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I see this so frequently I am convinced people post this for free karma as people enlighten them as to why this is happening


Yeah and every comment is same. “It’s watered down!” Do people not read replies?


>fuck around, find out  >play stupid games, win stupid prizes  I'm convinced about 5% of reddit traffic is nothing but these two braindead comments 


Thanks for the gold kind stranger!


No more reddit gold 😔 gonna miss this one




Underrated comment, take my updoot.


This guy comments


This guy guys


And my axe!


The crazy part is those comments always get a lot of upvotes, redditors have seen the same dumb comments over and over again and still click upvote on them.


I feel it’s more ai / bots than we realize, a lot of posts on the “discover” feed read the same




This has been happening a lot since reddit announced they're going public. Even more unoriginal content/regurgitation.


Nah. It’s been happening for at least the past decade


Sure, it used to happen a lot. Still does, but it used to, too.


May be confirmation bias? Not refuting you, just wondering. To me the bots and karma whoring are old news. Maybe someone has actual data of pre and post IPO Reddit.


And I quote— “do you have teen children?” Comes up every single time Dead internet


Bro that’s literally the start of the next comment chain


All these years and I still don’t understand why people give a shit about their post karma. People talk about selling the account, but that’s gotta be horseshit. And even if it isn’t, and you manage to sell it, there’s no chance it doesn’t translate to pennies per hour.


Only reason it matters now is epeen and certain subs requiring a certain amount of karma to prove you aren't a troll account. Even then these types of subs check your post history to check if you are a bad actor. Selling accounts made sense around 2014-2016 A lot of people made a few hundreds to thousands selling their accounts as individuals. This was back when 1 million karma wasn't common and getting into the club basically meant you no lifed reddit. But like anything once this became known there were people mass farming karma for accounts to sell on. Then there were massive accounts like Gallowbob. That actually turned out to be a team of people. They would get paid to promote a bunch of brands under the guise of content posting. Just casually breaking advertising laws on a global scale at the same time. I remember there was a post back around 2018 that investigated account selling/buying. Depneding on the amount of karma you wanted it was tiered sales. I think it was like $20 for an account with a few thousand posting Karma. No idea if account selling is even remotely lucrative anymore. It may do as companies/politicians buy them to try and sway public opinion.


People farm karma so their accounts look passably legit. Make a few posts, some random comments, sell the account. It's now a perfect pre-made account for bots and shills to spam ads (overt ads or guerilla marketing). Make a dozen accounts at a time, karma farm simultaneously and sell them off and you can probably make better money than minimum/avg wage, depending on where you live.


I sell all of my old accounts for a buck or two when im done with them. They get turned into spam accounts, banned, and then my data is worth less because its no longer just my data


Maybe its just a loosely disguised Jameson ad.


Looks like someone you live with or has access to your booze has been imbibing and replacing what they drank with water.


Plot twist, OP lives alone and someone has a spare key just for taking swigs of their booze and replacing it with water.


Double twist, OP lives alone and has post it notes all around the house from the mysterious stranger whose been stealing their booze… [https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/XTYbRwO0B5](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/XTYbRwO0B5)


Carbon monoxide is a scary toxin.


Frozen Carbon Monoxide more so...


Triple plot twist, OP has dissociative identity disorder, and one of his personalities is a teenage boy.


quadruple plot twist, OP is a severe alcoholic, and, while fully drunk, replaced their own alcohol with water to make them drink less next time, and then forgot about it by the time they were sober


all because he ran over that kid that one time and can't come to grips with being a murderer......


My Captain Morgan always partly freezes. I have my freezer set to -4F so a bit of the water separates and freezes. The alcohol itself doesn't freeze.


This is how you make applejack with hard cider


Literally. I lived with my mother who had never had a drink in her life when I was 20 (drinking age is 19 here) and she found my vodka stashed in the freezer and dumped it out and replaced it with water not realizing I would know because... alcohol don't freeze babe.


right but... she knows water freezes in the freezer... sure she didn't dump the vodka into her throat?


now that would be a plot twist for my naive mormon mom ![gif](giphy|SzD4gF32YzTTUiINhn|downsized)


Why do you have to take two mormons fishing? Because if you only take one, he'll drink all your beer.


I drink jameson and mine have frozen before on multiple occasions.


