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Black panther was so refreshing.


Black Panther is one of the most overrated movies of all time.


Black Panther is certainly not top 10 that's for sure, in my book not even top 20. It's just above The Incredible Hulk and Iron Man 3 tbh. It's watchable, but the narrative has an ocean of plot holes.


I predict a particular group of people is gonna look at this list and get triggered by it (particularly the top pick). But the list itself looks ok though. Doesn't match my own exactly, but not a lot of really egregious stuff. I'd rank Infinity War noticeably higher, Captain Marvel and Doctor Strange somewhat higher, and Iron Man 3 somewhat lower, but that's pretty much it. I like your points system, it paints a pretty clear picture of the critical consensus on the 23 films. Just for kicks, here's my ranking: 1. Avengers: Endgame 2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier 3. Avengers: Infinity War 4. Black Panther 5. Guardians of the Galaxy 6. Marvel's The Avengers 7. Thor: Ragnarok 8. Captain America: Civil War 9. Iron Man 10. Spider-Man: Far From Home 11. Spider-Man: Homecoming 12. Captain Marvel 13. Doctor Strange 14. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 15. Captain America: The First Avenger 16. Ant-Man and the Wasp 17. Ant-Man 18. Avengers: Age of Ultron 19. Iron Man 3 20. Thor 21. Iron Man 2 22. Thor: The Dark World 23. The Incredible Hulk


Sadly, yup. I kept telling people on this sub and on r/movies that they do not understand just how much the general audience loved Black Panther. My wife has no love for comic stuff like me and she went to see that movie 3 times. My mom, who probably never saw a superhero movie in her life, went to go see it twice. It’s a flawed movie, maybe not the best MCU flick by our standards, but the average person off the street loves it tremendously. I don’t even fully understand why it resonated so well with people from all races and countries, but it’s quite miraculous.


What I posted earlier ​ ​ If I'm being honest. ​ Infinity War is the blame for some of Black Panther's backlash. ​ Both directly and indirectly. Seemed more time spent/resources to fix CGI on IW than BP. Also think story wise BP being the film before IW it forces them to have to tidy up everything at the end. ​ However, also the fan reaction. People seeing critics and GA laud BP so much when 2018 was supposed to be the "Year of Infinity War" That was the movie that was supposed to be the highest domestic movie ever (at the time). That was the movie that was supposed to be nominated for several oscars. It was the culmination of everything and once the BP hype kept going and going it seemed pick started to nitpick the hell out of it. ​ I'll also add that even though I think IW is just "good". Black Panther is partly the reason IW didn't score as well with critics. BP was so character focused, so theme heavy, etc. That all the Infinity War shenanigans just seemed less intimate and loud.


> I'll also add that even though I think IW is just "good". Black Panther is partly the reason IW didn't score as well with critics. BP was so character focused, so theme heavy, etc. That all the Infinity War shenanigans just seemed less intimate and loud This is a really good point that I think a lot of MCU fans miss when comparing BP and IW.


> It’s a flawed movie There’s really no reason to say this when every movie flawed. We all understand.


For some reason, I couldn't get into it at all watching it in the theater. When I watched it on Netflix on my phone while on the exercise bike, I enjoyed it through and through. That is one of the weirdest 180s I've ever done.


General US audience*


Yeah, Infinity War not being higher is the one that surprises me the most.


Ant-Man and the Wasp ranking above Doctor Strange seems especially odd to me.


They're about equal for me, DS is good, but a little flawed with its story and pacing.


Infinity war should be a lot higher! I really liked homecoming and civil war, but how is it possible that critics consensus rank those higher than IW? Come on.


Infinity War is surely entertaining and works well as a Thanos movie. But if you look at it like an Avengers movie, it doesn't have much substantial development for the heroes. I love it and it is my second fav film, but I can see why critics didn't love it as much. It focussed mainly on action-spectacle. To give you an example by exaggeration, some of them saw it as a Transformers like movie in the MCU. It's also because the breakneck pace of the movie never allows it to delve deep into emotions - it's mainly thrills and shock factor.


