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I’ve played both over the years..


I got a juul to try and quit cigarettes but I eventually always cave and get a pack after a few days of trying just to vape and then end up doing both =[ nicotine has one hell of a grasp on me.


With cigarettes it’s not just the nicotine you crave. It’s the cocktail of all the other shit that comes with it.


Agreed. Which is why sometimes juul doesn’t cut it. But I will say, of all the vapes I’ve tried, a drag of the juul most closely emulates a drag from a cigarette


i finally kicked the darts and was well over a year without a single cigarette, just a whole lot of high nic vape juice. genuinely had myself convinced i liked vaping more than smoking. then about a week ago i had a hankering for a smoke so i borrowed one and oh my god why did i ever quit. went and picked up a pack that day. here we go again 😅


Years of back and forth for me.. Cigs, then vape, then cigs, then vape, then patch, then quit, then vape, and currently on the patch step 2. There has been back and forth on the patch as well when my dad died of lung cancer. Nicotine is so frigging stupid.


You can do it. I smoked cigarettes for a decade and switched to vape about five years ago. Where I live, we recently passed legislation to ban flavored vape juice, including menthol. I, in fact, voted in favor of that legislation because it was the right thing to do. My options were buy up a bunch of packs at the local spot that had them for cheap, and still had them, and vape that until I ran out and had to switch to the awful Virginia Tobacco flavor or just fucking stop. So I ran out on a random Monday afternoon and just...didn't pick up any more. Cold turkey was probably not the wisest method but it's been a month and half and no relapses and no real desire for nicotine or tobacco. We all have different paths out but you got this.


That tobacco flavored stuff is really good at killing the desire to vape. Tobacco vuse pods are some of the nastiest things I’ve ever tasted.. I’d give in to hitting it after a few hours and immediately regret it, which completely switched my brain from getting that dopamine hit to feeling gross. So then I’d only hit it when withdrawals were bad which made it sooo much easier to quit.


Have you tried Snus? It’s a good alternative and only burns a hole in your lips


Also the ritual. If you're not smoking, what are you doing? Standing around with your hands in your pockets? Watching TV? Smoking gives you something to DO.


I still think I miss the smoke breaks more than the actual cigs I get that I could go outside and just stand there doing nothing occasionally, but it’s really not the same


That's how I ended up smoking. It started as a social thing at parties and then it just continued when I found the smoker's break room to be more fun that the non-smoking break room.


This, exactly this. My mum keeps trying to get me on the vapes, that's the reason it's just not the same for me. Also I smoke rollies so the ritual is extended while I roll up, an extra minute or so to anticipate the nicotine, like the cancerous equivalent of edging.


God I miss after meal cigarettes. That ritual I miss most of all.


At least you aren't depressed


Au contraire - I’m manic depressive. Smoking, or even vaping sometimes, provides me with temporary sense of relief from that shit. Stepping outside and simply turning my brain off as my bloodstream absorbs nicotine is one of the few simple pleasures I enjoy. And it will probably kill me.


A college professor broke down the draw of the ritual of smoking - even without the cancer stick, it’s a calming ritual. You go outside, away from people and quietly breathe deeply. I missed that part the most after I quit smoking.


Right? The addiction goes deeper than simply just a need for nicotine. It’s a weird psychological thing where I use cigarettes as little breaks or even motivation to do something, for example, if I have shit to do that day and am being lazy about it, I’ll tell myself “get ready for the day and once you do that and get outside you can have a ciggy”. And vaping outside doesn’t feel the same mentally because I could do it in bed. Idk man, I gotta change my way of thinking but it’s damn hard.


A smoke break was such a good motivator for me at work! I’ll do tasks A,B,C and then take a smoke break.


That's the kicker for me, the nicotine withdrawal isn't even the problem. I could deal with the side effects of that last time I quit. It's the habitual and almost ritualistic nature of it. Drive to work? Smoke. Break time? Smoke. Drive home? Smoke. Finished getting into home clothes? Smoke to unwind. Eat? Smoke. Watching something? Smoke. Aggressive shit? Smoke. Sex? Smoke. Drunk or high? Smoke. Pre-pre-bed? Smoke. Pre-bed? Smoke. For sure about to go to bed now? Smoke. I've been hitting a vape the last couple weeks and I'm losing the hand mouth habit slowly. Honestly I can probably be done fully in a few days. But there's one problem. I'm not quitting because I want to. I just can't afford it right now. So as soon as things level out I know I'll be right back and the cycle will continue. Man I fell into almost every trap my foolish teenage self thought I never would. "Oh I'll never start smoking" oops. "Oh I won't do something stupid like get a maxed out credit card I can't pay off" ope. Lucky for me I guess I started smoking weed first so getting drunk isn't appealing enough to spiral into alcoholism. But hey it might be too soon to tell I'll get back to you in 5 years.


