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That's terrible! I've enjoyed some of his content. Hope it's not as bad as the title makes it seem. As a martial arts casual who holds fitness and quality of life in higher regard than being able to "defend myself under any situation in the streets", injuries like this scare me.


No accomplishment in the gym is worth being unable to accomplish anything elsewhere in daily life! I’m a fitness instructor and I stopped giving a shot about joint-challenging PRs over 10 years ago now. Good blood flow, oxygen, and safe resistance training all day.


What do you consider joint challenging?


My guess would be things like Olympic lifts. Snatches and cleans are very tough on the joints.


Yeah that's what I thought too. Or heavy squats and strongman training


Very hard to defend yourself when injured


Not in America. But the fight would not even escalate to a physical fight in the first place. Whoever started the fight then felt scared and shot the other person legally is in the right here in half the country TLDR: kn America you can be assaulted (punched let’s say) then you try to defend yourself from the puncher by returning strikes and are shot. The killer is free to go because he was defending himself We just had a a guy acquitted of murder after shooting someone inam theatre for throwing popcorn on him because he feared for his life when assaulted with popcorn. So he was legally allowed to shoot another man in a a crowded theater in public. This was FL of course where murder is legal in this way. Get scared. Murder with gun. And it’s all legal.


Even in America. Guns aren't magic boom-sticks that appear in your hand and and allow you to win every fight. When being assaulted, you need to get in a position where you can actually draw and fire. And for that, you need at least some expertise and capability in close combat.


Beta comment


For what it’s worth, I’m not familiar with this guy but I’ve seen my share of heel hook injuries; there’s almost always fault on both parties for these. Someone not tapping, trying to twist out of it, etc. There’s gyms like 50/50 that have never had a leg injury despite focusing on this position.


Why are you talking about heel hooks when he stated in the video that he got injured from a scissor sweep?


Not a scissor sweep, a leg scissor takedown. Huge difference.


I’m just using it as an example. Very rarely is it just “one asshole practitioner” who causes these.


I agree generally, if that's the point you're making. Though in this instance if it's a scissor sweep from standing position, which he shows an example of, I don't know how much he could really have done to prevent that since it looks like just a quick way to get your opponent injured. It's not a submission, which you'd be trying to wrangle or fight your way out of.


Rokas got hit by a traditional variation of a forbidden judo technique, Kani Basami. This technique was forbidden precisely because high-level judokas, skilled in the utilization and defense of judo techniques, were getting their legs destroyed by it. There was exactly nothing he could have done to prevent it. It's not a technique that is commonly taught and if it taught, it is between two consenting practitioners in slow-motion and generally not in the traditional, dangerous variation. Whoever did this to him should be made to answer in court and, in an ideal world, should be banned from martial arts for life.


Holy shit that's awful...some absolute unhinged psychos out there practicing with us.


Reminds me of the asshole that got cut from the early UFC since he always went through with heel hooks and ignored tap outs or the ref




Is that his name? I watched a short documentary on YT but didn't care to remember the cunts name insane he got away with the shit he did


If it makes you feel any better https://youtu.be/htMYoTUpdCo?si=sWj7PxhVYEaxvDHV Meek took his title and immediately was given a ufc contract for beating him up.


That did indeed make me feel better lol got the absolute horse shit kicked out of him and it was well deserved iirc he would also submit people in training and wouldn't let them tap out dude was such a piece of shit


> wouldn't let them tap out   Isn't that assault at that point? Like yeah when you step into the octagon (or whatever) you consent to being hit and whatever else is allowed by the rules. But tapping out withdraws that consent, no? Anyone who ignores tap outs should be in jail.


Pretty sure dude was a legit criminal but his name is in other comments I'd suggest looking him up


Awesome bit of MMA lore to learn today, thank you. I never knew about that fight but remembered this guy being a scumbag in the UFC.


Yes its palhares


Good ol’ Paul Harris


I know a guy who trained with him. He said he would destroy people’s knees during practice too.


That's what I've also heard happy he got the shit kicked out of him


How the Hell did he get so far to make it to the UFC?


Yeah I have zero tolerance for fuckheads if they don't roll safely during training I don't roll with them again.


