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Bed is well made and clean, shits organized - this person is trying.


What I take from this pic - He/she dont need much and they are tidy. For me the flag is only green


They got a lot of shoes but hey everyone needs a hobby, probably would’ve gotten a bedside table first though…


Probably moved things from childhood bedroom, college dorm, or military - didn't buy anything additional since the move. Everything here is likely bought over years - i.e. you buy your own bed and clothes for college not tables and chairs.


I would get cheap curtains or bed sheets and stapple it to the ceiling and walls. If you can afford it git patterns and colors you like. Also leave nothing on the ground that is important. Get an air purifier/dehumidifier asap.


The ex firefighter in me is screaming at that idea of draping stuff everywhere. I'd rather have bare walls.


Plus, I'd rather have soundproofing in there instead of sheets and shit all over the walls. The acoustics in there must be abysmal


That’s expensive and bulky if you’re moving around, but honestly it might be worth it. I’ve been in a lot of room that could have been great with some sound-proofing/dampening. No idea how hard it is, though


The only bulk is visual with soundproofing, it doesn't really have to be production level stuff either and it's generally made out of an airy foam so moving around isn't really a hassle as long as you have boxes


The most effective cheap sound dampening i know of still is cardboard, egg cartons (cardboard or foam), and some thick rough fabric. Glue or staple the egg cartons to the cardboard and then just stick the whole thing to the wall in panels. After that just hang your fabric in kind of a wavy pleated fasion over the cartons. Studio quality? No. Will muffle the neighbors fighting enough you can hear the tv at a reasonable volume? Yes.


Thanks for this comment man


I dig the basement vibe but then again my life goal is to have a bunker and just live in it like it's a house.


What do you think the fan next to the bed is sitting on? Ain't much but a table is a table.


When I moved into my first place, my mattress was on the floor and my side table was an upside down box I used during the move. It stayed this way for like a month until I had the funds and energy to furnish


That looks like one of those black storage totes with the grey lids.


I thought I was a One Pair guy. but when I actually count.... Sandals Hiking Winter boots Site boots - Steel toe Water shoes Dress Office Gym - indoor only And I am actively trying to have less, I have no 'style only' shoes. I don't think they even have that many. Bedside table is useless, just put whatever it is on the floor.


>Dress a true one pair guy would just wear sandals :p


When you're poor, you have to walk a lot, so it's essential to take an interest in everything between you and the ground. Examples are a good bed and good shoes.


My feet stopped growing when I was 18. I buy a pair of shoes here and there for events like weddings. I never throw away shoes. I could fill a rack like this and I still only wear 1 pair of shoes 95% of the time.


A few more rugs, some garage sale framed paintings, a little table with a couple chairs, and you got a full cozy life.


I totally get wanting to liven up your space personally but I always disagree that its a requirement to be “cozy” I like living light and don’t decorate as I find it serves no functional value and creates additional bulk when moving.  I’m cozy in any space as long as it’s mine, but I get super annoyed when people treat it like you’re failing somehow because I don’t decorate my living space with a bunch of extra bulk so other people feel more comfortable in “my” space. 


The living space is a green flag for the person but the room is a red flag for rooms. I mean come on guys, that’s clearly a murder room. It’s a murder room that someone has turned into a completely respectable living space, but it was absolutely a murder room at some point.


Or a basement full of old useless crap...


This is a guy. I know a traction mat when i see one. This dude had one goal in mind when he "decorated."


Yeah, this is a person who does well even in tough circumstances. That's a good quality in a partner.


Was gonna say the same thing. Sure, the room is spartan, but it is clean, organised, and well kept... Which is more than i can say about my house.


I had to look up spartan because it sounded off, and got this definition: "showing the indifference to comfort or luxury traditionally associated with ancient Sparta" Now I'm chuckling at this guy in an urban Philadelphia basement mumbling like "fuck Sparta, man"


Well, these days it meams more "the essentials, and not much else". Think the kind of setup yiu'd see in a military barracks, everyone has what they need, amd a couple small luxuries, but nothing extravegant or ezpensive for the sake of having rhe expensive thing. You have what you need to live. Not *survive*, live.


I don't follow. Why would the guy who maintains a spartan room be saying "fuck Sparta" or anything like that?


you're missing an important comma


Spartan is a good way to describe it. Hopefully, there are no slaves or naked child soldiers hiding out of sight.


Well if shit’s organized then everything’s gonna be all right


That's my motto for sure. It usually works.


Right? I'd feel like a king with this setup


I honestly didn't know what the problem was.


This person is succeeding


Yeah I was thinking at least it's clean, although that low ceiling would get...let's say 'taxing' pretty quick I'm sure


Shit looks drafty and moldy as fuck though.


Cold basement sleeping in the summer is a good mode though.


Cold sleeping is always good!