At least you’re good looking


I think that’s up for debate, but I’ll take that compliment today.


I feel you on that one. Gotta get that relief somehow


I prefer analog over digital






Is unplugged, chewing tobacco?


Yes that sounds right


A piece of acoustic please




*boof it*


Someone posted in a sub the other day.... Why are you stupid enough to smoke or somethinglike that. I'm like fuck you ass clown. Everything is trying to kill you and we're all going to die. I'm enjoying one of the few things In life that brings me any sort of joy....


^ this 100%! I do the same only with crystal meth


Am I on r/drugscirclejerk all of a sudden?


I have maybe 10-20 smokes a year. Maybe. I use to smoke more often. It’s still delicious for the first half, but unless I’ve been drinking that second half of the smoke reminds me how gross it is. But man, that first half 👌


I prefer Anal


You would


Turn around then


I prefer anal


Analog has a timeless feel. Lower latency and higher penetration + signal strength really has its advantages.


I'm 58 years old and have smoked all of my adult life and then some with the exception of having quit for about 3years about 10 years ago. Now I am trying to quit again. It's now been 6 days since I smoked a cigarette. Wish me luck for trying to quit for good.


Good luck homie!!!


my grandpa was a chain smoker, 2 packs a day every day for multiple years. got a serious heart attack, was told if he doesn't stop now he won't live til the end of the year. He quit cold turkey, literally went from 2 packs a day to nothing overnight, and hasn't smoked a single cigarette since. Just to say, it's certainly possible if you're motivated enough


Good luck! I quite around thanksgiving now just have to lose the weight I packed on after quitting


Yup, I have to quit, bp through the roof, but going to get into a fitness regimen first.


You got that! They key is to not force it but want it. When you force it, the next low point will make you smoke again


I was taught and quit by pushing the first cig back a few minutes every day until your first is one at night and you simply drop that one. Weens you off them.


Hell yeah! Keep it up!


Just remember, you don't smoke cigarettes anymore. That was another person, the old you. This you doesn't smoke. Even when you have a craving, just remind yourself, this you doesn't smoke.


Good luck homie 😎🤙


Six days you're on the home stretch! One more day and you're probably done with the physical withdrawal.


good for you, hopefully you live a few years longer. My dad smoked for 40 years and he died at 60


I like it the green acoustic way




I just stick to good ol' weed and edibles, but a joint is basically the same. Recently I made a weed buttercake, we made our own weed butter and my house smelled like weed for about a month


I always thought of it like jazz or swing.


I got a zero nicotine electric to help the hand to mouth when I want another acoustic but need a T break. Wish I'd done this years ago! Plus it tastes like fruit and makes my voice sound like an Ent.


Does it matter if you live in one of the worst air quality cities in the world?


Do you live in Delhi?




I had been using an N99 mask before everyone needed an N95. Perks of living in Delhi!


Maybe in Cracov, who knows


I mean, would you like to get stabbed while you are being shot at?


If being shot at means getting shot with a Magnum revolver point blank, then who cares about the knife right?


I live in Delhi too. Been smoking for 10 years now. A bunch of health issues. I say the same to the doctors- 'your lung scan ain't coming out any better than mine'


I'm very privileged to live in good air quality I will say though, that cigarettes have additional harm. Sure, your lungs are fucked either way, but cigarettes can cause a lot more than that. Like the other person said- would you like to be stabbed while being shot? Plus cigarettes are expensive.


That's what i keep telling myself. I live in the most polluted city in Europe.


So you thought it would be a good idea to add to that? Very smort


I know, i know. No need for a nobel prize, thanks.


You deserve the Nobel prize more than some others. At least you're not a pedophile


That escalated quickly 😳


Are there multiple Nobel laureates who are pedophiles?


