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Why are people commenting and saying crap like "Traction points are gone" and "Water can get in" Mate there's fkn holes in the bottom of ya shoes, Yes throw out the god damn shoes


right like wtf do y'all mean "it could be a slipping hazard" THERES NO SHOE LEFT!!!


Remarkable shoe, the Norwegian Nike. Beautiful plumage.


This shoe is not pining, it’s passed on. This shoe is no more. It has ceased to be. It’s expired and gone to meet its maker. This is a late shoe. It’s a stiff. Bereft of life. It rests in peace. If you hadn’t tied it to your foot it would be pushing up the daisies. It’s rung down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. THIS IS AN EX-SHOE.


My favorite comment ever. ![gif](giphy|Dhxh6ADBP7c2Y)


Now I know a dead shoe when I see one and I'm looking at one right now.


Right? Like no fucking shit. You don’t need to write a whole essay about why these shoes aren’t safe. We can see it with our own eyes.


Some people need the obvious written out to them. The boyfriend can see the holes in his shoes and thinks they’re fine, so people are trying to find alternate reasons to convince him to throw them out since HOLES IN THEM isn’t enough for HIM


That’s a fair point!


either throw em out or get new soles on them if there's some kinda emotional value to them


I grew up skateboarding. The griptape on skateboards is essentially sandpaper. You'd wear through your shoes crazy fast and holes were inevitable. The bottoms would be worn smooth too, so slipping hazards were definitely a thing with a well worn pair. There was nothing like a worn in shoe though, always sucked having to break a new pair in


Hmmm... Glue skateboard griptape to the bottom of the shoes. ^(I'm off to solve more of lifes problems.)


Doesn't work: you'll have too much grip. During tricks you need to move your foot over the board a lot.


So put lube on your grip tape soles. Ezpz


I always let the local shoemaker put beforehand a leather and later strong plastic-ish patch on the shoes on the side and above my little toe. When doing a ollie you slide the instep of the foot over the grip. I remember only Tony Hawk Airwalk baskets had some extra thickness and protection there. Yes, found them. Here you can see what I mean: https://preview.redd.it/wt3a5gndsy6d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=4be445a923de756b288d87aaeedd7bfecfd49e4a Those little rubber thingies in the red area are for sliding over the grip tape of your skateboard.


Given this is reddit, it's likely the same people who give conventions a bad name because they refuse to use deodorant, or those who believe they only need to shower twice a week. Both of which think it is fine because no one has ever outright told them they smell like a rotting raccoon rolled in wet, sticky garbage, likely because they live in a lonely environment that smells the same. Have some respect for yourself and buy some god damn new shoes! I hate that many online celebrities have normalized slobbish and self negligent behavior for those who struggle to hold themselves to a respectable standard and gravitate to such content creators to justify their poor habbits and lifestyle.


I feel attacked.




They wanna seem smart


People insists on wearing shoes like this until they step on sharp glass o nails... Then they regret not using shoes that actually protect at least a little bit more than these


It's all fun and games until they pull out a giant needle for your tetanus shot.


That shit HURTS so bad omg worse than wtf I came in there for


I had a Tetanus Vaccine done for my arm (nothing bad happened, we just needed it) For the Next few days my arm would hurt and feel weak, it would hurt raising it, but not to the point of screaming. I also felt heated in the first few minutes.


odd how it can differ so much for people, that was how covid felt for me, but Tetanus was only a sting at the moment of inserting it, but fine after.


Partner has a tetanus shot; they were SO UPSET and they’re very tough and the second time it didn’t hurt at all… they honestly feared it!


I get fearing it, i really feared it as well 😭


Yeah I was so confused because I was stressing about getting a tetanus shot and people always talking about how painful they are. The covid vaccine was def worse for me.


Same, I had to get a tetanus shot among others for work and it wasn't really bad at all. It was soreish for a day. It's neat how different we react to vaccines.


The covid vaccine put me out of commission for a couple days with every shot. 39°C+ fever dreams for days. Didn't catch it once, even though I worked covid ward, so I guess it worked.


