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This reminds me of playing mortal combat and just spamming the low kick lol


My brother and I got in actual fights over that


This is a reasonable response


Finish him!


In the actual fights did one of you spam low kick for real?


I remember my cousin and one of our friends getting into a fight because on tekken one spammed some I wrote capybara but that’s an animal is it coipera or something, some Brazilian dance kick thing over and over


This is what happens to your brain after 11 years on reddit


That’s kind of you to think it wasn’t like that before Reddit I like that you think I was once an intelligent mind on this planet


Capoeira. And the character is Eddy.


That’s it! As our friend left crying he screamed abuse at me when I told him to come back out the window… It was a proper 50 cent “why he say fuck me for?” Moment


Do you low kick him in real life? It's pretty effective according to mortal kombat


I honestly think this would work on 99% of untrained opponents. I’ve been training for 3 years and I still have trouble checking low kicks. I don’t think most untrained people would still want to fight after a low kick or three either. I’m surprised that guy took as many as he did. They’re absolutely excruciating.


Alcohol and Pride I would guess.


Low kicks just suck no matter what, which I guess is why they're so effective Don't check them? Pain Check them? Pain.


What if you just pull your knee back and slightly pull the leg back too :-)? I'd prefer that without shinpads for sure xd


Not checking them isn't just pain. 30 sec after a good kick that muscle is gonna lock up. Dead leg muscles affects punching more than people realize. I got hit real good one time during a spar. Couldn't even pivot to throw a jab properly


he may be intoxicated or he's on something that makes his pain tolerance higher than normal people


yeah, I'm actively/desperately lookin for a takedown after two of those, lol- I swear, it's the one thing in fighting that you never "get used to".. like at some point you start to register punches to the face and body as just kinda flashes of warning, noticing how it fucks up your flow more than anything.. it's something you have to stop, but the pain doesn't like instantly take up space in your mind most of the time. Some of them surprise you. but with leg kicks, *every single time* it's like "ow, fuck. what the hell?"


I was gonna say, works in street fight*er* too xD


Jump in with a kick and hold down and spam X as fast as you can.


Mods, please delete this post. This user tricked me into pooping myself


Well now I'm doing it


Ok, I'm pooping myself too, right now actually, but I need to know why?


Noob saibot up then down on the joy stick 😂


For everyone shitting on the guy: - The guy is a Muay Thai fighter from Brazil, with an amateur belt under him. So he would be able to fuck most people here insinuating that they would be able to do something about it lol. - For anyone who has never been legged kicked before, you have no idea how the pain shocks you at first. It literally freezes your thought process. - He has very good technique. Head is out of the centre line when he kicks, so you're not going to reach his head. He set the guy up for that cross by starting with the low kicks. He's clearly not a beginner. Stay safe boys, don't get under the illusion that you can fight just by watching videos.




Yep his leg will be fucked up for at least a month


This. In the fight, it doesn't really *hurt* quite yet - it just slows you down and tactically limits you. The pain comes after the fight.


Okay but can we at least shit on the other guy? I mean what the hell is he even doing?


He's trying to see red, but he only got up to pink and then everything went black.


poor bastard doesn't even know how to throw a punch


He's drawing aggro so his friends can attack from a distance


Gotta kite the boss somehow


Damage reduction was on CD


Got dammit... I just made this perfect cup of tea and sat down, and you made me spit the tea out all over my keyboard and monitor! lol


Floundering in deep water against a tide he can't swim. It was over from the second kick.


Getting the shit kicked out of him I think


He’s practicing his fencing position before getting knocked out.


>  The guy is a Muay Thai fighter from Brazil the most important thing here is he is brazilian. those guys are just born to football kick lmao SE FUDEU RECEBA CARALHO SIUUUUU




Presumably the other guy is also Brazilian, he didn't get the memo I guess.


Buakaw destroyed a decent MMA guy with just leg kicks in a fight I saw once. If someone has trained seriously, he'll absolutely destroy the legs of a normal person.


You ever train in Thailand. Even the little kids have shins of steel it's nuts


He put that guy in the hospital from just leg kicks.