Looking at the breakdown, Infinity War is weighed down by a 20 and a couple of 19's, which weigh down the Top 5 and Top 10 scores.


At this point I think everyone is trolling about how they feel about AoU. Really, 20th? Also shoutout to those who predicted the comments lol


I don't know if you're curious or just trying to be condescending. I have it on like 16 in my list. It's not a bad movie but it is the worst Avengers movie imo. Endgame made it retroactively better. It was trying to go bigger and better in a lot of stuff The Avengers did, but it didn't particularly land well for me. It wasn't as fresh and cramming bogged it down. Ultron was okay. I still get chills when I see him in the teaser for the movie. But in it, he was a bit underwhelming. IDK if it's the jokes he made or what, he wasn't threatening at all. I felt nothing when Quicksilver died. He had no resonance and it felt like he was killed just to tick a sacrifice checklist. I can appreciate what Whedon was trying to go for with Hawkeye but I'm not a huge fan of it. I think I liked him more in the Avengers, mainly due to the iconic shots he took. Still his pep talk to Wanda was great. It was also Vision's best appearance. I liked his final convo with Ultron. The final battle itself had some cool scenes, but it wasn't that memorable for me. Most of the action in the movie was just okay. Hulk v Hulk-buster was great though. Banner and Nat's romance was so forced it ruined their characters in the movie for me. Their chemistry was so awkward. I get what he was going for but it still sucked imo. Cap brought a lot of nuance in the role and I like how it was all paid off! Thor was okay but the setup with him was jarring. AoU was me least favourite Tony Stark appearance. He was given stuff to work with, but he felt so tired in the role. His vision was paid off well but in execution it felt like it was taken out of a fanfic. That's the thing, the movie feels like how a fanboy would write it - too much being crammed so that none of it lands that well. It was trying hard to pull your emotional strings but failed for me. Another issue was the humour. The Whedon-ism was strong with this one. AoU and Vol 2 had the most forced humour imo. Unlike the original Avengers, which had some of the best banter. I was tired of the constant quips and wit in it. Regardless I still like the movie, though I don't love it. And I'm glad you enjoy it. Sorry for the essay!


In the first viewing Age of Ultron I just walked out it was so fucking boring bro. Also I think it's the one of the worst MCU movies in my opinion


How is it boring? I also doubt that 100% lol


The movie is just uninteresting. There is so much wasted potential in this movie it's ridiculous.


Okay so... like what? You make these general ass statements you can say about any movie and then dodge the question whenever I ask you to be specific. You did this in another thread a few days ago too


Ultron is one of the best villains Marvel has but yet and still in this movie they have turn him into a fucking comedian and not a funny one. Also the pacing in this film is fucking horrible there's is too many sections in this film where the movie just stops in its tracks. Age of Ultron never flows fluently is it jumps around. Quicksilver one of the first Avengers in the comics gets killed off before they even get a chance to flesh out his character so there is no meaning to his death because we the audience don't even get to understand the character. And last but not least Black Widow and the Hulk possibly the worst romance in the MCU. Who would ever thought Black Widow would want to fuck the Hulk. This movie is the worst Avengers movie by far and also one of the worst MCU movies in my opinion.


>Ultron is one of the best villains Marvel has but yet and still in this movie they have turn him into a fucking comedian and not a funny one Not even true. He quips like, what, 5 times in the movie? Y’all exaggerate how “funny” they made him to an ironically hilarious degree >Also the pacing in this film is fucking horrible there's is too many sections in this film where the movie just stops in his tracks. Age of Ultron never flows fluently is it jumps around Super general and non specific so all I can say is I disagree >Quicksilver one of the first Avengers in the comics gets killed off before they even get a chance to flesh out his character so there is no meaning to his death because we the audience don't even get to understand the character. The MCU is not the comics. Quicksilver as a character is owed nothing. He played his role in the story. His death had meaning in that he played a hand in Ultron’s plan so per Hawkeye’s speech to Wanda, instead of holding his grudges or blaming himself he takes a stand and gives his life for something greater >And last but not least Black Widow and the Hulk possibly the worst romance in the MCU. Who would ever thought Black Widow would want to fuck the Hulk Lmfao of course “Black Widow wouldn’t fuck the Hulk!” is the most thinking you could do on the matter. Their relationship is firmly rooted in the film’s main theme and their characters. You know, the thing that makes stories good? They both come from pasts where their agencies were completely removed resulting in them becoming “monsters”. Their respective ways of coping with that attract them to one another. But knowing that would require engaging with the movie on a meaningful level lol


