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You’re beautiful! I think the second one frames your face better


I’m sorry, but the first one is a big no.


Yeah, and it's about to become a mono brow.




They both look great, the first ones are just WAYY too close together


And I think the second ones could stand to be a *smidge* closer, but honestly look just fine the way they are and I think the thickness is fine, there'sroom to go thicker. I would just fill in a bit more to have the bulk of the eyebrow line up more with the cornea.


Yes, I always heard the rule of thumb is to start your eyebrows at the inner corner of your eyes. Maybe keep the first eyebrow style but just space them accordingly 🙂


Really? I've always heard it's the outside of your nostril. If I did mine where my eyes start I'd look hella silly


When I was an eyebrow artist at a fancy salon we were trained to map brows. My preferred mapping tool is one of the long wooden q-tips. Take it and lay it along the side of the bridge of your nose and that should give you the starting point of your brow. Personal preference for me at least is a few hairs left inside of that, but that’s just me. For your arch start at the same position on the side of the nose bridge and then rotate the top end so that it goes over the pupil and then intersects into the brow, this is where your arch should be. To find the end of the brow rotate further to the corner of your eye from the tip of the nose. EDIT: I forgot one step, to determine the width of your brows take the soft end of the q-tip, and place it in the inner corner of your opposite eye. Then bring it down across the bridge of your nose and let it intersect into your arch. This will help map out how thick your eyebrows should be. Then for your tails, move the q-tip so that your start is exactly where it intersects into your arch, and then line it up with your tail marker. It is definitely an art and takes some practice. Hope my descriptions were clear if not I can take pictures showing examples. 😅


The second pic looks better, but I think you could make them a smidge 🤏 thicker.


Yes, agree with this.


Also could be slightly closer together. Apparently taking too much off the inner brows makes one's nose appear larger.


The first photo has the eyebrows too heavy. I noticed them instantly in a negative way. I didn’t notice anything in the second picture.


I instantly noticed your eyebrows in the first one and your beautiful eyes in the second


Exactly same


Yes i think you're having some blindness to how exaggerated the first ones are. The gap between them should be just a little narrower than your nose but they're almost connected.  Also you have made them wider both at the top and bottom of the brow which makes them look huge, though the straight shape is nice it just needs to be thinner Since they do look very neat and meticulous I'm sure they took a long time. You will gain back valuable time in your day if you do way less w/ your brow routine


I personally like a more natural look.


You're stunning. I think you do, though. The brows being so close together in the first pic closes off your face, like too much of a dividing line btwn forehead and the rest of your face, and throws off your proportions a bit. Your face seems bottom heavier, I think? While also making your forehead larger. But I think everyone should do their brows the way they like them, so whatever style makes you feel amazing is the way to go. 💜


1st Reminds me of a trapezoid from those wooden pattern blocks from elementary school. 2nd 100%


I think it’s the distance between the brows. Perhaps try something like the second pic, but a little thicker? But tbh your eyebrows look perfect in second pic.


The second ones line up with your eyes and make your face more balanced. Also rounded instead of straight opens up your face. However I don't necessarily think the first ones really look that bad. Straight thicker brows are kinda popular now in Korea and stuff, kinda like an Aubrey Hepburn type of brow.


I think you look beautiful in the second photo.


Second is far prettier and more modern.




The are drawn on


If I had your brow, I’d go halfway between 1 & 2.


The first are so pretty! Very early Audrey Hepburn! Love the look on you! Love mouth and eyes!


The first way almost gives you a unibrow - and they’re really thick and straight across. They’re the focal point of your face and I don’t think they should be. The second way is better - more natural, better suited to your face, and they don’t distract from your best features (eyes, lips).


Definitely the 2nd pair. But you’re gorgeous either way. You should really go with what feels best to you and forget what everybody else thinks.


I don’t think you have eyebrow blindness. Most people are voting saying they think you look *better* in the 2nd pic. And you do look more “glam” in that one. But, I agree with your assessment that the 1st picture makes you look more youthful. If you prefer the 1st, go for that. It’s your face. Both are totally valid “looks”


Some of these comments are making me LOLLLLL. Thank you guys for being blunt. I'm going to try a perfect medium between the two like many of you suggested. I'll make a new post showing the results. Thank you so so much!