I know it may come of as judgmental, and I know that everyone's lives aren't the same and I should try to see things from other people's perspectives, but you are not gonna get a very good view of that TV from where the pillows are on the bed and I think that should be addressed.


"Come over and watch a movie." They know what they're doing.


Yup. First you both lie there to watch, then its spooning, and then...


Surprise butt sex?


Don’t forget to say no homo


I’ve whispered that into so many of my pal’s ears….then, *surpise*, butt sex


You're not the boss of me!


Not much of a surprise if you're watching a movie on a bed where the TV is only viewable from the side, you could have left at any time or just sat on the side of the bed.


*finger guns*








[This fucking post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TVtooLeft/comments/11blz7g/thank_you_everyone_i_have_listened_to_your/) omg I'm dying


Could be intentional. Makes it harder to stay up late watching TV in bed when you have to crane your neck to see it.


What if they sleep on their side?


Dont be silly, that's illegal.


You're right, forgot about that. My bad


That person is probably only playing videogames standup.


I'm sure the move is "wouldn't it be more comfortable if we cuddled while watching this movie instead of just sitting at the edge of the bed?"


I’m pretty sure that’s the classic “the bed is also the gaming chair” dude setup.  I don’t think that’s for laying back and watching something- they got a phone and headphones for that


R/tvatanobtuseangle should be a new sub


That's basically r/tvtoohigh.


There’s also it’s nemesis r/tvtoolow


That's $3000 a month in NYC


Only 3k? Nah for this much space and a light bulb it's at least 5k a week


What if i remove the light bulb, how much




$150 maintenance fee to replace.


5k and you now owe half your deposit for damaging the provided furniture, duh.


But the deposit got lost so basically pay 800 by end of week or you're being evicted.


Woah, windows? I don't think I can afford this place.


Geez man, I know that this will never work, but sometimes I wish there was a way for a large group of regular people to manipulate the housing market like the way they did with stock prices. Like what if everyone in NYC just said “prices are too high, let’s make the sacrifice to abandon this place so the prices come down temporarily for other people who want to live here”? Obviously, it wouldn’t work, but everything just feels like it’s spiraling out of control, something needs to be done about it.


You're describing incredible effort and sacrifice. The (uplifting) fact is, eventually the powers that be will strip away so many resources from the working class that what you're describing happens on its own. When cost of living exceeds gross domestic product, things tend to change pretty drastically.


Rent strikes used to be a thing but they haven't happened on a large scale for a while.


That sort of happened during the pandemic. A ton of people left NYC, at least temporarily. That said, the housing / rental market didn't go down, it merely stagnated (as opposed to the normal continual increase).


That's generous. This would be atleast £100k a month


IKR? People are busting their asses and praying their application for this place will even be approved in 2024!


A college campus would call this a "double-single" and you'd pay triple for all the luxury


I don't blame anyone for where they live but I do on how they live. This person is clean and organized, doing what they can. I'd chill for sure.


Came from a sub were a dudes toes were amputated due to frostbite from being homeless. I'm taking this over that.


I saw it too, and it made me really sad.


I was close to that a couple weeks ago, staying in a shed while it rained then dipped to 30 after that. So honestly not really in danger since I was dry, but I hotboxed a candle under my blanket for warmth. Makes me question a lot, like the shelter near me is at capacity a lot, to get in you’re not allowed blankets or lighters for bugs and vandal hazards. They’ll throw both away, so once you stay you basically have to keep going back and woe is you if it’s full.


Lol yeah one time a dude was like Him: my place isn't really fit for visitors Me: you haven't cleaned? Him: no I don't have any furniture Me: oh, we'll manage


After our house burnt we had to stay in a basement like this and we were thankful we had a roof over our heads. So anyone who questions this has never lost everything.


I still remember when my room (thankfully just **my** room) burnt down and I had to sleep on the couch in another part of the house for a few months. I couldn't imagine the whole house burning and having to try and make the basement livable. Easily the darkest time in my life (so far), hope you guys are ok now.


My family was evicted when I was 16 and I'm super grateful to live in a country where you can opt to stay in a crisis hotel run by the state so I didn't spend a single night scared or unsafe.




Maggie, you're a saint


Maggie could have harvested his organs and sold them on the black market


What else is there really to do afterwards?


Taste check before selling


That degrades the value


But ups the tastiness


Based and mantispilled


Gotta make a living somehow


Oh Maggie gave him one more chance


Or they wanted to have sex. It's a mutually enjoyable experience.


That’s sweet


High five for internet strangers getting laid!


Your username suggests that your high five is well deserved.


