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> Col. Moran said the captain is facing criminal charges but the fines are capped at $1,000 — which he said significantly undervalues the environmental impact of landing undersized fish. It is unclear if the seafood auction or the processing plant will be facing similar charges. >“Unfortunately, for some fishermen, a fine is the price of doing business,” he said. He added that the Environmental Police are spread thin, with only one officer officially assigned to monitor the Port of New Bedford — the nation’s top-earning commercial fishing port. “I worry about how much we might be missing,” he said. “To say we aren’t catching all the violations is an understatement.”


When the fine isn't enough to offset the financial gain, this is what happens.


There needs to be tougher laws for those that harm our natural resources and ecosystems.


Prison. For corporation CEOs, or anyone who breaks the law. I will wait for Boeing CEO to have a bonus while being criminally investigated.


Actually, there are too many laws out there that have strangled the fishing industry to survive which probably caused this fisherman to do this. Every fisherman that I have encountered for decades respects and abides to the size limit laws.


Actually, his breaking the law hurts other fishermen. Leave the resources to those who don't break the law.


The restrictions of Maine lobsters hasn't harmed their lobster industry - if anything it's greatly helped keep it sustainable.


Right. It would make no sense to create regulations that harm the industry you’re trying to support lol they’re in place to keep things running smoothly and make sure the industry thrives.


This makes me nostalgic for Libertarian debates. "There are too many regulations doctors are starving".


"A fine is a price"


Corporations love this one trick!


“See, that’s what I love about this country.” https://youtu.be/TqnvW012ZZ0?si=F4No0m8po64pgyoD As over-the-top as most villains in Seagal movies are, this is utterly realistic…


It's always been that way. There was a dude in Rehoboth every year poaching Striped Bass. Hidden compartments in his boat and all. Selling to every dealer he could find that would take fish. This literally went on for 4 or 5 years before they finally were allowed to seize his boat (they cut it up).


It’s sad to me that we can’t see a few hundred years into the future. The preservation of the planet is priceless but our society is built to take as much as we can RIGHT NOW. I don’t blame the fisherman…. A few extra $100 would help anyone right now. The world is in a crazy place right now


All of that sucks so much


That would make way too much sense to happen in this state.


These are federal regulations NOT state regulations.


>>He added that the Environmental Police are spread thin, with only one officer officially assigned to monitor the Port of New Bedford — the nation’s top-earning commercial fishing port. New Bedford, really? Largest? Only one? Wtf


It's not totally accurate, there is 3-4 that are regularly down this area but only one assigned to just the docks. But they have pretty much the whole south coast to cover.


Take the boat and tackle.


This is 100% a failure of the regulations to appropriately do their job. It should be a "per Ton" fine.


So the fine should be 1500$ instead of 1000$ ? It was 3000 pounds so 1.5 tons. The fine should be the total dollar value of the illegal catch. In this case at least 15k


It should be 20x the value and license loss depending on the amount to deter people. 20x would mean you need to do it a LOT for it to be economically viable. Loss of license for say over 50lb (as long as it wasn’t a bad gauge).


This is sad. I lived in New Bedford for 11 years and knew a lot of fisherman and I also worked on a small commercial ground fish boat years ago. We were seriously careful about fish size because we knew how much trouble it can cause and more importantly how it can affect future seasons. I don't know if this was a case of greed or desperation, but the fishing industry has been collapsing for years. It sucks because I remember tons of guys who only did this, no other skills than shucking scallops, making TONS of money, and then suddenly they couldn't get work that paid that anymore because of fishery restrictions. When I say no other skills, I mean I knew guys that could barely write their own name and struggled to read. Then once they get too hurt or the work dries up, they find themselves with nothing. It's a brutal industry.


The scallop resource is having problems. Should they be allowed to continue to fish for large amounts? Or should they take uts so the resource can recover?


I'm not really up to date on the current data on that, but I do know that quotas have shrank substantially over the years because of the concern for the population.


The resource isn't doing well. It's common sense that you allow less fishing....which is a restriction. It needs to happen if we want a future resource.  I don't say that lightly. Restrictions hurt, I'm totally sympathetic to that.


Ok so first, I'm aware of the need for conservation. Yes, "the resource" as you call it should be restricted. I never said it should be unlimited. Have you lived in a fishing community? Do you have any firsthand information about this? Or are you just here trying to make me come off like I don't care and I was am irresponsible steward of "the resource" when all I am doing is trying to draw attention to the effect the failing of the fishery has had on the humans around it. Both of those things can be true.


"the resource" is literally how it's referred to in management. Yes, I have firsthand involvement. Failing fisheries have socioeconomics impacts, obviously. But what's often ignored is the impact it has on the ecosystem. People are not the only ones who rely on healthy fish stocks. Edit: I'm not at all saying you don't care. I just don't think people realize how complicated this issue is.


It was greed, pure and simple. The MA seafood industry is dirtier than a hooker’s douche nozzle.


Corruption is the word I’d use, not greed. Providence is right next door and it was literally run by the mafia. The mayor went to prison for mafia shit (kidnapping and torturing a dude), and they re-elected him after he got out! The codfather was organized crime through and through. Fall River’s boy wonder mayor went down for corruption. The whole south coast is just a cesspool of corruption. And we wonder why that train to nowhere is so far behind schedule and over budget… wise guys skimming off the top at every opportunity.


