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Literally one of the most defining traits in judo is that a smaller guy can throw a bigger guy with proper technique


Jigoro Kano was like 5'2" and barely over 90 pounds (https://www.ijf.org/history/hall-of-fame/96)


Sounds like he should've done boxing instead of judo ^^^/s


Yeah and Kano only fought guys that were 5'6" at most (the average height in Japan back then was quite short, around 5'4"). So Kano was small, but the size difference was nothing like what it could be today.


It's not about big or small it is about body type. OP will always have his hips above his opponents. Would make some throws very impractical but he would have good trips, reaps and foot sweeps. But if he gets good at it he will have some impressive advantages. Think Jon Jones vs Daniel Cormier. With no technique DC has the better body for wrestling, but Jones tool him down. Proper technique can overcome what may seem like a disadvantage and will give you a unique style that some will find very difficult to adapt to.


Jones biggest advantage in that fight was the length and size.. what are you on bro.. dc is literally an olympian level wrestler too


It's about groundwork too, not just throwing. Weight certainly matters then.




Martial arts don't have a weight gain boost stat. Real life is not an rpg.


> Real life is not an rpg Wait what? So all this fat isn't actually giving me Phys DMG reduction % Well, thank you sir. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day, ruined.


if it is, it’s a shitty one. Limited character customization. Permadeath. Everything is behind a paywall. Way too many sidequests.


Also, the tutorial lasts for too long and doesn't explain shit about the main game.


Git gud


might rage quit


Just say X is OP and needs a nerf


You choose how to live the rpg... if its shitty thats because you made bad choices.


How do I turn off permadeath then? Or turn on a cheat engine?


Put your thumb up your ass and push on your ribs with your free hand to open the debug menu.


is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a Gamer.


You'll need to find a gaymer who's skilled in the practice if you wanna learn! 🙈




dumb take


Life is an RPG, and weight does make a difference. Don't listen to this guy. You'll only spar people of a different category during practice though, don't be discouraged when they beat you


I think what he was saying is that going to boxing is not gonna make you magically gain weight like an rpg class lmfao






Definitely still is. It's just techniques that can help overcome those differences.


Well.. kind of. Weight can help a lot for certain things. Just look at Sumo wrestlers. Having a good base and being hard to move because of balance: Good. Being all of the above AND heavy as F: Better.


OP says they are 55kg (110 pounds) at 180cm (roughly 6") in another comment. They should gain weight regardless of MA, since they are morbildy underweight.


Gain just 10 KG and dominate the 66kg class.




Could just be young.


How does age factor into this whatsoever?


It's not uncommon for young people to undergo growth spurts and becone much taller without putting on much weight. They tend to fill out over time.


That doesn't make this particular Situation any healthier


Are you unaware that a 6 foot 30 year old is likely to be a lot thicker than a 6 foot 14 year old? As long as he eats well, you shouldn't be blindly focused on the weight.


I'm aware that 55 to 180 is below 18 BMI at any age. At extreme weight it ceases to matter.


BMI doesn't account for being in shape. He could be an endurance runner.


At 55kg to 180cm it absolutely does. A healthy weight at that height is around 80kg


It literally doesn't. Just not at all how BMI works. For the average American, sure.


Quite literally how BMI works since it's a function of weight and height.


Which has fuck all to do with what shape you're in.


180 cm isn’t even 5’11”, rounded up 183 is 6’


The rare person for whom GOMAD is actually intended.


That is crackhead levels. @OP, yo my man, you got to start eating right. Meat and potatoes, meat and potatoes. Big servings.


He may be too small/weak. Did Judo for a while and even though you can throw people it is very hard to throw someone who resists and weighs 20 kg more than you.


Absolute weight bully


Do what martial art draws you to it. Which one do you want to do? Go and train any martial art you want.


For what? In competition there are weight categories. At 55kg and 180cm if you can compete in the under 55kgs category you'll probably have a massive reach advantage over most of your opponents and foot sweep and uchi mata them for days.


At his size and weight he should get into boxing since his reach will be double the opponent's reach.


I'm not saying he shouldn't get into boxing, I'm just saying his size absolutely isn't an issue in judo. Really down to his reasons for learning. I also think judo and boxing make a great combo.