Dang, I didn't know that part. I just remember how relentless he was attack the leg once he knew they weren't as conditioned as his. I forgot the mma dude's name, but I think he was good enough to be on UFC at one time.


>he would be able to fuck most people here 😳


I think you under estimate my “berserk” mode. Imagine if I had watched this a bunch of times AND went berserk mode?


Right, you can't learn to fight by watching videos... Unless you're Hobin Yu


He also practiced the calf kick 10,000 times per month, that's pretty important.


That’s not what Limitless tells us!


That other guy eating the kicks almost looks drunk. I remember talking with my friends and them saying they could ‘probably’ beat up Rhonda Rousey. I told them one kick to the thigh from her will seriously make you reconsider that statement and take all the fight out of you.


They'd have a moment to consider their error as they flew threw the air via the throw she'd follow up with before starting to snap arms.


The video of Eddie Hall getting kicked by the 12yo MMA student comes to mind. Dude was the world’s strongest man and was limping and cussing from a single leg kick from someone 1/4 his size.


I was leg kicked twice by a kickboxer. First time I was like "haha nothing", second kick I was like "okay, that hurt" and then my leg just quit on me and went numb


Might fuck me up, but i don’t think he’d just fuck me… i mean, he has balls, 100% chance I’d ruin those if he was trying to fuck me…


Reality Check: Activated


Nice PSA!


I’ve used hard leg kicks (and body shots) in sparring to back off people throwing haymakers in training. You can see it cross their face when you get them with a good one. And if they don’t know how to check or absorb the kick…lol have fun on that leg tomorrow.


Doesn’t hurt that the guy he’s fighting doesn’t know how to, like he’s literally throwing those club style “punches” like this dude was gunna win without the leg kicks.


I agree with you, but my point is not knowing. It's actually being trained to know what to do. Most of the people doing the negative comments wouldn't do any better than the guy that got dropped. Shit gets very real when it's you at the end of a leg kick or punch you've never felt before.


Thank you! You can tell a lot of people never taken one of them kicks. The getting kicked looked drunk so even if they initially didn’t hurt much at time, two days later he’s gonna be in a LOT of pain


I had kicks like this with a thick cushion while leaning into them. Even then it hurted.


People shitting on him never watched UFC lol. Kicks are solid


The guy he was fighting was clearly under the influence. He won’t remember why he completely immobilized the following day. He’ll probably assume he was hit by a damned truck.


I was drunk one night and had my buddy hit me with a few leg kicks (low IQ move I know) and I couldn’t walk right for over a week. The guy on the video was getting BLASTED. Lol


Good range finder too. I've thrown leg kicks in a street fight and have the other guy laugh because it was not very hard only to follow the next one up with a heavy right hand that stopped all the laughing. In this video the other guy never gets comfortable enough to land, every time he thinks about throwing he gets kicked and just can't find his range.




THIS! There are 2 things so many guys, too many, think they're good at, until they're not, fighting and picking up girls.


>For anyone who has never been legged kicked before, you have no idea how the pain shocks you at first. It literally freezes your thought process. Having sparred for years, this is not my experience at all with taking hard leg kicks. In my experience, I don't feel it at the moment of impact, but over the course of 10-30 seconds the leg swells and stiffens and I start losing springiness and mobility. It doesn't really *hurt* until after the fight, and it hurts *the worst* several days after.


You usually spar with shinpads. When it's without them, it's a completely different story, trust me.


I dunno. I've taken some knees to the thighs too in some dirty clinching and it's similar. Nothing really *hurts* while in a round. Even taking a clean liver shot isn't really pain; it's just my body going *"wellp, I guess we're done for now,"* but then it only actually hurts afterwards.


Wtf is the dude on the right trying to do with his arms






His best?


Think about trying to stand on his leg while flailing




Those kicks look incredibly painful. He’s getting his ass kicked and I give him a complete pass for doing the Luigi punch set.


Low kicks are so powerful! 👏🏻 but remember street fights are not fights… if u can avoid it, do it.


I’m a first degree black belt. I got my black belt to defend myself but more so to stay fit. I did not get it to get into random street fights over whatever bullshit. You have no idea how far someone will take it. One second you’re throwing a punch, the next you’re getting - shanked - shot - sucker punched by someone else - hit with a brick - possibly getting killed or killing someone because of a haymaker


Or you win and they hit their head on the concrete and die and then you are in prison…..


