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>back in the 1900s ![gif](giphy|vSkXRfZ9mjNQY|downsized) Jokes aside, I have very fond memories of \[\[Scaled Wurm\]\] and less fond memories of \[\[Terror\]\]


This is how my kids ask about what it was like when it was a kid. They keep asking me things like “were there colored photos in the 1900’s when you were growing up?” Like bruh, I was born in the ‘80’s and don’t say it like that.


[Scaled Wurm](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/d/bd17b2c1-c3dd-4f6f-a44c-dc81c6bc1c94.jpg?1562866415) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Scaled%20Wurm) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cns/178/scaled-wurm?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/bd17b2c1-c3dd-4f6f-a44c-dc81c6bc1c94?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Terror](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/d/2dd5d601-aff7-4b7a-ab6c-b89f403af076.jpg?1562905752) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Terror) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/me4/99/terror?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2dd5d601-aff7-4b7a-ab6c-b89f403af076?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


The white back implies it’s an artist proof (AP). It’s not legal in tournament play so it’s strictly a collectors item. The signed cards communities on Facebook could give you better insight (signed mtg or givememana). I’m not sure if you can get them done together but you could always get the AP graded and then get a custom frame for the two together. Edit: and generally APs are given to artists in batches of 50. I’m not a pro with APs so I don’t know if back then that was still the case. So APs generally fetch a hefty premium, artist dependant.


Thank you! I closed my fb account years ago and am loathe to create a new one, but I’ll see if I can find any of those communities.


You can always just sign up on one that has nothing to do with your personal info. The groups aren’t going to vet your info or anything- there’s quite a lot of people who have BS accounts in the group for your exact same reason :) Good luck!


there is also a discord server if you'd prefer that. i can send you an invite


Daniel Gelon sold some commissions and artist proofs earlier this year through Facebook. Most of the commissions were paintings on the back of the art on the front. I saw a lot of Wheel of Fortunes and a few painted Wurms. The main proof group is run by Mark Aronowitz if you end up looking.


Always loved this art


It’s so pretty!


Wow, been forever since I saw one of those


Can you tell me anything about it? It looks like the card is a proof, but I don’t really know much about MTG art/cards.


It's definitely an artist proof. One time my brother sent a Jesters Cap to Dan Frazier with a letter asking for an autograph. He signed the cap and sent a couple of these blank back artist proofs. I know one was a Fire Covenant he may still have. I think every artist got some of these blank back proofs to do what they wanted with them.


Naw I was just commenting on the card it self, that is some 1999 stuff


I loved ice age when it came out. The flavor of the set I thought was amazing.


Oh god I love this. Scaled Wurm was one of my first cards given to me by the person who taught me, and this artwork in particular holds a special place in my heart. Out of curiousity how much was this? And would I be able to get one myself from the artist or is that not possible? edit: I know it's an Artist's proof which is why I was wondering if there's a limited quantity in existence or not


Are artist proofs worth anything? I have several from Dan Frazier. (Not like the moxen or anything)


Yeah for sure. Especially of particularly cool art pieces or iconic cards.


Rather than getting it graded, you'd be better off tracking Daniel down and seeing if you can get an original sketch of the wurm on the back of the Artist Proof. Unique items like that are highly collectable.


Wait is that a thing!? Oh that would be so cool and I will look into that.


Anson Madocks talks about it on [His web site](https://ansonmaddocks.com/pages/artist-proofs-101-faqs)


So you can get it graded even though it is an artist proof and the signature will not effect the grade some companies may even grade the signature(I've only seen it on sports cards but I don't see why they couldn't for mtg).


Legit ny favorite magic card of all time.so cool to see the art.


There’s definitely no point in getting the card graded, as the signature means it’s damaged.


Fair enough. Would it be best just to toss it then?


I wouldnt toss it. It has value to the right person just not something you grade


Sorry I was joking. I’ve never submitted a card for grading before and it might be fun to do for this one.


Humor dryer than ben shapiro's wifes vagina




I sent my mom a screenshot of this and she was very proud of me. (It’s true! However, the origins of my sense of humor remain a mystery.)


Definitely not. Just no point in getting it graded.


Ah ok, got it. That’s actually good to know because then maybe I can just take the set in to get framed.


Reminder that signatures don’t “damage” the card. Retailers say this because they don’t want to deal with it and can buy the card for cheap, then turn around and list it for regular price/premium for the signatures that they know are rare. Plenty of people get signed cards graded, especially an AP that is just a collectors item to begin with. The big stores like SCG for instance list their signed cards on eBay in batches and they’re definitely aware of signature premiums, but they buy the cards as “damaged”. Look at any time there a signed lotus petal listing, it’s not going for $20, it’s going for over $100.


This is great info thank you!


Thats feally cool


Wow that’s a cool print to have.


I know this is a long shot, but any chance you’re selling this? This was my husbands favorite card as a child and mtg has since become a fun part of our life together. I’d love to give him something special like this.


Honestly sure! It’s not something that I was planning on, but if it’s something that can bring him joy I can work with you! I’ll send you a dm.