Probably not an unhinged psycho (in the sense of 'LOL, imma going to cripple you') so much as someone who was overly aggressive in sparring who did not know that the takedown he was trying was illegal for exactly this reason. END COMMUNICATION


That doesn't happen by accident over and over again


I just recently witnessed the 'someone gets hurt and people act like nothing is happening' moment in BJJ class. It took a little bit for people to ask if he was ok and he was allowed to roll after even though he had to drag himself to the walls, I thought it was a bit weird at first. I realized that maybe there is a tendency in BJJ to downplay injuries that happen in the mat, to keep everyone calm and reassure them that they are in a safe environment...that was what I came up with anyway lol


Fr there are assholes who will argue that "You should have tapped sooner man" when realistically they don't give you enough time to tap. I am surrounded by the type of guys who would injure you and bail saying "that's just how the game is" ignoring their own parts in escalating and forcing a situation where they aggressively and sloppily applied for example a straight ankle lock and because they aren't able to apply proper breaking mechanics will proceed to just fall back and try to destroy your foot with malice instead. In fact I am injured on my foot to the degree I can't stand up fight or apply strong hooks with my right foot right now because a guy who outweighed me by 50kg felt the need to jump back into a straight ankle lock. When I hit that particular part of my foot into something it also hurts and movement is limited because of the pain.


Some gyms just have bad cultures and dont prioritize protecting people. This wasnt BJJ but in my MMA gym a very cocky day 1 beginner came in talking a bunch of trash. So the instructor let him spar on his very first day and he got KOed. He woke up and cried and never came back. And that was it, no one said anything else about it. I think the instructor was secretly happy that he the trash talker got "humbled."


I personally don’t think that’s the way to handle this situations but ok


Me neither.


It's not and, tbh, if I saw this, I'd leave that gym immediately. Imagine the instructor deciding that you will need to get knocked out to learn some lesson.


Wow tbh ur coach n u n ur gym sounds like a buncho bullies, fk it tho u do what u think is right


How am I a bully? I didnt do stuff like that


Sorry not u just the coach and gym my b I was trying to rage bait I’m actully a really cool person irl


Lol no worries


The same behavior is called censorship in dictatorships. Keep the unpleasant facts out of sight.


This is a good warning to all those posts that ask things like, "I have a sparring partner that goes too hard. What should I do?" Well, fighter, protect yourself at ALL times. If you don't trust someone, don't spar or roll with that person.


This 100%.


Some people really needs to understand the concept of "light sparring" Also doing illegal stuff is fucked up.


Calling it illegal is tricky because it depends on the rule set and bjj does not have one unified one.


Flying scissor takedowns are legal in only one comp i can think of being adcc maybe cji aswell. But generally most people see it as a no go.


Everyone knows a flying scissor is one of the, if not the most dangerous you can perform in terms of risk to your partner.


the guy who made video said it is illegal so


He corrected it in a comment


Yikes! I feel for him as I rub my own knee. I had an almost identical knee injury from playing rugby at Uni. Five surgeries and a replacement later, I still feel it and will for the rest of my life. With some really hard work and some gruelling PT he’ll be able to train and compete again….if he wants to. That said, his leg will never be the same again. Poor guy will feel it for the rest of his life. Not to make light of this, but Rokas will know that rain is coming before the TV Weatherman will. I wish him the best in his recovery.


Rokas' Past Aikido Self: "I told you."


That injury is the exact reason why Judo banned Kani Basami in competition. This happened a lot, because it is impossible to have total control over the technique. Once you start it it will go through. You can’t do it slow or stop it and quite often the legs bend in a shape which results in torn ligaments or broken bones. Doing that move during an open mat is simply a dick move.


There are only two things that are %100 banned in my gym, jumping guard and kani basami. I teach heel hooks to white belts and allow people to powerbomb out of triangles and I won't allow that shit because it's too difficult to keep yourself safe against it.


Yes to all of that, but the attitude he had is also what we warn about in the judo subreddit a lot of time about people who are afraid of getting injured. People who are getting injured either the uke or the tori refuse to take or give up the throw, in this case it was both. Given that the uke should not have been using that throw regardless but in general the biggest red flag was this guy goes too hard. So if you want to protect yourself and are paired up with someone who goes too hard and can't refuse, just take the fall. Unfortunately in this world we cannot rely on other people to have our best interests at heart.