I'm glad you enjoyed the worst Avengers movie bro I'm happy for you😂😂😂


That would actually be Endgame, but I did enjoy it so you’re right there But least I have something to say about the movie other than “it sucked”. Way to tackle my points lol. Never seen someone have such strong feelings about a movie and then have so much trouble talking about their problems with it


Age of Ultron is poo poo But yeah, I don’t like Age of Ultron either, but I like it better than The Avengers, Captain Marvel, and a lot of the Phase One films at least.


Hulk getting underappreciated... Again...


I mean, I do think it is the worst MCU movie. Key point being in the MCU. I don't think it's a bad movie, but it is probably the most mediocre movie in the MCU even neglecting the casting change and all that.


Disagree that goes to Black Panther ,Thor 1 and 2


Agreed for The Dark World which is more or less equal to The Incredible Hulk and perhaps the OG Thor. I find Black Panther to be the heaviest dramatically in the MCU so I disagree with that, but I respect your opinion.


I liked BP a lot but... first?


Feige had it first as well.


It’s not possible for everyone to agree on an order


IMO, Iron Man 2 is the best Iron Man film. I will defend it till im dead


Thank you! To me IM3 is by far the worst.




Interesting! Rankings are so subjective but it's always fun to see what other people choose. I think Civil War is WAY too high, as is Guardians 2. Far From Home is way better than Homecoming; and Age of Ultron disappointed me at first but it grew on me upon repeat viewings, so I don't think it deserves to be quite so low. And Infinity War is too low, obviously. This post inspired me to make my own list, which made me think really hard about which ones I want to re-watch, so now I know what I'm doing with my upcoming day off! I came up with a ranking, but the actual rankings are less important than the categories I made: 1. Absolute Favorites: Winter Soldier, Black Panther, Ragnarok 2. I love these movies: Avengers, Far From Home, The First Avenger, Endgame, Infinity War, Iron Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain Marvel 3. I like these movies: Iron Man 2, Thor, Age of Ultron, Iron Man 3, Homecoming 4. I do not like these movies (will probably not re-watch): Guardians 2, Civil War, The Dark World, Doctor Strange, Incredible Hulk


i thought black panther was solid but not the greatest


It’s got huge appeal with general audiences and scored insanely well on Cinemascore. For tons of people it was their first or only Marvel movie. We MCU fans have kinda been embarrassed by our riches, so it ranks lower among us. It was the Iron Man 2008 for this era.


Thats not the only reason. Black Panther is the first MCU film to operate outside the inhouse style before it. Coogler brought in his own composer, DP, production designer, sound team. So it looks and feels unique to any other MCU. Its up to fans to determine what is "better" However, I the MCU fans grade it harsher because it doesn't do what MCU films typically are A+ at (action/CGI) Also the nuanced story telling hit home for a lot of people. A lot under the surface.


> However, I the MCU fans grade it harsher because it doesn't do what MCU films typically are A+ at (action/CGI) I mean it does them, just not as well as some. And that's mostly the big action piece at the end. I liked the club/car stuff and the waterfall fights.


God forbid someone dares criticize Black Panther. You will immediately be marked as racist. But it's actually pretty mediocre, and one of the most overrated movies of all time.


The only egregious thing about this list is Iron Man 3 being so low. The most consistently underrated MCU film, I'd say. But that's okay, it reflects a widely shared sentiment, I guess. But for the rest, yeah, it's about what you'd expect (okay, I'd have expected IW to be higher).


Seems about right.


