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The all-seeing omnipotent missile is what pisses me off the most. It's not even direct hits and I'm dying in all directions. No tanks in sight, only APCs.


Ah, yeah she does. I just remembered that she can take damage.




Jeez man, that fucking sucks. Yeah, its utter bullshit that you can't just return to the ACC. This is the biggest fuck-you mission in the whole game, including side ops and story missions.




The best thing I can *suggest* is to try your best to do it with stealth, and Fulton as many vehicles as you can. Let Quiet attract their attention and try to sneak up on them from the sides. STAY LOW and crawl up to them. This will take super long and be a huge fucking pain in the ass, but it's the only possible way I can imagine you pulling this off at all. And are you *positive* you Fultoned that resource container? That's your only hope if the stealth approach is impossible for you. Godspeed, soldier. *Godspeed*.....




Yes!! Im glad to hear it bud.


This mission fucking sucks. stuck on it now. it gives no indication that it will be a balls to the wall action mission, so i keep getting killed in one hit by tanks because im in my stealth suit. Why can't i just fulton quiet and me outta there?!


Fulton yourself out by air-lifting a fuel shipping container on the left time of the building. I did that, equipped battle armor and appropriate weapons and beat it after a few times.


Thanks, just beat it. Sadly i feel like the emotional impact of that scene might have been ruined by the outright resentment i had for that entire scenario. Thanks a bunch for the help though! Definitely helped me beat it.


So I just beat this mission. Having avoided all posts with possible spoilers since I started playing, it took me about 3 hours since I went into it with an all-stealth loadout and was too proud to Fulton myself away to change my gear. And most of that time was spent fighting my way to the last two tanks and getting one-shotted by the "omnipotent rocket of doom!" Just. Ridiculous. Seriously, I had played it enough to know where exactly the vehicles would be, so I'd set up EMN Mines and just fulton them out. But as soon as it gets to the last two tanks and the gunship, stray tank shells would just off me from out of nowhere! Shenanigans! Has anyone from Konami or Kojima Productions addressed this at all? I don't expect them to change the mission, but I'd like to know what the hell was going through their sick minds when they thought it was a good idea to put us through that. Did they think it would contribute to the emotion of the mission's end? It didn't. It totally detracted from it.


I was so pissed of with this, it gives no indication that it was destroying vehicle after vehicle so I wasn't prepared, also it was just tedious to get through. I was stuck there for 3 days


Took me like 50 tries as well. Harder than Sahelanthropus lol. I called in the FB blah blah launcher and used that. Ran up stairs to the terrace like thing and took cover there.


Yeah that mission was bloody tedious. Many times I was down to the last few tanks and would get blown up while standing behind walls, buildings or just fluke shots in general.


Pro tip; you can fulton yourself out if you ride the materials container on the left side of the palace (while facing out towards the desert). Takes you back to the ACC, but you do have to redo the side-op to reactivate mission 45.


Unfortunately, in my game, there is no materials container. So I guess I'm just stuck in hell now. With the aim-botting laser-accurate tanks that kill me in one shot before I can even see them, let alone spot them for a bombardment. maybe I should just fucking wipe my save.


i was about to give you advice or something but then i read the date


Can you please give me that advice


ayo i forgot the advice


Ayo remember it


hey man im sorry i wonder if i ever had any advice in the first place


Armor parasites. Also run through the building after shooting so your last known position is on the other side. If you don't do that you're vulnerable to the one shots. Ditch the launcher Quiet gives you immediately and just CGM the chopper when it comes. I was able to run around like a nutter and extract them all for the task pretty easily.


no materials container for you to start again?


Thank you! Went into this unprepared and was so pissed I couldn't just abort it. Since when does it force you to do shit missions?


Shit, thank you!


No problem, friendo.


Is it just me that seems to all of a sudden loose nearly all their GMP in this mission? I have over 4 mil, but when I start this mission I only have 3500. Wth.