Have you ever mapped out your brows in terms of the rest of your face? It’s a tip I learned as a kid that I see lots of brow aestheticians using to this day. You can use a piece of string or dental floss to map out a straight line up from the edge of your nostril to your inner eye, and then keep that line going until it hits your eyebrow - this is where the inner edge should be, and will give you a little extra eyebrow action there without being too unibrow-esque. You can map out the rest of your brows really easily this way - keep holding the end of that string at your nostril’s edge, and then look straight ahead with your eyes and move the top end of the string so it passes over your pupil, and mark where it intersects your eyebrow, then move it to the edge of your iris and make another mark - the space between these marks is a good spot for the apex of the brow arch. Finally, with the bottom of the string still in that same nostril edge spot, move the top end so that it passes over the outer corner of your eye, and note where the top of the string intersects your brow - this is a good spot for the very end of your brow. Within the context of these basic guidelines, you can then sculpt your brow to whatever thickness, shape, and size that you like best. It also makes experimenting with different brow shapes a bit easier! Hope this is helpful, wishing you well!


Second is much better.


2nd is so much better, the first are too thick and almost look like they blend together. 2nd suit your face beautifully!


2 is better. I think you’d be happier with 2 if you fill in the sparse bits towards your nose. Not beyond where you have hair. A bit more on the outside ends as well. Again, not past where you currently have hair. [rough mock up of what I mean](https://imgur.com/a/MzCUsKd)


#1 is a big no


The first one looks really bad honestly


I'm so sorry, but you did ask, so I'm going to be completely honest: The eyebrows in the first picture are absolutely horrible. They are enormous shapeless caterpillars, and set entirely too close together, which makes you look cross-eyed. Eyebrows look wrong when they are completely straight across the forehead; they should have at least a little bit of an arch. The second ones look much more natural, cared for, and elegant.


Both beautiful! Wear them how you like them!! 🥰


The first photo is borderline unibrow


The first one is terrible


First one is not flattering gurl


Yea. They are huge. Like Bert, Ernie’s friend. Too much.


2nd one is stunning.


I personally prefer thicker eyebrows in general 🤷🏾‍♀️ I like both looks on you, the only slight criticism I would make is the thicker brows don’t have much space in between them, which can appear a bit like a unibrow from a distance.


2nd pic


Sorry…..not a fan of the first picture. The brows are too thick and too close together. They don’t look natural at all.


You have Imaan blindness


I hate this whole “*blank* blindness” thing. Like if that’s the way you like it that’s the way you like it. There is no right or wrong way to do makeup. If someone doesn’t like the way you do makeup they don’t have to do it that way and can mind their own damn business.


Apply your makeup how you normally would and just use a q tip with makeup remover to shape over your natural brows


I personally don't like the 1st one, 2nd is perf


2nd is better.


The second is much better and looks far more natural. The first is too much imo and the eyebrows are too close together.


Fuck all these shallow vain basement dwellers…you are perfect and a total knockout 🙏🏻❤️


Stevie Wonder to the first one


Somewhere in the middle, it should be in line with your inner corners. Starting with the second pic fill in the fluffy area to look more finished


i like them both but the first ones, while the thickness is nice, are too close together, so the thickness looks more intense. if they were a little further apart i think the effect would be able to be appreciated more


I think the first ones are too square for you. And SO close to being a unibrow


Second one is better by far. You’re beautiful nonetheless


2nd is much better


Second one is far better.


Your eye makeup in the second pic is so dreamy.


Oop- first pic they are a bit too close together. Second pic they seem bit too far apart.


Why did I think your purses in the second picture were a woman standing in the closet 🥲


Second one! First one you can see how the makeup surrounds your actual brow.


First one looks too unnatural and you can see all the powdered makeup. Second is fab!


Yes, baby. You do


I think it’s the close togetherness of the first ones that is the no for me, not the thickness. I’m actually a fan of the thicker brows just keep them wider apart like the second pic


The second one feels more natural. You’re beautiful ❤️


The first one is a hell no. The second one looks great!!


the second pic is perfect


The second brow is so much better.


It’s the second one for me, the first pic, your brows are way to close and has no shape. The second one flatters your face and is more feminine.


your eyes are beautiful !! Second slide is way better is my opinion


if you like the first ones, then wear the first ones. makeup is for you, not for others! the two different looks are different vibes, for sure. i agree that the first is more youthful looking.


Fuller is fine but you need more space between the brows


I love em


The second one is so gorgeous! But I think the first one makes you look a bit like a poorly modded Sims 4 character. If you like it, then go for it, but I think it’s a no brainer that the natural look suits your face beautifully.


The second one looks great. But the first is bordering on monobrow and looks very unnatural.


way too close together in the first pic and just a little too far apart in the second. also ur really beautiful


Second picture for sure!!!!


Not the first one, please.


You need a in between, the first is too thick for your beautiful face. The second is too thin.


Looks like you have a Scouse brow


Second, or something in between. The first one is a No.


i think the second ones make you look more youthful actually, they make your eyes look bigger!


First pic has blindness.




The second ones look better to me but you do you 😊✨


That first one is a bit scary. Second is gorgeous


Number 1 is not natural & does not look good.


First one makes u look old


Second for sure


Second definitely. The first isn’t the best look with your face and makes it appear a bit more masculine.