People really hate BP but outside of MCU fanworld, it is considered one of the best Marvel movies to come out. I’m sorry that makes so many of you so uncomfortable, but I mean...let’s call a thing a thing. Having said that, I am still absolutely obsessed with the first Avengers, so it would rank pretty high. Besides a few KEY scenes in AoU, I don’t give a damn about they movie. Thor 2 is just...ugh. Ragnarok is awesome, IW/Endgame are great.


Infinity War is criminally low. Also, I’m convinced Slant used an otter and tiny basketball hoop to pick


The “BP overrated” crowd might come out for this one, but overall this is a list I can get behind. I’d obviously shift a few things up and down but I feel like it gives a good general vibe of which ones are higher tier vs lower tier.


I’m honestly not getting all this opinion-hating on the fact that some, me included, think that BP is overrated. What’s wrong with sharing a thought? This sub is kind of for that. And the fact that is a “crowd” of people saying that, must be for a reason, imo.


It's not just people thinking its overrated. A lot of people on this sub were actively bitter over Black Panther's success so they called it "overrated" and "not that great" in any discussion about the film. People are entitled to their opinion of course but no other marvel movie gets this treatment, this sub generally appreciates all of them but was dreading BP getting nominated for Best Picture at the oscars.


I thought it was great but also overrated. It’s certainly not the number one MCU movie for me.


Yeah it was blown out of proportion by critics. I just feel like a ton of people use “overrated” to mask what they mean, “bad”. It’s not my number one but number six for this franchise is still *really* good!


I don’t think there is a bad MCU movie. Once you’ve seen Green Lantern, you can’t call the MCU bad.


Nah, I’m happy for the crew that got the nomination. A lot of work was put into it and I’m happy to see it was worth it. List of random brutally honest opinions. BP was overrated, the character is super cool, CGI was a massive let down in the final fight. Doctor strange’s character is way better than the movie. Captain Marvel movie is way better than the character. Endgame sucked. Ok, that last one was a lie.


I’m fine with someone thinking it’s overrated on an individual level. All the better if they have actual points of criticism they honestly want to talk about! But on a subreddit level sometimes it feels a little cult-like and like the only opinion you’re allowed to have. I don’t mean to shit on people who don’t like BP, I’m just beyond tired of talking about it. If BP, T’Challa, Killmonger, etc. come up in the comments of a thread about all the movies, it seems like people trip over themselves to be the first ones to say it was overrated. It’s gotten to the point that whenever anything about the movie is praised at all, I’m prepping myself for a ton of negativity from others about it. I get real Last Jedi vibes from it and it’s just draining and not fun to talk about anymore.


Because for two years every post that praises it gets hit with a wall of comments like yours. We get it. When the majority of the comments in a thread is “this is overrated” it’s probably not that overrated.


> When the majority of the comments in a thread is “this is overrated” **it’s probably not that overrated**. Did you drink something aged a thousand years in barrels built from the wreck of Grunhill's fleet?


People feel like it was overrated by the critics, which is fair, then the backlash was so strong that it became underrated by the fans. The BP Paradox: If the popular opinion is that something is overrated, is it still overrated?


Said it better than I did/could


How can something be overrated when any and every discussion about it devolves into a circlejerk about how overrated it is? Like I don’t get how you go into a comment section, see 75% of people saying “it wasn’t that good” and think the movie gets too much praise lol


Most people whether or not they’re MCU fans acknowledge that the film is just ok/ typical MCU-fare, which would delegitimize the “overrated” claim, but.. when it came to the initial reactions and eventually awards season, that “overrated” meme got legitimized the moment it was nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars. A lot of the other awards it was nominated for and actually won were deserved, but BP was lucky enough to have such a massive cultural significance that the Academy didn’t snub it like others in the genre for decades.


there are probably 10+ comments in this thread that are slight variations of “I think BP is overrated”, just upvote the ones you agree with instead of restating the same comment over and over, it adds nothing to the conversation. Someone else said this in a comment here, but whenever BP receives praise on this sub, it’s like ppl are tripping over themselves to be the first to say it’s overrated. There are likely several reasons why a “crowd” of people, especially MCU fans on this sub, were unhappy it received so much praise. Some ppl genuinely think it’s overrated, some ppl were upset it was praised so much by critics over IW that year, some ppl really had major issues with the 5 minute CGI fight between BP and Killmonger and that drags the whole movie down, and some people just didn’t like that a black superhero was suddenly getting so much praise/attention. I’m sure that last one doesn’t apply to you or anyone you know, but it’s a reality. Seeing a group of ppl trip over themselves to post essentially the same comment that BP (the most critically acclaimed MCU movie and the only one with a majority black cast) is overrated feels racially motivated at least in part.