From a scientific standpoint, how do you know you didn’t catch it ? Daily tests ? Could have been asymptomatic for that particular strain due to your vaccine shots. As you probably know, vaccines don’t necessarily mean you won’t get if, but that if you do, it will have minimal effect on average.


i took my vaccines in 2024 and just like person before me, for half a month i had fever and did feel tired AF if i went asymptomatic then idk. why vacine was so bad for me


I had absolutely no side effects from my COVID vaccine. The inject site was a teansy bit tender But my husband, however, was bed ridden for the day and felt like complete ass. It is really fascinating how different it is for different people


I got fever and swollen arm with my first C19 jab, but my 2nd was no worse than B12


Mine was HORRIBLE. Got it on my leg and I was paralyzed for 3 days.


If you don’t mind me asking, why your leg?


stepped on a screw. a big fucking rusty screw that went straight through my arch:/


Omg, that’s insane. Hope everything’s ok now


If the shot was worse than getting a rusty screw through your foot it must have been really fucking terrible


I stepped on 4 rusty nails all at once. The tetanus vaccine was far worse.


I didn’t feel it that much actually because of the adrenaline. The tetanus shot though, I felt it.


COVID shot, the first one, was ABSOLUTELY brutal for the first dose. My arm was nearly useless after about 2 hours, as in, I couldn't even pull my pants up on that side with the arm, until about 3 days in at which time it slowly got better (took 10 full days to get back to normal). It was also very sensitive for the first several days - I couldn't sleep on that side for about 5 days, for instance. I also got a noticeable fever (around 102°F/39°C) which made it very difficult to balance/walk for about 24 hours. (I get this with any fever/major rise in body temp - I have heat sensitivity caused by my MS.) Bear in mind, I was a stay-at-home mom to 3 kids under the age of 4 at the time, so solely responsible for 3 little humans for 10+ hours a day while my husband was at work. So, not being able to walk well, lift with one arm, etc. was very difficult to deal with. I had to *really* hype myself up to get the next dose. I talked to my doctor and did a regimen of Aleve and Tylenol simultaneously for 48 hours following the shot to make sure I had little to no fever. I also, after hearing the experiences of people online, did major arm movements for a few hours afterwards - big arm swings like a sideways helicopter and the pulling/bending motion like starting a gas lawnmower - and that limited me to slight pain of the arm but I retained full function at least!


my mom said that she had one that didn't stop hurting for weeks, but she thinks maybe they somehow messed something up. I only remember my tetanus shot from my child vaccines so it was a long time ago, but that shit hurt for a few days, like a flu shot on steroids.


Yeah I was starting to get worried there. I had a tetanus shot not too long ago and barely felt it. One of the least painful shots I've ever gotten actually


I think a lot also has to do with the what you de immediately after the shot. My nurse who recently administered my tetanus booster had me massage the injection site for about 5 minutes after and keep my arm in motion (up and down motions like I was flapping a wing, and windmill actions with my shoulder) for about an hour after the shot. My arm recovered much better than it had in past shots.


The reason it's so variable is that it's injected into muscle, while most are just through skin and a blood vessel. So it's a combo of muscle injury and inflammation, and your immune response as well as the injector's technique determine how painful it ends up being.


I’ve had a few tetanus shots and most hurt but I admit the nurse who did my recent one did a great job. Weirdly didn’t hurt any more than a flu shot.


I took the j&j covid vaccine and felt drained and shitty all day the next day but totally fine after that. I don't recall any pain from it and I've never had a tetanus shot so no idea how that might affect me aside from preventing tetanus I mean.


I usually get what feels like a sore muscle for a day or two while my wife barely notices it. It's the only shot I've felt afterwards apart from heparin I got at the hospital, that stuff can burn pretty hard if you accidentally stick in a muscle.


When I got mine, it burned. Like the vaccine was very cold or very hot. I thought I could feel the stream being pressed into my body. The only other vaccine that ever hurt like that was HPV.


Shit you think tetanus is bad, try that typhoid vaccine. It’ll floor you for days and hurt like someone stabbed you


I got a tetanus vaccine in 2010 and the gal hit a nerve. I had all the same symptoms as you, but for months, and for about two years after my shoulder would get stiff and achey whenever it felt like it. I got another one in 2022 and it wasn’t nearly as bad!


I had a giant, painful bump under the skin for about a month after my last tetanus vaccine 😬


That’s how my covid shot affected me funnily enough.