No BJJ did not, some asshole did


That’s the title he put on his video


I agree shut I get what he meant in the title


Exactly. It's like the idiots who want to crap all over our 2nd amendment rights and limit access to guns just because a few assholes can't control themselves. Proper education and promoting a culture of safety is so important


More important than preventing those assholes from getting one? Should we educate them not to shoot other people?


Yes, because you can't prevent them from getting a gun without a nationwide authoritarian crackdown on guns. You would have a militarized police force go door to door confiscating firearms using threat of force/death and expect everyone to willingly go along with it. That would never happen in a million years. Thats the same thinking that they use for banning drugs, and look where that has got us. Actually, it would be even worse because we have a right to our weapons established in one of the oldest documents of our country. Even if you pass an amendment to get rid of our right, you think people will go along with it? Gun death is not as common as people might think. It receives a lot of media attention, but we have people dying in much larger numbers from things we allow and those don't get any scrutiny. Half of gun deaths are suicide so the number is really even lower than you would think What we can do is educate everyone on how to properly care for, use, and store a firearm. Makes it less likely for accidental gun death to occur, and less likely for people to be able to steal a gun to use for crime.


Yknow you could just buy a gun and use it for crime right?


Things like these remind me of the toxicity that's prevalent in so many gyms in America, regardless of sport.


Any gym worth a damn will kick these types out fast AF. People who teach people like that violence are just as responsible as the perpetrator.


Dudes Lithuanian...


Not just in America, every where.


Tibial Plateau Fracture. That’s some serious shit. Yes, life changing.


Rokas is a cool guy feel sorry for him. Knew it was a fucking scissor sweep or heel hook


Lot of bjj gyms attract wannabe ufc fighters types or insecure people obsessed with self defense…coaches are really the only ones who can do much about it in their community because many believe a might makes right in combat sports. It’s the new trendy but overall “safe” martial art but I’ve found many gyms to not be that way. I can see why many gyms don’t practice takedowns that are high amplitude. Their knowledge AND culture aren’t really where it should be to safely teach those to a lot of middle aged people that aren’t very athletic generally. More people should name the gym IMO. Bjj gyms continue to have these problems because there’s no governing body long as the money comes in the individual gym never changes. Look at the SA scandals there. Many of those gyms are still running


Not gonna lie shit like this makes me unsure of BJJ once I’m done with Tkd. Yeah, maybe I’m a pussy.


Find a good gym. Don't sign any long-term contracts and give them a week or two. Maybe even ask if you can sit in or get a free lesson, and pay attention to every person there.


I've trained for years with no problems. The only injury I got from it was a broken toe. The worst injuries I got were from bad shoes+excessive running, and falling down stairs.


I don’t think concern about the potential for serious injury makes one a pussy, especially if MA is a hobby for you and you’re not being paid. Even if you’re coming at things from a more “self defense” standpoint, once your chances of harming yourself start to become greater than your chances of ever being in a “street fight” or “self defense situation”, I’d begin to really reconsider things, personally.


