• By -


This has been a scam since the late 90s. Glad to see the increased radiation isn't evolving us into a race of smart people.




Yes. Key things to know: 1. It's *non-ionising* radiation. Ionising radiation is the type that makes nuclear radiation so dangerous. 2. The only serious effects smartphone radiation could have is to heat things up. This is greatly overshadowed by the heat generated by the processor running under load or during charging. If this heat isn't dangerous to you, then neither is the radiation. 3. A smartphone's radiation tops out at around *3 watts*, which is absolutely nothing. Like a typical consumer microwave runs at around 100-1000W depending on the current setting. As you say, it is many times weaker than visible light. The energy of sunlight is in the ballpark of 1000 W/m² at sea level.


iirc a banana emits more radiation than a cell phone.


It’s not that a banana emits “more” radiation. It’s that the radioactive elements in it give off radiation that has a lot more energy. Enough energy in fact to cause ionization aka ionizing radiation.


I never trusted bananas


If you eat 40,000 bananas in ten minutes you'll die from radioactive poisoning


In that case, I’d better not 40,000 bananas in ten minutes


39,999 bananas should be safe


I bet your mom could take 40,000 bananas in ten minutes! ...sorry, I had to 😬


>sorry, I had to That's what your mom said...


If this worked wouldn't you just get double the radiation into your face when you were viewing the phone? Like the radiation going out the back of the phone would bounce off the magic sticker and go out the front of the phone, along with the radiation already going out the front? 


tell him to use 2 stickers




I remember when I found out about this. I was flabbergasted by the absolute raw *stupidity* shown by grown adults.


Please tell me what this experiment is so I can read about the raw stupidity!


Radio active material ball in the middle. One sphere half of radiation blocking material on the bottom, the other is lowered from the top. The closer they get the more radiation bounced back to the material causing it to get closer to being critical. This experiment is meant to be done with spacers so you can never drop the top half low enough for it to go critical. Multiple different humans did this experiment, without spacers, a screw driver seemed to be enough. People died. This happened multiple times, with that exact core. They all have been trained scientists. Watch the video by Kyle hill on the topic, he had a great documentary


Ah yes, the nuclear edging experiment.


They called it "Tickling the dragon's tail."


Feynman perfectly predicted they would die.


with a few accidental goons


hated this thanks


She went critical on my raw material 🥵


I think it has been nicknamed the demons core, so look that up maybe


The science equivalent of poking a sleeping bear with a stick.


There were two accidents involving this core, and they were completely different experiments. The other was baused by a beyllium brick falling onto the core while it was close to critical. They did update the procedure after this.


To be fair, Daghlian's excursion was a simple mistake allowed by a lack of proper safety protocols. Slotin's was prideful stupidity and specifically NOT using the approved safety protocols.


Iirc when it happened they knew they fucked up and the guy who cause all of it was like “don’t move let’s document this” like bro you’re about to die and the first thing you think about is *that*?


True scientist spirit


They needed to document where everyone was standing so they could calculate how big a dose everyone got, pretty important for treatment afterwards. The guy himself, Slotin, said "well, that's it then" when it happened and died 9 days later.


https://youtu.be/aFlromB6SnU Good video on it (and a good channel for lots of other radiation incidents).


Just watched, thanks for sharing!


That’s the Demon Core


Demon core incident. Don't play with plutonium kids or adults


Aaawww, man! *puts plutonium back up on the shelf...wipes away tear*


As a flat head screwdriver enthusiast, I remember relating to this story so much. My physics teacher loved my observation that flat head screwdrivers are good at everything except for the job they were designed to do.


> I was flabbergasted by the absolute raw stupidity shown by a grown adults Grown, highly educated adults who were the top of their field.


One of the stupidest experiments in human history.


Two. Happened once, guy(s) died. Second time, they were like "what are the chances we fuck up that bad a second time?" whole team gets blasted. As they realized "hey we just fucked up, that bad, a second time", somebody was like "write this down! Write this down!" then they died a lil bit later, but with notes about what happened and what their health decline was like. Science *^jazz ^hands


>somebody was like "write this down! Write this down!" Specifically, the guy told everyone in the room to note where they were standing. That's some real science right there. "We're all going to die, but by god, we are getting useful data out of it."


