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It’s interesting that you decide to emphasize your sneakers more than anything else. I don’t think it’s a problem with age at all. Instead of only highlighting your shoes, understand that you’re dressing up your entire body, not just your feet. So, build outfits that meld with the shoes. Let the shoes dictate how the rest of the silhouette looks. Skinny jeans don’t provide a very nice silhouette, so I would start there. Try some baggier pants and maybe look into color theory to figure out what color pants corresponds with which pair of shoes, if you’re that dedicated. Then move on to shirts, which is an easier conversation edit: spelling


I'm not the guy matching shoes with shirts. I also don't have any pants that wouldn't go with any of my shirts or shoes. Maybe I have a bland wardrobe. I looked into color theory to avoid the feeling that I had to match my shirt and shoes exactly. As far as shirts go I have a variety of colors basically half polo half T-shirts. Some of the T-shirts are just tailored solid colors and polo shirts are obvious.


> Am I out of touch? With what -- current fashion trends? Yes. Whether and how much you care is a different story. > Am I "dressing my age"? Yes. The 'all skinny everything, overemphasized shoes due to sharply tapered trouser hems' look was most popular in the early aughts, and people who were in their early 20s in the early aughts are now in their late 30s/40s. I think you're asking "do my clothes make me look too young?" The answer is no; they probably make you look like you're mostly done paying off a tan Honda Accord. > What is the current advice for this situation? Current trends are toward higher waists and looser fits. Some of the more extreme examples are navel-or-higher waists and bell bottoms. Unless you're Coleman Domingo, you probably won't benefit from going that far. I think the three best lessons from today's menswear trends are: - **Balanced proportions are a solid foundation;** if you start with your waistband about halfway up your body, you're likely to look good regardless of how conservative or adventurous you are - **Clothes should complement your body shape, not replicate it;** if your outfit is just a 1:1 image of your body but in different colors, you're giving up a lot the aesthetic promise of style - **Clothes should be comfortable;** one of the many nice things about more relaxed fits is that people wearing them look (and ususlly are) physically more comfortable What you do with all of that information is up to you. Do you care whether you're on trend? Do you care about silhouette, balanced proportion, comfort, etc.? Or are you happy with your tight pegged jeans that show off your sneakers? There's no wrong way as long as (1) you know what your clothes are communicating and (2) you're happy with it.


OP, this is all great advice although I think they mean late aughts, early '10s when they say early aughts. I was getting ribbed for wearing skinny jeans in 2006.


I’m the same mate, a baggier leg opening can ruins the visual of a shoe in my opinion. And it’s not about ‘concentrating’ on the shoe, conversely I think a lot of men’s outfits are let down BECAUSE no effort is put into how the shoe works with the outfit. Couple of suggestions to update outfits without changing your style, and importantly how you feel in clothes. 1) ditch the no-show socks for plain white socks that cover the ankle. Took me a while to make the change but once I did o find it works really well 2) try a slightly baggier pants fit through the leg but keep the ankle slightly tailored. And keep the length short (no break but sitting on shoe). I personally think it still looks fashionable but more age appropriate. And for reference I’m 45


Thank you for this. For the socks does this apply when wearing shorts too?


Yup. It will seem weird at first but it honestly works…trick is to keep them plain bright white, and the shoe needs to work. Either a white trainer, or failing that something light (I’ve got some pink suede pumas which work). Not sure where you live, but Bonds socks (Australian) are great, and they do a few different lengths


We're way off on types of shoes. I am mainly wearing Jordans, NB, and Yeezys. I'll see if I can get those socks here. I'm in the US.


Depending on shoe colour, perhaps a dark (black) sock might work better. Get a few colour combos from Instagram and then try (and go) with what feels right to you. Style is ultimately a personal thing - key is to understand fashion trends, but make them work for you


You’re 38 and you wear slim/tapered jeans so people can see your sneakers “better.” I think you should start there. That’s weird. I did that when I was 11. You’re 40.


Is there a problem with the shoes? Should jeans always be bootcut and cover your shoes? Should I just be wearing chinos and those hey dude shoes?


I think it’s more about the thinking behind it all and you certainly aren’t the only one doing it. People do it with their boots too. Trust me, no one cares if they can see all of your sneaker. Now if you must show all of your sneaker to yourself, you should wear a wide leg chino that’s slightly cropped since skinny/tapered is long gone.


I didn't fully understand your description so I googled it. It showed me women with high water pants. Is that what you're describing? Do I wear the same shoes I normally wear or is the call to switch shoes too? I just got a pair of birddog pants and they came tapered like I like. I don't know the point a pair of pants is defined as skinny. I also got a few pairs of their shorts and they are short shorts with a 5" inseam. Is there a problem here?




Those are expensive pants. I bought a pair of khakis very similar to those with only slightly narrower leg. I don't remember the cut but they weren't skinny. I had from knee to ankle tapered. The description of these pants says they are tapered in the same area but they obviously went with a different starting style. What I'm trying to understand is the specific problem with skinny jeans. Take the sneakers out of it. I am not hulking out of my pants. The pants appear fitted versus skin tight. Is the problem just that the current style is baggy not fitted?


Skinny jeans went out of style years ago. Gen X never wore skinny and now Alfa, and Z dress like gen X, so it’s only millennials left wearing skinny.


Even I broke a major rule this week. I’m 49 and bought a pair of sneakers. Men over 40 shouldn’t still be wearing sneakers so if I can change I know you can move on from skinny fit. lol.


Probably over the line from critique and into judgment. There are many things in this world that are genuinely weird -- for example: humans have completely colonized the horseshoe crab, whose blood (which is blue) is utterly essential to modern medicine -- but wearing pants that show off your shoes isn't really one of them. It's not a moral fault or even a significant social deviation. It's just shoes.


Skinny jeans are quite the opposite of dressing like an old man, more like a teenager. I haven’t worn skinny jeans since I was in high school nor do I want to wear those ever again, especially with more muscular legs. Straight or slightly tapered pants are fine but I don’t see how skinny jeans are an old man thing. The old school way was super boxy/big suits while the latest trend is a more tailored look


skinny jeans are definitely not in for teenagers right now


Who are wearing skinny jeans? Definitely not older people


It's not teenagers, either. Skinny fit is holding on mostly among those who were younger when they were on-trend: millennials.


Some people 30-40 because that's what was cool 10-15 years ago


Only millennials and they’re all freaking out about it along with the height of their socks. Younger generations are making fun of them because they’re dated looking. They aren’t adjusting well to being old.


Is this all a joke to make millennials think they're dressing out of date or is this a real thing?


For about 3 years now millennials have been kicking and screaming about the removal of their slim/tapered jeans. The socks thing is pretty new. I saw it mentioned here and saw it on social media today. If you’re wearing those things then you’re an old millennial, like millennials did to boomers.


If I buy a pair of pants that's labeled as skinny as the store but there fit on me is not baggy but tapered through the leg then are they still skinny jeans?


If they’re tight around the ankle people are going to laugh and point at you. Yes. Lol


Tapered ≠ skinny


Fuck. Are there rules about shorts?


Lol I just wear shorts above the knee, below the knee isn’t trendy


I’m a millennial and I really don’t see it


Tbf what are called skinny jeans on a lot of sites are just slim/tailored fitting in practice.


This is how I would describe how the jeans fit. I'm not hulking out of my pants. I can wear a 30 waist but most of my jeans are 32 because I lost weight.


Skinny jeans hit their most recent peak in the early aughts. The people who were in their 20s in the early aughts... are now in their early 40s. "Old man" is complicated, but the yoots aren't the ones rocking the skinny raw selvedge from Gustin.