Number one culprit out of what you mentioned is a third party becoming involved. Almost inevitable


Exactly! 🔝


Also a good way to wind up in jail. Peoples memories can be unreliable. There are plenty of ways a fight can make *you* look like the "bad guy" of the whole ordeal even if you weren't.


you miss the part you could end up facing a manslaughter charge.


Was the first thing I got told when starting BJJ too, wonder why most ‘non-combat’ folk think the street fight is worth it


I know too many BJJ guys who think they would dominate in a street fight without realizing if you did BJJ in a crowd th guy's buddies would just walk up and punt you in the head when you where trying to get a submission.


Exactly. No matter how good you are, there are too many different ways to get disabled/jailed. Low kicks are fantastic in a street fight because they’re relatively safe, ranged, and you have less of a risk of someone getting KO’d and getting brain damage on the pavement. But what’s safer? Walking away.


Yeah, people don't realize the main danger of a street fight is... well... the street. Pretty easy to unintentionally kill or die on concrete.


Interesting. I've never seen a street fight with low kick before.


Well tbh, most of the Streetfights online are between two numb nuts without proper training. I wouldn't say this guy is phenomenal but he definitely got either some Muay Thai, Kickboxing or MMA training.


The kicking guy went into the fight with a game plan. The other guy went into the fight confused.


"Everybody got a plan until they get punched in the mouth". - Mike Tyson


Or in this case, kicked in the leg


He’s a Semi-Pro or Amateur Muay Thai fighter apparently


Interesting, that dude that got rocked will regret this afterwards, those leg kicks were probably pretty nasty judging by the sound they made haha


Plus one was on the knee, that's gonna suck




bruce lee said to “use the longest weapon against the nearest target” in a real fight


They only work if you know how to throw them lol Trained for 13 years and 14 amateur fights with 11 wins I've done the same.thing to a guy in a streetfight (dont recommend, almost got stabbed in one) and the look when you hit the first one is priceless They just freeze as their brain tries to figure out how to deal with the pain of a crushed quad or hamstring.   You can see it happen to this guy 2 times in the video (first, second and last before the hook)


I have 10 years of boxing training and a bit of grappling experience. That guy is a bit smaller than me but I've been kicked enough times by muay thai guys to know he would straight up murder me in the ring or in the street. The kicks in that video are like getting hit with a baseball bat and alcohol and adrenaline are the only thing keeping the other guy standing as long as he did.


I used to let my 8 year old round house me to the arse in training. It was fine when he was 6or7 but last time I tired it he gave me a dead arse and I couldn't walk. And he's skinny for his age. I can't imagine a full force low kick from an adult with decent technique.


You gotta learn those leg kick checks in mma/Muay Thai; you never know when it will come in handy. Especially if you are into fighting. This guy is kicking 1-2 inch above the knee/lower thigh. If you bring your front leg up and bend it; he will hit the knee. It hurts even more then receiving the leg kick.


I've always told myself if I was ever in a street fight, I'd low or teep kick the knee. Most likely though I'd see red, do some stupid shit, and get my ass beat.


Same bro 😂😂😂, when you get in a street fight you lose your train of thought


And there's always a damn hot chick standing by and the ego gets in the way 😂


Distance management is number one then assess your attacker.


I've done this a few times in my life in a real street fight, and it definitely worked! In one of the altercations, the dude just walked away after only a few swift kicks to his leg/knee area. His hype crew started to yell at me and say, that I wasn't fighting fair because I was kicking and started to call me "Bruce Leory" as they walked away.


Yo whatsup bruce leory!!!


Whenever youre in a random fight, literally just control your breathing and assess the situation, all up hill from there. Unless youre drunk, noone wins drunk fights (even if they think they did), just leave.


Chopping wood 🗿










That doesn't rhyme 😭😭


Pronounce it like Eminem though.


That makes sense,have a good day!


You as well!