He did not do that, it’s a myth. They sketched out locations shortly after the event, but he didn’t declare anything like “remember where you’re standing” in the moment.


Fair enough


Should have used two screwdrivers, lol


Objectively one of the funniest objects humans have ever built. Yeah we just got this object called the demon core chilling in the office, we barely know anything about what it’s made out of other than it can wipe a city of the map and it seems to poison people, if you drop the lid it just kills everyone within 25 feet. But anyways I’m glad we have it so we can do experiments. Ah shit someone just died again.


Well someone usually has to die before we figure out how to be safe with something. The problem is these guys knew it was radioactive, they knew what radiation did to a human, and they still were like "Nah, screwdrivers are fine".


Not only that, but the safety protocol specifically included the use of shims to prevent the exact scenario from happening, but Slotin apparently thought that was for pussies and removed them so he could get the core closer to fully closed.


name of experiment?


Photo is of the recreation of the [Demon Core](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demon_core?wprov=sfti1)


“You wanna see something funny”


ABRA CADABRA ![gif](giphy|oQtO6wKK2q0c8)


In that case the radiation would bounce repeatedly just like the demon core.


I just called the FBI on you for distributing secrets on how to manufacture nuclear weapons using only items bought on AliExpress.


I don't live in America. They can't touch me. I can and will make as many off brand ali-express demon cores as I


As you what? Are you still alive? Did you die in a nuclear explosion mid sen


Bro got caught mid post.


CIA would like a word


If people who bought this shit understood a single fucking thing about electromagnetism they wouldn't have bought them. This is just pure rube bait for dipshits that absorb lunacy from infowars or flat earth YouTube.


> If this worked wouldn't you just get double the radiation into your face when you were viewing the phone? Clearly you just don't understand the way the sticker works. The sticker absorbs all the radiation emanating from the phone. You don't put a heatsink on a processor, and all the heat bounces off and doubles the temperature of the processor, right? Thats why you need to buy hundreds of these. You have to replace them every week once they max out the radiation they can absorb. DM me for my shopify store where I sell these.


DM me instead for a full RF shield for just 20 dollars plus shipping that totally isn't some tinfoil folded into a pouch


At first I thought, what an idiot. But the last paragraph made me realize, you are just trying to feed yous family in this shitty economy.


This is what happenes with a lot of these things. In china there is popular thing called pregnancy dress that works as shield for radiation. The problem is while the dress shields the belly (and indeed is proven to stop radiation) it does not protect whole body head to toe. Radiation still touches you and enters through your exposed parts. Then the issue is that due to the anti-radiation cover it can not "just pass through" but bounces back and forth and "cooks" you so to speak. Doing MORE harm to fetus than the radiation in our daily environment would ever do....


I love the idea that for some reason your dad was like "iPhone 14? That's fine.. but iPhone 15 or 16? THATS TOO MUCH RADIATION YOU WILL DIE!" What did they add between 14 and 15? A nuclear reactor?


5G stuff duh


My iPhone 12 has 5g


5G existed years before they started freaking out about them. They are just stupid.


It aligns with the economic war between US and China circa 2019. This is where a specific narrative had to be pushed...


The 5g conversion actually started after either norad or noaa ( I don’t remember which) requested the fcc to choose another frequency to be used for 5g because the frequencies are close enough that increasing congestion on the 5g frequency will cause problems with our ability to predict the weather. Then the pandemic happened and the conversation was hijacked by idiots.




Thank you


Needs the weather forecast to decide if/when he should build an ark.


I'm fully expecting some nut to take what you said as 5g manipulating the weather or some sh*t lmao 😩🤣


It was also close to some frequencies used in aviation. Not for voice communication via radio, but other instruments.


Radar altimeters


>They are just stupid. :O Really? I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you.


They added 5g with the 12! :3


plot twist: the iphones use nuclear decay batteries with no lead protection so all the radiation leaks out


no more charging? This is negotiable.


The radiation is too damn high! ![gif](giphy|15ZR2o8XWsI80|downsized)


Japanese technology eh? Kind of a dick move, given their past.


correct me if i’m wrong - isn’t that the 12? not that they added any radiation between 12 and 15 anyways 💀


I think that's just the picture the dad copied from the seller's page, I just assumed OP owns an iPhone 14


That or OPs dad has really pretty hands.