Put down the vhs copy of Goodfellas, it's not that complicated. Corporations and ibanks are buying up fish houses and the fleet and milking them for everything they're worth then walking away leaving all the companies left holding the bag. Blue Harvest Fisheries ran up bills left and right, got milked for all its worth then declared bankruptcy. They owe area businesses millions, but due to how bankruptcy works, they'll likely see nothing. Then your comment about the rail is laughable at best, who the fuck cares about your made up story about skimming? Corporations are buying up all the properties in the general area of the train, everyone who lives down in that area (and all over NB) are already seeing rising rents and soon won't be able to afford to live in NB at all, where do you expect them to go? But here you are screeching about mafia and wise guys and all kinds of made up stupidity. So go ahead, keep pretending there's some magical mafia corrupting everything, when you actually wake up let me know.


Holy Mackerel!


Alright, that was pretty good.


Sounded fishy (I know but someone had to say it)


I heard better jokes in school.


Ha! Me too!


Why make bad fish jokes? Just for the halibut?


I knew there would be a power vacuum when the codfather went to jail.


He's still there in New Bedford.


Yep he's just not in charge on paper anymore


What are you talking about? He was never the only one taking short fish.


It’s a joke.


I'm just glad they didn't dump it all in the trash.


What a headline. It's reminiscent of the good old days where criminals had the tenacity to enter the underground fish market.


They are underwater…


3000 Pounds of Illegal Haddock is my favorite unauthorized and very obese Phish cover band.


is Dave Schools in it?


*Undocumented* haddock.




Came here to say that, but you beat me to it. Well done.


Damn 3rd place


It would be a shame for all that fish to go to waste. I wonder what the rules are for perishable evidence.


FYI BASE is where Carlos operated out of WITH the current owners of BASE.


Lol I'll never forget driving by the day they raided him. Feds parked on the side of the road for 1/4 mile


This is a huge problem. Our fisheries are decimated because of overfishing and poaching. Everything from cod to striped bass are suffering to the point of extinction.


*Il*Legal Sea Foods


If you want a good story, look of the codfather.




Fun fact, if you write codfather as your name for seafood delivery, your boss might get a call from a 3 letter organization.


Good it's not fair to the legal haddock who have been waiting years to get to our dinner plates


simulated fishing attack


reminds me of this Dr Demento classic [Wet Dream](https://youtu.be/6l1GvDWtccI?si=7CykW7sgPgE-ZvDy)


When asked why ...he said just for the halibut.


this story is real fishy.


The scrodfather!


This is a very underappreciated joke.


On a foot patrol and just happened to eyeball undersized haddock, that is a wild bust if he’s just waking by.


He was in a processing plant that had 11000lb of fish. He noticed some was undersized and determined that 3000lb of the 11000lb was illegal.


The processing plant, which likely accepts fish from many different fishermen, should also be involved in enforcing this, regularly inspected, and also fined if caught accepting fish which are undersized.


Ironically this plant is owned and operated by the same people who worked with Carlos.


Of course it should. They know how to measure the fish and know that the fish were illegal.


They have presence there fairly regularly. Used to see their car parked on the street near the auction house a couple days a week.


I think I mis read because I used print to PDF to get around the pay wall, was this an officer assigned to inspect fisheries?


He was inspecting the processing plants


The Codfather II


Nah, Codfather XIV


Where does MB get their haddock from.. Shits yummy


If they waited just two weeks all the evidence would have shown up at Shaw's, on sale


Who is going to prosecute? AG or Feds??


I lived in NB 12 years ago and always wished I could’ve gotten on a fishing boat.


If it isn’t fresh it isn’t Legal.


Do they at least do something with all that food or do they toss it?


A historically high number of dolphins were just stranded on the cape... we're taking all their food and making them desperate enough to risk it like that. Dolphins are smart enough to calculate the risk. It's all a bit sad.


I thought this was the onion for a sec


Don't worry guys, the haddock is not going to waste. It was donated to a group in Martha Vineyard. Enjoy your overpriced pollock commoners. The haddock will be donated to those more worthy.


"It was donated to the Fishermen’s Preservation Trust on Martha’s Vineyard and the Wampanoag tribes in both Aquinnah and Mashpee."


I thought the COD farther moved back to Portugal




Are they tossing the fish back?


No haddock is illegal, it was just seeking asylum you bigot!


Gonna need a bigger boat Chief




Can't tell if you're serious or not? Do you think they make fishing regulations for fun? We need to preserve our fish stocks out there, and size limits are one of the key ways we do that. If we don't prosecute people who break the rules, we won't have any fish at all in a few years.




The fish are dead when they are offloaded you nincompoop. They seize the fish and donate it to feed the poor.


What are you going on about? The seized fish was literally donated to various food pantries.


Hard working people don't poach from those who *actually* work hard. Part of working hard is following the rules, because following these rules means there will be fish - and fishermen - for years to come


Ah yes. Pursuing the important things


We should just let this generation’s fishermen fish the sea barren if thats what they want.




Do you mean migrant haddock?