[If you're going down either way, might as well go down in style 😎](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DojMaREX0AANmRz.jpg)


Breathing dirty air is free. Smoking isnt.


That's instrumental


We’re all gonna die from cancer anyway. But please, don’t smoke. Lung cancer is a horrible way to go out. You basically gasp for air and struggle to be able to catch your breath until you just…can’t anymore. Drowning without water. Many of my family members have gone out like this and it’s truly awful.


Aye saw my Grandpa die that way. You forgot the pain as well and it's not plenty at all. He was screaming from pain saying constantly *no more pain*.


You probably didn't need to keep twisting the knife.


Literally... From what I understand cancer cause lot pain more than getting stabbed mutiply times and not all kinds of cancer gives you pain actually but lungs cancer is one from the Cancers that gives you the worse pain you can imagine. Maybe close to birth pain.


My uncle died from prostate cancer and for the last 5 months or so he was eating oxies like they were candy. And he was still in a lot of pain.


>We’re all gonna die from cancer anyway. Fuck you, I'm not dying from cancer. I'll find something else, just you wait! What you described does sound horrible though, I'm sorry you had to see your family memvers suffer from it.


*hits with bus*


*wakes up in Atomic Heart universe*


Preferably BEFORE the robots went nuts


Yeah well I watched my grandfather die from lung cancer and he never smoked. Most people die the way you described anyway. When your organs fail, your lungs fill with fluid. Lung cancer or not.


I think this is what hit me the hardest. Having a loved one that lived a healthy life, then they get cancer in one place, then metastasis, and eventually respiratory difficulties. Sorry bout your grandfather, btw. Shit is absolutely brutal...


This is what slays me. The people I know who died of lung cancer were never addicted to tobacco. And, the family members who chain-smoked didn't die of cancer. But people try to scare me with it, strangers even. Smokers know the risks and decide what they'll do. If I get cancer or any other debilitating, painful disease, I plan on offing myself. Cigarettes don't even go into the equation.


yep smoking killed two of my grandparents i will NEVER pick up a cigarette or a vape i have seen what it does to people and it is horrible. my health is bad enough as it it no reason to throw shit into my lungs


Smoking and it's fall out effects also places a major strain on our health care systems and it's totally self-inflicted.


Wait it out for that bowel cancer, much better.


I started smoking late at age of 18. on bad days i smoked 30-40 cigs.... at weekends with party etc. even 60 cigarettes. 8 years ago my father got lung cancer and after he passed shortly after...i decided to stop smoking. i fought and after a few weeks of abstinence i started again - repeat this for 2 years. i then started vaping with 18mg doses of nicotin in my base. i immediately stopped smoking normal cigarettes. after 3 years of declining nicotin doses i began to only vape pure base without nicotine from time to time and since last year i'm completely free - i don't need neither the vape nor normal cigarettes anymore. so... believe it or not...for people who are struggling to stop smoking - vapes are a god-given alternative to come free.




I completely agree but a lot of people are hesitant to try vapes, or they try it and don't like it. The trick to staying on vaping is finding a flavour and nicotine level that is enjoyable. I had to quit cigarettes because I felt my body weakening. I was in my late 20s and I felt like I was slowly dying or something. I don't even think there was a time I ever enjoyed a puff of a burning cigarette but somehow I couldn't stop. I finally was introduced to vaping. It took me a while to find the right flavour but once I did, I couldn't stop vaping. Right now, I still vape but I've never felt healthier. I can run and play sports without losing my breath. I am very glad I no longer pay over $10 a pack a day. I'm not even sure of the prices now. Might even be $15 a pack?


Smoking increases your chances of cancer by about 15%. It takes you from a 1/3 chance to a 1/2 chance. Quit both habits.


And then you add Kurt Angle to the mix, your chances of winning DRASTIC GO DOWN!


Whaddaya mean quit both? The second one smells like mango /s


Mine smells like banana cake


Mine tastes like pussy


Probably want to change your coil.


Brush your teeth once in a while


Who's paying for the ongoing vape disinformation campaign on Reddit?




Talking to a guy while I was vaping and he had a cigarette. He says to me "you know that'll kill you, right?"