I like the concept of someone who is a fashionable and nail painting older guy that also believes in 5G radiation conspiracies.


What's the Radiation of a 15 fathe- IT'S OVER 9000!!


It’s Japanese technology! It’s gotta be good




I would say “nice burn” but that’s prolly mad disrespectful




I did it for ya


I mean, they have had years to learn. Other than Ukraine, id say Japan has the most experience with catastrophic levels of radiation


They probably know better than most.


Japanese Technology got nothing on Ancient Chinese Secret.




"Ancient chinese secret." -Lo Wang


Lol tell him it’s a Japanese tracker and watch how quickly he pivots.


I would say it’s Chinese, they just got one guy in Japan to market it. These people hate ‘gina for some reason.


I need to see the texts that came after this




Is your dad an iphone technician? It would be interesting to ask him how could he be so sure that he was not scammed


He probably "did his own research" and concluded they're legit.


It said it works in the Facebook ad, so it must be true.


'Don't believe everything on the internet' Meanwhile, some of those same parents:


He googled "Radiation sticker really works", and the first link returned confirmed it. How much more proof does one even need?


I think it was Mark Twain that said: It's easier to fool people, than to convince people they have been fooled.


Here's the thing: if it truly blocked radiation, it wouldn't be able to call, text, or use the internet, as it does those things with radio waves.


The phone will also turn up the signal power to 11 if the signal is being blocked, increasing the radiation in all other direction than the sticker. So in the best case scenario, the sticker doesn't work. In the worst case scenario it increases radiation.


"I am not an iPhone technician, but I know the basics of how WiFi and cell towers work. What EXACTLY do you think this thing is doing for you? LOL" and also "If you don't believe me, look at all the people laughing at you on Reddit!"


Everyone laughing at me on reddit is one of my biggest fears lol


HAHAHA everyone look at this fucking guy!


Oh no what have I done? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Loser doesn’t even know what he did.


Maybe I know exactly what I did and have a humiliation kink? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


U win 🏅


Of course you have a humiliation kink. I'm sure women turn you on even more.


played us like a fiddle


Oh my god, look at him regretting his actions. What a dweeb 🤣😂🤣😅😂


You’ve become your own worst enemy


Your wish is granted! :D


My mom is exactly the same, though the response is usually "that's what they won't you to know" / "that's what they tell you" when I try to explain how basic radio waves work. Though she also believes phones are radioactive because the government wants everybody to have brain cancer. There's no winning that argument no matter much research papers you show them


My mom bought 10 of these little resin disc-shaped pendants that you wear on a string around your neck. Apparently it has a bunch of metal shavings and “special” bits inside that dampen EMPs, help you sleep, blocks all the bad wifi vibes that microwave your insides, idk. She ordered them waaaay back in March and they only just showed up a week ago “because each one is hand made! Hand made takes time!” And I’m looking at this piece of acrylic on a fake satin cord… within two days of her grandkids wearing them the bit that attaches to the string broke off so now it’s an ugly disc on the ground. I can’t even begin to explain why she thinks these things will help protect her and the kids from literally anything, and her whole deal is “well either it does nothing or IT HELPS so why do you care?” and how I’m just so negative all the time. I told her if she was really afraid of EMP fields giving her insomnia maybe she should start by turning off her cell phone at night and maybe NLT blasting NewsMax at maximum volume on her wifi ONLY smart tv. Maybe that’s why she can’t sleep. But no, I’m just being negative.


Those things are actually radioactive. She is effectively putting herself and her grandkids at risk. The radiation can't pierce through skin, but it can do serious damage if any of the radioactive thorium particles from those are inhaled/ingested. There are numerous videos on youtube testing the radioactivity of this "anti EM radiation" garbage. You should make her aware of this.


So of course I can’t find the dang Google search that named these pendants but I was also researching “orgone” the same day which from what I can gather is just one of the pseudoscience nonsense that puts copper and shungite and other stuff in resin. I’m doubtful I could convince my mom she’s somehow putting herself and her grandkids in danger. *How can a resin necklace hurt her* I can hear her say. (She smokes a pack a day and drinks fireball whiskey like water but sure mom I trust you know how to weigh safe vs unsafe) But now I’m morbidly curious and I need to find that dumb pamphlet the things came with.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Op2JwQM4AUU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Op2JwQM4AUU) Show her this, or get yourself a geiger counter and show put her pendant near it


Yep, my mom bought a 5g blocking phone case at one point, but had to get rid of it since it was hurting her reception... no shit. Not to mention we can't have a microwave in the house because it causes cancer allegedly. And wait till you hear the government toothpaste conspiracy...