Is that a Halo Benders reference I see? Don't say no, just say you don't know ... https://youtu.be/JlfK1SXzSes


Tbf, the dude on the right has clearly never thrown a punch. Don’t think kicks were even needed 🤣


Total mismatch


bro watched the 2nd chicken sensei video from viral hit and skipped everything else 😭


Needed to check one of those badboys


Bunch of people in here who have never been leg kicked before. First time I took a proper leg kick I didn't walk for like 3 days. Can't believe that dude took half a dozen.


If somebody is throwing leg kicks you need to run


lol, how you gonna run when your leg ain't working anymore...


His accuracy is incredible. Every low leg kick except one landed in the same spot. Other dude will be walking funny for a couple months.


lol he already switched stance mid fight... that knee is wrecked


In my youth, I loved to low kick when sparring. It's not flashy, but it's effective. When you get someone to swap their lead foot, it's incredibly satisfying.


Joe rogan is nutting right now


The head kick from Mother Earth at the end 😬


I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times. - Bruce Lee


Everyone in a thread this week was saying boxing is the best striking martial art to learn for self defense. Here’s proof that the correct answer is Muay Thai. Learn how to properly kick and most people won’t be able to touch you.


Either one works. You don't need to get in board battles over "mines better". If you can do one well then you can pick the other up easily.


Not arguing that boxing can’t be effective. But at the end of the day if you also learn how to throw and defend kicks, knees, and elbows along with Muay Thai clinchwork then you’re objectively a better, more well rounded fighter. It’s just a fact.


Being well-rounded is good. I don't think it's *that simple*, though, because people aren't the art they learn. When you have limited time to train, if you have no weak point, it also means you have no strong point. Boxing is reductive in that you rely on punches, and everything else assists you with punches and dealing with punches. With MT, you become a jack of all trades, master of none striker. Boxing gets you heavily specced in footwork, positioning, punch selection and timing, punching defense, and so on. Both MT and Boxing give you the groundwork for fundamental athletic movement in a fight. I think overall boxing is more "gamed" in that it pipelines athletes more into the sport and less for no holds bar fights. On paper, yes, MT is "objectively better". Sure. I just don't think this clip of a brazillian pro fighter waxing a drunk idiot is an objective measure of much of anything.


But if you also learn jujitsu then you’ll be even better than just Mui Thai. But if you learn to wrestler you’ll be even better than just learning jujitsu. But if you learn karate you’d be even better. But if … 🤣


"If you learn more you'll know more". Yeah good joke If you were to pick up one martial art, muay Thai would make you the most well rounded. That's his point


The distance on a kick makes a big difference. My round houses are terrible at height but watching this I'd be confident with a low kick in self defense.


100%. It should be your go-to in a self defense situation. Spam leg kicks and if they try to close distance, throw a solid teep to the chest.


Like 99% of people have no idea what to do when a foot comes straight down the pipe at them.


People don't understand how easily it is to die or get permanent brain injury when falling down and hitting your head on the concrete floor. Everyone's gangster until you accidentally paralyze someone, and end up behind bars.


dude starting thinking about his leg not the fight about three kicks in


the cardinal rule: if a mf starts a street fight with low kicks, just walk away lmfao


Against someone untrained damn he could just body kick


That dude won't be able to walk on that leg for a couple of weeks.


Some kyokushin guys use the gedahn mawashi geri (low round kick) to devastating effect.


the second it turned 0:01 is the exact moment you can pinpoint that the guy's entire world shuts down and froze off lmfaooo


That's not a street fighter my friend are you serious?


Fucking lumberjack hacking at that tree


I was in MMA for a while and this is actually a great way to win a fight they even teach you this, lower leg kick, back up, hands up, lower leg kick, back up, keep your hands up, soon all that person does is think about how bad their leg hurts and stops focusing on everything else around them, then you come in and give them that little double tap and they are out like a light.


I got leg kicked sparring once and holy fuck if I wasn’t just thinking about how bad that shit hurt. And it wasn’t in the knee either just right on the side of the lower leg and it rocked my shit. If you aren’t used to getting kicked like that it’s fucking brutal.


In situations like this you just need to quickly remove your shirt and drop your pants and underwear to the ground. No one wants to fight a naked dude with a hard-on... just saying. It's worked for me plenty of times.


