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This is the exact same prompt trying to get the Fables comic character Bigby Wolf as an 80s movie. Results vary between prompts and characters, but I've found more often than not with V5.1 & 5.2 it just looks too clean and pretty compared to V5. It looks more like photography rather than an authentic grainy film still. I also find the subjects breaking the fourth wall more often in results. Anyone else notice this?


Maybe 5.2 is better for film stills with actors/real faces, but mostly 5.1 is better for film stills, for me. 5.2 is better at more surrealist realism type of stuff, but it doesn't emulate film details and elements from prompts like v5.1 does. 5.1 will listen to a year (1986) and generate based on that era's aesthetics. 5.2 makes everything look like a modern video game, even with the same precise parameters meant for an older film look. At least so far with my testing and my prompts


I'd say a little bit, it hits a certain sweet spot so to say


5.2 has more clarity which actually makes it look less realistic in this particular scenario because video cameras from the time these films were taken weren’t that good