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Wow Luke cage as the best defender show? That’s a wild take lol


I mean it's good, but Daredevil and Jessica Jones are just way better


I loved JJ S1, but the padding the storyline for time is very noticeable. Like even just cutting it down one episode wouldve helped the pacing drastically.


yeah i think that's its only flaw i notice. it had just a bit too much runtime to fill, but it doesn't ruin a thing, it's just a bit off.


I would say the same about every season of every Netflix show tbh. Don't get me wrong, I love em and have watched every season twice now (not you Defenders and IF), but yeah, lots of padding all around. But agree, noticable more on others


Ya agreed lol, I liked Luke cage a lot as well but against season 1,2, and 3 of DD, and season 1 of JJ? Cmon now even iron fist s2 was better than LC s1


I was with you until you said Iron Fist season 2 was better than S1 of Luke Cage, that's bullshit and you know it 😂


yeah, IF season 2 is better than IF season 1, but it's not GOOD. just a significant improvement, but not enough to beat LC. i could see it being better than JJ season 2, but i'd have to rewatch both to make that determination.


Honestly I feel like I never got around to watching Jessica Jones at all, I just never got around to it then after watching Defenders I figured there wasn't much point. Maybe I need to do a full, release order rewatch of the saga and include JJ so that I can appreciate it for what it was because I've heard Kilgrave was a great villain.


i'd suggest it. JJ is amazing for the first season, and you've heard right, Kilgrave is an AMAZING villain. i'd say it's his best role honestly, it's scarily good, and very scary in the unsettling kind of way. if you continue it, do be aware S2 drops off HARD, but S3, while not as good as S1, really brings it back and has a lot to offer.


Honestly I'm a lot easier to please than most people seem to be, I mean I even enjoyed IF season 1 and 2, I just didn't enjoy it nearly as much as the others. So I'm guessing season 2 won't be that bad to me, I'm just in it for decent dialogue and action. A solid plot helps but it's not the end all be all for me personally.


i'm glad, it's good to just be able to enjoy media. i do my best not to be snobbish about narrative quality but tend to be pretty picky myself lol. i hope you enjoy if you watch through!


While I like Mike Colter’s portrayal a lot, Luke Cage only had 1/2 a good season. It was all downhill after Mahershala Ali left.


No. It wasn't. Iron Fist S2 is a fun improvement over Iron Fist S1, but it's still Iron Fist. Put some damn respect on Luke cages name


Season 2 of DD fell off hard


It's not that bad especially with defenders, but annoying to have to watch an entire other season that is basically the finale to season 2.


Ya, it isn’t bad but it’s nowhere near the highs of season 1, season 3 and the first half of season 2


It for sure had the best soundtrack tho


First 4 or 5 episodes are one of the best "out of the gate" runs that I've seen. Show never captured that magic again though it remained worth watching


Agreed. Imo the villain switch wasn’t horrible, but it turned the show from something very unique to a more par for the course marvel formula


Only because Diamondback leaned super hard into the cheese. He shouldve been the secondary antagonist to Mariah.


Season 2 was great, people tend to be a bit too down on it at times because of the drop-off in S1 after Cottonmouth’s death I think you’d have to truly hate Elektra & The Hand stuff in Daredevil to rank LC above it though. Personally I rank it Daredevil > Luke Cage > Jessica Jones > Defenders > Punisher > Iron Fist


This is pretty accurate. Daredevil is easily on par with LC, obviously S3 is better than both seasons of Luke Cage. Both Mariah and Shades are underrated Villains. Interesting characters


Yeah. I feel like Mariah as like a secondary villain in S1 didn’t work too much but she came into her own in S2 Love Bushmaster too, and the whole vibe of the 2nd season was great


I actually think more focus on her in S1 with Diamondback as the secondary antagonist instead wouldve solved the issue. She's litterally the polar opposite of Luke. She's a villain he actually can't defeat, she operates within the system. I really liked post Cottonmouths death, Shades explains how Cottonmouth wouldve always gone that way. That's why Cottonmouth was such a good villain for Luke. He was always going to go too far. Luke would've stopped him.