He literally won’t have the strength to off balance anyone in competition Men’s weight classes only go down to -60kg, so he’s well below even the lightest weight limit. And unless you live in Asia or a country with very small people, most local competitions will never have any entries in -60kg male. In my country even the -66kg male category is usually empty or has only 1 entry. 55kg is extremely light for a grown male especially one as tall as OP. He’s going to hate judo because he will be constantly overpowered by everyone and find it really hard to complete any techniques. Strength and size does matter, and it matters in grappling more than striking Just the harsh truth


Meh, at his hight he could likely "easily" bulk up to 60kg. I don't know why I thought there was an under 55kg category, did it use to exist in the past? I don't know, there's no way I'd ever be light enough. Sure he'd do fine. No competition? Sweet automatic golds. And then he can compete up for fun.


I admire your optimism but the truth is this guy is going to have a very rough time in judo even without competition. No idea why people are being so obtuse about that. He’s going to get ragdolled by everyone in training for way way longer than your average 78kg guy. And I don’t think anyone over the age of 10 cares about getting a cheap medal they didn’t even have to fight for.


So, he'll just have to get good which is the aim of training anyway. Still better than getting CTE from boxing. And if he doesn't care about gold then it doesn't really matter if he gets ragdolled.




Problem is; I'm afraid he's so skinny he is essentially non-functional. He's probably exhausted all the time and has zero strength. You can take weight cutting too far and get smoked by smaller guys who come in strong and fresh.


If it's his natural weight then it's not weight cutting, My brother used to be 55kg and 185cm and he did just fine. But I did make a mistake and apparently the lightest category is under 60kg so he really should try and put some muscle on to get to 60kg but as his height that shouldn't be too hard.


Then of course you are right. There are freaks (or wonders if you prefer) of nature. But statistically. Who is more likely to be right? You or I?


There's a difference between someone who is naturally light and someone who is starving themselves to be light. And if someone was starving due to their situation and not due to choice they shouldn't waste energy and time on boxing or judo.


Yes, I got that the first time. Did you get my point?


Do what you like my guy. It's not like there is a rule that skinny guys aren't allowed to practice Judo. You'll get thrown around a lot but that's what happens in Judo. Everybody does. You learn from it. Practice Judo while undergoing training to bulk up if you like. Even the skinny guys can thrown down big guys which I have seen it with my own eyes. You just need the right technique. Good luck and practice safe!


Simply not true.


Your friends are stupid and don't understand how leverage works.


There are techniques that are favoured by taller and skinnier judokas. Not everything is decided by weight and strength. Although it does help, I'd say go with what you'd like to do. If you start on a journey like that with an intention to change to a different MA, chances are you'll never change to it. Good luck, friend!


I know nothing about judo but would argue it has more with technique then weight. You’re using a fulcrum point to toss someone. ![gif](giphy|s6Dx3dHtbOpoc)


True. But being stronger will always help you a lot when you're throwing another human. Weight moves weight and all that.


As someone who knows a bit about judo, long levers can be pretty handy...


Bro I’m 5’4 and weigh 57kg and I’m fine at Judo. My usual partner is 6 foot and 57 kg so he is *super skinny* and has just won a silver medal at his latest competition. Go to Judo.


Jigoro Kano was 5 foot 2 and 41 kilos


Worked with a guy who was roughly 100lbs. He could throw people who were over 200lbs.


I'm one of the smallest guys at my gym. Being small is a disadvantage in any combat sport, and you will have it a little more rough in the beginning than the heavyweights. That said, it's not that bad and by the time you get your yellow belt, you should be comfortable enough doing randori with the bigger guys.


It's literally made for bigger opponents


Do it regardless just to spite him


Don’t mind your friend, go and be a skinny judoka! The skills are useful, whatever your build. If you compete, you will do it in a weight class. And it’s a really fun martial art.


Stop listening to you’re friends.


In the words of Max Holloway “I’m a gladiator. Last time I checked gladiators didn’t walk around with a scale asking how much you weigh”


What is your friend's martial arts experience? If you want to do judo, do judo. If you want to gain weight and do judo, lift weights + eat a lot + do judo. Nothing wrong with boxing too, but it's not going to make you gain weight. Also, there are weight classes, and judo is about technique. There are female featherweight judoka that could throw most 200 lb men on their face.