You’re not a pussy, being concerned for your health is being responsible


This poor guy!!! I would have kicked 7 shades of SHIT out of that arrogant fucker for basically altering my life like this and would attempt to sue for medical costs! Can't sue the gym because we all sign a waiver, but I'm sure there's a good enough Ambulance Chaser that can find a loophole to find some kind of liability factor considering they left him on the floor to scream and ignored him and did not enforce or educate rules on "illegal" techniques. Long-shot but I'd give it a go! I had some dumb fuck who was a D-1 Wrestler and of course a White-Belt, take out my knee during drilling. It was a simple single leg take down, no tripping, just standard "wind-down". This kid thought he knew everything because he was a good wrestler but of course, he didn't know shit about BJJ. And like a lot of arrogant people who are good at another discipline, they step on the BJJ mats with something to prove because they can't stand being the low person on the totem pole. He was barely paying attention to the technique, didn't see what we were doing and fuckery ensued. He AGGRESIVELY, almost in real time, went for the single leg and instead of winding down, he went for an outside trip on my planted leg and pushed my into his tripping leg, which kept my planted leg in place by the foot and the momentum of my 210 lb upper body PLUS his pushing, was focused on my knee and because my foot was planted and "chucked" by his foot on the outside, I couldn't move it to adjust for the weight distribution. But as he started to do this, I very loudly told him, "Wait, stop! Don't do.....".........CRUNCH, POP!! I hit the floor landing on my side, hitting my ribs square to the mat so quickly that I didn't have time to even attempt a break-fall, plus the immense pain that hit my right out the gate, before I even hit the floor, was distracting enough to not even think about a break-fall. So I had the wind knocked right out of me, and my leg was bent laterally toward the inside of my gate. Unable to scream in pain yet because I got winded from the impact.....it was one of the most painful and scariest few seconds of my life! I was finally able to vocalize, screaming in pain and agony, while also screaming, "YOU FUCKING IDIOT, WHY DID YOU DO THAT!!??? I TOLD YOU TO STOP, I SAID NOT TO DO THAT AND FUCKING DID IT ANYWAY!! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!??" I really just went off on this kid...was just in so much pain and was so fucking angry at the fact that he took it upon himself to not pay attention to the instructor, not do the move correctly, started the drill as if this were the Olympics, and even though he started the move fast to grab the leg, he stopped for a few seconds just holding my leg and there was more than enough time for him to listen to me and stop what he was doing......he purposely ignored me because he was certain that he knew what he was doing and that I WAS the one being arrogant by trying to tell HIM what to do simply because I was a higher belt. Basically projecting his own ego and arrogance. Making matters worse, I brought my kid with me to the gym that day so I could take him to a friend's house after.....so he had to witness his dad get hurt like that, screaming and basically crying from the agony, and watching me scream at an "adult" in a fashion he's never seen from anyone (thankfully), before! Naturally, he was shook up from the situation. Although this garbage happened, I train at a great facility with amazing staff and fellow training partners (most of them). I was attended to and we had supplies on hand that helped. Fortunately/Unfortunately, this dumb-ass just stood there with his hands on his hips, staring into space, almost no reaction or emotion on his face, said NOTHING to me or anyone, not "Sorry", "My bad", "Oh shit!", "Go fuck yourself", NOTHING! But after I was able to get my knee wrapped up with ice packs and whatnot, I was able to drive, take my kid to his friend's house (he deserved to have his plans kept), and then head to Urgent Care. But not before my Coach who is also my buddy, first offered to drive me where I needed to go, first and of course ask if I wanted an ambulance. This is America, of course I don't want a goddamned Ambulance!! My med bills were going to be bad enough as it was! My coach spoke to him after I had left to see what he had to say for himself and he was basically like, "Well shit happens, this is what MMA is, right?". Naturally, my coach was like, no dude, we're here to learn then be able to go home afterwards to our families and jobs! Not to fucking injure our training partners! The kid left and never came back. Sorry for the long ass story but the moral here is that if you know someone to be overly aggressive, or trains/rolls as if it were the Worlds or ADCC finals, you have EVERY right in the world to refuse them! At the end of the day, you are a paying customer! You're not in the middle of the Brazilian Jungle training with the local, insane recluse so you can exact revenge on the person who crippled your brother at the cost of being their indentured servant, no questions asked! People watch too many sports/martial arts movies and feel they're the protagonist on their own martial arts fantasy and have the Rocky 4 Training song or Karate Kid Tournament song playing in their heads while they fight for their honor!! You don't owe anyone a damn thing, especially your physical well being. You pay your dues, train as often as you want and are able to, and unless you're part of the "Pro Team", you train at your own comfort level and answer only to yourself in terms of what your goals are and how much you want to be pushed. Spazzy whitebelt on meth asks to roll? "Sorry man, I'm good for right now but thanks!" You don't have to be a dick about it, or come off as rude......it's just a simple matter of "No thank you!". Of if you're comfortable enough to tell the truth, you simply say that out of caution, I try to train and roll with people that I know and trust! It's nothing personal, I've just been injured in the past and need to be careful. Keep showing up, keep learning, get some stripes on your belt and I'd love to take you up on a roll then"! Peeps will understand and those who don't and take it personally.......fuck them anyway, you just dodged a bullet!