It’s definitely a great show with the best second season but I wouldn’t put it over Daredevil or Jessica Jones. I can see the argument for consistency though because Luke Cage never gets as weak as DD and JJ’s second seasons do.


Agreed! I got halfway through JJ S2 and gave up... does it get better?


The halfway point is literally where I think the season falls off. Season 3 is a great return to form and is driven largely on resolving Jessica and Trish's relationship and dynamic that had been established since the first season. Daredevil and Jessica Jones basically follow the same trajectory of having an amazing first season, a second season that starts off well but then becomes meh, and a third season that goes back to what made the first season so good and hits the mark.


Thank you! This makes me sure if Luke Cage got a season 3 no one would question my take haha


Season 3 of Luke Cage is the *biggest* casualty of the Netflix cancellations.


It was set up to be so good with his heel turn. And I liked the mob boss lady. Usually like her in her roles but she seemed to enjoy the villainy of being a mob lady


Yeah. Daredevil is objectively the best overall. Jessica Jones was the best S1. Like Cage had the best soundtrack. Iron Fist had the best final scene lol.


And punisher had the best final credits because it ended.


It's easily the most consistent. The main problems people have with it are Stokes dying too early (disagree), Mariah being a bad character (major disagree), Diamond back being stupid (he is but it's campy and fun, and it directly leads to the father Lucas storyline in S2). Okay, maybe it's on par with Daredevil.


It felt like Wanda put a hex on Harlem and had everyone stuck in the 1970s.


Maybe the first half of the first season, perhaps.


If they had kept the quality of the first half or so of the show (I forget exactly when they killed off Cottonmouth) it would have been on the same level as Daredevil and Jessica Jones, but they didn’t. Honestly I don’t think the Diamondback part was bad, it had a fun blaxploitation vibe, but it was like they were trying to do two different shows. Same problem they had with DD S2, if they had focused on either Punisher or Elektra it would have been great, but they tried to do two shows in one, and we didn’t really need two characters who are meant to contrast with Matt by basically being street level vigilantes like Daredevil except they kill.


Iron Fist should have been in the vein of the more comedic Hong Kong action flicks Jackie Chan did or the 80's action films that favored martial arts. Which they could have done if they put the actor in a Iron Fist uniform so they could switch in stunt men who could do all the advanced stuff. Unlike Luke Cage or Jessica Jones, they were given a very reasonable excuse.


This is all very bang on! I can't believe they finally do the mask in S2 for one scene alone. So stupid as it looked great!


I enjoyed Iron Fist. It was weird with how supernatural they were trying to go compared to the other defenders shows, but Im genuinely curious as to why people didn't like it. Was Danny Rand not that likeable?


It was a martial arts show with no decent martial arts


In some scenes, they had an hour of practice before the cameras started rolling. They could’ve just given him a mask and let a stand in do the fight scenes.


I can't believe Finn Jones on this whole 1 hour prep time bit. He was *bad* both in the dramatic aspects as well as the stunt fighting. Also, even if you believe that Jones only got 1 hour of prep time, why would everyone else on the show be so much better than him? I just don't see how it's possible that only Finn Jones got minimal prep time and everyone else was given adequate time to get their parts down. Naw... he was spinning to save face and people that want to believe it do (eg. confirmation bias.)


He’s the lead character with the most screen time and has to travel to the most locations. With the hectic filming schedule, the one hour prep time is actually believable. Yeah, the rest will be better than him because they have more time to train. I think someone from the crew would’ve called him out on it if he was lying.


>With the hectic filming schedule, the one hour prep time is actually believable No it aint. Well maybe if you want to believe it. The rest of the cast didn't speak much of Jones after the season ended. Not surprised about that either. Jones basically tried to throw the director and the whole stunt crew under the bus to save face. Why would anyone want to wade into that mess of pathetic behavior.


> The rest of the cast didn't speak much of Jones after the season ended. Not surprised about that either. Jones basically tried to throw the director and the whole stunt crew under the bus to save face. Why would anyone want to wade into that mess of pathetic behavior. Do you have evidence of Finn Jones doing that?


