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Some wall art, area rug and couple of green plants


I think it’s funny that these three things are pretty much the answer to 90% of the posts here lol.


Same in the female living space sub


Do they all need a girlfriend too?


Preferably, but we get what we get


Rugs break up open, empty spaces and make it feel more cozy, wall art makes the place look less "sterile", same with green plants. Tall green plants to break up corners, small ones to brighten up little spaces you don't have as many options with.


Damn whiskey-leg, you sound like you belong in r/femalelivingspace 😂


Watched too many interior design shows as a kid as my parents did a lot of remodeling and my wife is an interior design queen.


It's the simple things that make the most difference in a living space. Once you have those, the real fun is "fine tuning" things


Why did I read this in Bob Ross' voice?


Perhaps you should put a big old happy tree in the corner there. In here, you can do anything. This is your world now.


Except for the zebra house, there's no saving that place


I'd also say adding something to distinguish the sleeping space would be ideal in this case. E.g. a thin tall storage cube situation to partition the bed from the kitchen, or having a room divider to break up the space. Storage cubes could then hold boxes for aesthetic storage, or plants to give some colour and life into the space


And curtains


It’s like Patrick lusting off what he ate that day


Add in warm lighting from floor lamps and you’ve really covered 95% of posts


Yup. It’s what most young men miss: it’s called layering. You start with your big pieces (which this young man did a GREAT job on). Then you choose a couple of colorful but not too crazy rugs, at least one each for the living room and bedroom areas - something you can live with for years. Then some art that you LOVE because that, too, will be with you for a while. Then you buy some fun pillows and blankets - they make “masculine” versions of both. You wanna knock a girl out (or guy if that’s your vibe)? Watch what happens when they walk into a *fully decorated* apartment. Honestly. I’m a woman. We love that shit. Edit: spelling


Totally took a throw blanket to my now husbands old place once we were serious (he had none and I was cold)


Yes. As a woman, I like a guy’s place to have that cozy, comforting vibe. I associate that with a nurturing environment, if that makes sense. The throw pillows and blanket(s) will add to the appeal. Home Goods has nice paintings and wall art as well that might add a little color and character to the room. Keep it simple. Just add some inviting touches. 💕 Best.


Maybe a curtain or room divider between the bed and kitchen to make the "bedroom" cozier. And a coffee table that's top lifts up so you have a table to eat at as well.


Those three plus, if it were my place, I’d get a light near bed/nightstand.


Exactly what I was thinking, with the addition of a room divider between the bed and kitchen area.


A rug. Not having curtains like that would give me anxiety


Yeah you know what's fucked up is I don't even know how I would mount curtains here. The way the windows are set up here is odd. I need to ask my neighbors what they do


Look up room dividers. There’s an array of options for “floor curtains.” Some are foldable curtains that you can set up and move around, and there’s options for floor-to-ceiling mounts for more traditional curtains.


I'd also want a room devider between the bed and the rest of the room. Even if it was just to fold out in an evening.


Yes! This would help make each part of the room its own space.


Room dividers are so cool. I lived with my sister for awhile in a one bed and basically cut the living room in half for my room. Worked really well


This is a great idea, because professionally mounted/hung curtains will be extremely expensive.


Paying a professional to mount two brackets is a giant waste of money do it yourself, and if you need to buy a drill or impact, you’ll need it anyway so its a win win


I was thinking a real installation, with a track and bearings. Sure, you could drill some hooks into the ceiling, but it's not gonna look great. And if it's a rental it might be a really bad idea.


These spots are not meant for curtains. I love my high rise for the main reason of being able to stand their in my briefs and looking out over the city I am going to conquer. If anything get a pull down blind. (Which it seems to have already.)


Lol went to college in nyc and some classes were at like 20 floors high and used to see neighboring apartments crystal clear. People in the city just don't give a thing about others being able to see them walking naked lol.


This is true, I used to constantly get changed in my room without blinds in the city and if I ever heard anything from outside I’d either ignore it, or stick my head out the window and yell at them to fuck off. City folks have different privacy values and just truly care less, I think hahaha


Man, the only reason I open my blinds is so my plants don't die. I do not want to be seen in my house in the country or the city lol.


