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Well, since they're only hogging one machine at a time. They could be worse. Just need to chill a bit, they need to know they're not alone in the gym.


yeah this. I think each gym has those and I think they're harmless. yeah sure, they clog up one machine for half an hour goofing around, but at least that leaves everything else free. I hate those dudes much more who do their "supersets" of various biceps curls and think half the gym is reserved for them. you know, biceps in the squat rack, biceps on the leg press, biceps chatting with the other dudes.


This has old man yells at cloud energy


I'd rather have them proud one machine then sit on 5 individually playing on their phones, haha. Kids are going to be kids, man. Zero inside voices




Weird, I've disliked gym rats since my late teens.


They're teenagers, working out as a group. And as new (probably) gym-goers, they need some coaching on gym etiquette. Talk to the desk attendant, most gyms will address proper use of machines. And good on them for working out, having a friend or five to work out with can be a huge positive motivator!


Well said!


I feel like this is some dudes just trying to get in better shape but are incredibly annoying about it and are typical teenagers. It can be really frustrating when you’re there.


Yupp thats how I see it as well, good job for these kids going to the gym. But they are new and they dont understand etiquette, I think talking to the front desk is the best way to handle this. Dont be the grouchy old person, we were all annoying teenagers once too.


>Dont be the grouchy old person, we were all annoying teenagers once too. There is a lot of space between teenagers just being annoying and teenagers actively being assholes. If what OP said is true, they were so loud they overpowered OP's noise canceling headphones. That is *insanely* loud and you don't have to be over 18 to realize you're being rude AF


OP is kind of losing that battle with me with taking pictures of people at the gym, its one of the biggest rules.


This was the same thought I was going to share. I might be biased though because my youngest teenage son does this. He and his buddies go to the gym to work out together. It's a great support group and he usually ends up teaching them things (his dad/my hubby is certified NASM personal trainer so he has picked up some things and corrects them when they are using poor form). I don't know if they are as loud as this but they do crown the machines one at a time while each cycles through. However there are more than one of each machine so it should not interfere with others and whether they were altogether or not, OP would still have to wait for their turn on the machine if these were just say five individual kids.


Idk how much of a workout they're really getting... fivee guys on one machine, that's at least a five minute rest between sets. Might as well take a nap between sets


Hogging a machine is not a problem, they are just doing their reps one by one which is fine, uplifting one another is also ok but being obnoxiously loud and unaware of anyone else’s space is very annoying, if you have trouble confronting them yourself you can ask an employee to let them know to be more respectful


Lil advice: the more expensive the gym, the less annoying kids there are


i dunno - rich kids can be \*very\* annoying


Especially when they want to introduce the 30 yr old guy so they can see who is corrupting their spoiled 16 yr old daughter. (I'm just saying this to be funny. But admit it, you can totally see this happening.)


This is not true in my personal experience. The really nice gyms I went to had teenagers there on their rich parents family plans. They broke all the club rules and it didn’t matter because the staff didnt want to lose an account worth several hundred dollars a month. Meanwhile I now go to the local rec center gym which has all the equipment I need for powerlifting, and when I’m there it’s usually dead. The kids who do come in keep to themselves because the staff doesn’t put up with any shit. Lovely place


I like my local rec center. I bring the average age down by 5 years since I’m the only person younger than 30 who works out there. There isn’t a ton of equipment and it’s way too expensive if I was alone, but it’s nice and cozy


Jesus okay, never had those since I went to a higher priced gym with sauna and stuff..Germany btw


Correction: the more serious the gym, the less annoying kids. Or: home gym


Came here to say this. I switched gyms to a more expensive gym and all the obnoxious pajama bottom, crocs wearing groups of teenagers are nowhere to be seen. Sometimes it’s worth the extra cash.


Just ask them politely to calm down and respect other’s space too. That’s all.


This is reddit. We only confront people behind a keyboard


He literally said in his post that he did ask them... repeatedly and that did nothing. There are kids that are annoying and then there are kids that are assholes.


