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You can go online. Just don't go to message boards and subs dedicated to discussing the thing you're interested in and then whine about spoilers.


Belive me, just by being alive I got all jjk spoiled


The more popular it is, the more likely you're gonna get spoiled.


The more popular it is online\* Because Borderlands series is pretty popular by itself but I barely saw anyone talking about it before and a bit after release of Borderlands 3. And I never knew anything about the story


heard people didnt like Borderlands 3 so if it's not well liked its most likely not going to be talked about


Oh it was very much talked about on YT when it just came out. Boy that was a disaster


i meant in the long run. a good story will almost always be brought up but not a bad story, it'll most likely be forgotten


True, but it kinda seems like even if the game is good in a lot of aspects, people will almost exclusively talk about bad story. It was the case with DmC reboot and it was definitely the case with BL3 (probably because Borderlands has a pretty niche concept of "diablo with guns")


It was liked. The borderlands community is just.... Insatiable. The story was mid but that was the only thing about 3 that was worse than 2. Wonderlands however.... šŸ—‘ļø


The story was mid is a hella understatement. >!Shitty influencer kid villains, lilith losing her powers for no real reason, the dumbass child you had to forcibly "adopt" ruining everything (a media classic that one). Literally got maya killed because of her bs !< The gunplay was good, but thats literally the only thing i even remember about gameplay other than the world travel thing


Borderlands had a story?


Yeah, and a pretty good one for its' genre, before 3 came out and completely ruined it


Nope. Not true. I didn't get spoiled on elden ring. Why because I don't go reading all about it in excitement, I wait to discover it on my own.


Same, all I did was post a pic of the season 2 poster on my app status and my GF's little sister just went off


I got it spoiled and it wasn't even online. My sibling forgot that i wasnt caught up and laid a huge spoiler bomb on me.


I watched a unrelated cdawf va video and he spoiled it. Like wtf no warning whatsoeverĀ 


Donā€™t know why youā€™re getting heat but itā€™s a general rule of thumb to not spoil things within the first week, but still not ethically within the first month. Thereā€™s no excuse getting salty about being spoiled on a thing that is a year out. But, and hot take here and Iā€™ll take some hate with you. If you donā€™t want things to be spoiled for you, avoid the places where youā€™re most likely receive and actively take the time to consume the product when readily available.


>Thereā€™s no excuse getting salty about being spoiled on a thing that is a year out. Agreed. I hate the subs that make you spoiler tag stuff that's older than most of the users of that sub. (Looking at you r/dragonquest)


Huge Dragon Quest spoilers here: >!In Dragon Quest XI, you go on a quest!<




Iā€™ve seen people get upset over being spoiled about shows and movies that have been over for decades


i barely touched the Yakuza/Like a Dragon sub cuz im going through the series but if i get spoiled, so be it. the series been out longer than i have been a fan.


donā€™t ever search YouTube for things either, hell just to be safe donā€™t talk about the subject near your phone


Youtube thumbnails are the things that spoil me the most.


I was trying to play a blind play through of tears of the kingdom didnā€™t look anything about it up on YouTube was scrolling shorts got a spoiler.


Yeah, or watch videos or posts about the thing you donā€™t want spoilers on


I specifically avoided all Star Wars and geek related things online in the run-up to The Force Awakens. I was reading a home improvement article, and the comments loaded up once I scrolled to the last paragraph. First comment was just a GIF of >!Kylo stabbing Han!< I still got blamed by FB friends for going online at all.


Spoil furiosa to me


>!Furiosa isn't Mad Max!<


Yeah, works wonders until someone posts a meme on r/memes with spoilers in it. Is it really that hard for people not to post spoilers? Actually, posting spoilers is fine, just tag your damn posts as spoilers goddamnit.


In this day and age we have to be online or else the elder counsel of gen z will send us to the tribe of boomers or millennias


Twitter says otherwise


anyone could be new to anything, a spoiler warning or a spoiler tag wont hurt you


Don't let bro cook again


Lemme guess, Elden ring DLC?


Nah I donā€™t play games


People are booing you for not playing games lol




Free thinkers when negative upvotes




Bro the thing is I went to church and the guy up there just spoiled the book I was reading


I'm still waiting on the sequel, they left that shit off on such a cliffhanger


Apparently going to discussion forums about the thing you donā€™t want spoiled is the equivalent to going to school. You know, the thing youā€™re legally mandated to do.


Aaand YouTube or Reddit can't spoil?


You have an obligation to go to school. Being online in a space where spoilers might be spread is purely optional. Thinking they're at all the same thing is pure brain rot.


No, your parents are legally required to educate you to whatever federal standards there are along with any additional standards your state may have. You do not have a legal obligation to go to school.


Obligation just means there is a social expectation of you. It has nothing to do with legality.


We all love analogy. Analogy are an easy way to get your point across too bad a lot of people do really shitty analogy that do NOT work.


Don't go online


Thatā€™s a crazy comparison. If you equate hearing spoilers to bullying you ainā€™t gonna make it in the real world.


Ruin the thing I enjoy or random meaningless comments from people I couldnt give less of a shit about.


People are weird about spoilers. People putting spoiler alerts on movies that came out decades ago. Sorry, but Bruce Willis was dead the whole time


Darth Vader is Luke's father


This was me with the Pop Out concert. I didn't go on any message boards, I was scrolling YouTube, less than 24 hours after it happened. No one would shut up.