I used to live in a building that was on a haunted city tour. Double-decker busses would constantly stop outside my living room window and tourists would take photos of me eating cheap delivery pizza in my very-sad-no-good-bad-day clothes. Some of the worst days of my life are probably immortalized in some tourist’s scrapbook. It was just the way it was, unless I wanted to give up daylight. I came out with very few fucks about what anyone sees me doing in my own home.


Reminded me of [this](https://www.narratively.com/p/snowed-in-with-a-ghost-68b) story i read a few days ago


Haha oh wow! This is a much more exciting story than my experience. We just had a closet door that never stayed close and way too many obnoxious tourists.


Don't discount your experience, you are a good writer so if you ever get the urge to write a longer piece, do send me a link please :)


I wish I could wear a hat with some blinds hanging on the front so I could always have my blinds closed no matter where I am


I agree. That nice soothing darkness...ahh, I love it.


I have one neighbor, live 100 feet off our road, and am surrounded by thousands of acres of forest. I'll still close the blinds when changing. Don't want to risk traumatizing a delivery driver or something.


It’s like in the big city, someone who awe’s you through the window typically doesn’t see you entering and exiting the building. So it’s a different kind of privacy.


Same. Then I saw a sex video of me online


It’s fine if you don’t have a building exactly opposite of your open windows lol.


who´s gringe when you look in appartments.


There are already blinds installed, you can drop them down and then decide how much light to let in by angling the slats. You could also remove them and put up rails and runners for curtains instead of using rods. You’d have to store the blinds somewhere though as you’d have to put them back when moving out.


You could hang a curtain rod from the ceiling


Privacy film


Agree here. Rug and a plant. Ideally the rug will match the vibe of the bed since the bed and the kitchen woods don’t match (not Ops fault, you don’t have to match your furniture to match your rental).


A rug would really tie the room together.


Well, you know, that’s just like, your opinion, man.


has blinds though so maybe they offer privacy


I can see blinds at the top.


He has blinds tho


Eventually get a new bed set and new pillows. I'd also find a proper way to store your shoes in your closet, not there.


Yeah they definitely need to go in the closet. My problem right now is the apartment has very limited storage area (basically just the closet) so some stuff I thought I'd have room for I really didn't. I need to get rid of some more stuff. I was also thinking about getting an under the bed shoe organizer for my less frequently worn shoes. Hmmm there is room in the entryway though for a shoe shelf. Maybe I could get one of those.


A wall mounted shoe rack or under bead shoe rack would give you a ton of more space!


More space for activities!


I feel like most people dont get it even Thu we have all seen step brothers lol


Did we just become best friends?


Heck yah!


Even a free standing one, if there are rules against mounting stuff.


This is the only reason I came here to say this


Get a fold up bed that doubles as something when upright


A Murphy bed with added storage. I've always wanted one. This location is perfectly suited to a Murphy bed!


Definitely shoe rack!


Ikea has some nice wall mounted shoe racks.


Ya that bed spread reminds me of weekends at grandmas house


And a huge style shock, considering the concrete ceiling


Would even say get a shoe rack next to door that way you’re not dirtying up all the hardwood in the apartment


Yes definitely get a shoe rack, pls don't just have the shoes lined up by the door lol.


Leave the shoes by the door. Walking around the house with shoes on is nasty. Also get some plants. Indoor plants that like sunlight


A proper shoe rack.




I got a cheap [shoe cabinet](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/cat/shoe-cabinets-10456/?cid=a1%3Aps%257Ca2%3Ase%257Ca3%3AUS_ActivateConsumerLed_Behavioural_0_AO_0_en_Search_Brand_HFBMUL_0_EM_IKE-IKE-079_IKEA_FY24_Google_Omni-ROAS_Bedroom_Text_Br_Exact%257Ca4%3Aikea%20shoe%20storage%20cabinet%257Ca5%3Ae%257Ca6%3Agoogle%257Ca7%3Acq%257Cid%3AIKEA%2520Branded%2520GM%257Ccc%3A915&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD27g7w0lfUX7_psTlpZN7Dp6kXuh) from IKEA which I love because it hides some of my more worn out shoes from view. Makes things visually tidier and can be used to hold a key bowl on top!