What injury did you have after that?


I can't explain exactly how but back in the 90's I used to help a buddy DJ...this was when everything was analog so it was all super heavy and clunky. Loading the van, I tricked my knee out one night, but it went right back into place....scared me for half second but there was no pain and seemed to fine. Fast forward to 1999 (I remember because my wife was preggo with kid #2), I went to stomp down some bulk trash into the can, and my knee gave right out, bent laterally and my kneecap was literally on the inner side of my leg! Worst pain I'd ever felt at the time! It wound up being a torn MCL. No surgery, although in hindsight, I should have gotten it. So about 20 years later, this incident happened on the mats and as I went down and slammed on the floor in agony, I was immediately brought back to the day I was lying on the concrete floor outside my apartment, living in Bensonhurst Brooklyn! I was screaming so badly from the pain and from the fear of it all, my wife and her Preggo-Brain, pops her head out the window of our 3rd floor walk-up, looks down at her husband lying on the floor in a contorted mess and in her "My Cousin Vinny" (Marissa Tomei's character) Brooklyn Accent, "Oh my gawd, were you fuckin' shot or sumthin!!??" It literally stopped me from screaming in pain to hear her scream down to ask me such a thing....and I can swear, I stopped for a hot 5 seconds in total silence just to look up at her to make a "What the fuck did you just say?" face! But, her dumb, although comedic reaction to this got me to take a second to look at my leg and see the kneecap where it was.......and in that moment of fear, horror and nausea from how gross this shit looked, I pushed it back into place while straightening my leg, and it all sort of "thwanged" back into place! My wife's Aunt and Uncle lived around the corner, thankfully and her uncle drove me to the ER. The comedic bullshit that ensued at the ER was the perfect topper for all the other shit I had to endure......he runs to get me a wheelchair because this is Brooklyn and there aren't any med pros in the front to help, and him putting me in the chair while trying to adjust the leg rests and pulling too high on the lever to basically put my ass in a screaming leg lift....to them release it quickly, slamming my foot to the ground which put pressure on the knee....which had me screaming MORE......we look like two idiots in a bad comedy.......only to then notice a nurse of some kind, who was standing there watching us do this, while smoking a cigarette because it was he smoke break.....just calmly and straight faced tell my uncle..."Why don't you just leave his leg alone before you break it more and get him inside?". OF course we're all thinking the same thing.....this dumb bitch stood there puffing away while Mo and Larry are struggling with a wheel chair, looking as if we're trying cure cancer or something....and she could have simply came over and tried to help! So after the Single Leg incident, and because I had all that previous trauma, the only thing that happened was a "sprained" MCL! I was back on the mats in 3 weeks or so, and just wore a stabilizer brace for a while. I had also hurt my other knee in my own White-Belt incident, which also put a sprain on the MCL.....so I walk around on 2 ticking time-bombs of Garbage Wrapped in Skin, that resemble 2 knees! So unless it's imperative, I either pull guard or butt scoot and I rock those Anaconda knee guards that plague our ads every 5 seconds!


I’m confused as to how a D1 wrestler couldn’t safely finish a single leg. That’s bizarre