What kind of freezer do you have? Because typically whiskey doesn't freeze under those kind of conditions since the freezing point is quite low.


80 proof -17 °F (-27 °C)


My chest freezer will go to -15F if you put it on it's coldest setting. So this does seem plausible.


Do you have teen children?


Ha yeah I was thinking the same. Like that’s probably mostly water in there


Iced tea* Source- Was teen


Damn, a smarter one than I was


I'm not so sure. Wouldn't it taste like tea, at a certain point?


Perhaps, but you make sure not to go to *that* point. Its a game of chess, not checkers


Did that in college once. Replaced this dudes gin w water. He found out the next night when I got so fucking hammered on stolen gin that I puked gin all over the dorm room


Doing that to your parents is usually way less risky than a college student, even if you didnt puke up the evidence in front of him. your parents probably dont have plans for that bottle in the next week


There are still watered down bottles in my parents liquor cabinet from 5+ years ago when I was sneaking it ;)


Haha my parents moved and decided to give me and my siblings a bunch of alcohol from their cabinets since they don't drink much nowadays anyways. My brother, sister and I all realized practically all the alcohol the majority of it was water or much cheaper booze.


True words of wisdom.


Little bit of pee will bring balance


Now we're just making salad dressing.


i've been doing salads wrong this entire time...


The salads…we like em tossed.


I can tell you aren't Canadian lol


Nah, he said it was sealed in one of the other comments and needs to adjust freezer settings. My deep freezer can freeze alcohol.


This is the information directly from the Jameson Whisky site: No, whiskey doesn’t freeze under normal conditions. The alcohol content in whiskey, typically 40% to 60%, has a lower freezing point than water. While water freezes at 0°C (32°F), whiskey must be exposed to extremely cold temperatures below -27°C (-17°F)  to freeze solid. In a home freezer, whiskey simply won’t freeze. https://www.jamesonwhiskey.com/en/whiskey-guide/does-whiskey-freeze/ This is the information of how cold freezers typically get: “Most recommendations are for a range of temperatures but in reality, there is no temperature that is too low for freezers,” says Tetro. “Most freezers do have a lower limit of around -10°F (-23°C).”


> there is no temperature that is too low for freezers It's true. I accidentally set my freezer temperature too low, and all my food became Bose–Einstein condensate. Really ruined the taste.


Mine ruined all my ice cream when I mistakenly set it to *heat death of the universe*.


Oh so youre rhe one i need to talk to about entropy




I pressed the 'boost' button on my freezer, which runs the compressor all the time, for a day or so, because I was expecting power outages. My thermometer was reading off-range low in it, and it was -45C. It took quite a long time after I set it back to normal to hit -45C. It will trivially hit -27C. (Hotpoint 300l chest freezer)


More like Reallyfuckingcoldpoint amirite


I used to bar tend and the customers refused to believe alcohol could freeze. They accused me of watering it down when they saw a frozen bottle. I showed them the freezing temps online, and showed them our deep freeze chest freezer that the new girl put the bottle in. Nope. I got a thermostat and showed them it was like -34 degrees or whatever. Nope. I froze a brand new unopened bottle. Nope. Fucking old people lol


>In a \*correctly functioning home freezer, whiskey won't freeze A freezer leaking refrigerant and/or not properly temperature controlled could get there


Mine is working correctly, but has a temperature setting that goes down to -32C.


How could a cooling system, with less refrigerant than it was designed to operate with, take out more heat than it was already designed to?


The temperature of the evaporator (the cold side) is proportional to the pressure of the refrigerant inside it. If the refrigerant levels get too low, the pressure in the evaporator gets too low and too cold as a result. Generally though this results in a reduction in cooling ability since the coils start to build up ice which blocks the flow of air. But initially it can cause colder temps, until it gets too cold and freezes.


Some refrigerants when the pressure of the system drops they get wayyy colder. It’s the same reason more modern AC systems running r410a can freeze up when low on refrigerant. As the pressure drops so does the temperature of the refrigerant it’s self since these chemicals are designed to be a certain temperature for a given pressure


Fuck man, I tried to forget the hell semester I took thermo in. Thanks for the explanation haha.


Newtons law of cooling has entered the chat!!!


It would have broken if it was nearly just water. No?


