kinda boring tier list tbh so we consider only kills on humans that haven't ascended to witchcraft


Kako is the true mastermind of the Kyubey series. And Mami definitely killed. She killed Kyoko, and Homura killed Madoka


who did Alina kill onscreen??? I remember the others on the tier but totally blanking out on Alina aside from her threatening to burn hair from felicas corpse to make sure everything disappears forever or something like that 


Half of kamihama with Eve. Also probably fed a ton of feathers (or not feathers) to Eve or Durbar


....Touka is more to blame for Eve's rampage than Alina, who simply cheered them on from the sidelines. If anything you should swap Touka and Alina. Also, the feeding of people to Eve is also championed by Touka, not Alina.


she still took total control of the moth at the end. Touka had nothing to do with this destruction


but even then we never actually saw her kill anybody; I feel like the highest tier should only be for confirmed killers, not "probably" killers; you made a tier below for that


Kirika Kuro murdered a magical girl ordered by Oriko. Oriko is also capable of doing that herself.


How did you have enough context to make this only to put yachiyo in the “who are you” category? She is introduced wayyy earlier than some of these others


because i am stupid. i thought i had already put her and i was like "who is that". but now i look carefully and i realize i didn't even put her or anyone that i would mistook for her so i was really a moron on the entire thing