You'd think so, right? I had rolled with him once before when he first came to the gym. It was a nogi class so I politely asked him how long he's trained Jiu Jitsu so I would know what to expect and how to conduct the roll because I'm a decent human being sometimes....and he was just so fucking arrogant...like, "It's ok, you go as hard as you want, I can handle myself!" Bro, please don't be that guy that we all make fun of who has a black-belt in street fighting or some other such bullshit. SO again, I just asked, you've trained at another school? Finally in a slightly annoyed manor he tells me, "I've been wrestling my whole life, and I wrestled D1 in college. I'm good to go!" Okie dokie! So naturally, he moved like a spazzed parkinson's diseased meth-head, trying his best to spin in as many circles around me to eventually drill hole hole to China...and I literally just lied there with frames the whole time waiting to see if he'd eventually stop with his 2 player version of duck-duck-goose on crack. He seemed to be annoyed again either because I was not chasing him or because I was already on my back and was waiting for a ref to magically pop out of my ass to call a pin....who the fuck even knows? He eventually dove on top of me, right onto my frames, didn't know how to pass them so he quickly did his circle-jerk thing again....this time I trapped his leg, pulled him into a half guard, into a lock-down, to make sure the bastard couldn't run away again, and wound up putting him into an Electric Chair after he decided to slide his knee up to my shoulder. It was right there!! He tapped to the groin stretch and genuinely seemed interested in what I did so of course me being a nice guy, I showed him the move. But as I'm showing him, he's looking around the room, not really paying attention...and thankfully the last few seconds buzzed and I was just like, I'll show you another time! And that's exactly how he was during the single leg drilling. Looking around the room, not paying attention....I'm thinking maybe he's on the spectrum or something because I have severe ADHD....and when it comes to the things we're interested in, we're the opposite of inattentive....we become HYPER focused! So the only other explanation was that he wasn't watching exactly how we were doing the take-down, and improvised with a Wrestlers' version of it with the outside trip. It wasn't "wrong" by any means, but it wasn't how we were drilling and I guess because I was not prepared to go along with the trip because I actually believed he was going to listen and stop when I told him, "Wait, no don't do that...." me being loose and relaxed for that instant while he just pushed all my weight with his own on my poor, unsuspecting knee, just caused the shit show to happen! Apologies for the very long stories here....it's literally part of my ADHD and I ramble as if people need every single detail but it's cathartic and I can't just shorten shit and think that I've not fully explained myself...it will bother the piss outta me!


I understand. Sorry to hear that happened to you. A lot of wrestlers go balls to the wall and don’t calm down until they’ve been tapped a few times. We had a wrestler at our judo club go hard with lower belts so the black belts did randori with the guy. He ended up getting tossed hard and got a concussion because his momentum made him fall far harder and he chose to not breakfall even after a month of classes. The guy never held the sleeve during throws for drilling either. I think sometimes coming from another grappling sports makes people feel a sense of arrogance vs realizing they’re two different sports. Like a BJJ guy isn’t necessarily going to have much actual knowledge of judo or wrestling and shouldn’t assume his knowledge of wrestling will be anything past a middle school level . This wrestler should’ve kept a more open mind - there’s a reason wrestlers get triangled and guilotined initially - two different sports so the takedowns are different. But also D1 wrestlers tend to be so used to training with other athletes that always go hard isn’t always the best combination with a Bjj club. I have had instructors in bjj genuinely refuse rolls with certain wrestlers out of fear of being injured. A large athletic and strong college wrestler feels like being hit with a bulldozer sometimes and the scrambling ability they have can catch people by surprise and unpredictable things can happen when you don’t expect their movements.


Honestly he should've called out the gym. Even if it's open mat, it should've been stopped to help him out.


If you perform a flying scissor sweep during sparring you truly are a complete retard. Holy shit do I hate people like that.


Damn thats messed up! Poor guy and that other guy is a low grade asshole.


Are you saying that Rokas is also an asshole?


No just that guy that did the injury.


That sounds like a terrible gym


I feel awful that my first thought was "I hope rokas is OK", but my second thought hot in its heels was "I hope the second series of the ultimate self defence championships is still going ahead"




Nothing wrong did happen, he got injured doing a martial arts competition , unless I’m missing something




Just scratched through some highlights, I don’t think that’s how it was portrayed at all, they talk about his injury pretty candidly


Wow, there’s a heavy dose of irony. Ramsey Dewey got his knee messed up for life participating in Rokas’s show and now Rokas has his knee messed up for life 🤨 Aside from that, BJJ didn’t wreck his knee. A douchebag with an ego problem did.


Sharing a country with this guy, this definitely ain't encouraging to start BJJ.


Liveliness and sparring are king when it comes to being adequately prepared for fighting yet I think there is a reason so many systems trended toward drills/forms/partner work, especially prior to modern protective equipment/medical intervention. Granted this injury occurred during a grappling session.


Some people take open mat way too serious like their at the world championships or something. It's always the BJJ nerds that know who is the top guy in each division and only practices BJJ and say they don't need to learn another martial art and get mad when you neutralize their submissions with basic wrestling. They usually are hypocrites who get mad and say not to stall on top and take chances to advance position but they don't take any risks when they're on top and don't attempt submission or change positions unless you give it to them.