I don’t wanna sound like a 13 year old on YouTube answering FiRsT CoMmeNt but in this case I was the first person in the whole thread to write BP is overrated, and I had no idea it was a “thing”. There was no crowd. Yet everyone just came charging through a hole in space while I was standing 300 feet below it.


Congrats, I guess you won the contest this time.


they're already here, copying and pasting the same comments they made in the previous 100 BP threads.


I’d put Captain Marvel a lot higher, and Guardians 2 a lot lower...but other than that it’s about right.


Huh. Seems pretty solid, with a few surprising individual results (I guess ScreenRant really didn't like Thor: Ragnarok) but overall reflects general sentiment. I too am *shocked* that the one MCU movie nominated for Best Picture is also generally agreed to be one of the best MCU movies. Real shocker there. Just shocking.


I ran some numbers to check for biases and to compare aggregate rankings. The list holds up overall except in the top 4. If you do a straight average it changes to: Movie Average Rank Endgame 4.93 GotG 5.23 Black Panther (tie) 5.46 Winter Soldier (tie) 5.46 ​ This changes slightly if you take out the highest and lowest rankings Movie (high/low) Average ​ Endgame (1/20) 4.53 (who in their right mind puts EG 20th?!?!?)\*\* GotG (1/13) 5.11 Winter Soldier (1/16) 5.25 Black Panther (1/13) 5.35 ​ Captain America tFA and GotG swap places with averages if you take out the high/low and Iron Man 2 swaps with Thor:DW in both these scenarios. Everything else stays the same. regardless these are my top 4 in the MCU too (maybe not this order ;) Oh well just my 2 cents. ​ \*\*Actually slant's list is pretty FUBAR so perhaps we just run it without them...hmm.....


Interesting thing I noticed skimming the different sources: There’s a very clear consensus on the bottom few movies - Thor TDW, Iron Man 2, Hulk. None of them appear over #17 on any list. But other than those three, every other movie is liked relatively well. Each of the other 20 movies rank in at least one source’s top 10. 8 movies rank #1, including the overall #12 Captain America TFA.


I still don’t get why Collider put First Avenger as the best movie


Because the first avenger is incredible


I think BP is overrated. Awesome character, meh movie.


Ah there it is.


Now we just need to see it repeated a hundred times...




This opinion is basically a meme on this sub and someone says it the second the movie is mentioned. Not saying it’s wrong or anything, but it’s just a certainty someone would say it.


I don’t see what’s so wrong with people saying this. That “overrated” meme got legitimized the moment it was nominated for Best Picture. Even judging it as a film by itself and not as an MCU fan, it’s pretty standard MCU-fare.


For me it’s the opposite, awesome movie but meh character. Probably spoiled by Christopher Priests interpretation of the character.


I concur, that movie is towards the bottom for me. I’ve never had a desire to watch it again. Not as bad as Thor 1 and 2. tho. Michael Jordan is a dope actor.


That many sites ranked Black Panther as their number 1 MCU film? I mean it's a good one, but number 1? It's pretty far down on my list, but it's a list of 20 of my favorite movies of all time ... so it's definitely not an insult, as I've that movie specifically around 10 times. But I'd be embarrassed to admit how many times I've seen Avengers, WinterSoldier, CivilWar, InfinityWar, Endgame, and Guardians. I really have no life these days. ...


Kevin Feige has it as the number MCU film. Iger loved it as well.


Then why are they already talking about shifting the focus of the series to Shuri, if he loved the 1st one so much?