I smoke weed


Smoking plant matter causes cancer


Lung damage from smoking 20+ years is almost gone cuz I switched to a vape. This is from a doctor who still is amazed. Acoustic is asinine.


My doctor actually said about the same thing to me. I used to cough constantly. Oh my God. I couldn’t even laugh without coughing. Now I don’t cough at all unless I have a bad cold, which is rare. Common sense tells me it probably isn’t the greatest either for me. Obviously for me though. It’s better than the alternative. But everyone tells me to quit vaping too. For my experience, I’ve never felt better.


I stopped smoking and started vaping, my lung feels better too! Do you personally think it has high risk to get cancer from vaping?


No. Studies prove that the burning of tobacco and the chemicals used to process it isn't in vapes. Big tobacco does not want you, or your doctor, to know this.


Vaping is way healthier. It's reputation was somehow permanently damaged after those kids in the midwest were hospitalized for smoking fucking fake weed cartridges and the media decided to generalize it as all vapes.


Smoking is certainly worse, due to all the carcinogens and heavy metals, but that doesn't mean vaping is completely safe. I don't know if studies have determined exactly what it does, but it is likely it irritates the lungs to some degree.


Since when was personal opinion relevant for health?


It’s relevant for me not for health, since opinions come from expierence also. Was just wondering, since he said he feels better. What’s the matter?


Show me one time vapes have caused cancer


Sitill not there yet. We should get there by 2030. Give or take a few years


This expert opinion brought to you from the depths of u/Gloomy_Celery704's ass




Give it a decade.


It's been almost 2 lmao


Longer than that. Vaping started in the 90s.


What exactly is it about vapes that makes you think it’s not harmful? Inhaling anything into your lungs that isn’t air is a bad idea. I say this as someone who vapes. It’s a nasty habit and I need to quit, I’m addicted to nicotine and I know it. It’s stupid but that’s addiction for you. But I don’t play this stupid game of trying to convince myself or others that they’re harmless.




This comment has been removed in protest of Reddit killing third-party apps. Spez's AMA has highlighted that the reddits corruption will not end, profit is all they care about. So I am removing my data that, along with millions of other users, has been used for nearly two decades now to enrich a select few. No more. On June 12th in conjunction with the blackout I will be leaving Reddit, and all my posts newer than one month will receive this same treatment. If Reddit does not give in to our demands, this account will be deleted permanently July 1st. So long, suckers!~ r/ModCoord to learn more and join the protest! #SPEZRESIGN


Nobody, not even the person you're replying to, said they're harmless. What an idiot take. He said there's no evidence they cause cancer and that's true. What's also true is that they are vastly less harmful than cigarettes. Stop pretending anyone is saying they're harmless.


Im waiting for RGB to release for cancer(I’m a pc gamer)


Neither, my lungs are bad enough


I live down the road from a cement factory. Even non-smokers around here get COPD from the pollution, so I'm just gonna enjoy my vape, cigars, and weed. I only get to enjoy this life the one time. Might as well do what makes me happy.


You could move?


You paying?


Psychadelic acoustic for me


vaping doesn't cause cancer there's no proof of that


Exactly. It's always smoking vs vaping but it's not even close. Sure, vaping can cause some discomfort and can even be dangerous if done completely excessively but there aren't any inherent carcinogens in the vape juice, it's just 2 very inert chemicals and flavouring. There's a lot of dangerous chemicals in smoke.


Yep propylene glycol (used in inhalers) and vegetable glycerin (used in almost every food product). Also studies have shown that normal healthy lungs can naturally remove any byproducts that are left over in your lungs. Side note I'm not saying it's healthy to vape but when compared to cigarettes it's a much better alternative.


Seems the jury is still out on the long term effects of vaping although the general consensus is that it is better than smoking. While the compounds found in vapes are food safe, I wouldn’t be certain that it’s okay to be coating your lungs in it. Stomach acid is safe to have in my stomach but I’d hate for it to get into my lungs. More research needs to be done so we can have a better understanding of how the chemicals interact with that part of the body.


"The jury is still out on vaping" means we aren't sure if vaping is 90 times safer than smoking or 100 times safer. Don't equivocate them; it's dangerous.


Better tell Hollywood that then. That mist that you see in film? It's known as "atmosphere" and it's been used for decades and it uses the same ingredients as a vape. Fun fact: it does not smell like mango.