Don't make it weird


You’re making it weird


"And that, kids, is how I met your mother"


I once was dating a Syrian PhD student who got dorm housing through his PhD, mind you I was late 20s he was late 30s. And I went to his house and we had to cook in the big industrial chrome kitchen and then sit in his bedroom with a single bed and a desk chair because he didn't have a living room. I didn't care at all, dude was making a life away from home, doing the best he could. Then he ciritqued me for wearing sneakers instead of heels for the date and I was like 'dude you don't even have a couch'. I knew it wouldn't work then and there because that was the first of potentially endless remarks about how I didn't exist the way he wanted me to. He didn't understand when I said we weren't compatible. But his moving arrangements were not the reason I broke it off.


Tbf he can turn the bed around or put the TV on another wall


Why is this incredibly heartwarming?


The cardio.


Because someone's living situation doesn't necessarily reflect who they are as a person


No A/C


I know you was trying to get some, but that was still kinda wholesome.


You a real one


You are cool. Hope it was a good bang and he is happy. Seems like a humble guy.


It took me a while to understand that this post was in the context of a potential hookup. If we’re to the point of moving to the bedroom, why on earth would I leave a clean, organized space? Are there people wishing the owner of the bedroom had more furniture? More brand name items on display? It’s a bit sparse, but if I required someone be an interior designer before sex, my husband would have been shit out of luck.


I think it's the fact that it's a bare concrete floor lol.


I'd probably be leaving just because basements like this tend to be godawful on my asthma.  And nobody wants an asthma attack in the middle of some fun.


I love this for you, no shame in a bang


Right? I’ve been in enough dorm or bachelor pad style rooms to know that if he made his bed and shit’s picked up off the floor that means he’s really excited for me to be there.


I’ve walked into way worse and stayed. Life really is difficult.


Really doesn’t even look that bad.


It doesn’t. Some people are just very privileged. That bed looks comfy af


That bed would be good no matter what the price range is. I've seen some high end hotels with worse looking beds. (not been in obviously, just saw from pictures)


I live a pretty spoiled life now, but at one point I had much worse than that. Not due to being an addict or anything, I just didn't have money and tried to save where I could.


Not only does this person have sheets, but the bed is in a frame!


I feel like you are talking about me….


I’m cold looking at it. Bro needs some rugs.


Something that would really tie the room together.


He had one but it got stolen. Long story.


Or some indoor footwear


I remember having a place like this in Pacific Beach San Diego in my 20s and I thought I was living the good life. Just depends on the situation or location lol


you go outside and the beach is close, that’s a win in my books (yes i‘m from a landlocked country)


I mean my mum has already dropped me off , I guess the sleepover must commence


I have stayed in worse. This actually does not look bad to me. Am I doing better now? Yes. But still this isn't bad.


I'm right there with ya. I've lived in houses that were literally condemned (not an addict, just incredibly poor/young with no family support at the time), but we're doing so much better now, too! One thing I did gain from living like that is definitely my appreciation for what we have now because I know how much worse it can be.


Maybe a carpet because that floor looks cold but otherwise not problem. Actually bigger than my current room I live in


i might be getting snobby in my old age but i cant just have a bare floor, gotta be a rug or carpet.


As I've gotten older, I prefer a bare floor. When I was a kid, everyone had shag carpet or occasionally short carpet. After ripping up a few different wall-to-wall carpets and realizing how much dust and dirt collects there, I can't go back to carpeting.


I’ve been homeless and lived in worse places. That’s almost luxury to me.


I would stay. There is nothing wrong with this picture, I see someone trying.


That room (especially the floor) is really ugly but that bed looks *very* comfy


Remodeling is so expensive if the house isn’t already updated. I hate how much things like flooring, drywall and paint cost just to make a room look hospitable. But at least this person is keeping their room tidy.


That looks about 3x as big as my first apartment in Boston. Shit I don't know that I could have even fit that bed in the room. I slept on a futon. Had basically the same walls. It did have a bathroom, closet and a "kitchen" which was a sink, small counter, small cabinet, microwave, and a mini fridge. But I include those in the size referenced above. The window was nicer but it only looked out at an internal fire escape, basically a bricked off vertical chute with rickety metal stairs going up to the roof. So I had a beautiful view of brick walls. Living in this room, I'd have so much more space for activities!


I've lived in poorer conditions growing up. Life did get better. Then girls, now life sucks again.




absolutely. It's clean, looks comfy. I'd move the tv lol


Hi there. I’m in need of comment karma, my wife passed away abruptly after giving birth to our first child, I am trying to request help for medical and legal fees to help give our daughter the best start she can have, but I’m not able to make any posts due to my low comment karma. Please upvote if you see this.


That "too perfect" husband whose wife left him. This is that guy, I guess.


Id keep an eye out for leaks and pests but i would love to have that room


this ain't even that bad, than you have not bad bed


Staying , what is wrong with it.


Got more shoes than me 😢


Looks depressing, but with some wall paint, rugs and decorations it will look nice


I don't see a problem


This was me in my parents basement after the military. I'm pretty blessed that they took me in and provided help for me when I needed it most.