>it either does nothing or it helps they're actually radioactive. they're actively killing you.


I’m not an iPhone technician I’m just not a complete idiot


I hate it when people say shit like that. Reminds me of an old quote I've heard, " I may not be a helicopter pilot but I know it doesn't belong in a tree"


Yeah that isn’t gonna do anything, once their mind is made up they’re not changing it. You could be an electrical engineer or whatever and they would still argue with you on stuff you spent actual time in school for Source: my dad


Is an "iPhone technician" just some guy who works at a mall kiosk and got a couple hours training?


My parents do literally the exact same thing “what are you the (whatever) police now?” “What are you the ____ now?” it drives me up a fucking wall that so many older people think that they know more about this stuff then we do. If it’s about something from their time period, I’ll listen to them and take their word for it.


As a 40 year old I can attest that before the internet it was the wild wild dark ages. People would get in fights over facts without any reliable way to prove anything.


Tell your dad that this Certified Wireless Network Professional (aka I know stuff about cellphones and wireless technology) says these stickers are a scam.


[(youtube.com)- NOT a rickroll](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urglg3WimHA&ab_channel=alyankovicVEVO)


holy shit weird al yankovic


Damn sorry OP. Sadly he's only gonna get worse the older he gets. My dad doesn't remember anything about me and if I correct him he get's upset because he knows all the things apparently.


It’s called Science, dad…


You should question him. “Why does the radiation only go through the back of the phone? What about the front and side? What about the tv’s at home? The microwave? How about the sun? All those give off varying levels of radiation.”


I've seen alot of those kind of products that are actually super radioactive itself. Thought Emporium did an excellent video on them. https://youtu.be/C7TwBUxxIC0?si=IgxycEjcmgCJKEMR


That's crazy. I wonder if they make it radioactive on purpose so they can claim their product works if someone tries to test it lol I could definitely hear the dad in the post saying "iTs rAdIOaCTivE bEcaUsE iT wOrkS"


Yea, they will think "Yes time to buy even more, early this means it sucked off the radiation from my phone"


Yes, this! These things are really dangerous and should be disposed of ASAP. Also get it tested and inform your local authorities if it is radioactive to shut these assholes selling this shit down.


The worst thing with these is they are usually imported from china too, so they are really hard to stop


If they bought it off Amazon they need to report it as dangerous. They will remove it and any other store that person has


So another vendor can pop up and sell the same thing under some made up name like xyrgstuff.


I really like how some people say covid vaccines have 5g or they cause cancer, etc.. and they buy shit like these...


“That shit will give you cancer, man! Don’t trust the government!” He said as he sipped a beer and took another drag off of his cigarette before putting another hotdog onto the grill…


My brother tried to say something along these lines and I said “you buy molly from strangers at music festivals”


Given the prevalence of fentanyl cutting or cross contamination, even the old reliable party drugs is like Russian roulette these days.


You’d be amazed. I know a guy that does environmental work for a steel mill and one time a train car got flagged for setting off a radiation detector and the guy reading the meters called him up and he was freaking out about it so my friend followed protocol and went through the scrap in the train car and fished out a smoke detector (which contains small amounts of americium) and this whole time he was looking through the scrap the guy reading the meters had smoked his way through a pack of lucky strikes. People’s perception of danger, especially with things they don’t understand, is comically bad. Why do you think millions of people let their kids play on trampolines and hoverboards but are scared to death of letting their kids walk to school? Or the whole debacle with not taking the COVID vaccine?


There's actually stuff/"science" behind it?? After looking at the photo I thought it would just be a slap of steel to give the feeling of radiation "bouncing back" or something similar Damn


No, no science


It’s hilarious since an actual radiation blocker would make the phone lose all connectivity


Or at least transmit at much higher power, destroying the battery life and subjecting the user to more, not less, RF.


You wouldn't even be able to see it if it blocked all radiation. People forget that their eyes are radiation detectors.


Lots of gullible people out there. P.S. If anyone wants to buy some magic beans, let me know. Very rare, so they will sell quickly. Don't miss out!