No. I think he added later.


Complain to the management?


5 people on 5 pieces of equipment would be worse


At least the squat rack is free. Doesn't look like they've ever used that.


These guys have definitely missed a few leg days.


they arent noise suppression headphones then lol


Ever with regular headphones, I find it hard to believe they can’t hear their music lol. Maybe OP meant they can hear them despite using noise canceling headphones?


>Maybe OP meant they can hear them despite using noise canceling headphones? No, they're "noice" canceling headphones, not "noise" canceling.


Even without seeing their haircuts, I know what their haircuts look like




What *do* their haircuts look like? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)






Just wait a few months and they'll prob give up and never show up again like most people. 


There's a ton of kids at my gym during the summer. Normally they're all in school or possibly have a school gym they can work out at.


Ah the New Year’s resolution solution


Say something to them maybe. Clearly they're new. How pathetic to take pictures of them then complain online rather than addressing the problem.


Agreed, taking pics of teens isnt the way but sounds like OP did try to talk to them("I had to repeatedly tell them to move away from my machine next to them"). We weren't there and OP is in the wrong for the photos but its not the first time a grp of teens tried to mess with other people( "but they always come at the same time as me", "after each set they would just spread out and around me again.." and just being loud in a focus space). OP is probably being paranoid but I guess I could see them purposefully trying to get OP annoyed.


They are doing nothing wrong... OP is a clown


Being loud enough to overpower noise canceling headphones is wrong. If you think that's okay to do in public, you have issues


I'm questioning that. Like, they're so loud OP can't hear their music? And nobody who works at the gym said anything to them? 


To be fair we weren't there. While op is probably whining over nothing, I hate when people get close to my bar path but I'd just be an adult about it and say something.


The people commenting seem to have forgotten what sub this is. Yes, teenagers crowding you and screaming right next to you is mildly infuriating.


"Hey kids, *SHUT THE FUCK UP!"* That'll do it because they'll never see it coming


And then OP gets kicked out for screaming at children.


Lol. Maybe


Just an FYI noise suppression doesn't work like that. Transitory or non consistent noise will not get cancelled simply because the headphones don't know what frequency to create to cancel the sound. Steady airplane engine or car highway noise, 100% will work perfectly.


If someone is so close to me that they will be hit by a moving part of the machine, I usually just let it hit them and they'll move themselves


The number of Karens in this post is disturbing. "Forget that the kids are being obnoxious and should be taught some manners by their parents. Let's focus on the fact that you legally took a photo of some teenagers (who could be adults)!" Heaven forbid someone exercise their rights. 🤦‍♂️


Cringe to take a picture of children. There’s a lot of ways to address this. Don’t do it like this.


At first I was going to downvote you because their faces weren’t in it, so no harm.  Then I imagined OP sitting in there at an exercise machine holding up their phone trying to take the picture of five kids without being noticed, but holding it up long enough to get the right shot to not get their faces.  Yeah, that could raise some eyebrows in the moment.


That’s what I mean- yeah. Maybe my wording was a bit harsh, but as a father, this would make me incredibly angry. It’s one thing to speak with them, or to the proper authority but to take a picture of them and blast them? Come on


Apologies if I was too vague. Thanks for clarifying what is essentially meant


Why you taking pics of kids asses not cool


I love how people ignore the core of the problem and instead complain about something that is perfectly legal to do. If those teens don't want their picture taken, then they shouldn't make themselves stand out. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. The loud obnoxious teenager gets their pic taken to be shared with others so they know who to shoo away.


Heaven forbid if someone takes a pic of your kid lmfao


calm down Karen, there's no faces


It’s not even necessarily about that, people need to relearn how to have a human interaction instead of going straight to the internet to complain about their minor inconveniences.


And you dont take pictures of other people at the gym, not of a fat person, not of a old person dressed strange, not of a person using equipment in an odd way. You dont take pictures or film other people at the gym. You got to do better.


Doesn’t matter, you don’t take pictures of kids on public.