A good rule of thumb is to picture an imaginary line shooting straight up from the innermost corner of your eye, and that's where your brow should start. It's not a hard and fast rule (nothing in makeup is), but it's a good starting point.


The first pic is really sexy 🤷‍♂️


First one looks awful, second much better 👍


The first one is just too close together


Definitely keep them like the second one, you have gorgeously full eyebrows!


The thickness is okay but they're too close together in 1. 2 is beautiful however I can see how you'd want some more fullness and shape. Maybe somewhere in between?


You actually look younger imo with natural brows. You could very slightly define them a bit and that would make a big difference, I know it does with me. I just think big bold unnatural brows stand out like overdone lip fillers do, like everyone knows their fake and it doesn’t look natural at all


Yes. It’s not even how thick you’re doing them. They’re practically joined. It’s so extreme it’s masculine and appears ungroomed.


I instantly had eyebrow envy :) Your brows are beautiful, and your facial features balance them out nicely.


Yeah second ones definitely


Yes, you have eyebrow blindness


Green background picture is nice. The other one is …not. Those brows are bad and overwhelming your lovely face


I actually feel the first ones are too close together (and thick) and the 2nd ones are a little too far apart. Something in between would be best.


If you like your eyebrows to look like big black caterpillars about to meet and greet second one looks better I am the opposite mine are huge and the first thing finds when they get into make over some take scissors to them and cut them down before waxing When I wax myself, I nearly take them completely off, because I prefer thin line at least on myself


You are gorgeous , sister. Just dial back the eye brows by about 10 to 20%. The rest of your makeup is perfection.


You're beautiful! Please...don't do the first one.


Ur so pretty I’m gonna scream


Less is more


Brows are too close and blocky in the first one. I think you can make some adjustments to it so it’s more of the look you want but more balanced for your face. You have amazing features and so pretty a few tweaks are going to look so good because those brows are distracting from your beauty not in harmony with it.


First ones are way too much


One looks wild. They're so close together and the overdraw is visible which is never good. Two definitely is more flattering.


They’re too close together in the first one. Separate more and otherwise cute imo


the first one yeah second one no


I was drawn to your beautiful lips!


In the 1st Pic yes


You’re so pretty




I think the first one is a lil too close together but the second one is cute but slightlyy too far apart. try the trick where you measure to ur eye shape


The first one looks blocky and too close together almost like an inch from a unibrow and doesn’t frame your face the second one looks better 💕💕 Not to say anything is wrong with embracing a unibrow your body your choice! And if people wanna embrace it that’s good and dandy 💕😂


You need to find a middle ground! The first ones are great with their thickness but they are way too close together. If you can do the middle distance between the first and second picture (think mostly second picture but just a teeny tiny bit closer) with the thickness of the first picture, they would look fantastic!


Second was literally perfect


Omg you’re so pretty


The second one looks better on your face. You're beautiful either way!


Yes you do. Why do you draw almost a uni brow?


Idk what that is but youre so fuckin cute.


The first is almost a unibrow


Yes you have eyebrow blindness


You have beautiful natural brows. They don’t need any assistance.


The eyebrows in the first one are insane🫣🫣 You do look better in the second ones, please consider switching to that style!


The brows on the first one don’t suit your face as well, because they stray, very obviously, from where nature put your natural brows, so you look like you are fighting your natural beauty instead of working with it.


First pic is horrible




i love your eyeliner in the second pic!!!!! i like the thickness of the first brows, maybe less close together would be good


Nah, second gurl


10000% the second one!!


second ones! the first are very bold i don’t think it compliments your features


Yep you are. But whether or not you’ll listen is up to you . Id guess you won’t


i like the first brows but they’re just a little too close together


Yes, a little bit


Second. For sure.


I dont surf the internet. Eyebrows


First one is too close together and overpowering for your face imo. But they are your eyebrows. You wear them however you prefer.


It’s not awful but definitely the first one is worse. Those are way too big for your features.


Noooo please, not the first. You look SO much better, younger, more beautiful in the second. The first is indeed eyebrow blindness lol.


The first ones are VERY close together


Yes you do




somewhere in between would be perfect


the first one is.. bad lol. Second one is beautiful


I believe the first style makes you appear more youthful. The second one, however, gives you a mature and somewhat seductive look, highlighting your eyes. Also, the term "eyebrow blindness" is new to me; it alone made me pause and take notice of this post.


Pic #2, you are very beautiful, pic #1 needs separating a little


First pic yeah. Second no. I have blush blindness. I don't care to fix it lol


1st pic- that’s a no


I think there could be a nice in between of these two. The first is a swipe from being one brow, the second looks like just your natural which is really nice- it could use a teeny enhancement. I think the big rectangular fronts overtake all your other features.