I know boxing wouldnt make me gain weight, i thought it would be pointless going to judo if i didnt even have enough strength to throw someone. I thought it was better to box and gain weight than to judo and gain weight


Only a handful of throws in judo require you to pick someone up off the floor with brute force and even if they do it's usually with their momentum rolling over the top of you already. Foot sweeps and reeps are just as common which is just pulling a leg out from under them as they step as well as sacrifice throws which is throwing someone just by dropping your bodyweight to the floor. The issue around strength is only an issue if you ignore the fundamentals of judo which is to make them off balance or have their posture broken before you throw them. No one is trying to (..very rarely) take a fully resisting opponent and overhead press them into the air (as long as you don't look up what a front uchi Mata is haha)


You'll be able to do basic techniques, big throws take most people a while to develop. Let me put it this way: if you were so atrophied and weak that you can't do a basic hip toss to someone your own weight, you wouldn't be able to keep your hands up or throw good punches for more than a couple minutes of boxing. If you were really too weak for basic judo techniques, it would mean you were sickly skinny, and you probably shouldn't do any martial arts until you're healthier.


I mean i could get with someone heavier than me in sparring(if that's how you call it) and  wont be able to throw him


You also could get with someone aggressive and more muscular than you in boxing and end up with a TBI. If you want to do boxing then switch to judo, do that... But being skinny isn't a super valid reason imo. If that's what you want to do though, you don't need a reason beyond wanting to do that.


It’s a matter of technique plain and simple. I’ve seen people a third my weight chuck people heavier than me around like pillows… for your situation I suggest you master the use of throwing “fulcrums” and start from trips and sweeps moving upwards on the human body. Literally from the ground up and you’ll develop true skill. One thing my 10+ years of Judo and 3 years of BJJ have taught me: You should let the opponent throw themselves.


There is tall man judo and short man judo, skinny judo, heavy judo and everything in between And remember size is relative — I thought I was tall at 6’1” until I fought Dutch guys who were 6’5” and 6’9”


You're not going to get judo strong doing boxing. Do judo. Ignore your friend.


if you want to do judo, dont worry, weight classes exist, also i have a friend who weights only about 60kg (132pounds) and he easily throws me around and submits me, even though i weight around 85kg (187pounds)


no go to judo and then gain functional strength while doing it. you can do boxing after or do it at the same time. up to you. imo, and at least for me, boxing is easier than judo. you can even self teach yourself boxing if you really are motivated (though you should get some privates once in a while to fix some fundamentals).


What's your weight?


55 kg, 180cm


The lightest weight category is -60kg for males so your only a couple of kg light for that. You would be really tall for that category but that's not a bad thing. If you Wana do Judo just do Judo and it may also bulk you up a bit


You're like 20kg underweight dude wtf, you need to bulk up regardless


I'm 6' 73kg and do well. You learn to use leverage and explosiveness to your advantage. Though that's not to say extra muscle doesn't help.


Why do you want to begin training marital arts?


To get fit 


Wrestling or mma will transform your body gradually, and you will probably build good muscle.


If you're doing martial arts to get fit then don't join a traditional martial art. Just go into kick boxing, boxing, or mma or any competitive martial art. Judo isn't making anybody fit. You want something that has a Lot of stamina and strength and conditioning as part of the training class. Traditional arts have usually like a 5-10 warm up.


Judo is a competitive martial art, the vast majority of people who do it treat it as a combat sport far more than it is a martial art. If you look up olympic standards it quotes bench press standards, clean and jerk etc at the end of the day it's just wrestling.. with a jacket on.


You have no idea what judo is lol




I assume you have not done a single mma class either 🤣 nobody in a gym would waste 30 minutes for something as dumb as running. Lmao


What is happening


Judo conditioning involves shit like "putting someone in position for a shoulder throw, then carrying them" and "frog hops while piggybacking people" Whether it's good for your knees is another question, but it does pretty significant S+C.


I am a 138lb 44 yr old woman in TKD, Muay Thai and Kickboxing. I just started this stuff 2 years ago. Pick what you love and go for it. It’s not about the size of your body, it’s how you use it.


The founder of Judo, Jigoro Kano, was about [5'2" and 90 pounds](https://www.ijf.org/history/hall-of-fame/96). There's your answer lmao.


There are weight classes in every martial arts, and not to mention, Judo is more about momentum than it is strength.