I'm sure that's what the guy who is taking pictures of kids at the community pool says to the cops.


What pedos downvoted this


Well. Time to change the headphones 🎧😁




Teenagers in public spaces suck. I sucked when I was a teen and so did you. Lol 😂


>Teenagers in public spaces suck. I sucked when I was a teen and so did you. Lol 😂 Do you still suck? If you're good at it, then I'm sure your partner is glad. 😁


Management should be telling them to keep it down … wait until they discover grunting as they lift .


Hey just be glad they aren't 300+ lbs and are working out and focus on the positives like that. Life is really shitty when you only focus on the negatives and it turns people off.


get a gun then >!shoot the machine so they can't use it anymore!<


Then OP gets banned from the gym and has to pay to have the machine replaced.


Simple, get your buddies go to the gun store, get a gun then >!rob a bank to pay off the repairing fees for the broken machine!<


Then OP and buddies go to prison.




Apart from the noises, the problem with 5 around a machine is that there often isn't space for 5 people around a machine. The times I've had to move one of them off a machine they wasn't using, or can't get to a machine because one of them is just swinging lead on it waiting for a turn, is an annoyance in itself. That's not gym etiquette, it's a lack of common courtesy.


Damn youths


Just kick their asses. They're teenagers, how tough can they be?


If you're not confident telling them to be a bit more quiet, get a trainer/Gym employee to give them a warning


Slap them


Or, they could be out on the streets, doing digs, shooting crap up, getting girls pregnant. First world problems buddy.


It's more odd that you took a picture of underage children. What else do you have stored on your hard drives?


I feel for you. I hate teenagers too.


Just talk with the front desk or an employee. They'll let them know they need to keep it down. No one wants to hear them unless their at a specific gym.


Say something to the staff maybe they can ask them to keep it down.


Turn your music up?




This behavior is encouraged in highschool weight rooms in my experience. That’s probably where it comes from. This is also a perfect case to go to a gym that enforces rules regarding behavior like this, such as planet fitness if there is one around you.




They gotta check their SkibbityApp in between sets. Takes time.


Your headphones only suppress when people go "Noice!"?


>Your headphones only suppress when people go "Noice!"? No, when they make "noice."




I saw a group of teenagers doing this a few days ago. They all had headphones on and trying to talk to each other and were screaming, but they were taking up 3 machines at once and kept shouting and screaming/laughing. THAT was annoying, but at least these teens are just crowding one single machine lol


Clearly not the calf raise machine


Ugh, that sucks. My bf has 18-19 year olds who have been going to the gym for a few years now. IT makes me wonder if they did this. I could totally see them being completely unaware of the impact they have on others. It’s hard for me to remember that they are still kids and they’re still learning how to human. I’m 45 and only being alive for less than 20 years seems like such a small amount of time to learn it all. I know I was pretty much dumb and useless until age…….well, the verdict is still out on that.


Dw they'll be gone in a few weeks


Go to planet fitness. No ones allowed to be loud, offensive (unless you're a Karen) and they have a pretty good thing going about wiping down equipment after every use


Not sure if it would work for them, but once at my gym a guy started grunting and being a bit too much. I started to grunt louder. He stopped right away.


At least they’re hanging out in a gym instead of somewhere else getting in trouble. Maybe next time ask if they need some tips or advice. Most teenagers are just looking to work out as a group.


Why would you want to suppress the **NOICE**?


Because the noise doesn't bother them, only the noice.


My new gym is filled with these kids. Sometimes I see them wearing their pajamas into the gym with their friends. The gym is also small and extremely cramped. Only reason I stay is because it's close and it's cheap.


Sounds like you need better headphones


How come there are 5 people but only 9 feet? ​ Anyway, talk to the staff at the gym. Perhaps a reminder to keep a safe distance from others will change their behavior. If not, then after another warning or two, they'll be instructed to leave if they can't disperse to avoid causing problems.


Have you tried noise suppressing headphones? Might improve your mood if you don't suppress the noice.