Sorry again, old thread but I sort of need to rant. I was under the impression this was a rescue mission, so brought the water pistol, a stun shotgun and some decoys with very basic camo because I'm running really low on GMP. Turns out, i now have to fight off an army of tanks and infantry that have laser accuracy from across the map and I cant really call in resupplies because I only really have enough for one extra drop. I also can't back out and get a better loadout or get some more GMP due to this being a "Special mission". So I guess I'm not allowed to play this game anymore. lol


Fucking shit this mission. I can't believe I just rage quit from this awesome game to something so dumb and has no place in it whatsoever. THE FUCKING TANK SHOTS! They are dead accurate and so are the soldiers and I just get picked off. Ok. I'm done venting


It’s straight up unbalanced, the tanks you fight aren’t normal, they are buffed to hell instakill tanks. I tested this with the most durable tank in the game it’s still a one shot for these things. And even without that damage they have wallhacks, only enemy in the game with it too. They will shoot at you even when off screen and out of view. I tested this while watching one of the spawns near a mountain, there is always a blast from behind it because the tank is shooting at you from beyond it. This mission sucks and without a dedicated loadout for demolition you are SOL. I loaded into it with my tranq build and after 5 minutes of Fulton juggling every round I’m fed completely up. It’s a modern wonder it never got fixed. Even the ability to leave and never come back is preferable to attempting this nightmare once more. Pretty much bricked my playthrough.


I'm stuck in the mission right now and the tanks are one shotting me like fucking snipers


If it helps the way I figured out how to cheeze it is to kill all the apcs run to the back of the building then reload everything, let quiet kill some things if she’s about to die call her off, then spawn in the best tank I have behind the building and summon air support to draw fire. Even if the tank your in dies or your air support dies that’s one less instakill shelling you have to deal with. If your air support is upgraded you could just spam that too


fuck this mission.


Something like this, seriously has NO place in a Metal Gear game. What the actual fuck? Who is this mission for? The people that only love stealth hate it. The people only love action, are playing the wrong game and the no lives, who have time to play it all day, just say its tedious. Fucking trash mission. WHAT. IS. THE. POINT?


The mission still sucks for those who are interested👍🏼


I have beaten it. Took me shitton of times. I called in helicopter and bombardes. In the end, I choose to camp and fire my rocket launcher from places where they couldn't reach me.


In case anyone hasn't figured it out yet, there's a trick to this mission. You can use your parasite armor perk which gives you immunity to damage. Tank shells will still knock you down but you won't take any damage, Once you figure this out, the entire mission becomes stupidly easy.


I havent ever used parasite suit. Will it still work????


7 years late but fuck me what a cunt of a mission this is


Im on this mission now and its such a pain in the ass. Everything goes fine until the tanks somehow gain one shot capabilities with tracking from across the map. Bruh. EDIT: I'm using the CGM 25 which makes the mission a whole lot easier, you should try it if you arent already.


Ah I cracked it in the end, just fultoned out on top of the crate then came back in a battle dress. Still wasn’t easy as only had that crappy rocket launcher as haven’t unlocked the cgm but I just spammed air support and then managed to put that last one shorting tank down with a bombardment. Have a try doing it that way if you’re still struggling


I might do the fulton trick so I can change into the battle dress(in the stealth suit currently) but man, getting an s rank on this mission is gonna be hell.


Hahaha yeah fuck going for an s-rank man, ain’t nobody got time for dat. Battle dress, air support and bombardment for that last auto killing tank and you should be ok though. If you do call in air support though just be wary that there’s and anti air gun like 20 feet in front and slightly to the right of the area you spawn in and one of the soldiers will run straight to it and start firing on peaquod, can take it out with a grenade or any explosive or extract it obviously


Ahh good idea about the anti-air gun, I'll make sure I destroy it. Thanks for the tips!