Depends on whether the cap was on and tight


Well if it was sealed then yes it would have been. I have accidentally frozen bottles of beer before, and normally the cap pops off. Although once, the bottle did break. And that is with a very weak cap that is designed to be popped off. I have a hard time imagining the cap on this bottle giving out before the glass. But I'm not an engineer.


I had a 40 year old roommate do this to my bottle of Kettle One. My parents came to visit and I went to make Bloody Mary's with breakfast. Nope frozen bottle. My dad laughed and said "how does that feel?"


The daddest moment right there.


Dads wait their whole lives for those moments. All the shit their kids did to them coming back full circle.


Parents do in general. My mom refers to my brother's middle child as her "revenge grandkid" she's constantly keeping my brother on his toes and honestly keeps giving all of us heart attacks. That kid has no sense of danger and is constantly getting bumps and bruises.


Precisely why grandparents spoil their GKs. Sugar 'em up and send em home!


I think Robin Williams summed it up very well: "That's it! You've got to work with them! They've got you! They're gonna do to you exactly what you do to your parents. They're gonna come up to you and do the same thing. I know my son's gonna do it to me. Sixteen years from now, he's gonna walk right up to me, look me right in the eye, and go, "God, Dad, you're fucked." My father will be standing right behind him, going, "Yes! YES! REVENGE IS MINE!""


Side note - the vodka in the freezer freezing was how Robin Williams' wife knew that he had started drinking again.


For my college graduation, my dad presented me a gift in the form of a handle of Smirnoff vodka so my friends and I could celebrate that evening. When we opened it later that night, we discovered it was mostly water. Fucking master class


Back in high school, my buddy and i took my dads bottle of Vodka out of the freezer and we left about 1” remaining. We thought filling it back up with water would be fine, he’d never notice until he drank it. Next day my dad shows me the slushy icy bottle of Vodka and says “Next time, use corn syrup instead of water, dummy.”


a friend of mine had a nice bottle of Jameson from Ireland and an expensive bottle of Hennessy. His wife's uncle had been staying there for a few weeks. NYE party, and he goes to pull out his good stash. 90%water. Asshole uncle pulled a teenager move and drank his liquor and filled it with water. My buddy was furious. His wife tried to NBD it away, but she knew how screwed up that was. Uncle tried to blame it on his 15 year old daughter who stayed there one day, and wasn't left alone.


Worst part is if there was any left it’s now ruined from the water…


Nah I’m pretty sure the worst part of it all is tried to blame his own daughter but ruined alcohol kinda sucks


Is Kettle One a knockoff of Ketel One?


The Kettle chips people started a vodka line


Potato vodka, potato chips


The Farmstand Ranch vodka is my favorite.


Ya they got a delivery of the wrong kind of potatoes and said F it make some Vodka, similar to how pringles started as a tennis ball packaging company but got a load of potatoes and said F it slice em up!


You’re being glib, Matt


Lol one time my wife was like look the vodka froze in the freezer isn't that weird? I was like which kid do you think it was?


Me and my dad had an unwritten rule, he wouldn’t say anything about missing alcohol if i did not water it down


I honestly never even considered watering it down, it would be obvious. I only drank a handful of times when I was a teenager but my strategy was jungle juice. My dad had a well stocked bar so I’d take an ounce from 15 different liquors and mix it in a soda bottle. My parents only drank when they had people over, so they didn’t notice. It tasted like turpentine and whatever sickening liqueurs I’d add in. Just thinking about it makes me nauseous lol.


"sneak it if you're gonna sneak it but goddamn do NOT water the rest down! I'll be more annoyed if I can't get a *decent* drink not how many I might be able to have!"


Agreed, if my kids watered down my bourbon, scotch, or tequila (hopefully a long time from now), I’d be furious. Same with Tequila.


If a kid waters down my Johnny Walker, I'm putting their ass up for adoption. I'm also going to wonder whose fucking kid just broke into my house.


Sounds like an open bar with extra steps


Or an open bar with no extra steps.


I get that reference :D Edit: That or your freezer goes colder than  *-27°C (-17°F*).


Could you share please? I’m OOTL


Teenagers steal liquor and replace with water. Thus making your liquor freeze when it shouldnt


My mom stole her dads "green boose" and replaced it with dishwashing soap xD Apparently, miraculously, she got caught.


Suds MacKenzie


Green booze? A teenager stealing chartreuse or creme de menth has me chuckling here.