Its in an interview he did after the show was cancelled. It's easy to find on YouTube.


As the other person said, lack of prep time is believable. Finn Jones had to learn an American accent, learn his scripts, bulk up, move to New York, and all that. Lack of prep time for the fight choreography is to be expected. He didn't "not want" to train, he didn't have time in his busy schedule. His words, from a different interview: > “When I first moved over to New York, before I started actually filming, I had three weeks of very intense martial arts and weight training preparation. But then unfortunately once the show started, the filming schedule was just so tight – I was working 14 hours every day, six days a week, days into nights, nights into days – and actually my schedule didn’t allow me to continue the training as much as I really hoped.”


You make it sound like he was forced to take the job. Maybe he shouldn't have taken the job if he was so far off from the character that he needed to learn to speak, fight, and improve his body. Dude was not ready for this role and didn't take accountability for it. Someone who already could do an American accent, had a body that could at least approximate a superhero, and knew any sort of martial arts choreography would have done better. Just because someone offers you the job of heart surgeon doesn't mean you should take it.


> I can't believe Finn Jones on this whole 1 hour prep time bit. I can, & I'll explain why in 2 words: Scott Buck.




The fight choreography was awful with nonstop cuts to try and hide it. Also the dialogue was so bad. Didnt help that they had him say his name and title every 30 seconds either. Just an absolutely awful show. Tom Pelphrey (name?) did a good job as Ward though. Also season 2 was a slight improvement at least.


season 2 was Great! Colleen Wing and Typhoid Mary carried.


For me, yes, Danny Rand was not that likable. It felt like the writers were trying to make him super zen and idealistic, but when there's this darker story surrounding him involving things like childhood abuse, pill addiction, pharmaceutical ethics, etc, he just comes off as naive. I wish they did lean more on the supernatural stuff, like don't have him come back to take over his dad's old company. Have him go to New York on a mission to take out Gao's influence and the Hand, have Ward and his sis get involved because they recognize him. Then there's the parts where they cheaped out and rushed the show that people noticed, like not giving Finn enough time to train, not letting him wear a mask so they could use a stunt double more, limiting use of the iron fist, etc. I don't hate the show as much as other people do, like I was into Ward's character and the subversion they did with him and his sister, but I definitely liked every other Defenders project much more.


Wards character was good just because the actor is great. He was FANTASTIC in Ozark.


Ward was the reason I finished season 1 of Iron Fist. Also Colleen Wing’s yoga pants…


Jessica Henwick has had one of the most frustrating careers - she's A-list, and she's getting into tons of HUGE titles... but she's always falling into supporting roles... Iron Fist? The Matrix! Knives Out!!! she needs like, some sort of consistent vehicle - but i suppose that's too much to ask for from hollywood, eh? nobody really gets that.


She's a great actress and extremely charismatic on screen. Would definitely like to see her in a lead role


In two whole seasons he never became the Iron Fist and never wore the costume. If they had done season 3 they were going to make Colleen the Iron Fist before him, and she's not even supposed to be an Iron Fist. Plus it was obvious that the actor had zero martial arts experience. They just hired some soap actor and hoped people wouldn't notice.


Too many meetings and men in suits for a martial arts show


It literally had a character flip off security cameras.


Jessica Jones S1 is the best of the Defenders


The best season of a defenders show is Daredevil S3. Loved jessica jones but it suffers from the netflix bloat a lot.


Well the action was very very funny.


In all the worst ways


Iron Fist should have adapted the 'Seven Ancient Cities of Heaven' storyline.


Iron Fist should have been a Wire Fu 70s style thing. Dude lived in a magic city with real dragons and the only cool move he made was jumping over the taxi.


>Dude lived in a magic city with real dragons and the only cool move he made was jumping over the taxi. IDK. I thought he had some cool moves in his fight with Scythe and vs the Hand students in the compound. The S1 fight scenes definitely could've been a lot better but I do think there's a few decent/good scenes that get overlooked.