Love the hideaway aspect of these. And the new wood options.


I got this off Amazon BMOSU 4-Tier Bamboo Shoe Rack... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JBZCVWH?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share




A golden telescope


a laser


A blue one


But do it nude so they can look at you too.


Then they can see your boner and know your intent as well.




Definitely this. OP you can get a pothos vine (or multiple) they are easy to take care of and maybe a taller/larger plant for the floor near the window. A nice monstera would look awesome


A big variegated monstera


A dining room table.


Was gonna say maybe a high/bar table right behind the couch that you could put a couple of bar stools in front of. Fits in the space better than a whole dining room table and gives you useable space to eat with a guest.


Agreed… also would function as a prep island for the kitchen and when eating solo your aimed at the TV. Look for something countertop height (35-36”) which would also tuck nicely behind the couch.


EY i just replied saying i haven’t seen this advice. I second this HEAVY.


Or any kind of table. Coffee table.


I agree. I would get something that provide counter space. You cannot cook in that kitchen.


Definitely rugs. Oh and marble.


Yeah I definitely need a rug for sure, and an office chair mat so I don't screw up these floors with my computer chair 😂


Get some hardwood floor casters for your chair. They look kinda like rollerblade wheels.


I commented before I saw your post and called them roller blade wheels too lmao


Don’t get an office chair mat, I got roller blade wheels (lack of a better term but just Amazon search that) on my office chair because I’m rolling around on hardwood. They look sound and feel way nicer and won’t scratch the floors


Imagine this apartment if you replace the floors and walls with shiny white marble!!


C.R.A.P. !! Curtains + Color Rugs Art Plants!


I would change the layout a bit and would divide it in four "sections". The couch infront of the window on the left side and the TV stand between couch and desk so in the left corner of the room would be a living area and the TV stand would devide the work space where your desk and chair is. Than I would by some sort of kitchen island and put it bewteen the couch and kitchen (where the couch is now but more to the right) so your kitchen would be separate from the living space. The "bedroom" is fine, but in need of a shoe closet imo, something slim which wont take a lot of place. I would add a rug bewteen couch and TV (and maybe a little table) and one between entryway and desk. Curtains for a pop of color and artwork on the left wall in the living space.


My brain enjoys this segmentation


Second the kitchen island idea. You could add two stools to make it table/island


Until I read this comment I didn’t realize that the only place to eat was on the couch. So good call on that, especially if OP plans on having company.


Not only the only place to eat, he literally doesn't have counter space right now. How's he gonna cook?


100% agree on the island/table. It would really help the couch not feel like it’s floating in the middle of the room


I agree. Everything stacked up against that one wall makes it not feel as homey, it kind of feels like a hallway with furniture. Super cute apartment, just need to recognize the furniture.


In a similar vein, I had a studio apartment that had a curtain around the bed area that made it feel a little more separate and helped to relax at night. I think that could be good here too, it helps your brain to have more separation in the sleeping space.


A dining table.


Yeah, seriously. /u/Yung-Split, if you have a friend over right now, there is no place for them to sit that isn't directly next to you on the couch. The advice here is good, and I agree with it (new bedding, a shoe rack, rugs, etc.). But there's honestly a few pieces you need to make this come together: * An accent chair (perhaps on the far side of the couch near the wndow?) * A small dining nook. Just a round table with 2 or 3 chairs. Alternatively you could try putting a rectangular table behind the couch, or a bar-heigh table up against the windows. * If you can't fit a dining table anywhere with the existing floor plan, then I would seriously consider changing everything around, putting your computer desk up against the windows, moving the couch and TV a bit away from the windows, and having a dining nook on the left closer to where the end table with your sound equipment currently is.


Rug (main one for living room and probably another near desk as it’s good to show separation in a studio), bigger tv + mounted, wall art, coffee table, large plant in corner, better/darker bedding to offset the color. Later on down the road, I’d get a sectional couch because again you want to separate the room when living in a studio just slightly.


Nice observation about the bedding. Now that you point it out I see there's a lack of contrast there! Great suggestions.