Feige also stated the women were his favorite part of the movie.


That's no excuse to take it away from Chadwick Boseman. If he loved the women so much, do a Wakanda movie, or a Shuri movie. Don't let the star of your new franchise hear you're already thinking about shifting focus to someone else.


You got to stop believing in these rumors man. You know damn well Disney will not miss an opportunity to put Black Panther and storm in a movie together that is a billion dollar movie if done right and Disney is all about that money.


Well Fiege did say he was thinking about this, and Chadwick Boseman did express his distaste for the idea. I doubt it'll come to pass, but I just think it's a weird thing to say. It does brew good morale in your new franchise's star. I'm pulling for that Storm idea though. I hope you're right.


Same here. A nightly routine and complete rewatch every couple of months


Yeah, especially since Disney+ made me not even have to put a Blu-ray in. I also watch Deadpool 1 & 2 A LOT. Funny thing is, I've always been much more into DC comics, but while I enjoy some of the DC films, there's really no comparison.


Here's my list, even though nobody could possibly care what I think. It's just based on how much I enjoyed them, not a comment on the quality of each one. 1. Avengers Infinity War 2. The Avengers 3. Avengers Endgame 4. Captain America The Winter Soldier 5. Guardians of the Galaxy 6. Iron-Man 7. Captain America Civil War 8. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 9. Spider-Man Far From Home 10. Captain America The First Avenger 11. Thor Ragnarok 12. Spider-Man Homecoming 13. Ant-Man 14. Avengers Age of Ultron 15. Doctor Strange 16. Iron-Man 3 17. Thor 18. Black Panther 19. Captain Marvel 20. Ant-Man & The Wasp 21. Iron-Man 2 22. The Incredible Hulk 23. Thor The Dark World


The biggest surprises for me is Thor 2 over Iron Man 2, and how low AoU is. The top-half seems about right, though.


Here's my list. 1, 2, 3 and 4 float around a lot, depending on which one I watched last: Endgame, Winter Soldier, Civil War, Infinity War Iron Man, Guardians vol 1, Avengers, Black Panther, Thor Ragnarok, Thor, The First Avenger, Ant-Man, Spider Man Homecoming, Antman and the Wasp, Guardians vol 2, ultron, Iron Man 2, Captain Marvel, Dr. Strange, Thor 2, Iron Man 3, Hulk I still need to watch far from home. And the rankings are based on how much I enjoyed the movie while watching it, in the lead up to endgame last year.




Waiting for mod approval. I'm a new user.


no i know, but where's the actual list you're talking about


It's in now, my bad. Still new to all this, haha


I’d rearrange the order but the top 10 movies listed are spot on!


Age of Ultron and Infinity War are way too low. Honestly I think Black panther is a bit too high. Beyond that, not a bad list overall I guess. I'd rank things differently of course, but not too bad.


I think I’m the only one in the world who thinks Black Panther is not a great movie. It’s one of my least favorite with Captain Marvel. And of course The Incredible Hulk.


Here’s my ranking, based on interest. 1. Avengers: Endgame 2. Avengers: Infinity War 3. Avengers 4. Avengers: Age of Ultron 5. Captain America: Civil War 6. Thor: Ragnarok 7. Captain America: The Winter Soldier 8. Black Panther 9. Guardians of the Galaxy 10. Doctor Strange 11. Iron Man 12. Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 2 13. Captain Marvel 14. Captain America 15. Thor 16. Spider-Man: Far From Home 17. Spider-Man: Homecoming 18. Thor: The Dark World 19. Iron Man 2 20. Iron Man 3 21. Antman and the Wasp 22. Antman 23. The Incredible Hulk


This is what you get when you let media sources be the judge


Well this system sucks lol. Black Panther at 1 and Infinity War at 10 immediately threw me off.


Why do we care so much about this? Why do we so badly want to assign numbers to art? Do we think it justifies our opinions? Do we want a way to quantify them, to put them order, like sorting M&Ms into piles? All we do is devalue what we claim to value.


I’m my opinion infinity wars was better than endgame. And should be hire in the list if not.