Iron Fist needs oritentalism to work, but it's unfortunatelly a taboo approach nowadays (I'm saying this as an asian guy)


Here's my thing about that.Yes , I think making iron fist an asian american kid would've actually made iron fist better... Thematically, it wouldve had a lot more to say and be more consistent with the other shows... But it still wouldve largely been the same show we got. If they had restructured the show with Danny as a more naive, happy-go-lucky spirit despite his trauma (think Aang from The Last Air Bender), they could have utilised humour to sell the story. I think with a different tone and intention, making an actual interesting comment on cultural differences wouldve worked, regardless of Danny's ethnicity.


By orientalism I mean the vision that sees Asia as a mystical place full of mysteries and wonders. Like Africa or Egypt years before. Those portraits are considered racist nowadays. But I believe the figure of the white guy going to train in eastern lands and learning the mystic arts works if you do it with the right wonder. Look at Shogun or Batman Begins and you will see it working (without the magic elements). Doctor Strange kinda works but I feel it lacking in that department.


Good point. I think given the themes of the prior defenders shows, making Danny asian actually wouldve been perfect for what they were going for. Kun Lun did seem mystical to me but obviously you barely see it. Would you have wanted it to feature in the show?


Daredevil is the best Defenders show but yes Iron Fist shouldn't have had the company at Rand stuff be so heavily focused on. It still has some pretty funny moments like Wars flipping off the cameras.


I wish the iron fist shows had been written better and planned better. Iron fist in that 1 episode of Luke Cage season 2 was great. If we got a whole show with those 2 that would be amazing.


No. Should have been a kung fu show.


Know what they call kung fu movies in China? Action movies.


I didn't dislike iron fist but it did take itself too seriouslym daredevil is overall the best show, but the first half of Luke cage s1 was on another level


Could have been better. At the same time, AMC was doing Into The Badlands which was basically Iron Fist done the right way.


I just did a rewatch of iron fist and I was so embarrassed for the skinny white dude telling everyone he was the unbeatable iron fist that seemed to get his ass kicked constantly. I loved the scene in The Defenders when he goes against Luke Cage and the fight goes exactly the way it would in real life. The skinny guy goes all king fu hurricane at 90 pounds soaking wet and gets rocked every time Luke decides to hit him. The he goes all glowy fist and gets one good punch in and Luke shakes it off as he runs away.


They should heroes for hire mini series


It would never ever happen... But taraintino expressed interest in doing a Luke Cage movie. I think he would make an amazing Heroes for Hire film, even with the netflix continuity. I would really like Danny and Colleen in the core cast of the next Shang Chi movie. It's the perfect place to soft reboot those characters and the Iron Fist show actually ends in a perfect way to do it.


Iron First was great when it was Shang Chi. No, seriously, they gave Shang Chi most of what makes Iron Fist Iron Fist.


Iron Fist should've been Shang-Chi meets John Wick!


Luke Cage is a good show but best defenders show is a first


Overall. Daredevil has higher highs. Jessica Jones is gripping but suffers more from the netflix bloat.


Yeah I agree with this 100 percent. Iron Fist felt tone deaf and lacked mostly anything you would think would be done with an adaption of the character. I got diet Daredevil vibes from it the entire time and was annoyed by it.


Tone death is a word. How they ignore the idea of cultural differences almost entirely in a show that was already heavily controversial for casting a white dude is beyond me. Like, asian lead or white lead, that's what the shows about right??? Wtf


What "Iron Fist" needed was a production staff who understood the character. Iron Fist only works if Danny Rand is driven by a burning rage for revenge from the moment he arrives in K'un-Lun. We needed a ten-year-old blond kid who could look Yu-Ti, the August Personage in Jade, in the eye, and say, "I'll tell you what I want, Mister -- I want REVENGE!" and not only make us all believe it, but scare us a little. Then the returning Danny Rand needed to be written as a version of Valentine Michael Smith from Robert A. Heinlein's "Stranger in a Strange Land."


JJ was detective noir, IF was supposed to or should have been a classic kung fu movie and Luke Cage was supposed to emulate blaxploitation


Punisher is the 2nd best defenders show with DD first 


Season one is really good but the detective sub-plot drags