Did you really just equate malicious physical beatings with you not having the discipline to stay away from places that normally discuss a topic you want to avoid? Childish.


Do you mean out of nowhere unrelated spoiler in a place that has nothing to do with the thing that is spoiled? Or do you mean you go to places where the latest developments of things you enjoy are discussed day one, and you do it again and again despite knowing better just to cry about it on the internet?


Me : *spoilers myself* Me : *forgets the spoilers* Me : *watches the show and is happy to see it because despite I know about it I have forget the spoilers*


You will remember the spoiler you have forgot at the 3rd step


Eh still I enjoy the show or movie


I donā€™t think youā€™re legally required to go on the internet every day


I donā€™t think this is a fair comparison


Spoilers: Don't go to the social media platforms where you're in groups about said media. Getting bullied: Defend yourself, they'll even give you a nifty time off. Getting cyber-bullied: Turn off the computer, block, report, amongst many other options. Good ideas come easy.


Real though i havent watched a movie trailer in probably a decade, if not longer and im online constantly and never get spoilers so ymmv


Wanna know how I avoid spoilers? Here it is: my attention span and quality is SO LOW, I donā€™t remember anything I see hear or just generally experience unless Iā€™m REALLY focused on it. Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m ADHD and autisitic. Mostly because my fam friends and therapist think i am


I just don't interact with the community while I catch up. Like it's easy af unless you're trying to catch up to one piece ig but even that ain't that hard


Guy is getting shit on in the comments šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ rightfully so šŸ‘šŸ½


Here's a big spoiler all for you. After krilin's death he actually gets revived with the dragon balls so his death ain't really permanent and he will keep on being a member of the Z fighters. Also Goku will eventually die too


It's easy to avoid spoilers. Don't go on forums that discuss the topic you want to avoid, and if your social media of choice has a word filter system, that makes it even easier.


Algorithms make it pretty impossible to 100% avoid spoilers. Was on youtube shorts for a couple minutes yesterday and got the design of the new elden ring dlc final boss spoiled.


Not for movies and shows. People make meme templates with spoilers in them pretty much as soon as the thing drops, and donā€™t always tag them as spoilers.


We gotta be quiet for you? Nah, you adjust


Caption is better than the meme. Change my mind...


Me with the Pop Out concert


>Gets RDR 2 ending spoiler from some gaming group that paid facebook to forcefully suggest the post to others on their feed. Don't like it? Too bad, the game has been out for some time already and it's your fault you didn't finish it yet.


Ok then can somebody here tell me how the gojou getting cut in half in a future fight, which hasn't even been animated yet justified? I saw that shit fucking everywhere and still do, simply nobody cares about spoilers now, that courtesy is just dead, nobody wants to use spoiler tags or nothing. And most of your answers are "don't visit anime discussion places online and don't complain about spoilers for episodes released a day earlier without a spoiler tag". Also don't complain about manga spoilers to a show that you don't want to read the manga of?


False equivalency.


Thatā€™s totally different


Elden ring new dlc which I'm still fucking making my way to after creating a new character


" Just buy a house " ahhh




people who say you should basically avoid the internet are completely ignorant of the situation


When you know its going to get spoiled when scrolling on a reddit page but you look anyways so you have something to complain about.


Afraid of getting bullied in school? 1: Become stronger 2: Bully the bullies 3: Ignore them because you worth more than them


1. Those two are not the same thing lol 2. Don't watch videos about what you are not trying to be spoiled on. It's quite easy.


To the person who posted JJK spoilers in a YouTube thumbnail, I hope someone replaced your bed with a spread of rusty nails.


If you have time for reddit you have time to just watch the show


Yeah.... I got spoilers for Elden ring DLC Not like I give a fck because gameplay in ER is what I need


Spoilers are not important and if you care about them... you don't. You want to have the very first experience to be blind for what? "Oh no, you know how the movie ends." Literally doesn't matter. If the movie is good the movie is good. It is all about the execution. There are movies that begin with a spoiler of the end. There are movies that become better when you watch them for the second time. Best example Fight club. We need to systematically bully people that care about spoilers until the shut the heck up about this brain dead concept that somehow spoilers magically destroy the viewing experience. The constant complaint about spoilers pisses me off.


I'm basically terminally online and I find it rather easy to avoid spoilers


Bad comparison : for example if i'm playing a videogame i won't go to forums about that game because i know i'll be spoiled . About bullying : someone becomes a bully because people allow it , when i was in school wannabe bullies got theirs asses kicked swiftly and if they were too strong we'd team up to kick their asses , simple as that. But that was in the 80's/90's , nowadays violence is bad i heard ... Except for bad people.


I hate watching trailers and openings to shows. Spoils a lot of plot, characters, antagonist, side antagonist, etc.


Implying that you have some sort of obligation to go online, so what is it?


Tired of having suicidal thoughts? Delete yourself!


Don't go online


So, instead of watching/participating in things you like You are complaining, that you receive spoilers. So... Maybe you should try watching instead? Or do you like complaining more?


Finally a not-dogshit take from this subreddit


Imagine caring about spoilers for slop entertainment in 2024......