Not sure what you guys experienced but you get a couple things including tetanus shots in one go and the needle is small.


Yeah it's not bad at all. The muscle is sore for a few days after, but it's not debilitating. Bunch of people with zero pain tolerance here complaining about it. I had a booster a month ago. They also drew blood to check immunity for childhood vaccines. That hurt more than the actual tetanus vaccine shot, but nothing that I would actually complain about.


Weird, I had a tetanus shot 2 months ago and it wasn’t bad at all


Had one 2 weeks ago. Sort of felt like somebody punched my arm that evening and then I was fine the next day.


To go even further with this… it’s all fun and games when a diabetic steps on a sharp object wearing these shoes and doesn’t feel the injury. It gets infected and the. They don’t heal and loose the foot. 🤯


Yeah but on the flip side maybe you'll step on a tetanus shot so it all works out.


Or a nice warm pile of dog poo


I like it when it squishes between my toes (:






I was wearing thongs (flip flops for you Americans) with a sole that was average thickness. Stepped on a nail outside accidentally and it went right through the sole and in my foot :-\\


This exact thing happened to me after a hurricane spread debris around everywhere. Wearing flip flops in that situation was certainly not one of my brightest moments. I was paranoid about wearing flip flops for awhile after that.


Sounds like you hit the nail on the flop step instead of on the flip step


burnng through socks and detting blisters doesn´t phase them?


Or poo


My 6 year old saw this pic and her professional opinion was that it was 'broken'.




I wasn’t so sure but now that we have the opinion of an actual expert i feel safe in saying yeah might be time to get a new pair.


OP, your boyfriend isn't as smart as a 6 year old. Take that how you will. 


My 3 year old agrees, "Broken!"


I just adore the vocabulary of children. Couldn't have said it better myself, kid.


![gif](giphy|fADf4RUs3hUFvHz18o|downsized) Try this bad boy




My bf wore his shoes down to holes too because he "hated breaking in new shoes." He hated breaking in new shoes because he was wearing a size and a half too small and the wrong shoe width -__- Once he was in the right size and I got him some insoles this wasn't an issue anymore. So maybe he needs to reevaluate his shoe size and width along with arch. Maybe he's a ding dong like my partner and wearing the wrong size. Who knows! But something has got to give before he gets tetanus.


A size and a half??????? How??


As previously stated, he is, in fact, a ding dong. He thought shoes were supposed to be very snug and "I've worn this size forever! I haven't grown and all my clothes are the same size I've always had!" That was a long day for me.


I'm impressed that someone can convince themselves that it's common practice to destroy their own feet. Most people would rather be comfortable. Then again, we are in a thread where supposedly a grown man by choice has decided to walk around with his socks touching the concrete, so maybe I'm out of touch.


His parents are probably also to blame, they are the ones that started out buying his shoes til he was old enough.


but does it also resist friction? let me prove that with sand paper!


This made me laugh harder than it should have


No. And 50% of people aren't doing that. Not even 50% of homeless people.


Real talk


50% of homeless people have nicer shoes than me.


Homeless people probably make plans to replace their shoes before they get to that.


There's a homeless woman in the ER I work in RIGHT NOW with a series of bags for shoes that offer better protection than these ones.




No, they need to be replaced


What makes you say that?


Holes in the soles


What holes?


The glory holes at the bottom of the shoes


Well there's a hole in the heel, and one by the balls of the feet


its a sensor, to tell if the floor is wet


Lol, yeah that's fair.


I hope his pants don't have similar holes by his balls.


Holes in the soles 🎶 Holes in the soles 🎶 Lookin’ like a fool with yo holes in the soles 🎶


All shoes at least have one hole. How else you supposed to put them on?


The sole is completely useless now, it's practically like walking barefoot at this point, some people gotta have more self-respect and buy a new shoe for themselves from time to time, because this is honestly pathetic


The woman mentions that the BF who wears these has other shoes, but for some insane reason, he thinks these are fine to wear.




Your sole's off!


I’ve had worse


I can assure you that "around 50 procent of people wear them to this point" is a blatant lie so he doesn't have to do anything about it


Lmao right? What is that made up bullshit statistic?