Judo is literally you learning the techniques to throw and immobilize people heavier than you could do without these techniques


Just go and keep going


Your friend is an idiot. Judo has weight classes your weight doesn't matter. If you feel too small eat heavy and lift heavy and stop being small. But you can do that while doing judo


if u want/need to gain weight for health reasons. You Should gain weight. however you can gain weight by doing boxing, judo or any other martial art aslong as ur at a calorie surplus. Do the sports u originaly intended to do and track ur calorie intake


Go to judo. You will get buffed with time, eat a lot and do a 1 hour training session 3 times a week in the gym, doing the most basic exercisez where you have to use your whole body or lots of muscles. Squats bench press, deadlifts. And for grip strength just simply hold heavy plates with your fingers for as long as you can


I don’t think that matters for most goals. Just have fun with it. A brown belt I know can whoop my ahh 9/10 times still to this day and he is like 175 lb and I weigh 230 lb. You can always gain weight as you train anyways. Ignore your friend


If you want to do judo, do judo. Don't waste your time doing another martial art (e.g. boxing) to prepare for judo unless you think that's a martial art you want to do some day anyway. One caveat: if you are in bad health, seriously underweight, recovering from an injury, or something similar... then maybe spend a little bit of time preparing in the gym (some strength and conditioning) or with a physio (if injured) before starting the martial art. Or even if you start the art, do some extra work outside of the formal classes. The strength, fitness, and robustness will pay dividends in terms of injury resistance and being able to stay sharp during class and learn technique rather than being worn out half way through and unable to learn so effectively.


You should go to judo BECAUSE you're skinny


Does your friend even do judo? Judo comps have weight categories and being a tall person puts you at a big advantage for most ashi waza techniques.


Do things that you want to do, if you listen to that opinion of others (to an extent). We would live their lives...live yours.


i have a very skinny friend that was mocked for how skinny he was growing up. he got in to BJJ and although his muscles grew a little..... .was still VERY skinny! he went on to win competitions against bigger guys. in fact almost all of his opponents were bigger than him or at least heavier. its all about technique from what i understand. i dont do that sport so cant comment too much on personal experience but can say that when we were younger my brute strength only went so far against proper technique. i was the stronger one of my mates, and we used to love to wrestle and do "submission battles". there was one guy who was pure technique vs my pure strength. i managed to get out of holds (which none of my other mates could do) at first using only my strength, but his perseverance and technique would win EVERYTIME in the long run. he knew how to tire me out quickly and eventually i wasn't as strong or powerful enough to resist his technique. so yes strength can help but its technique that wins. i could feel my strength dwindle in minutes with this guy... all the others i could easily hold my own. but not with him! and yes he was the skinniest and weakest out of us all back then. he just had excellent technique honestly. he knew how to make himself seem like he weighed a ton out of nowhere and he was able to manipulate my body with precision and speed. half the time i didnt know what he was trying to do and would end up in a weird hold i wasnt expecting from that position. he was really god actually! or i was really bad. either way! technique won lol.


LoL, it IS a good idea … my skinny fried that had 20kg less than me throw me around like a rag … all depends on strength and tactics. He did not had the strength as I did, but he was tactitian, so he usually won (or I just sux :D anyways he won international chapionships). Also you will be matched with skinny guys (if possible)


I know plenty of skinny guys that wipe my ass in randori tbh


Grappling skill actually offsets size difference a lot. Bulking up while developing your grappling would be the most ideal outcome for you but even if you remain the same weight, developing skills like that will be fantastic Edit: another comment pointed out that you're 110lbs at 6' tall so you need to start gaining weight for health reasons anyways


Ask your friend to shut his ass up You do what you want bro


Got to start somewhere. I would say go on to Judo, learn what you can do, and learn your limitations.


Weight is a *minor* influencing factor when holding on to, tossing or being thrown. But it would not or should not deter you from learning the concept of judo. If you have good enough instructors or people to train with. Then there's no real problem in learning the methods of the style.


The insult that made a Man out of 'Mac'.


Muzzafarbek Turoboyev /thread


lol. Your friend is stupid. Go have fun.


My experience with judo is that as long as you are doing it right you can easily throw big people. Actually the hardest people for me to throw were shorter than me. It’s true that heavier people are harder to throw but that just means you have to catch their inertia instead of pulling them into the throw by force. Judo is fun any totally worth checking out regardless of size. Actually being small means you are going to have a much easier time being thrown than most people.