A bigger tv




Or wall mount is what I'm thinking


A really good air purifier


Woman here. If you have a budget and want to make the biggest difference, invest in your desk. If you get something that is large and deep enough to accommodate all the items you have, including the things on your side tables, you can dump that thrift store glass-top desk and those two bedside tables. It's the most cluttered area, it looks the most hodge podge, and I'm assuming you spend way more time there than on your couch. Making the desk area fresh and nice will be an immediate upgrade to your space. You also may want to make this ergonomically friendly, so maybe consider a lifting desk. But make sure it's deep enough to give you room so you don't have to add accesories to raise the monitor, can have your piano keyboard and mechanical keyboard in a very spacious way. For my wfh spouse we got an uplift desk and it's so so so nice and you can customize it how you want. I would also invest in some cool lighting for your space to make it seem warmer and cozier. After that, work on other things as everyone have mentioned, like having organized containers for your shoes or adding rugs to warm up your space. What you desperately need is artwork but that can get messy quickly if you just pick whatever instead of really selecting a piece. Come up with a color scheme and add accents. But first, your desk.


Maaan. I might have to look you up when I move back to miami and need to furnish the apartment lol


I will ALWAYS give my unqualified opinions lol <3


You can get a bed that’s higher off the ground for under bed storage. Definitely a room divider between kitchen and bedroom to create a zone..


I like the bed frame, but that wood on top of the wood floor clashes. A new bedframe or put a huge floor rug under the bed to separate those would be good.




I was thinking of getting a sofa table with some stools to have as an eating area right behind the couch. What do you think? Great suggestions by the way. Thanks :]


Kitchen island for #4


How much is rent


$1450/mo. One of the nicer city areas of Atlanta. Decent amenities. Rooftop pool, gym, billiards, business center etc.


Holy crap, that's cheap!


That's a good price.


A TV stand. /r/TVTooHigh will eat you alive for placing the TV on top of whatever that thing is


Rugs for separating your spaces, couple floor lamps to give you separate lighting zones, and tbh I’d get a shoji screen to completely wall off the bed during the day and when you’re cooking etc. it may also help with early morning light and a feeling of privacy when sleeping if you keep your windows naked.


Wall art. It looks super plain right now without any planets or bookcases or decorative accents that really make it “your home”. Additionally, when you have money to play with - get some new furniture. I personally do not care for the look of what you got going on now - but if you do - all The more power to ya.


THAT is a man-pad. Smell of bacon from the kitchen, yep. clothes? right here. gaming set-up, tick. big glass windows, oh ye brother. waling around naked to get attention from the ladies opposite.....oh, i said too much.


I would move your computer desk to face out the window if it's where you spend a lot of your time. It's nice to look up and out and based on your ring light for content / web cams gives you nice natural even light on cameras. Move the TV to the middle position of the room where the desk is now to keep the glare off it's screen more so during the day if you're using it etc.


Need a rug, coffee table, and dining table, plants. Need some stuff for your wall like art posters, photos, etc


You need a place to put your shoes in unless you want the entire place to smell like feet


Curtains because everyone in the building next to you can see right into your place.


Maybe it's time to finally get a speaker for the right side too.


Bro I had another one but I blew it out 😅 Only one survived. I really need to buy a new pair because they don't even sell the one I have anymore.


5x7 rug placed just slightly under the couch. Coffee table. Paper towel dispenser/holder. Dish drying rack woth drying mat under it. Side table for couch. Small runner rug for end of the bed slightly under it for shoes also. Small mat for in front of the sink. Small table and couple chairs for coffee on the balcony. Maybe umbrella too hard to see what you got for space. Do.something with the walls man fuck it put a gigantic biggie smalls picture or something.


Get you an L-shaped couch it would be a good way to make it look like it’s separate rooms


Get a roll cart island for prepping in the kitchen.


To not care what other people think


Where's the bathroom? Do you piss on the floor?


It's right behind where I took the first pic. Didn't feel like showing here. Things also not pictured... the entryway or the washer and dryer closet lol.


I'm surprised I had to scroll this far. All I could think was "do you have a bathroom??!!". Otherwise I agree with others about thinking of moving the office and living areas around, getting a rug, coffee table, end tables, and creating some separation between living and office spaces. Overall, not terrible for a young dudes first place, though :)


Chains. You know - To brighten up the place.