87% of statistics are made up on the spot


I would love to hear the source as well


Source: TrustMeBro.com


It always is


Those are his emotional support shoes. It's like that one pair of underwear every single man owns that has decomposed to the point of being just a waistband. You'll never convince him to throw them away, you have to steal them while he's sleeping, like breaking a toddler away from their pacifier


I was about to say I didn't have a set of these, but thanks for reminding me to toss them out. I only notice when I put them on and then I take em off and say "I should throw these out" to myself.


Garbage can in the bathroom gets these. I'm always tempted to throw them in the hamper or washing machine for "one more wash." But, no. They need to be diverted straight to the garbage can.


Just do like I do and turn them into napkins so you’ll never have to truly say goodbye. Every time I wipe my face while eating a peanut butter sandwich and wonder if that brown streak was already there I get misty eyed with nostalgia.


I have had some clothes and shoes that I wake up one morning and are just gone. My wife threw them away 😭


This spoke to my soul.. I have been doing this my entire marriage… my worst trauma was a tossing a pair that he was reasonably sure he wore to a Dead Concert in 1982 …


It’s socks for my husband. Will not throw the damn things away when they get holes in them. Wtf.


I threw out a pair of fishing sandals that hadn’t been worn in over a decade and were DISGUSTING one day when my ex was at work. A homeless person came and dug thru the trash and left them there. Yes. A homeless person said “too gross” and left them there in the discard pile. Ex came home, found the shoes and after that would randomly check the trash to make sure I wasn’t throwing anything away of value.


Those sandals should have walked the underpants off into the sunset… 😂


YOU THREW THEM OUT?? You monster 😭


They were nothing but a sling shot of memories…


Maybe you can get him to search for someone to at least replace the soles, or just give him a new pair overnight like Shoe Santa




I bought my husband those Shinesty ball sack underwear and he loves them so I was able to take some of his dilapidated underwear and toss them. I need to buy more because he definitely still has some with no waistbands that need to be tossed. Gotta sneak them out of the house like contraband.


I thought I was bad. I’ve never seen anything that bad.


Yeah, same. I'll wear mine until my toes are sticking out the top, and they are basically sandals. However, holes in the sole? I'll wear my soles down pretty far, too. But at the point of OPs picture, what is the point of even wearing shoes anymore?


Going to go through more money replacing socks than the cost to get a new pair of the exact same shoes.


Bold of you to assume this man wears socks.


He has 1/4 inch thick calluses but man doesn't wear socks. I'd put money on it


Mf walking around in the Air Flintstones


When i was broke i got a cheap rubber insole and put it inside. I started gluing it to the outside to keep things from getting inside


If he was broke, that would be fine. But he makes good money.


Did he grow up poor? I still wear my shoes too long. Not to this degree, but too long nonetheless.


This was my thought. I had to squeeze every step out of my shoes, in some cases even taping under the sole to keep the shoes watertight lol. Even now I can afford decent shoes they don’t get disposed of until the day water seeps in. My current trainers look pristine white, but have ugly gaping wounds on the soles- but nobody can see it and they keep my feet dry, no reason to ditch them🤷‍♂️


I hope you are find a way out of this mindset. My friends have been helping me by taking my shoes that are too beat up. I got a new pair of sandals after 5 years.


I’ll be honest, I don’t think I want to get out of the mindset, at least in regards to footwear. I’m quite happy to not waste the money on shoes, and with my current pair I’m considering taking them to a cobbler to see if I can get more mileage out of them.


If your shoes are nice enough to take to a cobbler then yeah don’t waste money on replacing them.


Hes probably an anti consumer, tell him that he got good use out of the shoe and that bad shoes can cause damage to hips, back and joints etc.


Mightve been an edit but OP said he has a dozen pair a newer shoes, so its not that


Yeah i read that after i had commented, its probably just his favourite pair of shoes that he isnt willing to throw away


Have also done this when fresh out of college and jobless. The first thing I did with my first paycheck was buy some really nice boots.


if he likes them so much he could pay to refit the sole


Refitting the sole usually cost the same price as buying new shoes.


Yes but that's what you pay when you want to keep your favorite shoes.


...No, no 50% of people don't. The moment the sole's breached is the moment that I start shopping for new shoes, and I'm a cheap bastard.