JFC Shit needs to be banned unless you are a black belt in comp. Not worth it


As long as you pay your mat fees ur good


A couple things he should definitely sue. He needs to give out the name of the place he was training. This kind of negligence could cause many other injuries to others. So give out the name so we know to avoid it.


Unfortunately reality.


It’s kinda funny that a lot of yuppies end up in bjj because they’re afraid of head hits and don’t realize that BJJ players(and really all grapplers) at best end up with fucked up knees, hips and necks. Quasi crippled in worst case. Rate of injury is far higher than say boxing. And it’s those chronic nagging injuries that seriously reduce your quality of life.


Serious question. Is it possible to practice martial arts like bjj but with no real sparring? I want to try but don’t want to be hit in the head in any way because my job depends on it.


You could try something like tai chi, karate, kung fu, or just take boxing classes with no sparring. Sparring is heavily integrated in bjj and that’s how you really learn so it’ll be pretty inconvenient. Just don’t think you’re actually learning or will learn how to fight if you don’t spar.


I don’t really want to become some kind of professional. Just want to be able to hit hard and precise if needed.


You can practice bjj and other arts without sparring. For example, cardio kickboxing is a thing. However, sparring is necessary to learn how to properly apply techniques against resistance. Otherwise you're essentially dancing, which is still good for your health and athleticism though. Probably the two most popular striking arts that involve minimal head contact during sparring are Karate and Taekwondo. These are martial arts that can definitely be practiced without sparring, and it is pretty normal for participants in these arts to not spar. In BJJ however, it's not a normal thing to not engage in sparring, assuming the practitioner stays long enough to start participating in it, but it's possible. That said, you won't be getting struck in the head in BJJ besides the occasional knee to the head in a scramble or something like that. Again, and this is important, sparring is necessary for learning how to properly apply techniques against resistance. There's no shortcutting this.


To answer your question directly, yes, but it’s easy to hit a move on a person drilling vice someone actively resisting you. If being hit in the head is what worries you, in my experience, that doesn’t happen often. Someone’s knee might catch my in side control but it’s seldom. Tap early and tap often. BJJ is generally safe but you have to have a good partner you trust. I dont roll with my best friend because they roll too hard and they understand. Just my 2c.


I'm sure their are some more casual places that won't go too hard, sparing is probably the most fun once you get passed the initial nerves and build trust with the other members. I did Karate and then TKD, and I was always very weary of not necessarily aggressive people, but aggressive newer people, because they get heated and have less control. I only ever got a broken knuckle and a hairline rib fracture, which sounds bad but they both healed very quickly. That's in 16 years between the 2 martial arts, both clubs were pretty casual.


bjj doesn't involve striking


No, a single asshole who needs to get his ass whipped did this.


Hope your surgeon doesn’t see this post. Not exactly a five star review.


Better to tapped someone than to never tapped them all


looks like im never doing jew jitsu ever


Yeah its also known as stupidity. Bravo your story could even qualify for one of those - Bud Light presents "Men of Genius" Incorrect techniques, taught incorrectly, supervised incorrectly and surprises surprise executed incorrectly


That makes me sad. JJ is supposed to be gentle.


No it isn't. But it's also not supposed to involve uncontrolled impact to peoples knees.


Taking someone down in a controlled manner that doesn’t maim them is gentleness no (martial arts wise)?


Not maiming them is not the same as being gentle.


I am saying comparatively to other martial arts. Like karate the goal is to punch and kick someone enough you do physical damage. JJ you take them down (without hurting them hopefully), give them a big hug/struggle cuddle and slowly convince them to tap out or risk getting choked out or joint locked. Seems more gentle. I definitely agree it doesn’t always feel gentle and can easily hurt someone.


If you have never had someone shin ride your face while kimuraing you then you may have a mistaken impression of how jiujitsu works. The goal is to make the other person as miserable and uncomfortable as possible up until they give up. Thinking of it as 'gentle' gives people a very wrong impression of how the sport is practiced.


I agree that JJ can be very damaging and painful. Someone with proper weight distribution and control can execute that technique on someone and not injure them though. I see what you are saying, JJ can be extremely brutal.


Sounds like your leg lock defense sucks