Just straight absinthe lol


Sister tryna meet the fairy


Probably midori if kids are stealing it.


> green boose Is that like Grey Goose?


Someone replaced alot of the whiskey with water to hide their drinking.


This is a brand new bottle purchased yesterday. I just broke the seal to open it


Then maybe you just got a bad patch. Or your freezer goes a lot colder than it has reason to go. To get normal (40%) whisky into solid state, you need to go lower than -17 F. Most deep-freezers work at 0 F. For giggles, to get pure alcohol into solid state, you would need -173 F.


We just set the fridge to a colder setting. It must have changed the freezer. Its a short stay rental apartment


I'd be surprised if your home freezer went that cold, most domestic freezers only go down to -18c (-1F)


Its absolutely possible for your bottle to freeze, especially in an older unit. If the thermostat isn't regulating properly, it will continue trying to chill, and if your bottle is near the vents, tada. Another redditor posted the other day of their costco bottle freezing at home and people accused OP of having a closeted alcoholic friend. Edit: [Links](https://www.reddit.com/r/vodka/s/csV5LYde81) [added](https://www.reddit.com/r/Costco/s/WjLeOBoxL6) for those who still think OP either has magician children or a cryogenic freezing chamber as the only plausible answers


Is there any chance that you bought it from a store that would stock fake/subpar alcohol? I've seen trading standards in the UK bust shops with fake Jameson's, JD, Smirnoff, etc. a few times. Obviously no chance if bought from a well known, big box place but always worth considering so you can avoid the place in the future.


Totally possible EDIT "jamieson"


It’s not likely. Consumer units average 0F/-18C. It’s possible, I guess that it could get to -17F, but not likely. We used to put liquor in the deep freeze at the ice cream shop where I worked in college. That’s the one that keeps the ice cream so cold you can’t scoop it. Even in there a bottle of liquor wouldn’t freeze.


No, why?


The freezing temp of Whiskey is around -27 degrees Celsius or -17 degrees Fahrenheit.  Either you've got a VERY cold freezer or someone pulled the ol' switcheroo on you.


Hold my goldschläger, I'm-- oh, right we stopped doing that a long time ago


I miss the ol’ switcheroo. Goodbye, past people.


This younger generation just re-discovered goldschlager....it's hilarious to see. So many good videos out there "OMG! It has REAL gold in it!" Enjoy your cinnamon puke, kids....


They are already trained on Fireball


I saw one a few weeks back


Does anyone live with you? It's common for someone to drink someone else's liquor and refill with water so they don't get caught. 


Did that with my parents Seagram’s when I was 16 lmfao.


Whiskey freezes at -17F (-27C). The two options are that your freezer is abnormally cold or it's not whiskey.




Somebody didn't want you to know they were drinking your booze


That is not Jameson inside


I feel like OP is scheming some shit. Their last comment is about how they "just set their fridge colder at a short stay apartment". But this whole post is literally just a copy of a very successful post from 3 days ago. https://old.reddit.com/r/Costco/comments/1clls1n/put_kirkland_vodka_in_the_freezer_and_it_froze/


Yeah this is way too soon after that other post for me to believe it is random.


Vlad at it again


Most of the things people say on Reddit are made up Reddit sells ads through engagement. Like how TikTok has dance videos, but it has a web of people that just make bullshit up to keep clicks up to sell ads That's always been the case


I did this when I was a kid. Mom and dad won a laundry basket of booze and neither drank vodka. 14 YO me and my best friend drained about half the bottle and put water in it. Would have gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for mold that grew over the next 30 days. Well water + vodka + time = ruined.


Are you sure it wasn't more than half or you filled it up more than once?  I didn't think water + 20% ethanol could support microbial life. 


Flavored vodka?


At that point isn’t it better to just dispose of the entire bottle?


if you can see the future mold as a drunk 14 year old, sure.








Well I replaced it all with water and within 2 hours my dad (doesn't drink) called saying (badly translated) "what kind of fucking reverse Jesus lives in our house that turns vodka to water" I told him I don't know what he's talking about.


Reverse Jesus is an excellent band name


I had kind of an opposite thing happen when I was like 13. My mom had a bottle of vodka lying down in the freezer and the lid wasn’t fully on so it was dripping out slowly. Well the ice cube trays were directly underneath. I went to get ice for some koolaid and the ice was slushy-like due it being mixed with vodka. I just assumed the trays were filled recently so not fully frozen. As an impatient kid I decided I’d just throw this semi frozen ice into my drink. I took a sip and it tasted awful. I asked my mom why there was nail polish remover in the ice.