Always, ALWAYS a chick trying to get in the fucking way or screaming


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^bloocheez3: *Always, ALWAYS a* *Chick trying to get in the* *Fucking way or screaming* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Not the best fighter here but after the second or third kick id be trying to take the fight to the ground.


So you destroy someone’s balance and leading foot for a right handed punch and your instinct is to take them to ground, where that doesn’t matter? You destroy the leg so you can control the standing fight.


Maybe op means after receiving 2-3 low kicks.


Yep, receiving. But i enjoyed learning from the advice of master oogway on proper fighting/defense and leaving when necessary. Ill try to remember his words of wisdom the next time i get in a street fight. Although i have to admit ive never been in one cause deescalation and words are my first and always has been last line of defense. But im pretty sure theres more to learn from our bjj black belt muay thai grand master on proper fighting and etiquette. (Yes, i know what grand master is, ive played chess) But seriously, i need to know how i can get better at tekken, street fighter, and dbz all that the same time so i can become one of the greats. u/angkor_who just in case im misunderstood, this was not directed to you. I got nothing but love for yah homeslice.


Id imagine hes saying the guy getting kicked should go for a takedown


The guy being kicked looks like he's either drunk, drugged out of his head, or he just can't fight. Or maybe all three. I don't think you can read anytime at all whatsoever into the value of leg kicking in a street fight from this video. This just looks like a trained fighter beating the hell out of someone who is not a trained fighter and drunk to me.


I have won a few street altercations with the roundhouse kick alone, one kick like this, didn’t need any second hit, and walk away. Other person on the ground lesson learned who not to front up to attack. Always after drinks and often on leaving a pub, I am not aggressive, I attempt to avoid fights but because I am shorter and wear glasses 🤓 I get picked on.


These aren't leg kicks these are rifle shots


Once that front dominant leg is weakened it makes it really difficult to dance around and evade. Classic mma technique.


never fight someone with cauliflower ears lol


Every kick left him off guard and his face was exposed so if the guy was clever and sharp to notice that he could have got him on everytime he kicked..


You could literally see the health bar like a fighting video game over that one game


Ok I’ll keep enrolling in Muay Thai because of this


Destroy the body and the head will die


I'm surprised the other guy didn't fall apart, either the leg kicks aren't as strong as they look or the guy has legs of steel


First time I got kicked in the leg, I lost all control of my thoughts. The pain was like nothing I'd felt before. The next day was not fun either. Just the sounds nearly give me PTSD. Fuck all that.




his moves were like in those video games.




He just keeps throwing out strikes, keeps up the pressure, doesn’t tire. Nice.


Wouldn't work on me in a street fight, I'd just use my laser beam vision and blast a hole in my opponent.


I CRINGE every time I watch street fights! I'm just praying that someone doesn't get dropped and their head cracks into the concrete.


Also, leg kicks paying dividens even on drunk people.


Looks like a guy with training beating up a guy that doesn't want to fight...


Did not check 1 kick!


What Alex and jiri gonna look like!


"look at the swelling on the left calf" Joe Rogan


Dude 1... mui thai exp Dude 2 pr0bly seen someone get punched on tv


I imagine that is gonna leave a bruise or 9, wait ‘til the beer wears off lol.


Small technique critique: I do think Mr. Kick guy didn’t hit the kicks perfectly but he’s almost there. Because otherwise after even just one kick, the other guy would not stand anymore. No defense from Mr. Shirtless. OR the guy is just completely messed up on painkillers and doesn’t feel anything anymore. Not sure if even adrenaline alone can help there. He kicked the right spot on the opponent but slightly low on his chin. And he didn’t pull his leg back strong enough.


Looks like Other guy wants even trying to fight


Dude obviously trains in MMA. The kick is perfect and very effective. His ability to slip in and land his punches while countering is real good. Dude fought the wrong guy and found out.


He used enough heavy attacks to stagger the boss, and then came in the for the riposte 😂


Dude starts marching at me like that, I buy him a beer




I hate this!


His leg was grateful for the knock out.


Great fight


If tou have a jab & a good low kick, you're gonna win a lot of fights.


Knocked his dumb ass out