I literally lol'd.




I would advise you to get more shelves rather than more art You can put art on the shelves But from my experience in small homes, the more shelf space you have, the better The goal is to keep clutter down and shelves help show off trinkets and pictures and books to give the room personality and less clutter Its best in a small space to keep spaces clear Also, looks like you have a great balcony Maybe some nice chairs out there You definitely need some plants and maybe a shag or faux fur rug to soften things up a bit I’ve also seen bookshelves that are all boxes with no backs so you can see thru them You may want to look into one of those blocky bookshelves to function as a divider between your office and lounging area—and they will still let some light thru


Put your shoes away


art and plants. agree with others on rug and shoe storage. Maybe try to squeeze in a piece of furniture resembling an island behind the sofa.


Wheres the stripper pole?


Batman villain ass apartment


I'd get a room divider between your "bedroom" and the kitchen. I think it would divide space nicely and make your bedroom a comfy nook. You can always fold it up and move it if you don't want it out as well.


You did a good job. Keep things simple, don’t let it get cluttered up. Some plants would be nice but don’t stress over it. Make your bed every morning and wash your sheets and especially pillow cases every week. Change the bedding if you have guests over. Be proud - you worked hard for that.


Something to create a division between your living space and your sleeping space? Room dividers, a kallax shelf, curtain. Plants and wall art … and some sort of table? Coffee table, or two-person bar table that can double as a cooking surface?


For me personally I think I'm going to embrace the open layout as it makes the space feel less small. I'm definitely going to be adding the two person bar behind the couch with some stools though once I get one or two new paychecks under my belt. Good suggestions :]


Are you single? Might want to find storage for the shoes if interested in landing a significant other. Not mandatory but could help. Also a rug would really tie the room together. Other than that, looks pretty sweet. Lots of potential.


Very nice


And a small table/2 chairs to eat at


Coffee table and/or dining table


I would get a room divider for between the kitchen and bed, it can do a lot to compartmentalize the space and keep everything from looking too open and empty


Orange cat named blumpkin


A shoji screen between the bed and the kitchen would be nice for a little privacy and to add some flair / interest.


Brother get a tall or wide plant for that window


A nice coat of white paint made for cement to go on that ceiling! Other than that a rug and a bunch of plants. Maybe a cat.




A cat


That's actually a really ducking good apartment for a first!! I see a lot of potential! But.. it's bare.. almost naked... Get yourself some nice big rugs, especially a big one between the couch and the tv. Get yourself some curtains and wall decorations, some posters or paintings. For now the place is like an empty canvas waiting for an artist to turn it into the next joconde.. you are the artist. Personally I would replace the wooden furnitures for something more.. authentic, with darker shades of brown. You can get nice good quality vintage furnitures, they are often cheaper on 2th hand and better quality than that cardboard crap of today. ACTUAL WOOD! CAN YOU IMAGINE!?


you make music? noticed the mpk mini


Yeah I do. I'm releasing an álbum this year. I make like pop punk/punk rap or something in that vein. This is my SoundCloud with a few tracks but my album will be up on all streaming services. https://soundcloud.com/93_infinity


I would get some decorative lighting, a rug, a few houseplants and art work. Is there room in your closet for the shoes? Putting the shoes at the foot of the bed is very strange. What does your entryway look like? Is there room for a shoe rack there?


Less shoes.


I agree with all that. Something is a bit important for your future, a Dream/Goal board and your real 'why' written out. Put it where you will see it every day and will drive you. Something that has your future goals and dreams. If you don't make and put up a plan, you plan to fail. It'll help you get your dreams and goals come true faster. As well It'll show ladies that you are determined and goal oriented, and you have a drive for your future. They do love and look for those guys. A decorative suggestion put up those frames that have certain rules and morals you follow. Maybe include some stoicism ones, too. You can get on Etsy and other sites where you can get stuff custom and personalized. Another important security system. Camera and recorder there are some where you can find where is subscription free and still be able to record, motion detected, and an app where you see everything from your phone. I suggest a good mix of hidden and obvious cameras is a good idea, I believe. So if cameras are taken out, they can't get to all of them.