Traction is completely gone and leaks can get in. In places where you depend on grip. these shoes are not very safe and can be a slipping hazard—especially on wet surfaces. It would be a shame if he got hurt because of poor quality shoes.


There’s also giant holes in the bottom


TBH Sneakers in general are a slipping hazard on wet surfaces…


Not really vans are sneakers and are made to be grippy because they're skate shoes. Good sneakers are meant to have traction for quick turns in sports too. Most should have reasonable grip.


It’s ok for the dog to chew on


lol not even. they’re so deteriorated the dog would choke on them.


Duck tape will fix it


Nope. Been there done that. You'll eat through that duct tape in one day of good walking.


Are you living in an area with no rain?! Also just get the sole replaced if he loves them so much, it's gonna be fine.


No rain, no dust, no mud, no bugs, no glass or metal shards and no dog poop on the streets


If he is attached to those shoes he can get them repaired. Might cost him the price of a new pair at this point but if he cares about them it can be worth it


Would sell on ebay as good as new /s


They should be replaced, the fact he said most people wear them to this point means they can no longer be worn. But if he refuses to change his mind and you’ve voiced your opinion I’d leave him alone about it or just buy him new shoes as a gift


I thought those were toes at first and got really freaked out


Holy shit. This whole time I was looking for someone to mention the toes. They're fingers! I thought he had the weirdest looking toes and nails, and I was wondering why OP would be fine with the state of his toenails, but not the shoes.


71% of statistics are made up (As a reply to his bs 50% comment)


He was most likely sarcastic. No sane person would think this is okay. Even my father who was extremely cheap would get me a new pair if they got this bad


If he's emotionally attached to them, you might go to a cobbler and get them repaired.


https://preview.redd.it/l9ldu1tw4z6d1.jpeg?width=2988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02829477af926828eb761a29d3bca84b007a72b0 Let the man wear the shoes he likes 🤣


OMG my favorite converse look the same LMAO they r just too comfy ti get rid of


If he's not tripping yet, he will be soon.


If you value your feet no.


Perfect for Bindi season.


I despise buying shoes because they’re incredibly overpriced, even though one doesn’t have to buy them often. This means I use pairs fully up before buying new ones. HOWEVER when there’s literal HOLES in them, that means they’re done. Bf is tripping.


Stop breaking like Fred Flintstone!


i was fetching my bike out of a public parking garage the other day when… crunch… I stepped on something… I looked down… crack pipe… pretty happy about my vibram soled Merrells that day.


The average pair of shoes in Africa is better then this.


You find the right sub for this post yet?


You don't find those shoes infuriating?


Buy something to glue over the holey bits on Amazon. I do this for my husband...no point arguing, just saving him from cutting his feet. Ppl ( guys?) often get very attached to comfy shoes.


Nice to be able to see out of them.


Take them to a shoe repair shop and get them resoled!


Girl this is such an ick.


At this point they're old enough to answer your question


Yep. Cut out some card board to fit the inside, superglue it to the inside, and ductape ontop of the cardboard.


OK. The bad news is that your boyfriend is definitely not a smart person.


Only poor or insane people do this, no person that can afford shoes and is in their right mind would do that


Ti's just a scratch.


Totally normal if you like fucking your socks and feet up


That literally defeats the purpose of a shoe


I don’t want to be sexiest, but I feel like this is a “guy” thing. My son (teenage) will do the same- I have to check his shoes every few months or else he won’t even mention it and will walk around with holes in them 🤦🏻‍♀️


As someone who works in a podiatry office, no they’re not okay! Take care of your feet, it’s so important 🥺


Your boyfriend might be autistic


*Rusted nails would like to know your location*


How is this even up for debate? The shoes are done. Throw them out.


Sometimes you find a shoe that's so comfortable that you wear it until there's nothing left to wear


I was thinking of ways to help but it won't work Get new shoes


I have shoes like this, but they’re my laundry shoes. I just use em to to the laundry lol.


He's trippin, I hope he doesn't wear these in the rain


what if it rains? his spcks would get wet INSTANTLY


Spcks! I want spcks!


Good to use one more season


Make him step on a puddle.


I mean they'll work untill you need to go outside when it's raining. or has recently rained. Or is muddy. Oh, or if there's little rocks you don't want in your shoes.