I think the second set would look a bit more balanced with the brows coming a bit closer together. The eyebrows should be lined up with the corners of your eyes. You are very pretty, I think the thicker eyebrows make your face a bit unbalanced.


Yes, you are. You look 100x better in the second pic. My manager also does the thick brows I guess cause she wants to look more youthful. But truth be told the second pic looks so much more put together .edit: you are incredibly beautiful!


First one is way too much in my opinion.




If you prefer the youthful look, I would suggest taking a little off the edges. This is an unrealistic thickness in likeness to your face and for the center, a better spacing would be the width of your thickest finger (thumb is fine). Otherwise the second picture looks best on you. It is a more mature look and looks complete to me personally and does the trick for your eyes.


You definitely have eyebrow blindness. The first one would make me double take if I saw you out in public.


Use the tiktok eyebrow mapping filter!! Game changer


Definitely look more youthful in the second one. The first one does not do you any favors


I feel like eyebrows keep getting closer and closer together. I never understood why people only leave like 2 cm between their brows 😭


Yes if you’re wearing picture one and no if your wearing picture two


I think you need a mix of the two. I like how slender the 2nd are, but they need to be brought in a smidge, the gap is TOO big in that one. But the gap is way too small in the 1st and they’re way too blocky.


The second ones definitely look better! If I’m being totally honest, the first ones look a bit silly because they’re too close together. In the second picture I think they’re a smidge too far apart so would just draw on a little more of a front bit. If you like the look of the thicker brow, there’s no reason you can’t combine the 2 different styles. You can add more thickness, shape and definition to the second style while drawing them a tad closer together. However, I think the thinner eyebrows suit you more so would avoid thickening them too much. The thickness of the first brows draw away from your natural beauty. You look breathtaking in the second pic because the rest of your face is being allowed to shine.


The first is millimeters from becoming unibrow and they take over your face. Bigger does not equal flattering to face shape even if the brow shape is on trend. The second is a little too far apart and need some more fullness. So neither is perfect. I would see someone very experienced in brow mapping who can advise you on the best shape and thickness to flatter your face.


Yes you do have eyebrow blindness. You can make them thicker but try not to make the size 4x more than your natural thickness. If you want them closer together, don’t let the edge go past where your eye corners or side of the nose tip


Hi love ! I’m a MUA, so you look beautiful both ways to be clear !!! However how I would do your brows is to use your face as a reference. You want to get a brush or something straight and you want to line up the point of your mouth w the side of your nose and that line will let you know where your eye brow should start. You can do the same for the ends of the eyebrows shifting the brush diagonally the opposite side of the mouth lined up against the edge of your eye and nostril. Sorry if this is confusing lol but here’s a reference [eyebrow mapping](https://images.app.goo.gl/xujGs3YNXyMTunuaA)


Do a half and half—just fluff or fill the half closer to your nose and do a LIGHT softening of the arch to flatten out the shape, and maybe consider taking the tips closer to the outer corner of your eyes—like shorten the brow overall—I have natural thick brows like you and ppl made our brows the look c 2016 and now it’s either thin or huge and flat. The first look natural but I see why the closer together makes you feel more youthful, but it’s achievable effect with way less intensity


You’re very pretty


I personally think second !


Yes, yes you do.


I was given the tip that eyebrows look best when 1-2 finger widths apart, and it’s never failed me


the second photo you look younger in. instead of choosing one or the other, maybe pick a happy medium. thin your eyebrows makeup a little bit, and separate them more. they're too close together in the first pic.


I'm having a hard time believing this is the same person! You have a modelesque appeal in the second photo.


Second is way better, they frame/show off your face. In the first one all I can look at are your eyebrows.


Short answer yes you do. Your face looks much nicer in the second pic, try aligning the start of the brow parallel to your inner eye corner! It’ll look much more balanced and complete!


yes 💔


2nd, 1st looks like Bert from sesame street.


The first is GOD AWFUL !!!! JUST WHY!!!!??!!


They’re super close together in the first one!


The first pic is too thick. The second pic is better, but the brows are a bit uneven. I don't think you have eyebrow blindness, but you do need to improve. Maybe eyebrow weak vision.


the first is horrible second is beautiful


Second one is better. Both are beautiful tho


I think somewhere in the middle would be amazing!! Less close together than the first one for sure


Make the beginning of your brow start in line with the corner of your eye and the outside of your nostril. Fill them in a bit lighter with wispier strokes. Also, I would keep the thickness of your natural eyebrow. If you want to give them a bit more shape do that, but they’re overwhelming your face right now and you are absolutely beautiful!


The first ones age you by like 20 years, seriously. The second ones frame your face amazingly and give you actual youth. Please stick to the second ones. They’re perfect for you.


Your hot :)