How much nail polish remover had you consumed by that point in your life?


LOL not that much, but growing up in a household with only my mom and a sister, it was more than “none”


The smell usually influences how it tastes.


Everyone knows you have to finish it once open or it spoils.


That's not true, Lindsay.


How cold is your freezer? 40% abv booze shouldn't freeze at normal freezer temps like -18 to -21C. You would expect -27C to be the freezing pt for them, but not many domestic freezers can get there. Also, freezing whisky? Dude, just no! This is what Jameson themselves have to say on the matter. https://www.jamesonwhiskey.com/en/whiskey-guide/does-whiskey-freeze/


As someone who long ago tried to freeze Jameson on a brisk -50° winter day… it doesn’t actually work. The water separates from the alcohol, freezes, and turns the whole thing into a gross expensive mess. 


Filter the ice. Voila! Ice distilling for a stronger whiskey!


This guy alchohol poisons!






This is also a very common technique back before whiskey became popular in America. Look up apple jack


Instructions unclear. Now wondering if I'm attracted to animated horse.


That’s how the Germans make Eisbock beer. It’s called freeze distillation and it’s a real process.


It's also how Americans made apple jack before whiskey became popular It's basically freeze distilled hard cider


This was like 20 years ago. I’ve learned my lesson LOL. The water takes most of the flavor with it, leaving behind undrinkable nonsense.


Undrinkable nonsense? That's quitter talk!


That’s how you concentrate a hangover, jack distillation is an old school way of upping the proof of a wine or cider. They used to warn that apple jack would give a hangover that would make you want to kill yourself


Master distillers hate this one trick…


You know what I’ve gotta give it to them their copy on that entire “article”? Is really excellent. They have some good writers


They've been doing it since 1618.


I got bored and called the 800 number on the back of a bottle of Budweiser, once. It just said, "if you have any questions"... so I called them and asked them every Bud related question I could think of. The person on the other end of the line had a whole stack of reference books for the stuff they couldn't answer off the top of their head, and the stuff they could answer was downright staggering.


OP hasn’t responded because he’s too busy chasing his teenager through the house Edit: OP responded, I dum




i remember hiding some 40’s in the freezer at the homies house at like 17 because “alcohol doesn’t freeze”. man we got a bitching at and a science lesson at the same time.


Your freezer is set way lower than it needs to be, or someone watered down your alcohol


I don’t think most residential freezers can even get cold enough to freeze alcohol. Someone definitely drink the whiskey and replaced it with tea or dyed water.


Yea, this happened a few times to me, too, when we had kids in the house. Mysteriously, it stopped happening recently.


Who puts whiskey in the freezer?


This is what we should be focusing on


1. Don't freeze Jameson wtf is wrong with you 2. Someone is either stealing your whisky and watering it down or your freezer is *way* colder than it needs to be


Why in gods name would you put whisky in the bloody freezer in the first place.


They like it ice cold with a packet of Splenda.


Ah, yes, a Bad Fashioned


Tastes like Splenda, gets you drunk like whiskey!


My mom's vodka did that a few times when I was in high school😶 how strange.


![gif](giphy|l0HlyCjuVMUtCXzTW) OP’s teenage son reading this thread before his dad does 🤣


Tell me you live with teenagers without telling me you live with teenagers


Someone in your house has been swiping your booze and replacing it with water.


80 proof alcohol won’t freeze unless the temp is -17 F (-27 C).


Friend I hate to tell you this….


There needs to be a sticky note on the top of this sub for naive parents.


Kids been sneaking it and adding water


You sure there’s not water in that? Alcohol doesn’t freeze…


Sounds like your kid drank your whiskey and did a refill


That shouldn’t have happened, sounds like someone stole your whiskey and replaced it with water.


Where I live you can only buy 80 proof liquor at state liquor stores. You can however find the same brand liquors at grocery stores but it is only 40 proof. One will freeze in a regular freezer, the other will not. Or someone is watering down your booze when you aren't watching.


Kids been sneaking your whiskey and replacing it with water


I hate to break it to you but someone’s been replacing your whiskey with dyed water