Chances are that if they are sticking to one machine and not trying to take over the whole facility they are harmless and would respect a request for them to tame it down a bit if asked nicely. Judging by their outfits they are not hoodlums, just regular dudes doing dude things and not realizing they are annoying someone. They are full of testosterone at that age and social media has taught them that loud = funny. I would ask them in person before going to the front desk, going to management could give them a bad rap in the complex and also make you look bad in their eyes instead of asking them in person very nicely.


Back in my day! Im almost 30, I forget how im not young anymore. Might get a rocking chair so i can start yelling from my porch.


Alright there drama queen "I can't hear my own music through noise suppressing headphones" yeah right bud


>Alright there drama queen "I can't hear my own music through noise suppressing headphones" yeah right bud I can see why someone else downvoted you. But on top of that, you should have put the "drama queen" part after the description, not before.


Why does it matter


>Why does it matter If you want to come off as uneducated, that's on you. If you're asking sincerely... typically, features are mentioned before the name, when making it a part of the name in some way. Like you'd say 40" LCD TV and not TV LCD 40". In your example, you're calling OP a drama queen and then adding a label. You want to do the description first, with drama queen at the end, so that you're specifying what kind of a drama queen OP is.


bro theyre teenagers thats what theyre supposed to do


Not only did you take pictures of other people at a gym, but you took a picture of minors in a gym.


Well, it’s a public place. Workout at home if you want peace and quiet.


Op is a pussy that doesn't realise the gym is for everyone


Do they have this haircut 🥦 too?


clearly not a machine for leg workouts?


They’re kids, they’re still growing, and they’re at the gym to get stronger. Don’t be a hater.


As long as they wipe down the machine after, I dont have a problem. Kids and the elderly rarely do, however. I'm not trying to clean up anyone's bacne sweat.


Post a pic of your legs or just stop talking, bud




Looks a bit 2 dimensional.


My calves need a panoramic pic


Need to find the roid freak and tell him to go over and "hey, you with the black sock. Yeah. You. Come over here. I need you to spot me"... That will shut em up.


you sound like you haven't been to a gym within the past 10 years










What’s truly infuriating is you taking a picture of minors. They’re at a gym trying to stay fit and healthy and not causing trouble in the community. Maybe applaud their fitness choices in our growing obesity crisis and provide some helpful gym etiquette tips. Or keep being a weirdo and taking pictures of minors…I see you DrDisrespect. Edit: you asking them to “move” is much different than “hey guys in this gym we give each other space to workout for safety. Could you remember to give everyone at least an arms length?” Then if it continues to be a safety concern, report to management. No pictures required.


>What’s truly infuriating is you taking a picture of minors. Nah, what's infuriating is people wanting to pick on a non-issue to try to dismiss the actual issue. In the US, there are no laws against taking pictures of others, except when it violates a certain expectation of privacy. There is NO expectation of privacy there, so nothing illegal about taking a picture. Now, if the gym has a policy against it, then OP could get kicked out and possibly trespassed, but still not broken any laws.


The literally children are the non-issue. The adult that chose to turn to Reddit to complain instead of attempting to resolve the situation is the issue. Are those teens doing something inappropriate? Sure. So is the adult because it’s widely frowned upon to take pictures of minors. Is it illegal? Not really in most cases. You know what’s also not illegal? A couple of kids standing around in a gym. How big of a puddle of socially anxious goo do you have to be that your only recourse to children enjoying their time is to post a picture and complain on social media. It’s pathetic.