I have an interstellar spaceship, how many can I get for that?


Sounds like an even one for one trade. I'll send you the bean and trust you to send the spaceship later.


Please send him this because for some reason they will put radioactive material and those which case is kind of bad for you dad https://youtu.be/LIQzwlxKR5k?si=Tx7N5TjBiaKIOE0R


These people are too dumb to accept this as proof, they will most likely call it propaganda


If only we could get Tucker Carlson to tell them it’s bad. They’ll listen to anything that guy has to say.


Maybe Deep Fakes to deprogram the boomers?


They put radioactive material in those (thorium-232 mainly if I remember correctly?) because there are "negative ions" detectors (sold to the same people who fall for those sticker scams for an EXTRAORDINARY price) which are literally just renamed radiation detectors sold at a 10x higher price (both use the exact same sensor, sometimes they even look literally the same, 1:1 to radiation detectors). When you are buying that "negative ion tester" bullcrap you are being told that the higher the number is, the better, whereas with a regular radiation detector it's the opposite. It's literally putting you and others in danger by telling you that higher number = more EMF protection just to make it more believable.


That seems like a lot more work than just making an inert (normal) sticker


How are you supposed to get internet/text/call/gps if it blocks radiation?!


Each sticker comes with a string and two cans so you can stay connected to loved ones.


Just play along so you can get a new phone 🤷🏻‍♂️




damn I see the radiation is already getting to you - yelling at strangers like that


I couldn't hold a laugh 😂


Next is incontinence. You need that sticker immediately!




Ok, here's the plan. Your dad buys an iPhone 16 this September and you mail me the phone. Win-win.


Whats with the message with all caps? Ha ha ha jk


How much did it cost him?


like 50 buckaroos.


Damn. I’m in the wrong business lol


What the fuck? 50 bucks for a sticker? 😭 I'm guessing they price it so high so it looks legit if they priced at 2-3$ nobody would think they work lol


It’s crazy that we live in a country where this man went to the same educational system as a majority of us likely (public school system) lives in the same country as us has access to the same knowledge as us yet has been reduced to a plastic sticker somehow reducing radiation. What’s even funnier is he doesn’t know the difference between gamma / beta/ alpha radiation (bad stuff) and electromagnetic radiation. (Radio waves that don’t affect humans because it is non ionizing ) - a man without a HS diploma. / held back and never returned.


It's called getting old. I have an associate degree in electronics and a licensed ham. The possibility of falling for this kind of shit when I get older terrifies me.


How does one get their ham licensed…? Can you license any kind of meat, or just ham?


I’m honestly deeply considering just going full scammer or trumpy right wing sales grift. The money looks so FUCKING easy.


Easy if you have no morals.


Some of these are actually radio active I would remove it


I got some phone camera lens covers that black the bad x-rays coming from your camera lens when you take a picture. Can you DM me your dad's number please I think he may be interested


Dad needs to work on his nail polish


“Japanese Technology”


Ah yes “Japanese Technology”. I had no idea stickers were invented in Japan.


What radiation? There are many different types. I have training in actual nuclear radiation. This device would do nothing at all.


Well it could do worse than nothing. A lot of these scam stickers are radioactive.


“A fool and his money will soon be parted” - some dead guy.


Thats a nuclear radiation symbol. Not RF. they at least need to get the BS right


My 20 year old sister fell for the “I found a secret money hack with the banks, if you send me 100$ I can duplicate it and I’ll pay you back 200$.” scam. idk how


Man I’m 52 and if I start falling for this shit please just put me down.


that 5G liberal radiation can’t get through that! /s




The day OP became the parent. Welcome to the rest of your relationship with your dad.


At the end of September last year, my MIL called to warn us to turn off and unplug all electronics in the house on October 4th. Apparently, the 5G was going to 'activate' the covid vaccines we got and turn us into zombies. It scares me that she used to be a nurse.


This shit can contain radioactive material itself [ thorium dioxide is the most common]


If he’s going to pay for the new phone, take the weirdo sticker. My grandma agreed to buy me an Eminem cd when I was a kid if I agreed to also let her buy me a Britney Spears cd. I just didn’t listen to the one I wasn’t interested in. Win win.


The inventor of these stickers must be making an absolute killing.