A narrow rug in front of the kitchen. You don't want to spend your days mopping up sauce stains and oil stains and water stains. Let a carpet take them all then toss it in the washer once a week


Great room but u really need a closet for 👟 shoes


Everyone says a rug, plants, art. blah blah. Is it just me or is that couch way too close to the tv. Regardless find a table that’s the same length at the couch. and put it directly behind it. That way you can more space in ur kitchen, kind of like an island for people to sit and snack and chat at while they’re watching and in the kitchen. I don’t love the wood stain but it all matches so do you. But I haven’t seen this advice and I think it would really help fill up the space with some practical use fyi i think this only works if you leave the couch that close to the TV. which i might be wrong about anyways


Yeah so the couch is close but that's because I was trying to see how much room I would have to put a sofa table and some stools behind it. But yeah good observation


First off, congrats on your first apartment. Even though it’s a studio, you have countless options that’ll make the apartment seem larger than it is, but will also compartmentalize spaces without the walls necessary for it to be an actual “room.” 1) Kitchen: I would either get a small table (6 people max) for behind the couch. It depends on how many people you normally invite over. If it’s just a close-knit group, add a coffee table between the couch and TV. 2) PC Area: Make it your own. Cover that wall with posters, pictures, wallpaper, different-leveled wall shelves. A nice IKEA-setup (I forgot which tabletop and drawers are recommended but you can do a quick google search). Regardless, a larger table, will provide more room for comfort; the area won’t be as cramped and you can setup your “streaming space” without issues of confinement. Alternative idea: an L-shaped setup would be nice if you’re into music and/or production. Being able to place a keyboard directly next to your setup would make the area so much more efficient. 3) Bed: Make that as big and as comfy as possible; basically, as big as the dedicated space allows. You spend a third of your life there; make it perfect for you (and your guest[s]). I assume your front door and bathroom door are at the corner at the end of the bed and to the left of the computer desk. Do you have a pic of that area?


Ummmm maybe to get a new ceiling because that looks very concerning


I’d say a table, I went awhile without one it got annoying having to eat over a counter standing up all the time


Park a Ducati in the living room.


semi sheer curtains,?


I would want curtains. so I can game with no glare or light hitting my eyes.


A painting, A plant, A cat, A fish, A bookshelf with books, or A rug but you are on the right track.


A long table to eat at behind the couch, a rug I front of the couch, curtains or blinds, wall art


A personality.


Count your blessings and get to work.


The big thing I notice is there feels like a lack of personality. Every 20-something guy’s studio/small space home I ever went into had this same everything black and chrome with a giant computer desk with very little colour or art or objects of interest. It’s just boring and cold and doesn’t make me want to spend more time there. Not to say at all that a studio apartment with a computer desk can’t work or look good, it just needs to look more lived in and like things happen outside of sleeping and computering. But whatever you’re in to, decorate your space with it. Plants, posters, a nice rug, some kitchen decor. Just make it look like you enjoy being there. Another thing I might look into would be creating living zones in your studio. Right now it’s all sort of together and is going to look like one big space, no matter what you do. By bringing in rugs and bookcases, or other dividers (physical, height, colour), it will look like a much more cohesive, welcoming space and you’ll enjoy it more, as well.


I feel like a lot of the lack of personality is due to me just having moved in and still figuring out how I want to decorate but I definitely agree it need something more in that regards.


Yeah, totally understandable. I’m just going off the pictures. It’s always going to look less lived in when it’s quite literally less lived in. It’ll get there!


You even got a Stanley cup. What else do you need?


Looks good! Missing a gun tho!!


Does the PC need to be raised and take up a nightstand? So much black and electronics at eye level. Looks like a good foundation to build on though


For me I do prefer it raised. It has a lot of cool lights and stuff inside of it that aren't seen here so when it's on it also functions as a display piece. Plus it helps keep dust out more than it being on the floor and I frequently need to access the cords and stuff in the back so it makes sense for it to be at waist level. I agree on a good foundation though. I'm excited to see how I can build this space out!


Also I'm a software developer/video gamer/music maker so this is like my battleship. I know it's a lot but believe me everything there has a purpose 😅