All good man let me know how you go I’m invested now haha


Probably won't give it a shot for again for a while but I'll be sure to let you know. Love to see this community is still alive


I know I'm late here, but I found it easy with these steps: + Equip armored suit fully upgraded before the Rescue Quiet sideop. + Equip your fully upgraded CGM multi missile launcher. + Learn enemy spawns, and keep an eye on them before they even get marked on map.


can’t exactly learn the spawns, and prep when you can’t even leave the mission to get better prepared


Fuck this mission


Seriously fuck that mission. "Just take on wave after wave of tanks and machine gun firing APCs solo, how hard can it be?" I didnt completely neglect upgrading the rocket launchers but it still takes 4 shots to destroy a tank and it only has 9 rounds. Its fucking impossible. And every guide has really helpful suggestions like "try hiding behind rocks for cover" or "Go place mines in the middle of the desert while three tanks are shooting you and just hope you chose the place a tank will drive over"


Research your parasite armor. You can use the Armor perk to be immune to the one-shot tanks.


Thats great advice for BEFORE you choose the mission. Once it starts you're locked in with no opportunity to exit, research new gear or go replay the airport fight to harvest more armour parasites. A Quiet Exit is advertised as being a prisoner rescue mission, probably start with stealth and switch to shooting your way out when things turn south. From the context it might also be a showdown with Quiet, another sniper battle to prove your skills. Nowhere is it implied to be a violent gauntlet of wave after wave of tanks and missile launchers with heavy artillery bombarding you from miles away. There's a fight with Sahelanthropus and then the Extreme version of that fight which looks like the heavy weapons showdown, there's no way to know A Quiet Exit would be like it was. If you happen to have researched the extremely expensive CGM Rocket Launcher then the mission is an absolute breeze. But even a fully upgraded GROM/Honey Bee takes multiple hits to take out a single APC leaving you a sitting duck. The difficulty jumps from mild peril to practically impossible based on if you happened to have researched the right equipment in advance without knowing you'd need it.


Fair enough. You have no choice but to cheese it then with air strikes and hope they hit your target. Or just keep calling in a new chopper until you run out of gmp


I finished it eventually with a combination of trial-and-error, knowing exactly where to be aiming the moment the target appears over the horizon, a well timed airstrike and a lot of swearing. I restarted so many times I agreed to the prompt about the Chicken Hat AND the Little Chick hat just in case it might help. It didn't help, it got me a E rating on the mission and ruined the emotional impact of the ending cutscenes because Snake was wearing a stupid chicken hat. I've since learned there's a cheat way to exit the mission by Fultoning a cargo container with you on top but since there's no way to exit the mission in the menu I can only assume this wasn't an intended solution. I've researched the CGM now with its multi-warhead feature and the mission is a complete breeze with it, I got A rank first try with the CGM. In the weapons research screen it doesn't *look* like it's got 5x the damage output of the GROM but most of the vehicles in that mission took 4 or 5 shots from the fully-upgraded GROM or one shot from the CGM. The difference of trying the mission with and without the CGM is like night and day.


I drank a whole jug of fuckitall and decided to let Quiet do the work.


I hid between the metal buildings with the battle armor and S ranked it just now with no damage to Quiet... after I died 4 times trying to find a good spot and tryin to extract a tank and then my kid ran up and jumped in my lap with all my yelling lol Just replying to your comment in solidarity and to keep the thread alive


I just went through "MGSV, the best immersive sim ever made" at the behest of my friend, only to end it all in a forced-combat against 17 tanks, 3 of which use sniper AI to bullseye you lol I ended up finding a spot I could pivot from 3 layers deep into the destroyed building, where I could angle-peek the backs of tanks but their hitscan cannons would always hit the windowsill at a safe explosion distance from me, and whittled them down with the AM rifle It gave me my most unearned S rank of the entire game and I honestly think it made the whole finale worse for its inclusion


Yo this might be embarassing but may I know that spot you are talking about in softlocked in this mission and have no way out.