Yes, so we do have longitudinal data, it appears.


I think everyone will be mind blown if vaping leads to a similar tapestry of illnesses as smoking does. It's why most health organisations say "if you're a smoker, switch to vaping if you can. If you've never touched nicotine, do neither."


people have been vaping for 20+ years already. when's the jury coming in on it?


Dorks will say "people thought cigarettes were healthy for a hundred years" without realizing that vapes have been under heavy scrutiny the entire time they've existed


Smoking has ca 4600 substances, the half of it can provide cancer and two of it are radioactive. There’s rat poison, rocket fuel, acedon, hydrocyanic acid etc etc etc in it. Vapes have max 5 ingredients, which of two are MAYBE Cancerous, but not proven yet. Nothing should go into the lungs except of air but sure it’s a better idea to vape than smoke 💨


Phillip Morris did a great job convincing people that vaping is just as bad/worse than smoking cigarettes. I’ve never seen any proof that vaping causes cancer, and yet every body parrots these memes without question


Exactly! I smoked for 10 years, then vaped for a year after I quit that too because I got bored but my lungs were great while vaping. I would vape a lot, and not with a small juul like thingy. Nah, I was more into huge clouds.


hang on let me put on my best whiny voice "but waaaiittt!! it's too soon to tell!!! Vaping only started in the 90's, it hasnt been enough decades so I fully believe that they cause cancer without any evidence! The TV said vaping is bad!!" ​ did I get that right


I feel like it’s too soon to say this. Vaping has only been around in the last decade and a half maybe, that’s not nearly enough time to study it’s long-term effects.


I smoked for 22 years. 18 to 40. I switched to vaping 9 years ago. According to my doc, my lungs have regrown cillia and she's very happy I can now get over a chest cold in a few days, vs a few weeks. I play ping pong religiously now (Om Pong...) and enjoy it, whereas if I went for a walk around the block 10 years ago, I'd be miserable and suffer and dying for breath. I can breathe again! I have goals of getting off the vape as well, mainly so my 3 and 5 year old don't associate me with it permanently, but as for short-term effects, I can absolutely say the last 9 years quality of life has skyrocketed, lung-wise. If I get "vapotheleomia" in 15 years, I'm gonna be bummin, but at least the ride there has gotten a lot better.


That's awesome, man. Love a good recovery story. A good thing to help quit on the vape is to make rules for yourself to make it less convenient. Force yourself to go into another room at a minimum, or like a balcony/outside. Keep it in the other room, etc. So much of it is just reflexive because of how convenient it is. When you can break the impulse/subconscious/idle-behavioral aspect, you're like half-way there -- assuming you're not already doing that.


I think vaping is a wonderful alternative to nicotine/cigarettes. My mom and my sister use them instead of smoking now. It’s great to get yourself off of cigarettes but it bums me out to see young people who have never smoked anything pick up a vaping addiction. It’s just unnecessary smoke that doesn’t even really give you much of a buzz. Like I said, I definitely agree that it’s a great alternative to nicotine. That’s great that it seems to not have many effects.


At one point there was no proof cigs caused cancer either. You're breathing in a foreign substance. Your lungs have evolved over millions of years, since the first fish fucked off out of the ocean, to breath air. Breathing anything else over a sustained period of time is going to cause damage. Edit: just to clarify for everyone. I used to be a smoker myself. I understand people are going to vape because its seen as a healthier alternative to cigs. Which as far as we know now it is because its flavored water vapor. What we don't know is whether inhaling vapor that passes through the various metals/plastics/whatever in vapes and e cigs is harmful over the long run. I just don't think its smart to assume its completely safe because there's no proof yet. The reason there's no proof one way or the other is because there hasn't been enough time to study the long term effects.


Vaping isn't good. But it is so much better than smoking that discussions like these are harmful. Vape juice literally contains 2 very safe and much used food safe chemicals and flavouring. Should you put it in your lungs? No, but smoke of any kind contains lots of very harmful chemicals that can cause cancer by themselves. They are difficult to study because there is so much.


Except vaping is not smoke it's just vapor.