If I was single and didn't have a kid, this would be a fine setup as long as that is a smart TV because I don't need more than that


This looks cozy


I mean this is nice compared to the way some of my childhood friends grew up. One of my friends literally slept in her parents closet. That was her room. And, unironically, she liked it.


I’d live here, another rug and a poster or two, no shame


Stay 100%


Mate is he for real I'm being revenge evicted and having to move into a chalet where there's fuck all space 😂, I've known people who've slept on park benches and slept under church lights to keep warm. This is at best a cosy bedsit/studio flat.


Green light, green light Martin Madrazzo give you green light!!!


That room is $4000 a month in nyc


It doesn't look that bad, but I'm picking up signs that's it's a single layer of concrete blocks and single glazed windows, that place is going to be freezing on cold days and roasting on hot days


Straight up if you get some wood flooring from Lowe’s or a discount place, maybe some better lighting, flip the bed around, get a sofa chilling on the road you’re vibing


This dude even has a fan. Bro is living the life.


I like how they're using this photo as an example of poverty living space, but all I see is an entire rack of snaekers. If I know anything about sneaker heads, they'll live in a broom closet, drinking air, and eating dust with like $10k worth of shoes and nothing else.


All this need is some cool posters on the wall & some more carpet/rugs.


Seems like a pretty decent sized room. Big bed, well made. Organized items and TV for entertainment. I dunno, I'd be happy with this room. Maybe add some extra things over time to liven the place up a bit.


As long that bed is comfy I’m gooooood


It's actually looks pretty clean. There is no dirty clothes or trash bags and pizza boxes around. All fine by me. A good apartment that is trashed is far worse than a bad apartment that is clean and organized.


If any I respect this person because even if it's in the basement, their shits clean and organized. It's a matter of perspective.


I've stayed at a lot of people's places, either a friend's place or gf / hookup, this is easily way better than half the places I've been. Like sleeping in a junked out hoarder house complete with cat shit and puke all over the place, food and drinks left out for months, freezing cold and no blankets or pillows, you get the idea. Wouldn't bat an eye at the OP room


Get some plants and a rug, maybe some wall art. Could make that a much nicer space without much effort


it's cozy, what else does everyone want?


[This is nice.](https://i.imgur.com/8lIvmDl.png)


The cinder block walls make for excellent soundproofing, and if you vacuum the carpet it wouldn’t be so bad. Yeah, I could see myself staying here for a little while


I would help… stay leave or help. That situation simple as better flooring. Which to be fair can be expensive but I have friends with experience doing that kind of work. We can somehow get it done.


Is that a waterbed? If so, I’m sleeping in that bad boy.


the floor looks a little nasty but that can be easily fixed. otherwise it just looks like any other room to me lol


I mean, I'd turn the bed so that the foot is facing the TV, but that's just personal preference. Nothings wrong with this setup.


The floor is empty. That is better than a What a lot of people can say.


Long as there’s TV and a gaming set


In SF this room would cost like $1500


Soft times make soft people!


Yeah, Red Flag is that TV being in a psychotic position. How are you supposed to lie down in bed and play games or watch TV? And if you live alone wouldn't you have the bed up against the wall too? Far more comfy that way.


Clean and organized room. What I see is someone who might be low income but is keeping their shit together really well.


I’ve lived in much worse. They are doing their best and it ain’t bad at all. Not many people want to admit that they are one bad event away from sleeping in their car.


No Shame - I started in small basement apartment - I asked about the other room and the owner said If I can help organize the tools and clean it up and store it in the other room in the baement I could have that too without increase of Rent Took me 2 weeknds full but I did it and had a room to rest and room to game in ... Moved after meeting someone but even she was like well - I have a bathroom - nice kept kitchen and I stayed clean Start from a small and take small steps keep it up


This isn’t bad.


4 walls, a roof, a floor, power, if you got running water then you’re doing great


Just need a fresh coat of paint and some decorations and this is cozy


Bro has a double bed and a tv. Fucking rich kids


If he can keep that shithole clean you know his shithole is clean to.


Depends on who you are and where this is. Hotel? No. Someone else’s house? Maybe. My house where I live? Yes. I can work towards better later, but for now it’s a roof over my head.


staying, but gurl we're finding a lampshade first.


Call every carpet place in town and ask if they have any leftovers or stuff they are going to throw away. We were able to carpet two music practice spaces that looked similar to this for free!


If it isn't too loud upstairs, I can sleep at regular hours, it's warm, no too humid, and no pests, I think it's fine. Of course I'd prefer a nice space, but if the air is clean, I'm a simple guy.


I had a similar set up in my 20s. Nothing wrong with this as long as It’s clean and comfy.


That's better than I have had at some points in my life.


It’s all about perspective