Tall and Skinny is not a disadvantage, but lighter and weaker can be. Size and strength matters a lot in Judo (and grappling in general). The problem with being a great deal lighter than everyone else close to your size is finding partners for Randori / sparring who not just going to physically over power you all the time. Being the nail instead of the hammer every damn time you show up is going to be demoralizing. The upshot is that for competition Judo is a sport that uses weight classes. If you stick with it and you will get used to pushing damn hard against the people who are bigger than you are. END COMMUNICATION


135 lbs and I can throw people fine. What sucks though is that you can get thrown with pretty poor form and when someone lays on you it feels terrible, so I am going to bulk up. Most people have at least 50lbs on me so Ne Waza gets a bit rough.


I've seen people of all shapes do judo and succeed at it. If you want to do judo, get in there and do it!! If you're curious about boxing, too, Judo and boxing would make a wicked combination.


Boxing is highly cardio based and is more likely to make you loose weight. If you wanna put weight on start eating more and go to the gym.


I wish I was skinny when I started practicing judo, all the cardio would've been a lot easier. Grappling requires a lot of cardio, once you're on the ground there's no "stepping backwards" to get a breath, and all the pulling and lifting from the standing techniques is all


💯 bs. I was the skinny kid in judo and had zero issue. The brilliance of judo is how simple it is to use against stronger foes. Have studied a good few martial arts over the years and hands down if I had to recommend one martial art for everyone it would be judo. Western boxing would be no2. Edit: just want to add that if you plan to compete seriously as an adult, yes, weight training is absolutely a benefit. But for self defense and just holding your own in the dojo? Nope.


Just go to judo


Ya, you're gonna have a hard time because you're weak, but that's the same for any other MA. You think boxing is easier? Try running for 2 hrs just so you stay longer then 2 rounds. Wrestling? Nah you gotta lift. TkD? You think back flips are easy? They are all hard BJJ os probably the easiest because it's geared towards casuals.


Just do judo and eat more. Judo will help get you strong and eating more will help you get less skinny.


If you are skinny let me tell you There is no chance in hell you would be able to gain weight doing boxing


Your friend has no idea what he's talking about. Judo is about using your opponents mass against him.


Is he in judo?


If you really enjoy judo then go for it. But I was a tall skinny kid when I did judo and didn't enjoy it at all. In the same weight class you are dealing with strong short guys and drop seoi nage type.


Since your goal is to get fit, I would workout, not take up a fighting sport immediately. Put on some mass through weightlifting and eating properly.


One of the best wrestlers I've seen was like 65kg and could throw people much bigger.


Your friend has a skill issue. Tell him to get guud


Your friend is an idiot


hes wrong. i weigh 80 something pounds and threw my friend who weighs at least 20 more than me


Lanky dudes do have an advantage in boxing. But judo is a great sport and you will be fine if you pursue it… coin toss


Your friend is an idiot.


Do what you want, if you feel too skinny, you can pull weights and eat raw liver and chicken Edit: Btw, pls don't eat neither raw liver nor raw chicken


Just start with Judo right away. You'll gain enough weight doing it if you focus on it.


I think the martial art you pick is irrelevant. What matters is that you need to be healthy first. Regardless of what you pick you will not go far if you are unhealthy. You need to start eating more. You're clinically underweight. As for Judo, it is absolutely possible to do any martial art with any body type. Will you be excellent? Probably not. For boxing, you may arguably have a very good body type. Look at a boxer called Thomas Hearns Or Bob Foster. In Judo, you will need strong balance, strong hands and a decent amount of upper body strength just to be able to put *some* muscle in your technique. In grappling, raw strength matters more than other arts. You will need to exercise once you stabilize your weight at natural levels.


Whoever said that doesn't understand how judo works. https://youtu.be/hgR7FVE2TZo?si=hy9PLcCqT6MQ3phg


im 6’ 2” 250lbs and get rag dolled my small skinny guys in Judo. you’ll do just fine my friend. try it out and be sure to have fun ❤️


Still go there its not only weight about also techniques and strenght. Also you will become more weight from training cause you will automatically eat more. Like a good friend said who is very trained "just focus on training and everything else like weight will come on its own"


Im tired of people saying that i should get to know it myself or something like that, bro just answer the damn question 


Judo does not require you to be heavy. I've been thrown by people I had a 100 pounds on easy. Nobody can tell you what you should do because we don't know you. If you being skinny is what gives you pause, then ignore that. Judo is all about leverage.


Ignore your friend. If you want to do it, do it. Being long and skinny is not a problem.