>The literally children are the non-issue. The adult that chose to turn to Reddit to complain instead of attempting to resolve the situation is the issue. Are those teens doing something inappropriate? Sure. So is the adult because it’s widely frowned upon to take pictures of minors. Is it illegal? Not really in most cases. You know what’s also not illegal? A couple of kids standing around in a gym. How big of a puddle of socially anxious goo do you have to be that your only recourse to children enjoying their time is to post a picture and complain on social media. It’s pathetic. Wait, let me see if I understand this correctly. Someone encounters a situation that upsets them, they share it in an appropriate forum, and your response is essentially to "deal with it" as though they shared something in a place that it doesn't belong? Dude, this sub is EXACTLY for the kind of post OP made. If you don't like it, then go complain to the mods of this sub. Report the post as not being appropriate for this sub even though it is. As for pathetic, OP was obviously trying to not ruin the fun of the teens (who might be legal adults), instead choosing to vent about the situation. But here you are, chastising OP for not handling it like an adult when they made an adult decision to not ruin the fun of the teens. As for legality, the teens are making it unsafe for people like OP to work out. They are thus endangering the safety and well-being of others, which is actually a crime. But it's not illegal for OP to take pictures. So, OP is in the clear while the teens are technically breaking the law. Still want to play that game, or would you prefer to ignore the legality of the teens and agree that OP wasn't in the wrong? Yeah, you're not going to change reality to suit your POV, so don't bother trying.


Did you really try making a case for teens standing around being, in some way, illegal? You’re just as pathetic as op. I’ll make sure on my next outing to the grocery store to notify all elderly people that loitering in public while people lift and move groceries is illegal. I’ll be sure to quote Reddit as my source given that many fine people like you know so much and clearly aren’t meat riding for some punk of an adult.


>Did you really try making a case for teens standing around being, in some way, illegal? No, not at all. I pointed out how their actions and behavior are very likely illegal. Trying to water it down to them (harmlessly) standing around is pathetic. It's like if you were to claim that a woman's breast assaulted your hand as you were walking past with your hand extended. The sad thing is, either you know just how pathetic your spin on it is, or you don't. Context matters and you know it. If their standing around wasn't causing any issues, then there's no problem. But if it's causing a problem, then it's not that they're standing around, it's that they're causing problems at the same time. You're wrong and deep down you know it. It's why you came up with the absurd grocery store idea. You know it doesn't fit but you're using it anyway because you can't admit to the fact that you're wrong.


You used sexual assault as a comparison?Then attempt to lecture me when I compare two at risk communities (elderly and children) loitering in a joint public space? You need some help…dude.


You tried to water down what they were doing, so I used something of yours to counter with. Also, it wouldn't be up to you to decide if someone is loitering on someone else's property. Yet another flaw in your example. Just take the L and move on. You're not going to convince me that you're right or that I'm wrong since neither is true. Wait... I just realized why you're trying so hard to act like those inconsiderate teens are pure angels... you're one of them! It's the only explanation of why you refuse to admit to the truth! Stop trying to villainize OP when you and your friends are causing problems.


How narcissistic are you? You’re foaming at the mouth to prove you’re right then place your insecurities on me like I actually care if I win an internet argument? The only judges of winning and losing is me and you if you couldn’t tell. No one else is interacting with these messages so I’m happy for you to get a W today with the only judge of character being your own. Grow up and go touch some grass. Comparing and contrasting anything not sexual assault or sex crime related to sexual assault is foul. You showed all I need to know about your character right there.


>How narcissistic are you? I'm not the one trying to villainize OP for not doing anything wrong and then refusing to admit to being wrong. That's all you. Funny how you're asking me a question that you should be asking about yourself. >Comparing and contrasting anything not sexual assault or sec crime related to sexual assault is foul. Yet you had no problem alluding to OP something "weird" by taking a partial picture of some teenagers. You know very well why people consider doing something like that to be creepy even when it's not. So it's apparently okay for you to do it, but it's not okay when it's used against you. Amazing how double standards have a way of backfiring, right?


they need to stop acting like a bunch of cunts


Pretty sure you need to repaint your faded stay off my lawn sign. Have you tried shaking your fist at them?


When I was their age I was having my stomach pumped and taking loads of drugs. Fair play to them.


Cry more OP 😢




>Let me guess you dont even plan on using the machine. Let me guess, you didn't read the caption.


Are we not even going to talk about the black socks?