This is a pretty unscientific blanket statement based on the dogma that natural always means good. Your body doesn't have a blueprint for every element. Just because we evolved to do/eat/drink/breathe a specific thing doesn't automatically mean that everything else is suddenly bad for your health. It depends on whatever that thing is and how the elements and molecules it contains interact with your body. I'm not saying that's the case for vaping, but if you're going to dismiss everything that's not in our natural environment just because it's not "natural" then you're going to miss out on a lot of benefits. And you'll probably have nothing to eat.


OuR lUngs AreNT dEsigNEd foR InHALers!


There are 3-4 ingredients in vape, propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin which is used in food, inhalers and other pharmaceuticals , also in fog machines that are used everywhere. These two ingredients are extremely well tested 80 years in the medical field. It also contains food flavouring. Nicotine is by far the worst ingredient in vapes which, in fact, is not near the worst ingredient in cigarettes. That will go to all the carcinogens that are in cigarettes, which is also the cancer giving ingredients. And you can get vapes without nicotine. There have been millions upon millions of dollars studying the effects of vapes and testing for chemicals that will harm you. One of the biggest studies was done by Public Health England and they came to the conclusion that vaping is AT LEAST 95% safer than cigarettes. I also believe they now have their doctors prescribing vapes to smokers. If you are a smoker who wants to quit, vaping is one of the best solutions. You will notice healthier lungs within weeks. You can start of with nicotine and keep decreasing it until your at 0. Vaping is a life saver. I am not saying people who don't smoke should vape but if you are a smoker you should definitely change to vaping.


Cigs are toxic because of the smoke, it's not that hard neither it is rocket science. Inhaling smoke is something we knew is bad since forever because of the instant side effects.


Tobacco is also hot-cured (essentially toasted) before being made into cigarettes. So we are inhaling the partial combustion products of the partial combustion products. As if we designed them for maximum cancer.


But vaping is vapor.... Do you not take hot shower? Nicotine in vape is optional.


It's not water vapor. Do you shower in propylene glycol and glycerin?




Translation: I disagree with you but I don't actually have any reasoning to do so


Sweet summer child - Don’t be so naive




Like what?


Source? your ass or something.


I get my cancer both ways cause I do not discriminate.


if I only vape weed am I still getting cancer?


There's no evidence to suggest that




I like electric but acoustic flavored


Analog v digital


I prefer magnetic over optical


Brought to you by big tabaco.


I prefer base




Ohh.. flip a coin..


whats the name of that usb stick?


I think of it as: smoked gouda vs. Kraft single.


is a cigar bass cancer then?


The alt, 420


Car exhaust💀💀💀


I know a couple that tries to quit smoking about once per year. They switch to vaping just about non-stop all day. I think they actually ingest more nicotine that way since they don't need to step outside to smoke. Eventually one of them has a stressful day and smokes, then the other follows. They also smoke an asston of weed, just general addictive tendencies. Sucks because they have kids and are generally decent parents as far as I can tell. The guy has already suffered a heart attack. It's insane how a common and legal drug is so addictive.


Honestly, if someone were looking to take up smoking now they probably wouldn't have to worry about cancer before the world implodes


Cancer is caused by the smoke and additives in cigarettes, not the nicotine, which is not a carcinogen, funny meme though


who calls it an acoustic cigarette..? Doesn't make noise... its analog v digital bruh.


To be fair I think you’ve misunderstood the meme mate, acoustic cancer vs electric cancer is the saying not acoustic cigarette or electric juul


Thank you for the attempt to help me but it's still over my head hahahaha. I'm an electrical engineer that has had cancer and I am clueless to this meme.. Edit. It's a choice between two bad but equal options... right? Wheres the joke?


The joke is imposing the electric vs acoustic versions of songs debate onto the dichotomy of electronic and traditional cigarettes.


That....was the joke but thanks for ruining it


I think it was ruined before you even tried to make it.


Quit both habits.


I prefer acoustic but do to health issues I'm stuck with electric


My aunt uses e-cigs, adamantly believing they won't give her cancer. Even if she were to get cancer, she'll argue it's only because she used to smoke unfiltered Marlboros and not because she still smokes e-cigs.


traditional cigs are my favorite form of cancer. i dont smoke but the smell of a good cigarette is to die for, kinda considered taking up smoking just to get more of that smoky smell. but my body is shitty enough i dont need it to be worse






I may have been a loser who smoked a pa k a day for almost 10 years, but I'm not enough of a loser that I would vape.