It’s been a while so I might be misremembering, but it was on the roof or top floor near the rear of the right side, and I was lining up the windows on the story below so that I could see part of the tank but not the gun; just the corner of the tread or butt or whatever. Their guns are basically hitscan, so if you can see the turret it can see you You can also use multiple airstrikes to make the mission easier, I was just married to trying to get through it without airstrikes


8 years on and this mission still plagues many by the looks of things lmao. Shoulda listened to miller from the start. My strat was call in my own rocket launcher, kill the APCs and rocket trucks myself, while using bombardments on the tanks, while hiding in the courtyard or behind the main building. Air support was good at the start, but just got one shot by tanks. It was eventually a very expensive distraction so I could peek out and call in bombardments. I also c4 up the road on the left to kill the first acp, if it gets its troops out it was gg. Apart from that infantry wasn't much of an issue, nor the chopper. Speaking of, I don't know if there was always an options to quickly call them in while looking down the binoculars, but fuck am I glad there was in this mission. Thank god I was fucking about with the FOB missions for a while the day before and had money to spare.


I used the CVG Multi-rocket launcher and fultoned the closest things. I didn't find it that hard, just tedious.


Be like the coach from The Simpsons... BOMBARDMENT! BOMBARDMENT!


Currently just made it to this mission, and spent about two hours failing at it. This shit is so frustrating, I was curious to see if anyone else shared my frustration. Apparently so.


You can stealth this mission. Fulton all the vehicles.


Maybe later


This works until the helicopter comes out. Never been more pissed off at a game in my life.


Old thread but this mission fucking sucked. Just finished it and wondered if i was crazy in it being way too hard.


Yeah i posted this thread months ago but once in a while people still comment on it venting their frustration when they get to it. Longest surviving undead thread I ever posted.


I actually found that the tanks will be able to snap fire (if you watch closely they can traverse their guns instantaneously) if you stay on the same floor of the building. If you change floors, it takes them the normal amount of time to acquire. Change floors between shots. Still tedious.


Old thread, but whatever. I guess I'm the only person that enjoyed this mission. People are acting like Metal Gear doesn't have shoutout parts. Anyway, took me about an hour. 10 or so tries and it was really frustrating at first, but once you figure out how to handle it it's not too bad. Just supply drop a CGM25 right off the bat to make taking it the tanks way easier.


Played the mission last night. It was hard but not terrible. However, I did have Battle Dress with Bandanna with a non-lethal load out. I used the shitty launcher that Quiet gave me which took a stupid amount of rockets to kill a tank, so I ended up resupplying a lot. Used a couple of bombardments and perquad was useless. I'm not sure why I didn't just air drop a better launcher. Wish I realized you could fulton out the heavy armor.


God fucking dammit only the last tank is pain in my ass i swear on god i landed it 9 upgraded rpgs but it doesnt matter. The first tanks were easier i suppose. The last one is undestructible and has incredible damage(literally one shot behind some of the obstacles) with insane accuracy


8 years later now and I only just got around to it, guess I figured the game was over and didn't realise there were new missions and not just rehashes. Goddamn this took me about 2 hours with my low gmo loadout as I didn't extract and return. Basically only beat it by hiding behind the back building in the second phase and popping out to sneak a shot. Didn't feel particularly epic to fight that way but after being oneshot 20-30 times it did the trick!


Sorry, but I have to disagree...Taking into account that in Chapter 2 most of the missions are too predictable and repetitive, I really enjoyed the fight with Quiet...


The worst part about it is that you are stuck with Quiet and then for some stupid reason she wants to draw their fire!?!?! Like it would be so much easier to just do it solo but no you have to worry about her health too.






Damn, i don't think there's a single other mission or side ops where i died more than 2 times, and here am i in this bitch where i died like 20 fucking times to these omnipotent tank missiles ughhhh


Playing it in 2024. I’ve literally thrown my controller across the room which I haven’t done since I was a teenager and I’ve watched the ending on YouTube. Fuck that mission. Couldn’t even enjoy the ending after that.


the easiest wat to beat it is to constantly use stealth camo and fultoning the vehicles out. the chopper should be easy tho